I had massive writer's block for "Until the Day I'm Forgiven" so I decided to write this AU that mainly focuses on Ikeda and Gakushu. I would recommend reading the first fic to know all of the characters and their relationships as well as some background information.

I'm going to make some changes for this AU.

On the other side.

Gakushu Asano was known by many to be the perfect student, he was a student in Class-3A in Kunugigaoka Junior High School and the leader of the Five Virtuoses. On top of that, he was the Student Council President, and he was the only of the Board Chairman of his school, Gakuhou Asano. He was handsome, with his neatly cut strawberry blond hair, his bright violet eyes resembled the valued gem, amethyst. Many around him said that the boy resembled his father.

To the main school building, he was the best of the best, the number one ace and he was admired by many. Meanwhile to Class-E, he was seen as an "arrogant bastard", who looked down upon on them with pity or indifference. Parents wanted him as their own child, and many were desperate to be his "friend."

Gakushu scoffed to this, they wanted to be friends because of his father's influence and nothing else, and not because of who he truly was. If anything, he only had one true friend in this school.

And right now, he waited by at the campus, he knew that some of Class-E would be coming at any moment. And as he predicted, a group of Class-E's colourful cast of characters have arrive.

'I can do this, I have to do this…'

He thought back about his relationship between him and his father, if he could even call it that. He couldn't even call it a teacher and student relationship, even some teachers would be concerned over their student's wellbeing. As seen when they complained to the Chairman has gone too far with the content and extreme difficulty of the exam questions.

But not Gakuhou Asano, he was far different from them. Gakushu had the pleasure to see that many of the questions were university level. The kind of questions that would get you into a third-rate college. He let out a sigh, it wasn't new for him, so much that he grew use to it, as much as the others would protest against it.

'Oh well, I have a year before I could leave for England.'

"But he's just focusing on the education at one school. That really goes to show how strong he is." It looks like they were walking about his father.

'What a coincident.'

Kayano, the petite student with green hair tied in twin twins gasped. "Hey look, it's Asano." She was the first to spot the strawberry blonde boy, as he stood there with his signature scowl of indifference.

Gakushu mentally took in a deep breathe, he side glanced to the group with his violet eyes. Terasaka seemed tensed under his gaze. The strawberry blonde turned to them and walked towards them, they looked as if they were preparing for any possibility of an attack. Other than Karma Akabane who had that shit-eating grin, something that always irritated the strawberry blonde. Mainly because it reminded him of a certain character who loved to push his buttons.

"You need something?" Maehara asked.

"You sure don't look like you're here for recon." Isogai nervously chuckled.

'This is it.' Gakushu thought to himself, he had his hands in a fist as they shook. He angled his head slightly to the ground, putting on an expression of struggle. The group wondered what Gakushu wanted.

"It pains me to say this…" Gakushu said in a low whisper, he paused and forced himself to choke out the finishing sentence. "But I need your help." The strawberry blonde didn't like how the red-head's smile grew.

Gakushu could already imagine the demonic-like horns on Karma. 'Damn you red-head demon.' He wouldn't be surprised if Karma was the devil, not exactly old news.

His violet eyes shut closed to show his frustration, "I'll get to the point. I want you to kill that monster!" That monster being was his father's education. He never thought a day that he would be asking this, but he was on a schedule and this was the best scenario he could play around at.

It was a shock to many of the lower-ranked students, for Gakushu Asano to give an assassination order for the Chairman, on his father.

Gakushu chuckled, as he weakly smiled, "Of course I don't mean for you to literally kill him." Was it wrong to think that the class was relieved at that? "What I want you to kill… is his educational ideology."

'Before it does any more damage, it has already done enough damage in my lifetime' He mused to himself. One female student asked how. "Simple. In the upcoming semester exams, I want you to monopolize the upper ranks."

Gakushu noticed from the start, it did sparked some interest in the boy of how the 'lowest' class improved so much this year alone in a short period of time. He trust that they were able to do it, like he said, it was simple enough. "Of course, I'll undoubtedly take first place, but an exceptional student making exceptional grades is nothing special.

Gakushu scoffed, "But Class-A at the bottom of the heap placing better than the best of the best would undoubtedly shatter his educational methods."

