A/N- OH... MY... GOD! Here we are! Chapter 8! I want to thank you all for the support you are giving me in this endeavor. It's nice to see so many reviews, favorites, and follows. This story just broke 200 follows and 140 favorites. And this is by far the longest chapter so far.
I hope you like this chapter and what I did in it. Be sure to leave a review.
Also, I've been tossing around the idea of adding Chelsea to Tatsumi's mini-harem. What do you think?
And seeing as how Halloween is around the corner, in lieu of candy I would like favorites.
Disclaimer- I OWN NOTHING!
Several days had passed since the encounter with Seryu. And after some testing it was determined that no one was compatible with the teigu Hekatonkheir. So the pooch was shipped off to the Revolutionary forces HQ.
Things were going rather well with every ones training. Both Mine and Sayo had mastered their Aura and were now able to draw out its true strength just like Tatsumi and Ieyasu.
"Faster!" shouted Qrow as he dodged another arrow from Sayo.
The girl quickly drew back the bow again as she readied another arrow. As she let the arrow fly, Qrow was quickly bearing down on her with Thanatos. This time he sliced the arrow out of the air before he slashed at Sayo's chest. The girl was unable to block the strike and suffered damage to her Aura as well as fell back on the ground.
"Hurry up and recover! Your enemies won't wait for you to counterattack.!" shouted Qrow.
Sayo rolled backwards and stood up, dodging another strike from Qrow in the process. She then followed up by slashing at him with her bow blades.
Qrow brought his sword up in defense and Sayo's bow bounced off of it harmlessly. The two continued to clash in a flurry of blades, neither one willing to back down. But in the end it was Qrow's win as he slashed at Sayo's Aura one last time. She faintly glowed light green before it shattered.
"Well done. You lasted 10 seconds more than yesterday." praised Qrow.
"Hahh... That doesn't sound like much." huffed Sayo.
"Trust me, in a battle of attrition those 10 seconds can make all the difference."
"I guess so."
"Anyway, why don't we leave it at that? Akame and Tatsumi are probably finishing making breakfast by now."
"Sounds good to me."
Akame was busy preparing breakfast with Tatsumi in the bases kitchen. The entire time she was cooking her mind kept going back to her discussion with Qrow and Leone.
You're in love with Tatsumi.
Akame slapped her cheeks to refocus herself.
"Akame. Are you alright?" asked Tatsumi.
"Yes. I'm fine."
Tatsumi wasn't buying it. He had known this girl long enough to know when something was up. She was being especially quiet today and was occasionally making clumsy mistakes. Her mind was obviously elsewhere.
"You know Akame, if there is ever anything bothering you, you can always confide in me. I'm a good listener." Tatsumi said as he chopped up some fruit.
"Thanks, but it's complicated." responded Akame as she fried some bacon.
"Akame! Watch it!" shouted Tatsumi.
Tatsumi reached over just in time to grab a flaming oven mitt that was near the stove and threw it into the sink. He turned on the water and doused the flames.
"What's wrong Akame? You're not like this. You've never made a mistake in the kitchen." Tatsumi spoke with concern.
Akame looked into his eyes. 'There it is again. That feeling. He's so kind and caring. Am I really in love with him?'
"Akame?" Tatsumi called out to the zoned out girl.
Suddenly Akame leaned forward and gently crashed her lips against Tatsumi's.
The male assassins eyes widened in surprise at the action. He did not see that coming. And just as suddenly as it happened, it ended. Akame pulled back with a blush on her face.
"What?" uttered Tatsumi dumbly.
Akame turned away and ran. She ran right out of the kitchen and nearly ran over Bulat.
"Whoa! What's the matter Akame?" the man asked as she sped past. He then turned towards Tatsumi. "Any idea what that was about?"
"I think I know. But it's kind of complicated I guess." Tatsumi said as he took off his apron. "Sorry aniki, but can I ask you to finish up breakfast? I need to find Akame."
"Sure thing. It must be important given the look on her face."
Tatsumi rushed down the hall after Akame. He had no idea where she was headed, so he decided to check the obvious spots first. Her room? No. Training grounds? No. Broom closet? No.
Tatsumi was running himself ragged looking for the dark haired girl. He had scoured nearly every inch of the base and had no doubt missed breakfast by now. Then it hit him. Akame would probably be hungry as well. He then remembered the campsite by the river where Leone formally introduced her to him. It was worth a shot.
After a short walk Tatsumi ended up at the river. He could see smoke billowing above the treeline downstream.
"Found her."
Upon arriving at the site, Tatsumi was greeted by the sight of a danger beast being roasted over a fire. It was a large jackaleo. Quite the impressive kill. And sitting nearby, eating quietly was Akame.
Thew two made eye contact and Akame got up in preparation to bolt again.
"Wait Akame!" shouted Tatsumi as he rushed over with Aura enhanced speed and grabbed the girl by the wrist. "Why did you run away from me?"
The girl silently struggled in his grasp, but his grip was too strong.
"I want an answer Akame. Why did you run? Why did you kiss me?"
Akame stopped struggling. "... Why does anybody kiss anyone? It's because they like them." she spoke in a whisper. She then turned to look Tatsumi in the eyes. "I... I love you."
Tatsumi was speechless. This was something he had never expected to happen. Akame, confessing her feelings to him. The girl then leaned in and pressed her chest against his. Her head burrowed into his shoulder.
