Phone Snippets #4: "Heal me, Love"

Snippet #4: "Heal Me, Love"

TAWOGfan2000: Akko broke her leg and is in the infirmary. I ADORE this idea. This stuff is the kind I bury myself into.

laulink DianAkko healing. I hope you got some too. XD

Btw, thanks silverteresa alexdadawg xswordeyesx theniceacefriend and mrs-kagari for reblogging these too ^~^ And a whole lot of other people that I can't mention. I'd like to meantion you all, but I wrote it in pencil really bad and an't read the rest XD. But I know who you guys are and I'm so happy ^-^ Thanks for supporting this XD

Oh and blookity-bloke coz you wanna read this?

Longest snippet.

OOC warning


~Shintori Khazumi


Diana ran as fast as her legs could carry her, not caring for the rules for once in her life, which was a great shock to many as she was Diana.

The Diana Cavendish.

Finneran, who had been walking the halls at the same time, stood with mouth agape, blinking in disbelief, wondering if all that was a dream.

And no one could really recover fast enough to scold Diana for breaking these rules, and she wouldn't have listened either way.

Because no matter what, she needed to reach Akko. Why?

"I didn't catch her."

Luna Nova Academy. Four years dedicated to intense magical improvement. In the first two years, it was chock full of basics and lectures. The fourth year was for focusing on a chosen specialization. But the third year…

The third year of Luna Nova had a requirement under the rule of 'Application'. Students should apply all that they learned in their studies and do so through assigned missions.

Of course, it was a given that these missions be done by team, thus Diana had been separated from her dunce-like lover for the time being.

Sure she had been worried at first, especially after hearing the girl's team had, by some odd stroke of fate, been assigned one of the worst missions, recovering the poisoned feathers of a cockatrice found in the Arcturus forest. Diana clearly did not like the arrangement, but Akko had insisted she'd be fine, even joking about it, telling Diana that she and her team had already done such a thing, just as they entered the academy, possibly the reason for their assignment.

Besides, Sucy was an expert on all things poison and was very capable in magic. Lotte would be there as well. The level-headed voice of reason. And Diana consented because she had faith in all of them.

However, a week later, the day for all teams to return from their assignments, Diana had found it hard to locate any of the red team members, which was puzzling as their leader alone could create such ruckus to be noticed.

But now… It was strangely tranquil.

The blonde approached the arrival staff, inquiring of the returnees, but among the names on the checklist, the red team's box had yet to have a tick.

She frowned, concern ever growing…

-Then she heard her name in a strained, frantic voice.


"Lotte? Sucy?" They had grown close enough to address each other by name.

Diana caught the teary-eyed girl, trying to soothe her enough to tell her what was wrong, and also…

"Where is Akko?" Diana said, more worried than ever, still not spotting her girlfriend.

Her stomach churned as Sucy looked away, Lotte grim as she tried to muster enough strength to speak.

"In-infirmary… It…. Was.. It chased us. I fell… She saved me and…" Lotte cried again, shaken up.

The next words made Diana's heart imitate the action of her girlfriend.

It dropped.

The door swung open, Diana rushing through every curtained section of the clinic, flipping the silk cloths aside in search of her brunette love. Reaching the last one, she stood there by the window, sweaty and panting.

There, lying on her back, groaning and covered in bandaged scratches- and scratches exposed, was Akko in all her battered glory.

At the sound of heavy breaths, and a yell of her name, Akko brightened up and forgot all her pain at seeing Diana, and couldn't help but grin sheepishly, joking about her failure, falling like before, and laughing as she pointed at her freshly bandaged leg being placed in a cast by the nurse who was just leaving, clicking her tongue at the piece of work.

"Pretty Stupid, huh?" The brunette chuckled mirthless.

Before she could react, the heiress had thrown herself onto her girlfriend, crying tears of relief.

"I'm so glad you're alright! " Diana wrapped her arms around Akko, squeezing tight.

"Di-Diana, I'm fine!" The girl said in slowly disappearing surprise, patting the heiress back. "Really, I am!" She reassured with a small laugh.

Diana pulled away shortly after, maybe realizing that she had just thrown her entire weight on the injured Atsuko Kagari.

"Are you absolutely certain you are alright ? I know I just said it, but you aren't in any pain are you?" She inquired, more calmly this time around.

Akko sighed fondly before nodding, smiling widely, crinkles by her eyes. "YES, Diana. I am perfectly fine."