'That man is making enough victims.' He looked over to Nagisa who was weakly smiling as he took in his words.

Terasake stepped forth and asked the strawberry blonde, "What are you talking about? And why would the head of Class-A come asking us this?"

'Because this was the best course of action, the Chairman has bare minimal influence here than in the main building.'

"Asano, I've heard about your strained relationship with him" Megu whispered.

Gakushu wanted to roll his eyes, he kept it to himself, obviously, although he was internally screaming. 'Fucking understatement of the fucking century, way to point out the obvious.'

"Could it be… that you're trying to reject his methods and turn away from him?" She continued and Gakushu became quiet. He would say that he was correct, but he needed to keep up his appearances.

Although he would also say that she was wrong, because he already rejected his father's teachings. Even if it took him almost four years and some unlearning needed to be done. For now, he needed to continue his act as the perfect son of Gakuhou Asano, who looked down upon those who he deemed as 'lower'.

"Don't misunderstand me." Gakushu banged his fist on his chest, looking to them with a prideful look. "I may be your father, but you must become a strong person who can defeat even me. That's what he taught me all my life."

"Our relationship, has been made up of competitions." And it made Gakushu's life somewhat difficult but it was manageable. "But the mindless masses just aren't like that."

He thought back when his father called him and the rest of the Five Virtuosos to his office, only for Gakushu to be asked to wait outside of the room. Gakushu wanted to object, he couldn't' imagine that his father would do with the group and especially to Ren in private. But with Ren's blessing, Gakushu did so.

The hazel haired boy, with his hair half-shaven and spiked, complimented by the gentle and warm eye-colours of hazel brown. Gakushu trusted in his words, he wanted to…

Only three minutes later, when he was called back in, he thought that there was a demonic ritual as the office was shrouded in darkness. And then he remember that such a ritual could never happen in today's time but he was horrified that four of the Five Virtuosos were endlessly chanting to kill Class 3-E.

Gakuhou only merely explained that he was simply fanning the flames of hatred to Class 3-E. It was clear as day to Gakushu or to anyone else that he was only determined to make his philosophy stand through. Gakushu wanted to punch his face at worse, at best the nearest wall.

'You bastard! How dare you turn Ren to-' And to add more salt to the wound, his father would be handling the end of term exams. Gakushu couldn't wait for that stupid philosophy of his to crash and burn. And what better way to do it was to have Class-E become the majority in the rankings.

'That is what you get for corrupting Ren.'

Gakushu snapped from his thoughts and continued his explanation to the class, "Hating the enemy, scorning the enemy, these deceptions have limits in what power they can give you."

"In the end, they'll still be my followers in high school." Gakushu lied, he was going to England for Weston College by the end of the year. "And I just can't bring myself to support any followers with that kind of lopsided power."

"But if they were to suffer a clear defeat, I think that would wake them up." And Gakushu did the next best thing only expected him to him, the most uncharacteristic gesture to them, he bowed his head down. "So please… I need you to give my friend and father… a proper defeat."

And then Karma had to ruin everything, "Really? Worrying about other people?" He sticked his tongue out and gave Gakushu a mocking expression, "Idiot. I'm going to take first place, not you!"

'You just had to ruin the mood.' Gakushu was so close on breaking the red-head idiot's ribs, this close but he had to refrain himself. 'I am doing this for you, and you threw it back to my face!'

To everyone, Gakushu had a scowled expression but looked to be keeping his demeanour. However internally, Gakushu was screaming for blood and had the sudden carving for strawberry shortcake. Anything to calm his anger but again, he needed to keep up with appearances.

Karma smirked, leaning in to Gakushu, "I told you right? We're not going to hold back this time."

"I'll be at the top, and then Class-E will be below me." Gakushu was keeping his arms to himself, so that he wouldn't punch Karma's growing face that was grating him, or a nearby tree. "You'll be lucky if you get top ten."

"Ooh, Karma finally declared war." Takuya sang.

"This won't turn out like the first semester." Kotaro stated has he pushed back his circular glasses.

Terasaka with smug look stood behind of the red haired student, placing his hands on his shoulders, "Make sure you don't lose to me this time, okay? Gakushu ignored the fact that Karma just knee that the male's stomach.