"I'm sorry if I stole your first kiss. It's just that... we're assassins. Any day could be our last. And I don't want to die with regrets." she spoke with conviction. "Every time I'm around you I feel happy. You praise me and I feel my heart beat faster. My face heats up every time our eyes meet."
Tatsumi could hear Akame faintly crying.
"Even if you don't feel the same way... I still want you to know how I feel."
"...Akame. I... never really thought about this." responded Tatsumi. However the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he felt something akin to love for Akame as well. She always pushed him to his limits, all for his own good. She took care of him, bonded with him on missions and while hunting. The two were extremely close. How could he not see it sooner?
"I don't care if you love someone else... but please!" she sobbed as she looked up into Tatsumi's eyes. "Please tell me there is room in your heart for me! I don't care if I'm first, second, third, or fourth. Just please..." she said weakly. "If there is even a tiny part of you that feels the same way... say it. Tell me you love me."
Tatsumi cupped Akame's chin and raised it up. He then pressed his lips against hers in a tender kiss. Akame's eyes were wide in surprise, but eventually she closed them and leaned into the kiss as well. After a few moments the initially chaste kiss gave way to a more mature one. Tatsumi opened his mouth and prodded Akame's lips with his tongue. The dark haired girl complied with his request and opened her mouth as well. The two of them tongue wrestled for dominance as the kiss became more and more heated.
Eventually they had to separate to catch their breaths. But when they did, they could see the want in each others eyes. They were truly in love, and nothing could change that.
Akame hugged Tatsumi tightly. "Thank you." she said as Tatsumi returned the embrace.
"Tatsumi..." she spoke through trembling lips.
"I'm scared."
Tatsumi raised a brow at this. What on earth could Akame be afraid of. "Of what?"
"Of loving you. I've lost so many friends before. I take the time to get to know them and then they all die. I can't stand to have that happen again. I can't stand to lose you."
"Don't worry Akame. I won't die. I promise you that. I will get strong. So strong that no one would dare to challenge me. Strong enough to protect myself. Strong enough to protect you, and everyone else. You will never have to mourn the loss of a friend ever again."
Akame began lightly crying tears of joy into Tatsumi's shoulder as he patted her back.
The two of them were in their own little world. So much so that they didn't notice the busty blonde hiding in the nearby bushes.
"Oh I am so going to tease them about this." she said before heading back to base.
Tatsumi and Leone snuck in to the estate of the Kobore brothers. They were a couple of civil servants who are underlings of the minister. They are villains who do more than their fair share of the dirty work and are rotting the capital.
The duo silently rushed through the halls of the estate until they found their targets. The two brothers were in the middle of dinner. Tatsumi and Leone pressed their bodies against the doorway that led into the dining room. Tatsumi waited for Leone's signal and then they charged.
Tatsumi stabbed one brother through the heart whilst Leone snapped the others neck. Their bodies fell dead onto the table and knocked over a bottle which hit the floor and shattered.
"Time to go." spoke Leone.
The duo rushed out of the room, but Tatsumi paused when he heard another door open
"Daddy? What was that noise?" asked a young voice.
Tatsumi froze in place down the hall. He had no idea there was a kid.
Tatsumi quickly regained his composure and ran after Leone.
They ran for a good 20 minutes before stopping at a stream for a break. Leone was refilling her canteen while Tatsumi washed the blood off of his sword.
"Shit!" cursed Tatsumi as he laid his sword down, his hands trembling in both rage and disgust. "He was a villain who tricked and abused people. Yet to his child he was just a good father, right?" he then picked up his sword and resumed washing the bloodstains off, this time more vigorously.
"You can try for the rest of your life, but that stain will always remain with you." spoke Leone.
"A stain... is it?" asked Tatsumi somberly.
Leone nodded her head.
"I'll live with it for the rest of my life. A stain upon my soul that will never wash away..."
Leone then turned Tatsumi around and hugged him, burying his face in her bosom. "I get worried knowing that you're just too kindhearted. That's why I gotta keep checking on you."
"You just have greater mental fortitude. Right nee-san?" came Tatsumi's muffled response.
The two stood up and separated.
"Will you tell me how you got into this line of work?" asked Tatsumi.
"I beat up some assholes I didn't like, and then I got scouted." she answered plainly.
"Wait... That's it?!" shouted Tatsumi. "Then how did you get that teigu?!"
Leone shook her belt around for a moment. "I talked a black market dealer into selling it to me. Turned out it was actually a teigu."
"Isn't that just a little too good of a bargain?! I mean, a teigu..." started Tatsumi.
"Well, it seemed that nobody could synchronize with it and make it transform. So no one knew what a great find it was." answered Leone.
"So... why are you an assassin?"
"Well..." Leone said as she scratched her chin in thought. "I think it started when I saw some aristocrats playing a game where they trampled kids from the slums with their horses. Seeing that pissed me off, so I killed them."
"But I didn't stop there. I took a liking to dealing with evil bastards like that, you see. The prime minister, who does whatever he likes while enjoying his unrivaled political power would be the ultimate prey." Leone then smiled wickedly. "So that the people can be happy, I will kill him in such a way that it will make everything he's done up to that point tame by comparison."
Now Tatsumi understood just what type of person Leone was. A killer, plain and simple. But there was more to it than that. She was doing it for the good of society. She is the type of person not to let injustice stand.
