Summary: Blaine has always known he doesn't meausre up to his boyfriend's beauty, but he was ok with it and they were incredibly happy. But when Sam starts attending a modeling club at school, Blaine starts feeling ashamed of his own body and being afraid Sam will end up leaving him for someone better, so he tries to find the way to stop that.

A/N: Ok, as usual this was supposed to be a OS but... no such luck. It will probably be 2 or 3 chapters, but we will see. I really hope you enjoy it! Please, let me know if you do!

This prompt was thrown to me by my friend AJ27 a loooong time ago. I hope you're still out there and you can read it, honey! And thanks for the trust!


Blaine smiled when his phone beeped, even before he got to read the message. Because he didn't need to unlock the screen to know it was probably Sam, just texting him to tell him something sweet in anticipation for their reunion in just a couple of minutes, as Blaine was already making his way down the McKinley corridors after his science club. That was the one who got out the latest, and Blaine felt guilty whenever Sam waited for him before going home, just so they could spend a little time together on their trip towards their respective homes, but there was no way to convince him to stop doing it, as Sam was the sweetest thing ever. Oh, he would try to hide it under the argument he was taking the time to use the gym to get more in shape, and even if that was true and Sam cared a lot about his body, Blaine did know better. And he couldn't love him more for that.

A colorful poster in one of the bulletin boards on the corridor caught Blaine's attention before he could get his phone out of his pocket, as he was sure he hadn't seen it before and maybe it could be another extracurricular activity he could be a part of to improve his transcript, considering how important it was to be accepted in NYADA –even though it was already impressive, Blaine smiled as he could imagine Sam trying to convince him of it and of giving it a break, as he had done so many times before–. And his smile only got wider as he read it:

Would you like to be a model? We're looking for young people willing to give it a try in the fashion industry, so if you think you could fit into it, give us a call and we'll help you.

Blaine rushed to take his notebook out of his backpack and noted down the contacting phone number, drawing a couple of hearts at each side of it to make sure Sam would smile when he handed it to him. Of course it was for Sam, Blaine thought with a smile: his incredibly hot, gorgeous and spectacular boyfriend, that Adonis he had the fortune to date. Because he knew becoming a model was Sam's dream, and the career he wanted to pursue when they both headed to New York in just a few months. But in any case, it wouldn't hurt to try while they were still in Lima, right? Ok, it was only a club, but who knew? Maybe they had connections, or at least could teach him a few tips for the job that could help him later. In any case, it wouldn't hurt to try, would it?

He accelerated his pace with the excitement of the news he had towards the locker room, where he knew he would find his dreamy boyfriend. He smiled fondly at just the thought of Sam, wondering, not for the first time, how someone as beautiful and impressive as he was had set his eyes on him. Because he had to face it, he was not that big a deal, especially compared to him –even if he knew Sam wouldn't agree to that–. But Blaine knew Sam loved him to no end, whatever the reasons, and that was enough for him. Just as long as they were together, nothing else mattered.

He opened the door to the locker room slowly, in silence, hoping to catch Sam distracted and maybe give him a playful fright. But when he saw him there, already dressed except for his t-shirt, drying his perfectly sculptured chest with a towel after his shower, Blaine forgot about everything he was going to say and just enjoyed the view with a contented sigh.

"You don't have to put it on, you know" Blaine joked, smiling mischievously at his boyfriend when the latter stopped what he was doing in surprise and turned to him.

Blaine felt that familiar stirring in his heart when Sam recognized him and smiled fondly at him, both appreciating his humor and at getting to reunite again after a long couple of hours apart. They had been dating for a while already, but they were still not over the honeymoon phase, apparently, judging by how Blaine's heart would always beat so much faster when Sam was around, especially if he looked and smiled at him like he was doing at the moment.

"I do, or otherwise we will never get home and you need to rest" Sam contradicted him while he finished getting dressed, just before closing the gap between them to kiss Blaine and smile at him again in an impossibly sweet way. "Hi"

"Hi" Blaine answered before giving him a kiss of his own and then letting himself fall on those warm arms that always made him feel so safe and happy. "You didn't need to wait for me, I told you"

"Then why did you come to get me at the locker room instead of going straight home, even if you didn't read my message saying I was here, according to the lack of a blue double check?" Sam answered with a chuckle, as he closed the embrace even more strongly around Blaine and rested a doting kiss on the top of his head.

