A/N: the final chapter.i hope you enjoy it. Even I didn't know that it was going to end like this

Kiliel Shipper: David tennants my favourite as well. He was just so good. Tell if you guessed right with who was shouting.

Disclaimer: don't own it.

Nicos POV

Everything was wrong. That's what the voice had been telling him for weeks. Yet he wouldn't listen to it until he had the dream that night while visiting Hazels friends in San Francisco.

He was in the car chatting with his sister while his mother drove when the car suddenly flipped and he went flying. Then the dream changed and he was standing atop a hill talking to Will who was dressed in all black when he suddenly grabbed his hands and the dream changed again. Then he was walking through a cave with several other people that he couldn't quite see when there was a bright light and someone screamed Wills name.

Suddenly he was in a room with a warm fireplace and several bunk beds. He noticed a boy with blonde hair sleeping on one of the beds when they woke up. "Oh hey Nico" he yawned "I've finally managed to get hold of you. You've been in a deep sleep for weeks with Will, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank and Reyna. No ones been able to wake you up." The boy yawned again making Nico feel even sleepier. "Who are you?" He asked before noticing that the boy had fallen asleep again so he poked him to wake him up.

"Hmm. That doesn't matter at the moment. We need you wake up. You're the reason we can't wake the others up. And if we don't wake them soon they'll die and their souls will be trapped in the dream forever. You have some small power over dreams and you're keeping the others in them with you." he told him. Nico could feel some memories returning to him. He remembered who this was and where he was as well. "Clovis how did this happen." He asked.

"You went to help Apollo defeat Python but Python sent you all into a deep sleep. Apollo defeated him and became a god again but no ones been able to wake you up since. Apollo transported you back but even his healing powers didn't work." Clovis started to fall asleep again and fell forwards onto the floor shocking him awake. Nico remembered who was yelling. He knew he had heard the voice before as it was Apollos mortal form Lester. He also felt bad about what had happened. He had trapped people in a dream with his own powers. He had created a better world but had also almost killed his own friends. "How do I wake everyone up?" He asked.

"Just wake up yourself. Then they'll be released from your dream." Clovis said sleepily.

"Well how do I wake up." He asked starting to feel frustrated with Clovis.

"Oh that's easy." Clovis answered and he got up and walked over to Nico and suddenly slapped him in the face.

Nico suddenly shot up from the bed he was in feeling the immense pain in his cheek. Around him he could see the others in bed as well but it looked like they were waking up too. He then saw Kayla walk into the room looking at a clipboard. She looked up and saw Nico sitting up and rushed over to him. "Thank gods, your up. Did Clovis manage to get through to you?" She said frantically.

"Yeah, he slapped me to wake me up. He's stronger than he looks, I can still feel it." He said wincing. He looked around and could see everyone else sitting up as they woke up from the dream and looked around confused. "What happened?" Asked Percy "why are we in the infirmary."

A couple of days later they had all been released from the infirmary and Nico was sitting in his cabin alone. The only person he had spoken to since the incident was Hazel and even then he would barely speak to her. He felt guilty for what he had done. He had almost killed all of his friends because he was unable to control his powers. He sat in his cabin until someone knocked on his door. He heard Wills voice calling his name asking to speak to him but he ignored him. Then the door burst open and he was being dragged out by Will. "Hey! What are you doing?" He protested.

"Getting you out. I'm not having you go through another one of your 'I'm to dangerous and horrible to speak to people' phases." He said as he dragged him to the top of half blood hill.

"But I almost killed you all. I kept you trapped for weeks." He looked down at the ground not wanting to make eye contact.

"You trapped us in a dream. It really wasn't that bad. I mean you could've trapped us in a horrible nightmare." He said glancing at him

"Where are you taking me anyway." He asked.

Well Frank, Hazel and Reyna are leaving tomorrow so we decided to go out. We never got to in the dream. Lou Ellen and Cecil are coming as well."

Nico looked up finally meeting Wills eyes. "Weren't they dating in my dream?" He asked smiling slightly.

"Yeah but they weren't actually there. They still deny liking each other." Will grinned.

"Really. Everyone knows they do." He replied

"I know. They realise soon or I'm gonna lose my bet."

They reached the top of the hill and Nico could see Percy, Annabeth, Jason and Piper with the others. "Hey guys I'm so sorry for what happened." He said.

"Nico it's fine." Piper replied "honestly it was kind of nice in the dream. We all lived normal lives with no monsters. And we got to meet your sister. She was lovely."

Nico looked down remembering talking with Bianca in his dream. He felt tears building up in his eyes but he didn't feel as upset as he usually would.

"I know. And I think it helped me as well seeing her again even if it was a dream."

Percy then spoke up as well. "Seeing her again helped me a bit as well. I've still felt guilty about her death and seeing her in the dream made me feel better." He said while Annabeth hugged him. "Come on let's stop talking about the past and go on a nice day out that'll probably end with a monster attack." Said Reyna giving Nico a small smile. Nico smiled back as they walked past the barrier into the mortal world.

A/n: my first FanFiction is finished. I've decided it won't be linked to another fanfic cause I couldn't figure out how to do that. I'll be writing a new one which should be out in a couple of days.