The strawberry blonde heard his name called out from Isogai," We've been pushing for victory with all our might all this time. And this time will be the same."

"That's what our two classes have been doing." Isogai gave a gentle smile to the son of Asano. "When we win, we celebrate, when we lose, we get depressed. Then we start anew and prepare for the next time and I really like that."

"We want you guys to feel happy that you got to compete with us. If we can make Class-A think that, that's when we've really succeeded."

And Karma joined in, "But don't get us wrong. You better come at us like you mean it. It wouldn't be fun any other way."

'Sadly, I can't do that.' Gakushu sadly smiled to himself, something that Karma caught before Gakushu quickly changed that into a toothy smirk.

"Interesting, then I won't pull any punches either." He declared as he turned his back and walked away.

'Well, that's done. I done what I can.' Gakushu let out a sigh, as he walked away from school grounds and away from Class-E. He froze and stopped in his path.

Gakushu noticed a certain student walking, and it was Ren Sakakibara. Or, should we say the shell of the boy, as the hazel haired boy acted in a zombie-like state. Gakushu felt his heart clench painfully as he watched him mumbled and chanted the words of hate against Class-E.

He wanted to end it, right here, right now. For Ren to go back to the way he was before, the boy who was passionate in the arts and poetry, the boy whose laughter made his heart flutter.

Gakushu walked to him, and about to gasp at the boy's back, "Ren-"

But then he stopped himself. Ren walked further and further away, as he gasped at nothing but air. He looked down on his hand, it was shaking as he blankly stared down. He felt the short shallow breathes, his head becoming light as the voices or sounds outside were drowned out. He felt he was choking and his eyes became irritated.

Gakushu snapped out and his head jolted up, taking one last look at Ren before walking away in the opposite direction. 'I'm so sorry, just a few more days! Just a few more days!'

Nagisa and Karma saw that scene. It looks like it there were more reasons why Gakushu wanted to take down his father.

It was a cloudy night, Gakushu sat on top of a building, looking down to the streets below while sitting on the ledge. He hummed to himself as he kicked the air, he was dressed in black double-breasted hooded coat with its hood up. It was only buttoned to the waist down, underneath was some military-styled white cargo pants. Matching this were some black boots tucked in and black leather gloves.

On his lap was a booklet, in his hands was a black smartphone that was acting as the boy's light source. The light reflected on his glasses that sat on his face, time was 10:45 PM.

"Yo~ Shu! Your awesome big brother is here!" A voice called from behind. And Gakushu glanced and see a man with light hair of white-platinum blonde, it was layered and the middle fringe that covered his forehead that a slight curliness that swayed to the left. Donned in a dark and well-fitted suit set matched with a dark trench-coat, black gloves and polished prada-shoes.

What stood out the most was behind through thick chic black glasses where the chartreuse phosphorescent that seemly glowed in the dark.

"It's Gakushu." Gakushu bluntly said and glanced back down to the alleyway. God he hated when that man uses that nickname of his. He ignored the sounds of the male's whines.

"But you let Antonio and Johnny call you Shuuie!" He whined, he started to shed some fake tears and Gakushu rolled his eyes.

"You're barely around, why should I care?" The strawberry blonde shrugged and turned his head back. 'Why should deal with this when I already have a red-version at school?'

The other snorted to this, "I can back early from my job and this is what I get."

"Go make Johnny jealous or something, don't bother me. I'm working here." Gakushu groaned, he rubbed the temples of his head to soothe the upcoming headache. He felt his disdain for him grew, even though he had no apparent reason for doing so.

'Well, he did snatched my strawberry jelly when we first met… then my chocolates, my strawberry shortcake… Oh and my pocky too!'

"Done the first part already. So, what's happening?" The man asked, as he went to sit next to the younger male. Gakushu passed the booklet to him while still maintaining eye-contact on the alley.

"Go read it yourself Ikeda." Gakushu ignored his cries as the man puckered up his lips to create a dramatic pout. "Geez, how the hell are you my senior?"

"How the hell is Grell our senior?" Ikeda cheekily mimic and retorted, flipping over the pages as he whispered 'complete' for each page, it was his turn to ignore the glare from the strawberry blonde.