"Well, I was always a good-for-nothing scoundrel, so I never went and got depressed over it or anything."
"Don't say that!" barked Tatsumi, which surprised Leone. "You're not a good-for-nothing scoundrel! You're a good person! It doesn't matter if you're a killer, you still do it for a just cause!"
Leone frowned. "Tatsumi. Although we walk with darkness to preserve the light, that changes nothing. I enjoy killing villains like that. I live for it. When the day comes that I have no one left to kill... I don't know what will happen. Maybe I'll just disappear in the wind."
"Plenty of people enjoy their jobs. Even if it is killing. It's only natural. But even if you are bathed in darkness, I can still see the light within you. And when the day comes that you have no more enemies, I'll be there beside you. I'll help you find a new place in life!" Tatsumi said with conviction.
"Tatsumi..." Leone whispered as she pulled Tatsumi into another hug. "If you keep talking like that I might fall for you. And Akame wouldn't like that, would she?"
"Wha?! What does Akame have to do with this?!" Tatsumi screamed as he separated from Leone.
"Oh don't play dumb. I saw how you and her shared a passionate kiss down by the river." Leone said as she wriggled her body. "Perhaps I can give you a few pointers on the finer parts of a woman~."
"Uhh, we should head back now." spoke a flustered Tatsumi.
"Hah, ha, ha! Sure thing!" Leone laughed as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
It was morning and Tatsumi was training with Akame. His Aura boosted strength and speed allowed him to keep up with the veteran assassin, but he still had trouble matching her skill. The girl struck him in the back when his attack missed and he fell to the ground. However he wasn't down long. Having Aura meant he could keep fighting for longer, and the scrapes and bruises he had accrued were already healed.
"Again!" he shouted as he charged Akame.
Tatsumi went for a feint to the right, but Akame saw through it and counterattacked. He then followed up with a heavy overhead swing in an attempt to overpower her defense. The girl deflected the training sword to the side as she knew she couldn't beat Tatsumi in a contest of strength. At least not anymore.
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" asked a familiar voice.
The two turned to see Bulat approaching.
"Ah, aniki. We were just sparring is all." answered Tatsumi.
"Sparring eh? Well, you seem to be a lot more into it than usual." mused Bulat.
"Yeah well, I promised Akame I wouldn't die. So I have to train hard to keep that promise. I don't want her to have to lose anymore friends." Tatsumi said resolutely.
Bulat didn't miss the way Akame blushed at Tatsumi's words. "Oh ho! Doing it for Akame eh?"
"'Oh ho' what?"
With a flourish of his hands, Bulat shot Tatsumi a smile and a thumbs up. "I see what's going on. You and Akame are a couple."
"W-wha-what?! How did you figure it out?!"
"Oh, Leone told me." Bulat answered plainly.
"Grr! Leone!" grumbled Tatsumi as he wildly scratched his head.
"Ah, ha, ha, ha!" guffawed Bulat. "It's nothing to be ashamed of or anything Tatsumi. Just nice to see that love can blossom in these hard times. I hope for the best for you. This line of work is dangerous and any mission could be our last. So it helps to live without regrets."
"Thanks aniki."
Bulat then cleared his throat. "Anyway, how about you train with me?"
"What? Really?!" Tatsumi said excitedly.
"Yep. I'll turn you into a real man. By the time we're done you'll be loads stronger." assured Bulat. "That is, if Akame is okay with relinquishing you over to me."
"Go ahead." Akame replied. "It will be good for him."
"Alright!" Tatsumi fist pumped. "What's first aniki?"
"Get your stuff together and meet me at the bases entrance. Then we'll head out to my favorite training spot."
Some time later the duo were up in the mountains far from Night Raid's base.
"This is the first time I've been so deep in the mountains." spoke Tatsumi between breaths. "And it's getting really foggy."
"This whole area is a fake mountain. Being here is about as dangerous as being in the capital." responded Bulat.
"You don't say..."
Seconds later a massive tree branch swung at Tatsumi who was barely able to dodge in time.
"What the hell?!" Tatsumi exclaimed as he turned to face the attacking tree.
Bulat spun his spear in his hand before throwing it into the large eye on the tree. The creature fell down dead and Bulat retrieved his spear. "Tree beasts. Don't space out unless you want to get eaten." he warned.
Suddenly a horde of trees and rocks with eyes began bearing down on the two assassins.
"This place is filled with danger beasts that are adept at camouflaging themselves." explained Bulat. "Having you fight the creatures here should raise your battle awareness by quite a bit. You are all fired up about surviving no matter what right?"
"Yeah!" Tatsumi roared as he unsheathed his sword.
"We'll take the edible creatures to the nearby village. Since we're also doing a good deed, give it your best!" Bulat said as he took up a fighting stance.
"Great thinking aniki!"
Bulat then turned to briefly face Tatsumi. "And, if you should be injured, I'll be sure to nurse you back to health down at base camp." he said with a slight blush.
"Why are you blushing while saying that?!"
Tatsumi then shook off the creepy vibe he was getting and charged at the danger beasts alongside Bulat.
The duo descended upon the horde with steel in hand and destroyed any and all opposition. Bulat sliced a tree beast in half before spinning around and stabbing a rock beast in the eye. He then picked the beast up with his spear and threw it at another danger beast, knocking it over in the process. While he was doing this, Tatsumi weaved between the swinging branches of several tree beasts and sliced across their chests with Aura enhanced strength.