"Because I knew you were not going to listen to me" Blaine answered, trying to sound reproachful even if the way he cuddled under Sam's chin in gratitude belied him.

"I never listen to you" Sam replied with a laugh that was immediately reciprocated by Blaine's. "I'm always going to wait for you and you know it"

"And I love you so much for that" Blaine stated with a grateful kiss to his boyfriend's lips before letting go of him so Sam could finish gathering the rests of his belonging in his bag. "But it's stupid for you to wait for me for an hour just so we can make the way home together"

"It's not stupid, I just don't want to go home without seeing you one last time for the day" Sam explained, because for him it was as easy as that. "And anyway, you know I use the time to…"

"To get in shape, yeah, I know" Blaine finished the sentence for him, taking Sam's backpack himself so the blond would only have to carry his sports bag. "You've told me a thousand times"

"Well, then maybe you should start listening and just enjoy my company while you drive me home" Sam explained as he put his arm around Blaine's shoulders.

"Oh, that I do" Blaine assured him while nestling more comfortably under Sam's wing as they started walking.

"Though I was thinking... if your parents aren't home…" Sam suggested, trying to sound seductive as he playfully nuzzled Blaine's neck, although the reaction he was looking for was not the heartfelt laugh Blaine let out –which wasn't a problem, really, because there was nothing he loved more than making Blaine laugh.

"Stop" Blaine chuckled as he pretended to disentangle himself from Sam's embrace without much enthusiasm. "They aren't home, but I need to study"


"So if I let you come with me I know study will be the last thing on the list"

"That's the image you have of me?" Sam asked, pretending to be deeply offended.

"Absolutely" Blaine unashamedly replied with a sardonic smile that made Sam laugh.

"You know me so well" he admitted, resting a kiss on Blaine's cheek as they resumed their way towards the parking lot. "But come on, I just want to be with you a little longer. I'll let you study"

"Yeah, right" Blaine sarcastically answered.

"Pleeeease" Sam begged, sounding very much like a five-year-old brat. "Look, I promise to behave"

"You really promise?" Blaine asked, and Sam could see he was hoping to hear an affirmative answer –because he probably was dying to spend some time together too, even if it was studying.

"I really do" Sam honestly answered, knowing there was no way he could deny Blaine anything.

"Ok then" Blaine closed the deal with a kiss to Sam's cheek. "I kind of want to be with you for a bit longer too"

"Awww, aren't you the sweetest thing?" Sam answered, only half joking, while he reinforced the grip on Blaine's upper body and leaded him towards his car, his spirits way lifted now that he knew he was going to spend the evening with his favorite person in the world.

Damn it, Blaine hadn't been joking when he said he intended to study, Sam thought as he sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time. He was trying to finish his homework, he really was, but after a long hour without a rest, when he was not allowed to even touch Blaine even if he was only a few feet away from him, he could say it was like a torture. Especially considering the smaller boy was right in front of him… lying on his bed.

Knowing Sam needed to do some homework, Blaine had immediately offered for him to take his desk –he was generous and kind like that–, so he had let himself fall on his bed with his books, on his stomach, from where he hadn't moved for the last hour. And yeah, Sam had done alright for a while. But then he had made the mistake of turning around to get a glimpse of his boyfriend and… damn, that was it. Who could concentrate after seeing his impossibly cute and sexy boyfriend, lying on his stomach with his feet on the air, completely concentrated on his studying while distractedly chewing on some pencil, completely unaware of the effect he was having on him?

"B?" Sam said, completely unable to stay silent any longer.

"Hmm?" Blaine murmured, not even lifting his face from his book, even if he was too considerate to ignore his boyfriend completely.

"I'm bored" Sam complained in a tone that was half annoying, half pleading, but unfortunately for him, it didn't seem to have much effect on his studios boyfriend.

"Then do your homework" Blaine answered, still looking at his book.

"I'm… hungry"

"There's food in the fridge, you can take whatever you want"

"Aren't you coming with me?"

