Hello all. Wow two updates within a couple of days of each other? What is the world coming too? Well thank my lovely lady Just Q for this gem of a chapter. She worked tirelessly to bring this chapter to life and in my opinion, she succeeded big time.
So Ill leave you all to enjoy this work of brilliance from a truly talented writer.
No More Heroes
Ben Tennyson thought he would be ready for anything. He had faced criminals, alien invaders, intergalactic warlords and even an inter-dimensional god. But nothing could have prepared him for the day when he failed.
The day he lost his family.
"Reports of what appears to be a dome of energy building up–"
"It appears that the X-Men have all died except for a few survivors like Shadowcat, Professor X and–"
"SHIELD has arrived to apprehend the threat, but what could they possibly do when even the likes of the Wolverine and Cyclops cannot even–"
"–and we just got a warning that SHIELD has sent their best agent to the war zone. We'll be back later for an update. This is Jessica Jones for Daily Bugle."
September 19, [REDACTED]
Dasht-e Kavir, Iran
Operation: Phoenix Down
Agent Diasy "Quake" Johnson
Wearing her SHIELD uniform, Daisy drops from her ship and onto the sandy plains of the desert as a mighty force of red energy is expanding in the middle of the village in this desert land. Quake had just landed right outside said village, which is currently surrounded by multiple SHIELD agents, Hulk Busters and tanks.
When Daisy approaches the highest-ranking agent in the squad, aside from her, she asks him, "What's the situation?"
"Target is still building up power and none of our Hulk Busters could even get near it without getting disintegrated." The agent replied, just time as the dome of energy in the village suddenly starts sparking. "No offense, commander, but I don't think even you could get close."
"I'll be fine." Quake responds before entering the village, heading for the dome.
As the high-ranking agent watches her superior officer go in with zero hesitation, the rookie beside him asks, "Are we really just gonna let her go in like that?"
"I don't know. Do you want to stop a woman that's not even flinching at the sight of the end of our world, Private?" The high-ranking agent asks back at his man, who doesn't respond upon processing what his superior had just pointed out. "That's what I thought."
Sparks of energy travel from the dome to the houses surrounding it, destroying anything in their paths. Even when seeing this, Daisy is not backing down, but instead, is struggling to even get close as she is forced to bring her arms in front of her, crossed, to block away all the force winds coming from the built up energy while she struggles to move forward.
When the immense amount of energy suddenly releases a shockwave that knocks away an enormous piece of debris from a house, the debris itself is accidentally tossed towards Daisy's attention. She had no time to waste as she fires an invisible blast of vibration at the debris, causing it to explode before it hit her. However, it did create a wall of dust that got in the way of her vision.
Because of this, she's unable to see that a surge of sparks is coming right for her until it slices through the cloud of dust and reveals itself to her. The SHIELD agent is unable to dodge as it hits her directly and knocks her away, with the spark traveling away from her now that it's still following it's set path.
Injured but determined, Quake stands back up even when her uniform has small tears on it already and shows her burn marks. She continues to strut to the gathered energy, this time, using her abilities more creatively.
Seeing another bolt headed her way, Quake aims her hands to her left and unleashes another vibration that pushes her to her right, barely dodging the bolt. After her feet lands on the ground, she immediately blasts the floor beneath her and launches herself up in the air to dodge yet another bolt of energy.
Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough to react as a third bolt struck her immediately after dodging the previous one. Unfortunately for Daisy, this one was much stronger than the last, unaware that each bolt coming from the dome of energy grows stronger and stronger each time they come. Because of this, Daisy's uniform has been completely torn as she crashes on the ground. With only her right sleeve, some part of her suit covering her chest, a glove on her left hand, pants covering her legs, with the right portion having tears, and her boots, the rest of her skin, midriff and shoulders included, are exposed and vulnerable.