The horde was undeterred by this and continued its assault. Rock and tree beasts swarmed towards the assassins who in turn would cut them down.
"You're doing pretty good Tatsumi!" praised Bulat as he cut down another tree.
"Thanks aniki!" responded Tatsumi as he dived out of the way of a swinging branch.
"Most people would be struggling under such an assault, but you are handling yourself quite well."
"I have my Aura to thank for that. I'm sure that without it I wouldn't be half as good as I am now."
Bulat stomped on the eye of a rock beast. "Be that as it may, it is still your strength and you are doing fine job at utilizing it. Behind you!"
Tatsumi spun on his heel and sliced a tree beast in half. "That makes nine. How many have you got aniki?"
"Twelve. You're doing a good job of keeping up. Qrow and Akame have taught you well."
"And I'm sure you'll do just as well!"
"That's right Tatsumi! Now really show me your fighting spirit!"
"Hahhh!" roared Tatsumi as he jumped up towards a particularly tall tree beast and stabbed it in the eye. However the creature was still alive somehow and reached to grab Tatsumi. "How about this?!"
Tatsumi cocked his fist back and prepared to ram it in the tree beasts eye using his Aura. However, as he did so, his fist became engulfed in light. And when the punch made contact with the beast, a beam of light blew a hole straight through it and out the other side.
Tatsumi fell back to the ground with sword in one hand while he looked at the other in astonishment.
"What the hell was that?"
"Yo Tatsumi! What was that?!" called out Bulat.
"I don't know!" answered Tatsumi. Deciding to try and replicate the phenomenon, he enhanced his strength with Aura again and focused on his hand. It began to glow with light. Tatsumi then made a punching motion towards the nearest beast and to his and Bulat's surprise, a beam of light shot from his hand and bore into the beast, killing it.
Tatsumi grinned. "That. Was. Awesome!" he shouted as he raised his fist into the air. He still had no idea what this new ability of his was, but he liked it.
Both assassins continued to kill the attacking danger beasts. Bulat with his spear and Tatsumi with his sword and light beams. As the fight continued, Tatsumi became able to form light in the air in a swirling mass and unleashed it upon the danger beasts. Light rained down upon them. It perforated them, burned them, blew them apart. Tatsumi was having the time of his life as he reduced the number of danger beasts with light alone. Soon enough they were all dead and the two had a moment to reflect on what had occurred.
"Just what is that light?" wondered Bulat as Tatsumi summoned a ball of light in his hands. It floated in the air just above his palm. Tatsumi then began juggling the ball and bouncing it off of different parts of his body.
"No idea." responded Tatsumi who then grabbed the ball and threw it towards a rock.
As soon as the ball made contact it exploded in a bright flash, taking a chunk out of the rock.
"But I love whatever it is."
"Wait. Do you remember when Qrow first explained what Aura was?" asked Bulat.
"Yeah? What of it?"
"He then went on to speak of Semblances. He said it was Aura given a more tangible form. A manifestation of one's innate and personal power as a unique ability. This might be your Semblance." mused Bulat.
"Cool." Tatsumi uttered as he looked down at his hands.
"Anyway, enough of that for now. Let's get some of this meat to the nearby village." Bulat said as he began to collect the danger beast bodies.
The entire Night Raid team was gathered in the bases meeting room. They stood at the ready as Najenda sat in her usual chair. However there was a rather solemn look on her face.
"Good, everyone is here." she started. "I have some bad news to relay to you all." she raised one finger. "First, we have lost contact with our regional team."
"Regional team?" Ieyasu repeated with a confused look.
"The Empire is vast." Akame explained, crossing her arms under her chest. "We specialize in carrying out assassinations in the capital, but there is another team that handles the areas around it."
Najenda let out a slight sigh. "It's currently being investigated, but the likelihood that they are dead is high. So be prepared for that."
Everyone looked somber at the news.
"For the time being, I think it's best that we increase security around our base." she added.
"Alright, I'll increase the range of my wires." responded Lubbock.
"Good. As soon as we are finished you can get on that." Najenda said as her eyes hardened. "The second piece of bad news, is that Esdeath has finished conquering the north, and has returned to the capital."
The mood suddenly took a dive.
"Shit..." muttered Qrow as he pulled out his flask.
"Give me some too." spoke Leone.
"That was much faster then anyone thought it would be." sighed Akame. "It seems you were right Qrow."
"Somehow the fact that I was right doesn't make me feel any better."
"She's always been a thorn in our side." said Lubbock as he scratched the back of his head in irritation. "Every move she makes hinders us in some way."
"It seems her army has been left in the north to keep order though. A lucky break for us." Najenda said as she pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
"Then it's safe to say that she wasn't brought back to deal with the revolutionary army then, right?" Bulat spoke.
"Even so, her presence is more then enough of a problem." said Sheele.
"I can't figure out what her next move will be." Najenda said as she lit her cigarette. "Currently, it seems that she is throwing herself into her work at the governments torture facilities." she took a long drag from her cigarette. "Leone."
"I want you to go to the capital and monitor her movements."
"Roger!" Leone responded enthusiastically. "I've always wanted to know what kind of person she is."
"She's a homicidal maniac who loves torture and slaughter. Be on you're guard." warned Najenda.
"Alright, alright." Leone responded with a wave.