"No, I told you I need to study"

"I don't want to eat alone" Sam whined, especially when he noticed nothing he said was enough to lift Blaine's gaze from that book Sam was coming to hate so much.

"Whatever you like, Sammy" Blaine answered without too much interest.

Sam sighed as none of his usually effective strategies seemed to work. And damn it, did Blaine not notice how much he needed him? Maybe Blaine didn't love him that much anymore… Who was he trying to fool, Sam thought with a smile, of course Blaine loved him to no end. And a good proof of that was how excited he had looked as he explained to him about that modeling club on their way home, how big his smile was while he handed the paper with the phone number to him –with some adorable hearts drawn in it–, how convincing he was when he assured Sam that he was the hottest guy in Lima and how he should surely give it a try because modeling agencies would quarrel over him as soon as they got to know him. And due to how excited he was, some would think it was the biggest opportunity for him, instead of Sam. But Sam knew that Blaine loved him so much that he cared about his victories more than about his own. And Sam loved him all the more for that.

And that's why he needed to be near him, damn it, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm tired, can I lay down on your bed too?" Sam asked, changing strategies, taking advantage of how gullible Blaine could be sometimes to get closer to him.

"Sure" Blaine distractedly answered, even moving aside to leave some room for his boyfriend.

And well… even if that was not what he had been looking for, at least it was something!

Sam left himself fall on his stomach, much closer to Blaine than it was necessary, but the latter didn't complain because he was sweet and kindhearted like that. And when Blaine still didn't react to Sam's proximity after a whole minute, Sam couldn't wait any longer and he started nuzzling and heavily breathing on the back of Blaine's neck, something that he knew usually got him quickly in the mood.

"Sammy" Blaine said with a warning tone that didn't seem to affect his boyfriend too much.

"What?" Sam answered with mocking innocence, as he changed his loving ministrations to kisses, directly on Blaine's neck, marveling as usual at how soft his skin was –and how it made his body hair stand up.

"Don't, I see what you're doing" Blaine replied, finally taking his attention of the book to slide slightly to the side so he could avoid Sam's attentions.

"What am I doing?" Sam half asked, half protested, feigning to ignore what Blaine was talking about.

"You said you would let me study"

"I know, but..."

"You promised"

"Damn it" Sam complained in annoyance as he let himself fall on his back at the bed, knowing Blaine was right and that he could never break a promise to him.

Silence fell between them as Blaine returned to his book and Sam laid unmoving next to him, on his back, sighing every few seconds –because yes, he had promised to behave, but he was going to let Blaine know how much it annoyed him as much as he could–. Blaine, though, still seemed immune to it, and Sam covered his eyes with his hands in frustration after a while, letting the air out of his chest slowly in surrender when he understood nothing was going to happen.

"Don't do that" Blaine admonished him after a few seconds, to which Sam uncovered his eyes and looked at him in honest surprise.

"I'm not doing anything" Sam tried to defend himself.

"You totally are"

"What I am doing?"

"Pouting" Blaine said, playfully nudging Sam's side. "And flexing those amazing arms of yours so I will notice them, and you know how much I love those muscles"

"What muscles?" Sam asked in feigned innocence now that he knew what Blaine was talking about, flexing his muscles purposely –and ridiculously– this time, with hope now that Blaine seemed to be more receptive. "These ones?"

Both of them burst into heartfelt laughs at the absurdity of the conversation, and Sam thought his heart was going to melt when Blaine finally closed the small distance separating them and let himself fall on Sam's chest.

"You're a manipulative bastard" Blaine protested, but the way he curled on Sam's chest bellied the sentiment behind those words. "And I'm the biggest pushover ever"

"You're not, you're just too kind for your own good" Sam answered with a kiss to his forehead as he enveloped the smaller boy with his strong arms. "Or maybe you just can't resist me"

"Maybe it's a bit of both" Blaine answered, kissing the skin under Sam's chin for better measure. "It's your fault, you supermodel bastard"

"Do you really think I can be a model?" Sam asked, laughing as Blaine jumped from his arms to kneel at his side so he could look at his face, almost offended at his doubts.