"You win this time Ikeda." Gakushu muttered under his breathe, he grew more annoyed as Ikeda laughed into the night. He dug into his pockets and took a single bon-bon candy. He wrapped his piece of candy before popping it into his mouth.

"I love you too Shu." Ikeda gave a peck on Gakushu's soft cheeks. "Did Viktor gave those?"

"I swear to god Ikeda! I will break your ribs!" Gakushu yelled as he felt his face burnt. He clenched his fist, and it tightened when Ikeda burst into a laughing fit.


"Temper, temper." Ikeda playfully taunted, waving his finger around before flicking Gakushu's nose.

"I do not have a temper!" Gakushu yelled in denial, screaming into the man's ears, his face flushed like cherry tomatoes as he covered his nose with his gloved hands. Ikeda watched in wonderment of how red Gakushu's ears was.


"You were saying?" Ikeda smiled back, Gakushu gritted his teeth, he was about to land a punch to his face and hopefully he was drop down off the building. And then the two heard a woman screaming.


"Somebody help me!" A young adult, maybe around in her earlier twenties, with black short hair, she was running away from someone, and that person just caught up with her. "I beg of you! Help me!"

"Mikami Miwa?" Ikeda asked, looking down on the scene with a bored expression, as she is being dragged deep into the alley.

"That's the one." Gakushu said as he popped another candy, he was happy that it was strawberry flavoured. Ikeda passed the book back to the boy, their eyes never left from the scene down below.

They watched and did nothing as the hooded man strangled the poor girl, gripping tightly around her neck as she gasped out for air. The two just watched as the life slowly was drained out of her eyes.

"Say Shu, how's school? Made any new friends?" Ikeda asked out of nowhere, he brought out a can of soda and gave it to Gakushu. He brought out another can but this time it was beer. He popped it opened, "Add any more trees to the tally?"

"It's Gakushu." The boy sighed as he corrected the man once again, "It's the usual, dull. And no, and no, one person is only interesting."

"That's right, you have that anchor!" Ikeda boasted loudly as he patted Gakushu's back, and Gakushu felt a tick in his eye.

"I would had believed that excuse when you were 10 Shu." Ikeda boomed in laughter and Gakushu raised an eyebrow over his statement.

"Explain." Gakushu demanded.

"You used to only interacted with Rilliane because she was your main senior, and bla-blah blah, so on." Ikeda explained.

"You were so adorable then too, you followed Rilliane constantly like a newly hatched duckling for a month." Ikeda said, he puffed up his checks as he placed his hand over his mouth. "Nah, I think a puppy would suit you more." He further teased the boy and Gakushu could tell that he was hiding a smirk.

"Shut up!" Gakushu yelled, his face blushed into a shade of a tomato for a small moment. Ikeda was huffing away in laughter as he looked at Gakushu's ears turned red. He went to pinch the boy's ears but Gakushu quickly covered them with his hands, as he narrowed his eyes towards Ikeda.

"But you eventually, after a couple of month, became more open with us and you talked with all of us without some sort of agenda." Ikeda dug his arms into his trench-coat pockets.

"Why are you telling me this?" Gakushu cautiously asked, he eyed at Ikeda with suspicion.

"What? I can't reminisce the days when you first joined the Department? You were so cute then, and still is now." Ikeda pouted, and Gakushu felt his mouth twitching. He swore he could hear Karma's laughter in the background.

Ikeda eyed over to the scene back below with a thoughtful face. "Could had sworn that there was another girl who was strangled to death?" And then the face of realisation washed over him.

"Looks like we have a serial killer in hand." Ikeda mused, putting one leg over the other as he placed his hand on his left cheek. Looking down and watching, as if he was viewing a soap opera. "I'm guessing that this one is going to be his second victim."

Gakushu shrugged. "And that's not my problem. Can't be allowed to be involved in such matters without orders remember? Ikeda responded with some laughter.

"True, at least this town is going to be a bit more interesting. Never thought that your town would be so boring." Ikeda sang with a smile. "When are you going to have that American transfer, I missed having my little bro witness my awesomeness."