"... Perhaps I should go instead." spoke Qrow. He noticed the look Leone had in her eyes and it wasn't good. "I can watch her inconspicuously as a crow. And besides, I already have something to take care of in the capital."
"What?!" screamed Leone.
"Hmm, very well. Qrow, I'll leave it to you." spoke Najenda.
Leone growled and shot Qrow a dirty look.
"And finally, there has been a recent string of murders in the capital. The targets are civil officials. The deaths include 4 officials and 61 bodyguards." Najenda said as she pulled out a flier. "The main problem is this. These fliers have been left at the scene of each crime. They are incriminating us."
"They're framing us for the crime? It's easy to see they're fakes, right?" Bulat said as he crossed his arms.
"But people aren't stupid enough to fall for this, are they?" asked Sayo. "I mean, this totally isn't our style, taking credit for work like that."
"It was like that a first." said Najenda, letting out a heavy sigh. "But now more and more people are starting to believe the rumors. With each incident the strongest guards were all killed. The latest victim, former minister Chouri, lost almost 30 of his guards... along with his daughter, who was trained at the Temple of the Imperial fist. People believe that we are the only ones who could cause so much damage and get away with it."
"The criminals equal us in strength." Akame mused as she rubbed her chin. "In other words, they must possess teigu's."
"All of these victims were simply innocent men and women who didn't like the way the minister was running the Empire. Which made them all people the minister would despise." Najenda explained. "Which means the minister had them killed... and is blaming us for it."
"Could this also be a trap? To lure us out?" asked Bulat.
"I realize this could be a trap, but I wanted to inform you anyway. None of the victims had any affiliation with the Rebel army. They were all simply concerned for their country." Najenda said as she balled her fists. "All of them were the type of civil servants we need for our new nation. We can't afford to lose anymore people like them. I think we need to find these impostors and grind them into dust! What say you?!"
"I... don't really understand stuff like politics, but..." Tatsumi said as he clenched his fists. "Using Night Raid's name to commit these crimes... It pisses me off!"
"That's right." spoke Bulat with a toothy grin. "I couldn't have put it better myself!"
Following Tatsumi and Bulat's exclamations, the rest of the group joined in a cheer.
"Okay. It's decided then." said Najenda sinisterly. "What should we do with the fools who used our name?! Let's go teach them the law of the assassin's!" Najenda shouted as she threw on her coat. "There are about 5 officials who we suspect are being targeted. Of those, only a few have plans to leave the capital soon. We've narrowed it down to two officials. Akame and Leone will defend one target, and Bulat and Tatsumi will defend the other. Sayo, Ieyasu, I want you to do some recon in the capital. And Mine, Sheele, and Lubbock will remain here on standby and bolster our defenses. Any questions?"
The group remained silent.
"Good, now move out!"
The group dispersed to go about their missions, but first Tatsumi had to speak with Qrow.
"Qrow!" he called out.
"Yeah kid?" Qrow asked lazily.
"I discovered my Semblance!"
"Ho? Good for you. Although I can't go into details about it right now, just remember that your Aura is what powers your Semblance. Once it's out, then you can't use it anymore. When I get back I'll help you train if I have time. But Semblance training is more about endurance and depends on the users Semblance. So you'll have to come up with your own training regimen."
"Got it!" Tatsumi nodded.
"HUUUUUUUUGE!" shouted Tatsumi as he stared at the massive ship that their target would be on.
Next to him stood Bulat who was invisible thanks to Incursio. The large man placed a hand on Tatsumi's shoulder. "Try to tone it back a bit. We're undercover here."
Tatsumi nodded. "Got it."
The two of them headed up the gangplank as Tatsumi adjusted his tie. Because Tatsumi was going undercover, he had to blend in with the party goers. That being said, he was not really into the whole 'suit and tie' affair. Finally making his way onto the deck, he was able to take in the grandness of the party.
"Man, this is quite the ritzy party." he said as he gaped at everything.
He stopped when he felt Bulat tap him on the shoulder again. "Remember your cover; you are the son of a wealthy landowner. You can't act so impressed by the wealth you see here or you'll stick out."
"Yeah, you're right aniki." Tatsumi said as he remembered his training with Mine. How to blend in with the crowd and remain inconspicuous.
Tatsumi headed over to the railing and looked out over the large gathered crowd on the dock who were watching the ship launch. "Hnn, so many people." he then turned and leaned his back against the railing with his eyes closed. 'It's possible that the Night Raid imposters might strike here but...' he thought as opened his eyes. "There are so many people here." he then glanced over at their target to defend who was surrounded by guards. "The gramps we have to protect is surrounded by a meat shield. This way it should be impossible for him to be assassinated, right? I guess coming here was a miss." Tatsumi said as he shrugged.
As he said this he felt Bulat thump the back of his head.
"Deciding that on your own is negligent Tatsumi." spoke Bulat.
"Ah, aniki."
"My invisibility will give me the upper hand against our enemies. We have no idea whether or not our enemies have similar tricks up their sleeves. So don't let your guard down."
"I know, I know. Just saying that we might not have picked the winning ticket. Not like I was gonna let my guard down or anything."
"That is good Tatsumi."
"By the way aniki, how many times do you plan on hitting me?"
"Think of them as love taps."
"Love... taps...?"
"Yeah. Taps of lo-" Bulat started in a sweet voice.