"Are you kidding me?" Blaine asked, as if he couldn't believe the question.

"I just want to make sure I won't make a fool of myself" Sam explained, even if he was already more confident even if only thanks to the absolute trust Blaine had in him.

"With these abs?" Blaine asked, lifting Sam's t-shirt enough to devotedly kiss his abdomen –until he made Sam sigh in anticipation.

"Is that all?" he cockily asked, smiling himself when he made Blaine chuckle.

"Not nearly" Blaine answered as he lifted Sam's t-shirt even more and teasingly ran his hands all along the skin on Sam's chest. "I love this chest" he continued, just before his tongue replaced his hands, tracing a wet path all along the territory, and finally looped around one of Sam's nipples.

"Gosh, Blaine" Sam huskily exclaimed, his back arching at the instant pleasure Blaine was delivering. "You're surely not going back to studying now"

Blaine laughed unreservedly, in that way Sam loved so much, and let the blond guide him towards his lips again through the hand cupping the back of his neck almost possessively to kiss him breathless.

"I don't think you can get any more perfect than that" Blaine said with and adoring smile as he observed his perfect boyfriend with a mixture of fondness and lust.

"You really know what to say to get a guy on the mood" Sam answered as he finally got rid of his t-shirt and sat up to hungrily capture Blaine's lips with his again.

"Though now that I think about it…" Blaine teasingly said against Sam's lips, without really breaking the kiss. "Maybe I should take a look at your legs"

"What do you…?" Sam tried to ask, but Blaine interrupted him by abruptly breaking the kiss and pushing him backwards to start pulling his pants down. "Nice move"

"Thank you" Blaine joked as he undressed Sam's legs and ran his hands all along them, making Sam shiver in anticipation. "Mmm, the legs are pretty impressive too"

"Stop it already" Sam pleaded with a laugh, even if he was deeply enjoying the moment –and gosh, he loved when Blaine forgot about everything and got playful like that, he looked so much more beautiful without any lines of worry in his face.

"Not until I can check the whole package" Blaine contradicted him with a lascivious smile as his fingers started playing with the waistband of Sam's underwear.

But Sam stopped him before he could remove it as he sat up again and kissed Blaine with fervor.

"If you think for one moment I'm going to be the only one naked in here…" he playfully threatened as his hands moved to Blaine's waist and rolled up his sweater in one quick movement until it was gone. "Damn it, why do you have to wear so many layers?"

"Because I know how much you love peeling them off" Blaine answered with a laugh as he started unbuttoning his own shirt, but Sam's hand gently stopped him and replaced him on the task.

"That's true" Sam added, and his lips moved to play with Blaine's while he patiently opened button after button until the shirt opened completely… to reveal an undershirt. "What, are you kidding me?"

"It was cold today!" Blaine protested with a laugh that was immediately stopped when Sam's hands slowly got rid of it too and ended up embracing him strongly, running teasingly all along his back as he kissed him again.

"That's so much better" Sam murmured against his lips in a deeper tone, once their naked chests finally came into contact. "Gosh, Blaine, you're so sexy… You should come to model with me"

"Yeah, right" Blaine answered with a sarcastic chuckle that Sam didn't find that funny.

"Blaine, you're the most beautiful boy I've ever seen" Sam said as he took advantage of their embrace to change positions and lowered Blaine completely on the bed. "And that's a fact"

Of course Blaine didn't agree, but he let himself enjoy Sam's words for a moment because he knew his boyfriend was being honest, even if he was clearly biased. But of course all thought flew from his head when Sam's hands strongly grabbed on the rest of his clothes and pulled them down in one expert move.

"Sam, you pulled my underwear down too!" Blaine playfully protested when he found himself completely naked in front of his boyfriend, to which he slightly blushed because they hadn't been together for that long and it still made him feel a bit self-conscious.

"Oops, my mistake" Sam mockingly apologized, with no hint of regret in his voice as he finally climbed on top on Blaine and started kissing his neck.

"You're going to pay for that" Blaine threatened, almost in a whisper, as his boyfriend's tongue on his neck and the friction between their lower bodies was turning him so crazy he could hardly find his voice.

"I really hope so" Sam answered as he reached down and kicked his own underwear out of the way.