But surrendering is not part of her vocabulary. It's her duty to contain this situation or it will destroy the planet. Daisy – no – Quake stood back up, facing the same dome as she clenches her hands...
...but this is reality. Guts do not matter in a real situation.
And Daisy witnesses this when the dome suddenly unleashes six bolts of energy at once, with no window for Quake to dodge. Her eyes widened in pure shock and fear as they close in on her.
But the moment she blinked, she's already on a roof of a house, and she has a clear view of where she was earlier and the six bolts from that time already tore up her previous spot. Daisy blinks and looks back at that particular area, unable to process what had just happened.
"I forgot how hot you are in that suit."
Daisy blinked as she felt a chill down her spine from hearing that familiar voice. The vibration creating agent slowly turned her head to her side to spot the man she knew too much about ever since they met.
Standing beside her, wearing a gray jacket on top of a dark green shirt, with the number 10 printed on the back in white, dark blue pants, and the all too familiar Ultimatrix attached to his left wrist, the one and only Ben Tennyson, now going with the title "Ben 10000", stares at the dome Daisy was tasked in taking care of while the agent herself is still shocked, but this time, at the hero standing before her.
However, her shock immediately turned into slight anger as her cheeks turn red just a tad bit before she holds up her ironically unexposed chest with her arms as if she was being harassed and yells at Ben, "Hey! What are you doing here?! This is SHIELD business not yours!"
Before Ben responds, he raises his Ultimatrix to look at it and, even without touching it, it pops up his usual alien holograms. It scrolls through his forms and shows him in quick succession: Feedback, NRG, Atomix and Alien X before closing the dial on it's own as Ben puts his hand on his side once more before finally replying to Daisy, "You're lucky Jetray is fast. Are you sure that's the reason you don't want me here? Because as far as I know, the Avengers are still allowed to do our job."
"I–" Daisy tried to respond as her lips tremble while her blush brightens. But before she could say more, Ben interrupts her immediately.
"Are you just trying to get me to leave because we broke up and you don't want me to see you?" Ben responds, which actually made Daisy's whole face turn even redder.
"Th-That's not what I–" Quake tried to explain as she feels like her body is heating up from nervousness, with the sweat on her exposed skin showing not helping her situation.
But Ben interrupts her again by saying, "Or is it because you don't want to see you partially naked... even though I've seen you fully naked like sixteen times alread–"
"Fine! You win!" The Inhuman SHIELD agent finally confessed with a yell, this time, taking her turn to interrupt Ben as her face is still as red as a cherry. "I don't want to see you anymore! I thought we agreed on that!"
"... Daisy, just cause we stopped working together on battles as a couple, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop doing my job." Ben responded, this time, his tone felt serious. "And just because you're no longer my girlfriend, doesn't mean I should just let you die."
Ben's words immediately calmed down Daisy as she looks at him with admiration. The same kind she felt when they first met. But the thought of them in their early days made her blush more and look away and at the dome they're supposed to stop. "...So, are you going to do your thing?" Quake asked, her blush subsiding once more and takes their situation seriously.
Instead of words, Ben responded by turning into Feedback without the need to touch the Ultimatrix via Master Control, and cracks his knuckles afterwards. "Do you need to ask?" Feedback replied but before he could step off the roof, Daisy suddenly held onto his arm, stopping him.
Feedback looks back at the woman he once loved, with her head hanging down, not looking at him... before she raised it and finally stares back at the man she once had in her heart. "If you die... I'll kill you."
Feedback couldn't help but... smile at her words before looking back at the danger and runs off the roof, heading back to battle.
As Daisy watches Feedback stare at imminent danger without fear, she couldn't help but hold onto her exposed left arm and grips it hard in nervousness... worried for Ben. After all, despite what happened, even with the reason that caused their relationship to be torn apart being so hard to bear...
...she still loves him.
