"Oye! No smoking on office grounds!"

Usually Shizuo would have left the other party alone but he was already in a bad mood. Today hadn't exactly started perfectly for him. He had just got a new job and today when it was his first day at work, he was already late. The boss apparently hated everyone who didn't have 'proper work ethics' so now Tom-san had to go talk on behalf of him.

Shizuo gave a one over to the man who had just stopped him from taking another puff. The guy was shorter than Shizuo, black hair, was wearing a ridiculous fur jacket and well...smelled like shit!

"You piss me off!" Shizuo gritted his teeth.

"Oh do I now? Well since your protozoan brain could not comprehend the no smoking sign that you're standing under I thought I might help you like the benevolent person that I am." The handsome stranger responded happily, flailing his hands around like a little kid.

It was enough to piss Shizuo off even more.

So the cigarette snapped into two

And the no smoking sign was pulled off from the ground.

The handsome stranger's eyes went wide momentarily before his mouth broke into a wide grin. An almost inaudible 'woah' escaped his lips just before he dodged the flying projectile that came his way.

"So you're a protozoan and a brute!" Said stranger laughed as he fled from the scene. Shizuo gave chase with a screening roar of "get back here you damn flea!"

He was sure, Shizuo was damn sure that this person knew him. After all, everyone in Ikebukuro knew Heiwajima Shizuo. Shizuo was known to lose his temper easily and was infamous for his brute strength. Many people came to pick a fight with him just to prove themselves. He was positive that this guy was no different.

As the chase continued, numerous signs were uprooted and sent flying by Shizuo but none were able to hit his target. The guy had his moves, he would give him that much. A while after running through the outskirts, the building- the place where his new job was supposed to be- finally came into view. Shizuo could get him now, the poor guy was trapped.

But what happened next was something Shizuo did not expect.

The stranger in front of him who was till now just running and dodging, suddenly ran towards the wall and jumped backwards towards Shizuo.

Shizuo found himself on the ground, with that flea on top of him, his anger forgotten in favour of momentary shock.

He knew that the metal against his neck was a knife even if he couldn't see it.

"If you actually think that you would be able to defeat me then you are gravely mistaken." The stranger leant closer and Shizuo could finally look into those menacing red eyes. Eyes that held so much darkness that Shizuo was scared.

"You will never be able to hurt me. Will never be able to touch me. I'll make sure of that"

He felt it again, the knife going through his skin. He could feel the blood. The anger in him resurfaced with double the intensity as he pushed the flea off of him and stood up.

The flea jumped to his feat quickly and almost just as easily, dodged another punch that was thrown towards him. Before Shizuo could even register it there was a huge scar across his chest and the flea was yet again running away. He ran towards the building, jumped on it again and again until he reached the roof and was soon out of sight.

Shizuo could do nothing but look. The adrenaline was dying down and he could feel his heart again. He looked at his chest.

Damn those are going to need stitches.

Then looked on towards the entryway

And there goes another job