It was a good while later when Blaine sighed in contentment, tightly wrapped in Sam's arms as he rested on the blond's chest, sated and happy. So happy, in fact, that he couldn't help a wide smile that Sam immediately noticed.

"What are you smiling at?" Sam asked as his hand moved to fondly caress the curls at the back of Blaine's neck, even if he couldn't help but to reciprocate because damn it, he felt so happy too!

"Nothing, just… that I love you" Blaine honestly answered, even if he blushed at the exuberance of his own emotions.

"Awww" Sam jokingly said before he placed a tender kiss on Blaine's forehead, even if he was really moved at his boyfriend's sweetness and obvious feelings for him. "You're so sweet… I love you too… more than you can possibly imagine"

"I know it's week's night, but… do you want to stay for the night?"

Sam contemplated for a moment being the responsible one and refusing, not sure if it was really a good idea, considering he hadn't really let Blaine study –and the boy would probably regret it later– and he didn't know what Carol and Burt would think about that… But one look at Blaine's hopeful and incredibly beautiful eyes, looking at him as if he was the most amazing man on the Earth, and there was no way he could refuse. Not that he wanted, damn it, of course he was incapable of separating from Blaine just yet.

"Try and stop me" he answered, squeezing Blaine even more strongly to his own body. "But just so I can make sure you sleep instead of studying all night or whatever, because I can't trust you"

Blaine smiled again at his boyfriend's words, knowing how much Sam worried about his wellbeing and how he loved taking care of him. And for once he didn't even care he hadn't studied as much as he wanted: as long as Sam cared about him like that, he didn't need anything else.

"Nighty night, love" Blaine said, resting a loving kiss on Sam's chest and closing his eyes so Sam could see he meant to obey.

"Good night, babe" Sam answered as he rested his head on top of Blaine's.

Blaine doubted he had ever felt more content and deliciously warm than he was doing right now, as he slowly woke up in Sam's arms for the first time since they started dating –they had obviously had sex before, but it was the first time they had spent the night together after that–. Because it didn't matter that Blaine had left Sam's arms and turned around some time during the night, apparently Sam had gone after him and was now lightly spooning him in the sweetest embrace. And Blaine couldn't wait until they were both in New York in a few months, sharing an apartment while they pursued their respective dreams, and getting to wake up in each other's arms like that every morning of their lives. It was too good to be true, and Blaine sometimes felt his heart was going to burst with happiness at just the thought of it.

Very carefully so as not to wake up his boyfriend just yet, even in it was probably about time to do it, Blaine turned around in his embrace to face him and sighed in contentment at how beautiful Sam was, even in his sleep, even if his hair was all ruffled and his mouth was slightly open. He was glad Sam was going to listen to him and call that number of the modeling club Blaine had given him the day before: Sam was the most attractive man he had ever met, Blaine very well knew that, and there was no way he wouldn't succeed as a model. And what wouldn't Blaine give to see Sam make all his dreams come true… Gosh, he loved him so much that sometimes he felt he couldn't even breathe if Sam wasn't near.

Not wanting to start crying with emotion, he checked the clock on his nightstand and realized it was time to wake up sweet Sammy if they wanted to make it to school in time –after all, they needed to pass by Sam's to get some clean clothes for him–. And he knew the best way to do it was to caress the soft skin on Sam's face with the back of his hand.

"Wake up, sleepy head" Blaine softly muttered close Sam's ear, wanting to wake him up in the sweetest possible way. "Come on, rise and shine, sweetie"

"Oh my god" Sam exclaimed, his lips breaking into a smile immediately at recognizing Blaine's voice, even before opening his eyes. "Did I die and go to heaven?"

"No, but you've got somewhere to go right now, and that is school, so come on" Blaine gently urged him with a playful pat to his forearm.

"It can't be morning, you're here" Sam protested with a confused frown, his mind still slightly slurred with sleep.

"Actually, you are here" Blaine corrected him with a chuckle. "We're at mine's, remember? You stayed last night"

"Oh, you're right" Sam finally understood, before he gently cupped Blaine's face and attracted him closer to kiss him. "Morning, babe"

"Good morning, honey" Blaine answered with an adoring smile that made Sam's heart swell with love.