The heiress didn't seem the least bit convinced, moreso as by simply sitting on the bed and shifting Akko's position the smallest inch, the girl immediately winced as the weight moved her hurt lower body.

"Ngh- No-! D-don't say sorry!" Akko noticed the way Diana's eyes widened as she sat down and sprung back up to her feet, seeing the pained look on Akko's face, mouth forming in apology. "S-sit back down." The brunette tried to get out with less of a grunt that held back her breath as she tried to hide her pain.

"I am so sorry." Diana spoke wearily, stepping closer to Akko's face as she caressed her cheek, too scared to sit again.

"Like I said, don't be." Akko smiled reassuringly, grasping Diana's wrist as she shifted for some space for Diana, and the heiress wanted to protest against Akko's movements if it weren't for the finger on her lips shushing her. "Sit." Her girlfriend commanded, patting the spot next to her.

With no other choice, Diana complied. The pair stayed that way in silence for so long, they felt time to be unmoving.

"What… Happened, exactly?" Diana asked after a while, wanting to know the full tale of how the brunette ended up in such a state.

Akko tried sitting up, making little sounds of struggle and Diana grimaced as Akko was taking far too long simply doing such an easy task.

"Sorry for the wait." She said, now turning to the concerned blonde. "Would you prefer the child-safe version or the graphic one?" The troublesome witch asked, still jesting all the way despite the air of seriousness her counterpart donned.

"Akko…" Her voice held warning, and the aforementioned sighed, relenting.

"Alright, alright." She looked down, searching for Diana's hands to play with them as she told her story; a way to hopefully keep them BOTH calm and the heiress certainly appreciated the gesture, nodding for her girlfriend to continue."So… The three of us were finally deployed and we managed to get to Arcturus forest just fine." Akko began relaying her tale. "Sucy somehow did some weird call, and BAM! Cockatrice outta nowhere trying to nip at us."

The brunette turned to her companion, checking for any signs of lingering resent or worry, but was glad to see Diana listening intently, trying to understand everything.

"We tried doing what we did last time it happened. I acted as bait while leading it to a mandrake to trap it while Lotte and Sucy grabbed the feather. The plan was working pretty good…" Akko trailed off, recalling events she might not have wanted to. "Sucy packed the feather away and we were just gonna head back early. Like, just second day into mission early."


"But then, the chicken-dragon escaped and Lotte didn't see it trying to get her… So it managed to snag her broom and she fell. And…" Akko scratched the back of her neck. "I tried to save her, but when I tossed her to Sucy, that thing snapped at me and I lost my balance and just…. Whoosh, splat."

Diana knew Akko worded it that way so as to not worry her, but it did not help at all. It only enlightened her already fearful mind.

"Before you ask, It all happened so fast I didn't get the timing right to cast any spell. It was pretty late when I managed to start. Sucy was too busy trying to catch Lotte so she saw me late too. It's not their fault. More likely, it's mine, but really, no one is hurt and I'm glad."

"NO one? Akko! Look at you!"

Akko tried to explain more. "Lotte did first aid, and we got back three days earlier cause I made travel longer, so the nurse tried to patched me up. I'm fine already, really. Maybe kinda sore… And…" The brunette actually looked melancholic for a moment. "My leg's just… Getting there."

That sad voice grew a lump in the heiress throat, and somehow she knew Akko's broken leg hurt more than just physically.

Diana freed a hand, looking down and rubbed the limb, drawing circles on the knee with a sad smile. "Sorry."

"For what?" Akko asked, laughing the slightest bit. "You didn't do anything, Diana."

"Exactly. I did not do anything."

The way Diana said it worried Akko so much. She was troubled quite often because of the mischievous witch, but Akko was trying to change that. But right now, Diana's gloom was enshrouding her for a reason Akko could not comprehend.

So, she asked.

"Diana, Love…" Akko cupped the face of the blonde, willing her to speak to her not only with her mouth, but with her eyes and whole body. "Look at me. Hey. Tell me, what's wrong?"

Diana only looked sadder and Akko could have been the one to cry for her, if only to lessen her sorrow by letting it out. The brunette did not feel her pain, but Diana's as the heiress felt her own.

"I regret not being there to catch you this time around." The heiress finally admitted, eyes not able to look into Akko's for much longer.

Akko looked at the resentful state of the Love of her life, patting her on the head before kissing the spot.

"It can't be helped, can it?" She smoothed out the rebellious hair strands on Diana's head brought on by all that earlier running.

Diana no longer replied, simply allowing Akko to spoil her a bit, relaxing significantly.

