"Hiiii," he slurred as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Let's go Tweek," I say helping him up.

"I-I-I don't want to go back to the hotel," he mumbled while struggling to stand.

"You're coming home with me," I inform him as I swoop him into my arms. I drop my knees to open the door. I'm glad to see Rodney as he is usually up front helping the other guys clean. "Can you get the door for me and unlock my car."

"Yeah," he said starting to walk towards the exit. "He got fucked up." I don't say anything as Rodney opens the door to my car. I slide Tweek into the passenger seat. I take my keys from Rodney thanking him for his help.

"Thanks," I tell him again. "I'll see you Thursday." Rodney nods as I get into my car. I take off down the street towards my home. "Tweek?"

"Hm," he says looking at me.

"If you need to throw up let me know," I tell him. I would forgive him but I would be really pissed if he vomited in my car. This was the longest car ride home ever. I keep glancing at Tweek to make sure he is still breathing, he seriously drank a lot for his size. I carry Tweek into the building and up to my floor. I didn't put him down until we were outside of my door. I needed my hand to unlock the door.

Although the guys have only been here for one night my home feels so empty without them here. Tweek leaned on my shoulder for support. I help Tweek to my bedroom which seem like a longer walk than necessary. I sit Tweek down and notice his face is green. I grab the trash can in time for it to catch his vomit. Oh my god this is not how I pictured my evening. I hold the trash can with one hand and his hair back with the other. I feel terrible for him waiting for him to finish. The smell alone would scare off rats even roaches.

"I'm sorry," cried Tweek.

"Why did you have to drink anyway," I stated as I continue to hold the trash can. "Don't answer that right now." Tweek seems to slow down on throwing up. I take the trash bag out of my condo immediately not wanting it to smell any worse in there. I grab Tweek some water on my way back to my room. I can see him laying down looking pale but no longer green. "Let's get those clothes off." Tweek sits up slowly not looking at me. I remove his shirt before going for his shoes and then jeans. I notice the cuts on the inside of his lower leg right above his ankles right away. I feel my voice get caught in my voice. "Tweek…"

He turns away from my curling up in my bed away from me.

"Tweek, let me at least clean it up a bit." This causes him to turn back over. He won't look at me and I know he is ashamed. I head to my bathroom sighing that he even did this. I was here, I was working but I was here. I head back in my room kneeling in front of Tweek. His naked body is not even enough to distract me from his cuts. I start with his left leg. "Why did you do this?"

"I don't know," Tweek mumbles. "I just felt overwhelmed. I just needed to feel something." I don't get this at all.

"You needed to feel something and you thought a blade would be okay?" Tweek face turns pink despite his ill complexion.

"It helps me to feel better," he muttered. "You wouldn't understand." He doesn't flitch as I continue to clean his cuts.

"I'm trying to," I reply looking him in the eye. He nods knowing I'm trying to understand.

"The alcohol wasn't enough," he replied. "I wanted to feel physical pain along with how much I was hurting." Okay now we are getting somewhere. "You think I'm weird now don't you?" I don't tell him I already knew about his self-harm. I'm seeing I have to be very careful with him. He was fine until Token and Clyde jumped all over him.

"You're not weird Tweek, you're human. Let me go put this cloth up. Drink some of that water, you need your fluids." I feel like a parent almost but I love Tweek, this is different. I look at myself in the mirror. Do I love Tweek? Is that possible? I haven't been close to him like that so I can't be in love with him. I walk back into my room and Tweek is under the covers. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. "I'm going to shower, you go ahead and get some rest." I head back to my bathroom and everything feels like a blur. I am mostly trying to figure if this is love or not. Boy would I love to get Token's opinion but that is not going to happen.

I get into bed and it is now a little after 4am. I make sure to close the blinds so I'm not waken when the sun comes up. I climb into my bed pulling Tweek close to me. He is so damaged but not to the point where I don't want him or I don't care about him. His skin feels a little hot and clammy, he is probably still going to feel sick when he gets up. It takes me a while to fall asleep because I have so much on my mind.

I stir in my sleep when I hear my stomach growl loudly. It shakes me body slightly as it growls. I groan as I grab my phone to check the time. It's now 10am. I could probably sleep for another 2 hours to be honest. I shift and see that Tweek is gone. I sit up slowly look around. His clothes are no longer on the floor. I feel panic raise in my chest as I get out of bed. I run to the bathroom and I can tell he took a shower at least. I rush to my closet and everything looks like how I left it. I jog into my kitchen and I see Tweek at the stove. Looks like he is just adding bacon to the pan. He seems me and smiles weakly.

"Hey," he said lowly. I notice he is wearing one of my tee's. He also put some socks on his feet that covered up the cuts he has. He noticed me staring and I see him shift uncomfortably. "Uh I wanted to cook you breakfast. It's the least I could do for you taking care of me."

"You would have done the same," I replied. "Where did you put your stuff? I thought you left."

"Really," said Tweek. "Where would I go? I haven't even heard from Clyde or Token yet."

"They will message you I'm sure," I reply. I look at the plated food and Tweek already made hash browns with onions, scrambled eggs with cheese we're just waiting for the bacon. "Thanks for being so thoughtful." Tweek nods smiling looking like himself. I sit down at the big island I have and watch Tweek as he finishes the bacon.

"You're making me nervous," he confess.

"I'm just watching you do your thing," I admit. I'm also thinking about him. I don't want him to go back to South Park. I don't want him to leave me. God I am in love with him.

"Sure you are," replied Tweek. "Did you want to eat out here?"

"We can if you like," I shrugged.

"This is your house," laughed Tweek.

"I know, I just want you to be comfortable."

"I'm comfortable where ever you are," he admits with a slight tint to his cheeks. Tweek takes the bacon out of the pan placing it on a paper towel to drain the extra oil. I stand up walking around the island towards him. I grab his wrist pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Tweek seems relieved and I expected him to be surprised. I pull out of the kiss before we get carried away.

"Tweek," I whisper. "I want you to stay with me." I can't see his reaction since I have my eyes closed. I don't think I would have said it otherwise.

"Wha, I don't understand," he stammers. I open my eyes now and he still in my personal space.

"I love you," I say clearly. "I want you here with me, I want you to be okay, I need you to be happy." Tweek's eyes water but he nods his head yes. "Tears are not necessary." I laugh nervously.

"You don't understand," he said sniffling. "I mean this weekend has been the greatest time I have had in a long time. What am I going to do about school? When do you want me to move in? What about my job?"

"I make more than enough money to take care of us but if you want to work that is up to you. I'm sure Denver has plenty of tattoo schools for you to look into. As for when to move in…..how about now." Tweek laughs.

"I have to go back to South Park and get my stuff,"

"I can get you new stuff," I said pulling him to me.

"I never thought you would love me back," he says lowly. "I thought I was going to be alone forever."

"Don't worry," I tell him. "You won't be alone anymore." I pull Tweek in for another kiss not regretting my decision at all. I'm in love with my friend, my best friend. Now for me to make up for the time we lost.