"You don't have to repeat yourself! I heard you the first time!" Tatsumi said as he recoiled away from Bulat who was giving off a disturbing vibe. "At any rate, that's quite the handy teigu you have there. You couldn't have infiltrated the ship without it."
"Yeah!" Bulat said as he slammed his fist against his chest. "I fought with this to the bitter end in the war against the southern races. It's like my partner. But... despite all my effort, I wasn't able to save my fellow general, Liver. He refused to send bribes to the minister and was taken prisoner. He planned to go off to the capital and plead his innocence, but the men held a grudge against me and the general and as such we were framed and labeled as criminals. I managed to make my escape using my teigu before they could capture me."
"That's so screwed up." Tatsumi muttered as he clenched his fists.
"What is it aniki?"
"My invisibility is almost up. I'm gonna go patrol the inside of the ship. Can I leave out here to you?"
"You can count on me!"
"Good!" Bulat said as he took his leave.
Tatsumi let out a sigh as he began walking across the deck. "Hmm? Why do I hear a flute playing?"
Tatsumi passed it off at first, but then when everybody started falling unconscious it dawned upon him. Something was wrong. He felt his strength slowly being sapped away from him as the music continued.
'Shit! It must be a teigu!' he thought as he fought to stay conscious.
"Ah, staying in hiding was so dull." came a voice from behind Tatsumi. He spun around and saw a large man making his way towards him. "Oh! Looks like there's still a little shit who's holding out against Scream. To bad for you. You might remeber what happens, so I'll have to kill you."
"You... You're one of the Night Raid impostors!" growled Tatsumi.
"Ah, so this here's one of the real ones. This is good!" the large man cheered in a delighted tone. He then bent over to a collapsed guard and picked up his sword before tossing it at Tatsumi. "Here, catch."
Tatsumi caught the sword and unsheathed it. "What are you doing?"
"Well, I want fighting experience you know? Because I, Daidara, wish to become the strongest!" Daidara said as he reached to his back and pulled out a double bladed ax. "Come at me with all you got Night Raid." he sneered.
Tatsumi scoffed. "As you wish. Just know that this is what you asked for."
The two warriors charged each other. Daidara started off with an overhead swing and brought his ax down on Tatsumi. However Tatsumi was faster thanks to his Aura and dodged to the side. Tatsumi then followed up by slashing at Daidara's exposed flank, but the man quickly brought his ax around and deflected the attack.
"Hoh! You're fast. Faster than I thought you could be while under Scream's affect. That is good!" the man roared as he split his ax into two and swiped at Tatsumi's legs.
Tatsumi jumped over the attack and kicked Daidara in the face. The man stumbled back a couple steps, but quickly recovered.
"Excellent! How about this?!" Daidara shouted as he threw one ax at Tatsumi.
The blade spun through the air aimed at Tatsumi's neck, but he ducked underneath. However he was caught off-guard when the ax continued to fly before curving back towards him. Not having time to dodge, the ax sliced across his chest, but because of his Aura, only his clothes were damaged.
"What?!" shouted Daidara.
"Hah! Nice try!" Tatsumi yelled as he watched the ax continue to fly through the air. It came back around at him from the front. "But not good enough!" Tatsumi swung his sword at the ax and deflected it back towards Daidara who caught it before it could hit him.
"Hmm, interesting. How did you not get injured by my Belvark? Do you have a teigu as well?" asked Daidara.
"I have no obligation to tell you." responded Tatsumi.
"Fine, be that way." Daidara said as he charged Tatsumi. "It will just make this more interesting!"
Tatsumi charged at Daidara as well with his sword drawn in front of him while he kept his free hand hidden behind his back.
"Die!" Daidara shouted as he brought his axes down on Tatsumi.
The young assassin deflected one ax with his sword and let the other hit his shoulder, his Aura taking the brunt of the damage. "Took the words right out of my mouth." Tatsumi said as he revealed his free hand to Daidara which held a white orb.
"Light Blast!" He then slammed the orb into Daidara's chest. There was a brilliant flash of light and when it died down, Daidara fell backwards with a large hole in his chest. He was dead.
"How's that for an experience?" asked Tatsumi. He then leaned down to get a better look at Daidara's teigu. "I wonder if Ieyasu would like these?"
Suddenly sensing someone behind him, Tatsumi spun to see two more people coming to attack him. A tall silver haired man and a young boy by the looks of it.
Tatsumi prepared to intercept them, but was saved the trouble when Bulat rushed in and sent the two flying.
"That was excellent work Tatsumi!" Bulat said with a thumbs up. "I saw the whole fight. You did an excellent job of handling Daidara. Now leave these two to me." Bulat said as he faced his opponents.
"Thanks for the save aniki! You're so strong!"
"But of course!" exclaimed Bulat in a cheerful tone. "My nickname during my army day was 'One-Hundred-Killer Bulat,' did you know that?"
"If you wanted to be more accurate..." started the silver haired man as he got back up. "It was 128 to be exact. You were busy taking on special forces back then. That teigu... that incredible strength... it has to be you Bulat!"
"So it's you general Liver?" Bulat asked as he turned to face the man.
"I'm no longer a general." Liver said as he clutched the cross around his neck. "After master Esdeath saved me, I have been her ever loyal servant."
Bulat sighed. "If you were my ally..." Bulat said as he spun his spear, Neuntote. "I would take you out for drinks to celebrate. But... If you've come here as my enemy, then I have no choice but to kill you! I must carry out my mission!"
