David had Henry hack into Paige's cell phone before she even reached the station.

"Just keep her busy and her mind on how you'll all be a happy family once Richard comes home," Shelton instructed. Everything was riding on Wayne giving a convincing performance. He didn't like the idea of putting two kids' lives in the hands of an untrained man, who had a reputation as a slightly foolish charmer, but they didn't have any other options.

Bruce nodded. It would take a lot of restraint not to strangle Paige, but if he did he'd never find his son, or if they did it might be too late to save him and Wally. Paige walked into the room a few minutes later. She was all smiles and kind words. Iris and Barry went to get coffee, leaving Bruce to ensure the boys' survival.

"Thank you so much for coming back," Bruce said. He was still watching the computer out of the corner of his eye, but he had to make sure Paige felt she was getting his attention.

"Of course, Bruce," Paige said and glanced at the computer. "What do you think of the kidnapper?" she asked.

What kind of question was that? Bruce couldn't let his anger show. His actions would affect what happened to Robin and Kid Flash. Paige's brother, Russell Monroe was most likely around wherever it was the boys were. He was just a call away. Paige could simply order him to murder them at any time.

"I'm not happy that whoever took them did this, but I'm glad this person hasn't hurt Dick or Wally," Bruce said. He hadn't answered her question. "I'm sure this person had their reasons for kidnapping them. It must be very important to them. I'd say they are brave for trying." He was thinking 'evil', but that wasn't what Paige wanted to hear.

"Do you think they'll give the boys back?" she asked. There was something in her voice that told Bruce if she answered wrong if would be disastrous.

"I think so. Dick is a very important part of my life, Paige. If anything happens to him, I don't know what I'll do," Bruce answered carefully.

"I'll be here for you," Paige said. She glanced at her phone.

Red flag! Dick had to be necessary. Otherwise Batman would lose Robin and Flash would lose Kid Flash.

"Thank you," Bruce said, thinking fast. "When he comes home, he, you and I can go to Sweden for a little vacation. I'd love for you to see the ski lodge my parents built."

Paige smiled. "I'd like that." Her plan was working. She knew it would. Now she just needed to get Russell to drop the kids off somewhere. In a year or less she would be Mrs. Paige Wayne. That had a nice sound to it. She could see the large diamond on her finger now. The camera would flash and reporters would shout questions at her just as they did when she had been acting. She'd call Russell as soon as she was able to slip away.

Passing of space, place or time

Dick figured it was about one in the morning. He was tired, but he didn't dare fall asleep. He and Wally had been taking turns resting and keeping watch. They didn't want their abductors to surprise them. He dumped some of the water into his cupped hands and then splashed it on his face to wake himself up. This was not how he'd planned to spend his weekend at all.

The door was opened. Dick nudged Wally, who woke up. Muscles walked into the safe and turned off the camera. Robin could only imagine the panic that this must have sent Bruce, Iris and Barry into. Muscles cut the zip ties so they were free of the metal bar. Their hands were tied together, and they were blindfolded again. It didn't matter if he could see or not. Dick was almost positive of where they were. Paige's first casino to open was in this part of the city. It was called 'Faces' and at its grand opening everyone who went was given a mask like the ones Doll and Muscles were wearing. This was clearly a very well thought out plan, Dick thought sarcastically. It would be easy for the FBI to trace the masks back to them. Honestly criminals were so stupid sometimes, which Robin wasn't complaining about.

Muscles guided the two of them back the way they had come so many hours before. Dick could still smell smoke and alcohol, only now he could hear music and people laughing and talking. He thought about calling for help, but there was little to no chance of anyone hearing him over the all the noise. It would definitely make Muscles mad, however. They were outside again. The air was cooler now, and it smelled like it was going to rain. In Gotham, it didn't just rain, it poured. There was no such thing as halfway with that city. If someone was insane they were the worst kind of insane there was. If someone was involved with criminals they were into it up to their eyeballs and if someone decided to fight that crime they did it with everything they had.

Muscles pushed them into a different vehicle than the last getaway car. Dick could tell this was either a new car or a rental by the smell. He was able to push the blindfold up slightly and see this one was your typical white kidnapper's van. Very original. Dick guessed Paige had gotten what she wanted so it was time to let them go, or it was time to kill them.

Muscles drove out of the city. Dick could tell by the lack of traffic. They had to be about an hour out when the man stopped the van. Their kidnapper got out. He then opened the back door and pulled them out one at a time. Muscles cut the zip ties and took off the blindfolds. He got back into his most likely stolen van and speed away. Suddenly lightning lit up the dark sky, and a moment later the thunder cracked so loudly, the two of them covered their ears. The rain started coming down in torrents.

"Well, this is great," Wally huffed irritably. "Next time we hang out, we're going to Central and don't you dare say it could be worse."

"It could," Dick smiled. They were free and going home. They were in a large open field; not the most desirable place to be in a thunderstorm. "Let's get going. It's going to be a long walk."