By accident her hand went to Akko's leg and as her body lost tension, she placed weight on the injured leg, immediately retracting her hand as Akko hissed in pain.

"Akko! I… I apologize. It wasn't my intention-"

"It…s… Hah… Fine." The patient desperately tried to put on a smile, but all she wore was a pained grimace. She hated how she was far too sensitive. A little mass and hurt would jolt up her system. She didn't like it. Immovable and weak. And now Diana…

"I… I apologize." The heiress was close to tears as Akko had her eyes deeply shut, trying to breathe out the pain slowly.

"It was an… Accident. Fine…" Akko got out through gritted teeth. Diana still couldn't accept it, but she knew their were better ways to resolve this than with arguing with Akko.

"Let me at least heal you myself." "That way I can rest assured that you are perfectly fine and patched up." She said. "And I can make up for what happened. I know you are far from healed properly."

Akko laughed at the statement, feeling as though she were recovering already. "It's like you're saying you don't trust the nurse."

"I don't." Diana replied bluntly, wiping the tears from her eyes as she begins her healing.

Akko spluttered. The answer was that surprising.

"At least, when it comes to you." Diana inserted, a light pink dusting her features in a blush. "Honestly, the woman always sends you away indifferently."

Akko smiled at the concern, warm and bubbly inside as she was now giggling, the magic flowing pleasantly through her battered system. "Well, with how often I'm here, why not?"

"A forty-one degree fever, accompanied by a migraine and vomiting." Diana growled, recalling a particularly bad incident. "And all she did was send you off with tea and cold medicine?!"

"She must have been busy. Relax, Love." Akko chuckled, leaning over to plant kisses along Diana's jawline as she pulled her lover into her lap despite the taller girl's protests.

"Akko, your leg-""Wasn't that all I needed to get over the fever?" Akko asked as Diana shifted her body off Akko's leg, opting to sit beside her instead in close proximity.

"No. Absolutely not! You need care, help, affection. You need-"


Diana froze for a while, mind ticking in thought until red exploded all over her face, ears and neck.


"I mean… You are my 'Love', after all." Akko chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Diana. Happiness was consuming her and she would believe that part of it was just Diana being a magical existence in her life. "I love you~"

It wasn't intentional, but Diana's hand moved to slap Akko's shoulder out of embarrassment, gasping as she realized it.

"O-ow.. You sure have a lot of strength." Akko joked, eye closing.

"S-sorry!" The heiress rubbed the spot soothingly, casting a minor healing spell there before placing a kiss on the affected area. Akko hummed, pleased. An idea entered her head.

"You know…"

"What is it?" Diana asked, now focusing on Akko's little scratches and bruises as she would get back to the broken leg later. Bones were hard to heal no matter the magic.

"There's something you do that seems more effective than your healing spells." Akko wagged her brows, grinning as she loved her idea."Huh? What could possibly be more-" Diana was confused, after all, the Cavendish lineage had the best repertoire of healing spells available.

"Your kisses alone make me feel sooooooo much better."

Diana's whole body, this time, was covered in a blush. For a few moments her jaw hung slack, but then she took back her composure, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she stopped her spell a moment, leaning forward.

"I see." She looks away for a moment, thinking, before cupping the back of Akko's head, fingers massaging it lovingly. "Then I have no choice but to utilize that skill, yes?" She smiled as her lover mirrored her actions.

"Yes." Akko grinned, unabashedly. "I love you, doctor~!"

"Don't call me that." Diana said, stopping mere inches from Akko's lips. "I love you more."

"Is that a challenge?" Akko chuckled, brow raised.

"No." Diana leaned the last bit forward, gently bumping their heads together, noses nuzzling, lips lightly brushing. "It's a fact."

Akko grinned, leaning in first to claim those soft lips. "That, it is."

And they shared one of many healing kisses for the day.


Akko groaned as her legs ached from the strain and weight she put on them sitting up and when she insisted Diana sit in her lap earlier, even if they were feeling way better than before.

"I'd say I told you so, but I love you for that." Diana sighed, shaking her head before giggling. "It serves as consequence and warning for your next mission." The heiress rubbed the sore muscles, a new healing spell at her fingertips. "I hope this was a good lesson."

"And what would I even learn? Be careful? Practice my skills more?" Akko scoffed good-naturedly as Diana sent her a loving smile, shaking her head no.

"You should learn to take me along with you."

And Akko died a little inside from the cuteness.

A/N: Too LONG! XD Welp... reblog? Hahahahaa... tell me how it is!