Feedback uses his antenna to absorb another bolt of energy after he dodged one. Upon doing so, he fires the energy he took back at a third bolt to counter it, blasting it away and nullifying it. However, the dome suddenly stopped giving off the bolts as it shrunk all of a sudden.
This made Feedback cautious, as he stood still in a fighting stance. He was right to be careful as the dome burst and grew in size after mere seconds. Instead of bolts, however, this time, it's sending off pulse waves of energy that actually sent Feedback flying off. When he managed to land back on the ground, the dome sends another pulse wave, forcing Feedback to switch to Atomix just to match it's immense power.
When the second strongest Ultimatrix alien attempts to fly into the pulse wave, it sends him back, but only a few inches back, confirming his theory that Atomix is good enough to push through. So instead of flying through, Atomix lands back on the ground and starts walking towards the dome of unstable energy.
The pulse waves fire off relentlessly to everything around the dome, but Atomix blocks them with his arms as he continues walking towards his target.
The powerful alien, however, notices that each pulse wave is growing stronger than the last, as he saw that one wave merely made some of the walls on the houses nearby crack... but the next wave actually melted those same stone walls. With his time growing short, Atomix started walking faster as he surrounds his body with his nuclear energy to shield himself as each wave is starting to harm his supposed armored body.
When he finally reached the dome, he held out his hands and touches it, causing sparks of unstable, unknown and nuclear energy to erupt just from Atomix's hands coming into contact with the dome's energy wall. Resisting the pain and giving this all he's got, Atomix grunts as he now uses his power to push right through the dome as this simple act is causing more and more of his energy and the energy from the dome to burst and burst.
With one last big push, Atomix yells as his hands finally sink further into the dome...
...and all he could see, as he went deeper, was blinding white light while he felt his body enter this colossal gathering of unknown power...
Now the wielder of the Ultimatrix was staring down at the graves of those he loved. And those he lost. Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Gwen, Kevin…Julie. He stared at their graves trying to picture their faces. But all he saw was their lifeless broken bodies.
When he finally opened his eyes, Ben found himself in human form all of a sudden and sees himself inside the dome. He was expecting it to be full of energy the more he went deeper into this collective of energy, but he did not expect it to be hollow inside.
The Ultimatrix hero looked around inside this dome... but spotted the only other person in here... or rather... the only other one that's still breathing.
Jean Grey... crying as she sat, holding the skeleton of her beloved Scott Summers, that's still in his X-Men uniform...
The conduit of the Phoenix Force's tears dripped from her eyes and on Cyclops' suit as she whimpers in sorrow. Seeing his old friend, Ben immediately ran from where he stood and approached Jean, crouching down to her level as he held her by her shoulders to say, "Jean! Jean, it's me! Ben!"
Jean continued to cry and whimper as she averted her eyes from her beloved and looks at Ben. "Ben... I... I... I killed them... I killed him... I couldn't control it..."
"Yes, you can. I've seen you do it before!" Ben tried his best to reassure the redhead but it only made it worse as her tear drops turn into a stream of tears from her eyes as she shook her head in denial.
"I can't! I can't! I CAN'T!" She yelled at him, subconsciously making the earth beneath them shake. "It was all professor helping me hold it back... But now... when Magneto knocked him out and nearly killed him... I... I lost it... And now... the X-Men are dead! My friends are dead! It's all my fault..."
Ben, however, is not giving up on his friend as he held her cheek and made Jean look at her once more, saying, "Not all of them, Jean. Kitty, Bobby, Laura, Jubilee, Kurt... even Xavier are all still alive. They believe in you. They're waiting for you. You have to control it, Jean!"
Jean, however, can't deny it. She's not strong enough to keep the Phoenix Force contained. "I can't! I can't stop it! I..." She responded but is unable to continue her words as she began crying again and hugs the remains of Scott.
Ben couldn't bare to see his old friend this broken. He met her three years ago and as he became close to the likes of Logan and Laura, it was inevitable for him to grow close to Jean and Scott. In fact, she was one of the people who helped him relax and handle his haunting memories by letting her into his mind and ease the pain. But now...