"Waking up next to you is… Let's do this every time your parents are away, ok?"

"I don't see why not" Blaine laughed before he kissed his boyfriend again and then slipped towards the edge of the bed to sit up. "But let's plan it better next time, so we don't have to go by yours to get you some clothes, as we're going to have to do now"

"But it's too early! Can't I just borrow something from you?"

Blaine smiled at Sam's whining, knowing how much his boyfriend hated early mornings, while he reached for the bottom drawer of the chest in front of him without standing up to reach some clean underwear because he still didn't feel comfortable enough to walk naked around the room when he perfectly knew Sam would be avidly watching him. He knew it was stupid, as he had seen him naked before more than a couple of times and he didn't have a problem while they were having sex… But it was different now, and he couldn't stop feeling too self conscious of his body.

"Ok, first: I don't think it's your style" Blaine finally answered as he started dressing with his back to Sam. "Two: everybody would know you've slept here and I don't know if I'm ready for all their mocking"

"Slept?" Sam repeated with a mischievous smirk.

"Well, we slept in the end, didn't we? And three: I didn't think you would want to go around with pants that wouldn't go pass your knees and sleeves that wouldn't even reach your elbows"

"Ok, you might have a point there" Sam agreed, until he really understood what Blaine had said. "But aren't you exaggerating a bit?"

"Well, I'm short" Blaine answered matter-of-factly, even if Sam thought he could perceive some insecurities under his carefree tone.

"Surely not that much!" Sam contradicted him, hating to see Blaine getting dressed, instead of undressing as just some hours before, because naked was how he was at his most beautiful, even if the silly boy didn't seem to get that, judging by the speed in which he was covering himself right then. "And who cares, when you're also incredibly cute, sexy and the person I love?"

Sam chuckled when he noticed the instant crimson on Blaine's cheeks at the appraisal when the latter turned around, glad that he could still make him blush like that even when he was only being honest, but Blaine quickly hid how moved he was and turned mockingly serious again.

"Don't think I'm going to let you sleep with a bit of flattery, young man" he said, standing up now that he was fully dressed to make more of an impression.

"Just five more minutes!" Sam whined, even if only for the sake of it, as he turned on his stomach and pulled the covers over his head.

"No, come on" Blaine protested as he forgot all about Sam's nakedness and took the covers from him in one go, even slapping Sam's naked butt for good measure before realizing what he had done –to which he blushed again, this time more dramatically, and started stuttering in embarrassment. "Shit, sorry, it was a reflex, it was just there…"

Sam's only response was to laugh wholeheartedly at his innocence, far from upset about Blaine's actions and wishing Blaine would let himself go more often, as he had done last night. He understood nakedness was still kind of an issue for Blaine: after all, everybody had their own pace with intimacy, and they hadn't had sex that many times yet. And he could see Blaine had some body issues, even if they didn't seem to be too serious. So he respected his reticence, even if he didn't share it, but he just wished he could make him feel more comfortable about it.

"Please, be my guest to do whatever you want with any part of my body" Sam reassured him with a laugh as he turned on his back, not caring at all that there were no covers hiding him anymore because well… that was Blaine and he didn't have anything to hide from him, right?

Blaine watched his boyfriend, just lying there so comfortably, and he couldn't help but thinking how much he envied him. Not only because his amazing body, but because of his confidence about it, the lack of any embarrassment at showing it off in front of him. And Blaine wished it would come a day he would feel that comfortable around Sam –because Sam was making it very easy, if the way he looked at him when they made love, with such adoration in his eyes, was any proof of how he felt about it.

"Any part?" Blaine mischievously asked with a deep voice as he kneeled on the bed, whispering in Sam's ear and making him shiver as his hands teasingly ran along his body.

"Gosh, yeah" Sam gulped as Blaine's hands ran over his chest and abdomen, going lower and lower with each passing second.

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind" Blaine said with a cheeky smile as he retreated his hands, jumped from the bed and walked away.

"I hate you!" Sam yelled after him, disappointed at the resolution of their loving intercourse but at the same time glad to see Blaine being playful again.