"I'm sure that there is a job calling for you in Paris or Brussels." Gakushu scoffed, by his side was medium sized black key. He held onto the handle as he got himself readied.

And the girl slowly stopped her struggles and slumped over, she had now passed on. The killer satisfied with his work, dropped the recently dead girl to the ground and left the scene of the crime.

'Back to work.' Gakushu thought. He swung his key that was probably acting as his weapon in director of the deceased girl. Then cinematic films came bursting out of her body, flying around as he watched the memories in each panel being played out. The dead girl looked up with a blank stare, as if she was watching her life being flashed back.

Gakushu watched and observed her Cinematic Records of her life story to her death. "Mikami Miwa, born in May 19th 1995. Died from strangulation on XX XXXX. Remarks none." Gakushu stamped a 'complete' stamp on her profile picture.

"That is the last one for tonight" Gakushu said as he closed the booklet, he reverted the massive key back into a keychain and re-attached it back on his phone. Back to the collection of keys. He stretched his arms upwards and letting out a yawn.

"Anything new lately? I heard around in the Department that you have a new assignment." Ikeda said, as he finished his can of beer.

"How did you-"

"Words travel fast." Ikeda said, he took aim and threw the can down to the alley, landing into the opened trashcan. "He shots and he scores."

"And you are the Department's precious cinnamon roll." Ikeda cheekily sang, he dug his gloved hand into Gakushu's strawberry blonde hair and ruffled it madly.

Gakushu tried to slap away the hand, after a good minute or so. "I don't even know what that means!" Gakushu yelled as he was quick to neaten the tangle mess Ikeda made. It didn't help with the boy's temper that Ikeda was laughing away, proud of his work.

"Look it up." Ikeda said with a toothy grin "So, what's the assignment?"

"Something about class E, I'm supposed to join that class. Do anything necessary the task said." Gakushu darkly muttered, glaring at the older male as he loosen the last knot.

"OMG, it is going to be your first spy mission! My little brother is growing up!" Ikeda squealed.

"If anything, you're my distant cousin." Gakushu said, he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"But Shu~"

"God damn it Ikeda! It's Gakushu! Ga-ku-shu!"

Ikeda laughed as he fell back, "Hahhahahhahahahhahahaha!" Ikeda started to roll on the floor with his arms clutching around his stomach. "Man! that temper never gets old!"

"I do not have a temper!" Gakushu angrily yelled at Ikeda's ear. Even as he scowled, it only made Ikeda laugh his heart out even more. Gakushu's scowl just made him more adorable than angry.

Ikeda stopped his rolling, he still laid on the floor as he left his legs dangling over the edge. He lightly punched the strawberry blonde's shoulder playfully. "So, what are you going to do? Maybe I could give some pointers?"

"You wish." Gakushu spat, ignoring the growing smiling on the male's punch-able face. "I'm going to have Class-E take majority rankings in the school, maybe I would give another student my first place?"

"The two birds, one stone approach." Ikeda whistled, and his eyes darken a bit as he let out a smirk. And no, it wasn't the signature cheeky smirk. "Finally it is about time that we are going to do something about that man who is somehow your father."

"Yeah…" Gakushu muttered and Ikeda eyebrow rose a bit.

"What's up? You're not yourself right now." Ikeda turned his head, watching Gakushu's back. "Works over and you haven't drunk your soda yet. You can tell me this stuff."

"It's nothing." Gakushu was quick to say, it was obvious to anyone and especially Ikeda that the boy was lying.

Ikeda sighed, "Remember that first Christmas we spread together?" He looked to Gakushu who remained quiet. "Even if you try to deny it, I could easily saw it through."

"So don't be afraid to seek or ask for help." Gakushu shyly turned his head around and met with his chartreuse phosphorescent eyes. Ikeda said with a straight face and no hesitantion in his neon-coloured eyes. "So, what's up?

Gakushu gave in to him, he turned his head back and look up to the cloudy sky, slightly shivering from the cold daft. "… I'm just happy that I would be his victim and nobody else, sure everyone else suffered up to now… but…"

"But you're the true victim here, right?" Ikeda answered for the boy. "Your eyes tells it as it is."