"...I can." Ben suddenly responded to her words.
Jean continued to whimper and sniff... until she wiped away her tears and looks at Ben, this time, she put up a facade of sternness on her eyes that hid the sorrow behind them. And uttered her final words...
"Do it."
Ben hesitated. But he knew what must be done. If the Phoenix Force grew more in power and takes Jean's body, it will destroy everything.
It's hero time...
With but a mental command, Ben transformed into Atomix and held Jean's whole head with his gigantic hands while they both glow green with his atomic power...
A realization then hit him in the head. A universe full of heroes, that would mean he could live a normal life. He could settle down right hear. Use his aliens to forge a new identity and start over. The other heroes could save the day and he could start a new life...
That's pointless.
He knew it was his fault.
He knew that, had he only had to guts to finish him off that day, none of them would have...
...would have...
Quake remain standing on her spot as she waits for something to happen. She just saw Atomix go inside the dome earlier and he hasn't come back out for minutes nor has the same dome dispersed. She could only grit her teeth and grip her arm harder as she began to worry more and more.
But her worries decreased when, right on time, the dome shrunk slowly before it disappeared. Daisy then jumps off the roof to go see what had happened.
As her feet sprinted to where the dome was, she only found Ben, crouched as he held Jean Grey's head while her eyes are closed... yet her fair skin has turned almost ashy and lifeless. That's when Ben lay Jean down on the floor so she can lie down with the skeleton of Scott Summers, together...
...in death.
Daisy finally realized... Ben had killed Phoenix. She doesn't know what he did. Did he fry her brain from the inside out? Did he overload her with so much energy? Did he destroy her from a cellular level and only leave behind a husk? It didn't matter.
Mission accomplished.
She takes a step forward to try and approach her ex to comfort him but stopped when Ben suddenly fell to his knees as he stared at the dead couple before him. Daisy opened her lips so she could call out to him, but no words escaped from her. She immediately looked away and stayed silent, holding onto her arm once more.
As the hot desert wind blows around the two heroes, Ben closed his eyes as SHIELD agents and medics approach both of them to investigate the aftermath.
There was always a line to cross for people like Ben.
But he had crossed it a long time ago.
Upon opening the door from their balcony after he arrived as Jetray before turning back into himself, Ben, holding what seems to be a paper bag, is immediately greeted with Amora, standing at the living room with a worried frown on her face.
To her surprise, Ben merely makes a fake smile as he brings up the bag in his hand that had a symbol of a sword and a fork crossed below a heart, with the word "Sauvage's" in papyrus font below the symbol. Sauvage's is a French restaurant that Ben, Amora and Victor all go to often. Inside the paper bag is mostly likely food.
However, despite this facade, Amora knew her little brother is in sorrow and simply walks up to him and hugs him, with Ben hugging back with his free hand as his other is holding their dinner.
"You did the right thing..."
"You don't have to tell me..."
And there it is folks. The next chapter. Hope you all liked it and be sure to tell Just Q that you liked it too. I know shed love to get some feedback form other people about her amazing work.
Now I know a lot of you are wondering about Ben and Amoras relationship and let me just make it clear is that, they are NOT together. Amora is simply taking on Wasps role as Bens Big Sister, in this story as well as the female powerhouse like Carol.
Speaking of her, in case you are wondering, No Ben has never met Carol in this universe. But the man still has an active social life with Quake being one of his exes. That's right, I said "One of" meaning Bens had a lot of dates before her, so shes not his first girlfriend in this world. But she is the last one he was with before he meets the main love interest. And I'm sure you're all wondering who she is. Well here's a hint. She's a Goddess.
Also Just Q wanted me to tell you all that she love you all and hope you enjoy this back to back chapters of Avenging 10 and Gods and Monsters.
Until next time. CaptainRex75, Out!