"And what if I make you breakfast?" Blaine called from the corridor.

"Then I guess I'll have to love you again" Sam answered as he also jumped from the bed and started getting dressed so he could enjoy Blaine's magical hands in a different way –with his marvelous cooking.

"Good" Blaine yelled with a laugh from the kitchen, making Sam's heart melt with love for the adorable boy.

Blaine tried to keep up the pace with his boyfriend even if they were holding hands, but Sam was so excited that he didn't seem to be aware of how fast he was walking along McKinley corridors. After all, Sam had been attending his modeling club for two weeks and wanted to introduce Blaine to everybody, which said a lot about how important Blaine was to him.

Blaine couldn't help but smile at how excited Sam had been after his first session with them: they had obviously admitted him immediately –come on, who wouldn't?–, and he seemed to be getting along with them very nicely. He said they had all been very welcoming to him, and they were helping him a lot.

Blaine had to admit it looked more professional than he had previously thought: the president of the club, some girl called Daisy, seemed to know a lot about the business, as she had already done a few small jobs with some modeling agencies, so she clearly must have some connections. And Blaine hoped they could help Sam fulfill his dreams.

"You must be Blaine" a voice took him out of his reverie, as he had been so concentrated in his own thoughts that he hadn't realized they were already at the classroom's door.

"Yeah, hi" Blaine shyly, but politely, answered as he offered his hand for the girl in front of him to shake.

"I'm Daisy" she answered in a warm tone as she shook his hand. "Sam won't stop talking about you"

"Oh, won't he?" Blaine looked at Sam with a tender smile, and the latter just shrugged his shoulders and kissed his cheek in agreement.

"Of course I do, you're my life, remember?" Sam replied without the slightest hint of embarrassment even if they weren't alone, making Blaine blush with the intensity of his emotions.

"Aren't you lucky?" Daisy asked with a fond smile as she watched the couple's interactions.

"That I am" Blaine agreed, squeezing Sam's hand, still connected to his.

"I've got to talk to the Coach for a second" Sam announced when he noticed Coach Beiste walking near them. "I've got to ask her something about the strategy for our next game. I'll be right back"

Both Blaine and Daisy watched as Sam ran after Beiste until he caught up with her and they started talking.

"He's a great guy" Daisy said, breaking the uncomfortable silence with some small talk that Blaine was grateful of.

"He's the best" he answered with a dreamy smile that said a lot about how deeply he felt for the blond boy. "Thanks for taking care of him"

"And isn't it amazing how much he loves you?" Daisy continued, almost as if she hadn't heard him. "I mean, he could have anyone he wanted and yet he stays with you"

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked in confusion, not sure he was understanding what she seemed to be implying.

"Oh, don't take it the wrong way, honey. I just meant that he is surrounded by some of the most beautiful people in the city and yet he chose the next-door kind of type, didn't he?" she explained in what sounded like the kindest way, even if it made Blaine feel very small and very aware of the differences between his and his boyfriend's appearances. "He's very generous. Don't let him go"

Blaine didn't have time to react before Sam was back, all smiles because he was very happy to see his boyfriend and his friend interacting like that. Because if Sam wanted for the modeling thing to work, he knew he needed Blaine at his side and on board with the idea.

"I'm back" he announced with a kiss to Blaine's forehead, but one better look at his boyfriend's face, and he immediately noticed the change in the mood. "Is everything alright?"

"Sure" Blaine answered, forcing a smile to reassure him. After all, it was just a silly comment and Sam didn't need to know how much it had hurt him, right?

"Are you sure?" Sam insisted, doubtful.

"Hey, didn't you want to introduce me to everybody?" Blaine asked, changing the subject so he would get the focus out of him.

"Of course, I want to show you off a bit!" Sam answered as he put his arm around Blaine's shoulders and guided him inside.

And even if socializing and putting a mask over his face to hide his hurt pride felt like too big an effort at the moment, Blaine still did it because he knew it was important to Sam. And he started feeling better after a while when Sam introduced him to absolutely everyone in the room, proudly announcing him as his boyfriend. Because if Sam was proud of him, what else did he really need?

A/N: And... the drama starts here ;)

Any thoughts?