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Liver said as he removed his gloves, revealing a ring. "I absolutely must complete this mission. And I will, using this teigu gifted to me by my master!" Liver raised his arm and water exploded out of several barrels around him. "It's quite fortunate that I'm fighting you here." Liver said, launching the pillars of water at Bulat, who easily cut them down with his spear.
"Water control huh? Fitting since your master can control ice." mused Bulat as he dodged another volley.
"Yes." Liver said as his eyes darkened. "However, unlike Esdeath who can create ice from nothing, I would be helpless without water around me. She truly is awe-inspiring. No one can equal her!" he shouted as he clenched his fist, sending another barrage at Bulat. "Water Barrage!"
"Don't get ahead of yourself!" shouted Bulat as he spun his spear like a propeller to deflect the water.
Out of the corner of his eye, Tatsumi spotted the boy recovering and was about to play his flute again. "Oh no you don't!" shouted Tatsumi as he charged the boy with his sword.
The boy casually blocked Tatsumi's sword with his flute, but began to buckle under the strength of Tatsumi's Aura.
"What the hell are you?! Where does his strength come from?!" the boy said as he swung his flute outward to redirect Tatsumi's strength.
The two began to exchange blows with their weapons. The boy was fast, but Tatsumi was faster. And after a few clashes the boy had a considerable number of nicks on his body.
"Damn it! Just what kind of trick are you using?! How are you faster then me?!" the boy shouted angrily.
"I've been trained by assassins much faster than you on a daily basis!"
"Grr! You bastard!" the boy roared as he rushed Tatsumi again.
Tatsumi blocked all the incoming attacks with ease as he had gotten used to the boys speed.
"Is that all you're capable of?" asked Tatsumi.
"Not even close!" shouted the boy. 'How the hell is he so fast?! He must have a teigu on him somewhere.'
Both Tatsumi and the boy stopped their fighting when they heard a loud commotion next to them. Both of their eyes shot open when they saw Liver standing on a giant snake made of water.
"What the fuck?!" yelled Tatsumi.
"Ha, Ha! There's plenty of water here so there is no way Liver is going to lose!" the boy gloated as he glared at Tatsumi.
"No way! Aniki is going to kick his ass!"
"You'll be smashed by the water pressure of this next attack Bulat!" Liver roared as the snake of water shot forward towards Bulat. "Serpent of the Abyss!"
"UUUUOOOOHHHHH!" cried Bulat as he faced the serpent head on. He jumped and slashed right through the water construct.
"I figured you would launch yourself headlong at the snake." Liver said as he raised his hand. "However, now that you are no longer on the deck, you won't be able to dodge in mid-air!"
Several pillars of water erupted upwards and were aimed straight at Bulat. "Murky Lance!" the streams of water sharpened into spears at Liver's command.
Bulat grunted in pain as the water slammed into his chest. "A little water..." he said through gritted teeth. "Won't be enough to extinguish the flames of my passion!"
"Yes. I knew that wouldn't be enough to defeat you." spoke Liver as he landed on deck and collected himself. Several water dragons formed around Liver as the sapphire on his ring teigu began to glow. "We've tread across countless battlefields before. Your strength, your valor, I know them better than anyone." the dragons faced Bulat. "Which is why I'm going to show you my strongest attack! Water Dragon's Divine Conquest!" Bulat was hit by the attack and seemingly swept away by the water. Dropping his guard slightly, Liver let out a shaky breath. "Got him."
"This isn't the time to be spouting those nonsense words!"
Liver looked up to see Bulat falling towards him with spear at the ready.
"Save them for when the opponent is truly finished!" roared Bulat as he descended upon Liver. His blade sunk into flesh even as Liver tried to dodge out of the way.
"Liver!" yelled the boy Tatsumi was fighting as he saw his ally get injured. He tried to run to his aid, but...
"Not a chance in hell!" shouted Tatsumi as he cocked back his fist.
The boy turned his head around to see Tatsumi rapidly approaching.
"Didn't anyone ever teach you not to put your back to your opponent?!" Tatsumi's fist made contact with the boy's back. "Light Impact!" a brilliant glow engulfed Tatsumi's fist and sent a shock-wave ripping through the boy's body.
He fell to the ground and coughed up blood, but by some miracle he was still alive.
"Nyau!" shouted Liver as he held the wound on his shoulder.
"Looks like it's over for you guys." stated Bulat as Incursio deactivated to reveal his injured and soaking wet form. "You did well Tatsumi. Now it's time to finish this." he said as he returned his gaze to Liver.
"Hmm, it seems that Incursio lifts after a certain amount of damage is sustained." Liver commented with a smirk on his face. "Victory is within sight."
"What nonsense are you spouting. One of your ally's is dead and the other is dying. And you yourself have reached your limit for using your teigu as well. Plus there is also that gash in your shoulder. Your chances of victory have washed away." Bulat said.
"You got me..." Liver said with a light chuckle as he shot a glance at Nyau. He could tell the boy wouldn't be getting up again, let alone use his teigu. "And here I was hoping... to have the advantage during negotiations... Let me ask you one thing... Bulat... Will you join master Esdeath's forces?"
"I have no interest in serving the Empire again." Bulat responded without a moments hesitation.