Ikeda groaned as he jolted up from his position, the strawberry blonde almost flinched from the surprise sudden movement "I will cut to the chase and say how it is. He is the reason why you walked on the same path of a reaper as I am."

Before Gakushu could say anything, Ikeda cut to him. "Don't you try to deny it."

"You don't even remember why you did it." Gakushu whispered, neither agreeing or denying his claims.

"Pff, I'm still here, same for Rilliane, An, Johnny, Gretel, Arthur, Noct, Ignis, Lucia, Ivan-" Ikeda began the listing before Gakushu interrupted him. If he let him continued, it was going to take into the night.

"Alright, I got the picture."

Ikeda looked into Gakushu's eyes behind his glasses, Ikeda's chartreuse phosphorescent eyes looking deep into his eyes. But he wasn't looking into violet eyes like amethyst eyes, instead he was looking in the small eye colour as himself. Into the colour chartreuse phosphorescent behind Gakushu's black framed glasses.

"It doesn't matter if I remember it or not, if I have all or no memories of my past life, I still committed suicide." Ikeda explained as he looked up to the night sky blanketed by the grey clouds. "We just did it through different means."

"I know…." Gakushu muttered, though it was still clear enough for the other to hear. "Then we are reborn as Grim Reapers, made to observe and judge humans when they come at death's door… as punishment."

It gave Gakushu another remainder. 'Oh yeah…. Maybe it is for the best that I distance myself from Ren now…'

"If you need any help? You know who to turn to."


"So~ You're coming to the Department?"

"Yeah, I don't want to stay in that house anyway."

"I got this cool gift, do you think An will like it?" Ikeda showed off a pair of sunglasses with a golden frame that Gakushu could tell it was high-end, Dolce & Gabbana's DG2027B Sunglasses. Price tag, $383,609.

"Either way, it is going to make Johnny jealous." Gakushu said his opinion as he looked over after the gift before Ikeda place it back in his chest pocket.

"Good!" Ikeda cheered, giving Gakushu a smile that almost made him smile as well. "You know, I should really ask where Viktor buys his candies from."

And then Gakushu heard the rustle of a plastic packet.


Gakushu quickly went and patted his pockets, only to find them strangely enough empty aside from his phone. Gakushu snapped back up to Ikeda who held a bag of pink wrapped bon-bon candies in his hands. The bastard was even eating one!

"Ikeda." Gakushu growled under his teeth, Ikeda only gave him a smile. "Give me back it, right now." Ikeda always liked to play around with Gakushu, it definitely reminded the strawberry blonde boy of Karma and not in a good way.

"There is a thing called 'sharing is caring' you know?" Ikeda pointed out as he was happily chowing on Gakushu's sweets. He then checked the time on his Swiss Watch, "Gosh, just look at the time. I'm late with my date with An."

"Thanks Shu, I will see you in the morning." Ikeda sang before he ran off by jumping to the next building.

"Ikeda!" Gakushu angrily yelled as he immediately stood from his spot. "Give me back my sweets!"

"Come and get it then!" Ikeda yelled from a distance. Gakushu took a couple of steps back, before he ran after the reaper as he leaped over the gap between the buildings with ease. This was nothing when you had to jump off a skyscraper at age 10.

"Ikeda!" Gakushu roared from the top of his lungs as he chased after the man.

"Run Forrest! Run!"

"God damn it Ikeda!" Gakushu yelled angrily. He was going to use all of his anger and frustrations on chasing after Ikeda. "Come back here!"

"Come one Shu, I'm going to be late with my date with An!" Ikeda laughed as he ran off and jumped over many of the gaps. Gakushu followed behind in pursuit of his senior of ten years.

"Bullshit! I know for a fact that An is still single!" Gakushu yelled over as the chase continued. "I swear to God that she to be with you!"

"Come one Shu! That just hurts!" Ikeda whined, "Even you are right about that."

"Ikeda!" Gakushu growled as he quickened his pace.

"Hahhahahahhaha!" Ikeda's laughter boomed. "Run Forrest, run!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Ikeda!" Gakushu yelled back with fury laced in his voice.

"Damn it Ikeda!"

If you read the first, then you know what character I was writing for Gakushu Asano.

I hope to see you all in the next chapter.