"Not to mention cold," Wally pointed out. Dick started trudging in the opposite direction of Gotham. "Unn…Dude, I think you're going the wrong way. The city is that way." They were both already soaking wet, and Wally's teeth were starting to chatter from the cold.

"I know, but there's a car junkyard about half a mile this way. There might be a phone there, or we could get a car started. Why walk when you can ride?" Dick said. They stayed low as they moved across the wide-open field, not wanting to get high by lightning. They were, after all, the tallest things in the area. It would be a bit anticlimactic if they were killed in storm after everything that had happened in the last twelve hours.

It felt like a lifetime before they reached the junkyard. Dick and Wally found a small office building. No one was there obviously. It would be another four or five hours before anyone showed up. All the windows were locked as was the door and neither of them had anything to pick the locks with.

"How are we going to get in?" Wally asked. The rain hadn't let up at all and now the wind was driving it down at an angle. They were able to get some protection from the storm by crouching against the side of the building.

Dick looked around for a moment before picking up a large rock. Without hesitating he pitched it through a window.

"Dude!" Wally choked. He'd broken a neighbor's window once by throwing rocks. His dad had put an end to that quickly. Even after all these years, Wally cringed at the sound of breaking glass.

"Would you relax. Bruce will pay them back. Besides who's going to get mad at two kids who were kidnapped and trying to get help. Given the circumstances, I'm sure they'll understand," Robin said. He reached through the hole and unlocked the window from the inside. He then pushed it open. "You first."

Wally climbed inside to find a dirty, greasy mess of a room. Dick climbed in right behind him. They turned on the lights, but they flickered and threatened to go out at any second. They found a flashlight and an old land line phone in a back room. Considering their current luck, the phone of course didn't work.

"The storm most have knocked down the lines," Kid Flash muttered.

"Plan B it is," Dick said. They found some work jackets to protect themselves from the storm before they ventured out. Some of the cars were clearly not going anywhere, but after a while Kid Flash came across one that might get them to Gotham if they could get it started. Robin's fingers were stiff from the cold, but he was able to hot wire it following a few failed attempts.

"I'm driving," Wally announced, opening the driver's side door.

"No way," Dick answered. "I may do so stupid things sometimes, but there's not a chance on earth I'd ever let you drive."

"I'm older," Wally shot back.

"You also have the attention span of a squirrel, and I'm not putting my life in the hands of a squirrel. Plus, I've been driving since I was nine," Dick said, refusing to move.

"Fine," Wally huffed. He walked around the car and flopped into the passenger seat.

"We should be there soon," Robin said as he pulled onto the dirt road. Soon it turned into asphalt. One of the headlights was out and the other was caked with dirt, making it almost impossible to see.

"And where is there?" Wally asked. Wherever there was a working phone was fine with him.

"There's an all-night gas station about a mile into the city limits. That's the closest place I can think of," Robin answered. "You realize Bruce, Iris and Barry are going to turn into helicopter parents after this, right?"

"Can you blame them?" Wally said. He was looking forward to getting some food and going to sleep without having to worry about being killed.

"No," Dick said. He didn't take his eyes off what little he could see of the road. He was having a little trouble reaching the pedals.

They talked a little as they got closer to the city. At one point Wally tried turning on the radio, but it made a horrible noise before dying. Once they got to the gas station Dick parked the car and they both walked inside. The last time Robin was there it was to stop an armed robbery a few months ago.

"Can we use your phone?" Wally asked as they stepped up to the checkout counter.

The bleary-eyed cashier looked at them for a moment before jumping in surprise. The man looked at the TV on the wall behind him, which was showing a news report of the kidnapping. Dick's and Wally's pictures were side by side on the screen.

"Are you them?" the man asked.

"Yes, now could we please use your phone," Dick said. He wanted to see Bruce, go home, eat and sleep for about ten hours.

"Yeah, sure," the man said, pulling a cell phone out of his back pocket and handing it to Wally, who called 9-1-1. "Are you like hurt or anything? I have a first aid kit in the back."

"We're good, but thanks," Dick answered. Most people in Gotham were good normal people who just wanted to live their lives without being terrorized. It was just the bad ones that gave the city its bad reputation.

It took maybe four minutes before the whole parking lot was full of flashing blue and red lights. The boys were completely surrounded by the police and EMTs. Bruce, Barry and Iris pushed their way in as well. Dick was in his dad's arms, even as the EMTs were trying to clean and bandage the cuts left by the ties.

"It was Paige Monroe," Robin told him. Despite everything that had happened his first thought was making sure Paige didn't get away and do this to someone else. For the first time in hours he was able to breathe. He and Wally were safe.

"I know, Dickie. We got her," Bruce answered. He never wanted to let his son go. He'd come so close to losing his child. He took Dick out to the waiting ambulance. The media was starting to gather, and Bruce had no patience to deal with them or anyone else other than Dick.

A few hours later Robin and Kid Flash were safe at Wayne Manor with their families. Paige and her brother were in jail, awaiting trial, where they were both found guilty.

The End

I hope you all enjoyed the story. Thanks again. :)