"Not the Empire." spoke Liver. "Think about becoming a servant of master Esdeath. As I did when she saved me." Liver grabbed the cross around his neck. "Doing as you please. Being feared by others. Yes..." his eyes were consumed by rage. "Even those dirty bureaucrats always spreading their filthy politics! Consumed by their own power!" Liver held his hand out towards Bulat. "Come with me Bulat. I'm sure Esdeath can make your crimes dissappear."
Bulat was silent for a moment as he pulled out a comb. "I refuse." he said as he began to comb his hair back into its signature heart-shaped pompadour. "Killing all those politicians, that may be comfortable for you to do but, I've always been an ally of the people, right?" Bulat pointed his comb at Liver. "Eadeath's army supports the Prime minister. And that, I want nothing to do with."
Liver scoffed. "'Ally of the people'... I never thought I would hear an assassin spout such lofty words.
"Giving them the emergency rice reserves. Now that is the type of politician that we need." said Leone as she and Akame watched their target from a distance.
"With this much rice, the people of the village should be able to pull through." added Akame quietly.
"Hmm, something the matter Akame?" asked Leone.
"... No... Nothing."
"Now don't you lie to me girl. I've known you long enough to be able to tell when somethings up. So spill it." Leone said as she took a seat next to Akame.
"Is it Tatsumi?"
Akame's face lit up.
"Got it in one." smirked Leone. "You're worried about your boyfriend."
"Is it that obvious?"
"Kind of. I mean, he's the only real thing for you to worry about right now."
"... Tatsumi."
Leone patted Akame on the back. "Don't worry 'bout him. He's got that kick-ass Aura to protect him along with Bulat. I'm sure they're fine."
Akame was still looking a little down even after Leone's assurances.
"Hey Akame?"
"Do you think Tatsumi would be interested in a threesome with you and me?" Leone asked.
The busty blonde grinned. That got Akame out of her funk.
"If neither of us can use teigu's..." started Bulat.
"... Then we will have to finish this with swords." Liver finished. He then slid a syringe out from his sleeve and injected it into his arm. "Forgive me for doping, but you are my opponent after all."
"Aniki! This guy may be injured, but he still seems kind of dangerous!" shouted Tatsumi.
"I agree. He may still have some tricks up his sleeve. Stay back for now." instructed Bulat. He then pressed a button on his normal armor. After a loud hissing sound, a compartment opened up on Bulat's back to reveal a sword with a chain attached. "Let's go!"
The two charged each other and engaged in a battle of blades. Liver was injured, but the booster drug he injected was making up for what he lacked. However the battle was still going in Bulat's favor. His powerful strikes were too much for Liver and eventually he managed to deliver a mortal blow across his chest.
Liver fell backwards as blood spilled from his body. But he was grinning. "Secret Technique..."
Bulat's eyes widened as the blood that spilled out from Liver formed into spears.
"Blades of Blood!" Liver shouted as his blood shot towards Bulat.
'Shit! I knew he was hiding something!' thought Bulat as he brought his sword up to guard. He deflected a good portion of the blood blades, but a few slipped past his guard and struck him in the arm and chest.
"Aniki!" Tatsumi called out as he ran over to Bulat, but not before finishing off Nyau with a stab to the heart.
"Don't worry Tatsumi. It's nothing fatal." assured Bulat. "Using his own lifeblood to attack... His determination is amazing. As soon as I saw his blood splashing about, I realised it was a form of liquid."
"Bulat..." Liver breathed out as he lay dying on the deck. "There is... one last thing... I wanted to tell you. The true reason I decided to join Esdeath's army." the former general said as he looked up at the sky. He remembered how Esdeath had visited him and offered her a chance at redemption. He spoke of how she came to him at his lowest and offered to help raise him back up. "I adored her." he said as he gripped his cross. "That is all!" he shouted as he sat up, a deranged smile on his face. "So, by Esdeath's will... I will not be dying without taking you with me!"
Suddenly Bulat coughed up blood.
'Aniki!" Tatsumi shouted in worry.
"That syringe... It was more than just a doping drug... wasn't it?"
"Correct. There was a deadly poison mixed in. There is no antidote. The poison is already flowing through your veins. There is no escape..." spoke Liver as he fell backwards one last time. "I'll be... going on... ahead..." he said as his eyes closed for the final time.
"Hah! As expected of my former boss. So it's a tie then!" Bulat said.
"Aniki! We need to get you some medical attention!"
"Forget about me Tatsumi. It's too late." Bulat said as he fell to the ground.
"No it isn't!"
"Tatsumi... listen... I'm entrusting this... to you..." Bulat spoke as he held out his sword. "This is Incursio's key. The armor will come to the one who possesses it."
"B-but... aniki..."
"I know you can do it Tatsumi... You have so much untapped potential... You can use Incursio..." Bulat said as he closed his eyes.
"Aniki!" cried Tatsumi. 'Damn it! There has to be something I can do! ...Wait... I know!'
Tatsumi placed his hand on Bulat's head. "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of glory and virtue to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul, and by my shoulder protect thee."
Tatsumi faintly glowed before Bulat began to glow as well. After a few moments, his eye miraculously opened.
"You're gonna be okay aniki! I'll get you back to base in no time!" Tatsumi said as he held Incursio's blade. "INCURSIO!" he shouted.
Bulat watched in awe as the armor's form shifted to accommodate Tatsumi. After all was said and done, Tatsumi was donning the evolving armor. He grabbed Bulat and threw him over his shoulder. "Hold on tight! We need to get back as fast as possible!"