Here's the next chapter. In this story, Regina and Maleficent's relationship back in the Enchanted Forest I feel was sort of more of a Friends with Benefits situation and sexual desire rather than feelings of love for one another. However, as they're both different people now, their feelings have changed along with it and it becomes more than just sleeping with each other. At least that's the message that I'm trying to get across.

Anyways, enjoy!

Sorry for any errors also.

Regina awoke from her slumber to the sound of someone knocking on the front door.

'Who the hell it that?' she thought.

Slowly, Regina opened her eyes and she was about to get out of bed to answer it when something or rather someone moved next to her. She sluggishly turned her head to see what was moving beside her. She did not know what she was expecting but it was most definitely not the scene before her. There next to Regina lay a fully naked Maleficent. Shit.

Regina quickly scrambled out of bed before realising that she too was also naked and with that, memories of last night began to resurface. Her and Maleficent drunk in the Rabbit Hole, her and Maleficent kissing in the hall and the multiple orgasms that took place in the bedroom.

Regina was brought back to reality when she heard a knock again. Quickly, she shook Maleficent to wake her up.

"Mal" she whispered.

"Hm.." responded Maleficent.

"Mal!" Regina tried again, only this time louder.

When she did not stir Regina tried to wake her once more.


"What—where am I -Regina?" said Maleficent who jumped up before realising she was naked.

"Not now. There's someone at the door so please gather your things and teleport out of here!"

Maleficent stared at Regina, clearly, she too was regaining last night memories.

"Regina—" Maleficent began to speak before she was interrupted.

"Please, I'll talk later, I promise. I just don't want to be caught like this" pleaded Regina.

Understanding, Maleficent nodded and gracefully picked up her clothes that were scattered around Regina's bedroom. She gave a soft smile to Regina and then teleported out in a poof of violet smoke.

Once Maleficent was gone, Regina quickly went to grab her dress robe and headed downstairs. She would have time to think about the events of last night later, after she answered the door. Regina swiftly checked the hall to see if there was any evidence to last night's activities and when she saw that there was none, other than her coat on the floor that she placed on the staircase banister, Regina opened the door and to her surprise, she was greeted by Henry and Emma.

"Hey mum I forgot to take my set of the house keys to ma's house so I had to knock. Why did you take so long to answer the door and why are you in pyjamas?" said Henry, seemingly asking a chain of questions.

"I've just woken up sweetheart, I didn't expect Emma to bring you back home until eleven" replied Regina.

"It is eleven Regina." Emma's face was etched with confusion. She'd never seen Regina in her dress robe before, she was always ready extremely early. It's eleven, why isn't she dressed? Odd. Thought Emma.

"Is it really? I apologise dear, I had quite a late night and I must have been tired." Regina tried to stop her mind from wondering to her and Maleficent's late night activities but was unsuccessful. She only hoped that she wasn't blushing in front of Henry and Emma now.

Fortunately, they seemed not to notice the colour that had surfaced on Regina's cheeks.

Emma gave Regina a strange look which was code for 'I know you're not telling me everything but it can wait until later' and then proceeded to say goodbye to Henry. As Emma was walking down the mansion path, she turned around back towards Regina and Henry.

"Before I forget Regina, mum has invited you to a girl's night out tonight along with me and Ruby at the Rabbit Hole. She basically told me to tell you no is not an option and to be there by eight because you need to get out so…" Emma trailed off, awaiting Regina's response.

Regina gave Emma a reluctant nod and replied that she'd be there. She'd rather go than have an angry Snow in her office on Monday even though she was still hungover from last night and could feel a headache coming on. She'd rather not drink at the Rabbit Hole for a second night in a row but decided she would still go if she laid off the alcohol tonight.

"Bye ma!" shouted Henry as Emma drove off in her yellow bug.

Once Regina closed the door, both her and Henry headed into the kitchen. She was in dire need of a coffee.

"Would you like something to eat Henry or have you already had breakfast at Emma's and the pirates?"

Henry rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face. Even though Regina and Henry were not biologically related, there were times when Henry acted just like Regina. "You know his name is Killian mum and no thanks, I had bacon and egg at ma's house."

"Ok dear. I'm just going to have a coffee and then head in the shower. Do you have homework to do for tomorrow?"

"I've got to finish some history work but I did most of it at ma's yesterday. Am I allowed to go to the park with some friends later today when I've finished?"

Regina raised her eyebrow. "Who are you meeting Henry?"

"Ryan, Josh, Abby and um… Paige from school." A faint blush appeared on Henry's face when he said the name Paige.

This did not go unnoticed by Regina. She knew Henry had a crush on Paige, Jefferson's daughter. She seemed like a lovely girl but this was another reminder that her son was growing up and he would be dating soon. He was fifteen. Where had her little prince gone?

After a few moments, Regina finally gave him an answer. "Yes, you may go but I want you back by seven. According to Emma, I'm now spending the evening at the Rabbit Hole but I shouldn't be back too late. You can stay home alone until I come back but I don't want you to be out on the streets with your friends that late whilst I'm not at home."

That sounds reasonable, Henry thought. "Thanks mum! I'll just do my history work now."

Once Henry made his way to his bedroom to do his work, Regina drank her black coffee and went to get in the shower.

As the water cascaded down Regina, she thought back on last night's events also how she'd most certainly missed Maleficent's tongue. They had brilliant sex back in the Enchanted Forest but as Regina grew older and more vengeful, any feelings she had were pushed aside and it became just a good time for them, no strings attached. At the start when Regina was married to the King and first started her affair with Maleficent, maybe it could have been more but that did not happen. Regina loved spending time with Maleficent but back then, she was still too hung up on revenge to ever have anything that surpassed lust and desire. Both Maleficent and herself were filled with anger at the people who had wronged them, neither witch was stable. However, now it was different. They had both given up on revenge for their children. In the Enchanted Forest, they'd probably both have a good time laughing at how impossible that situation would be but years later it was real. They had both changed.

Regina recalled the hunger that they both had for each other last night. It was the best sex Regina had had in a long time. Although, unlike in the Enchanted Forest, another feeling crept inside Regina. Happiness. 'That's absurd' she thought to herself. 'It was just another great night in bed with her.' So why did she feel like she wanted to see her, talk to her, be close to her and not just have sex? When she first met Maleficent, the two had shared their thoughts and emotions with one another but that quickly disappeared when Regina began to close off to her and rarely talked about her thoughts, unless it involved plans relating to Snow White or magic spells.

Regina continued showering, thinking about how she was going to handle this situation. Would she talk to her or just brush it off like they had in the Enchanted Forest with no consequence? She had said to Maleficent before she had teleported that she would talk to her later. Maybe she would pay her a visit before she went out this evening.

Deciding that she'd been left alone with her thoughts in the shower for long enough, she got out and proceeded to get ready for the day.

However, little did Regina know that Maleficent was also having the exact same thoughts as Regina at the other side of town.