After eloping in secret the night before, the second wedding went off without a hitch. Nerves were gone. Rory, Michel, and Lane had secret smiles on their face as they watched Luke and Lorelai go through the ceremony again. Lorelai laughed softly to herself as Luke put the ring on her finger once again – for a town that was so crazy, so in everyone's business, prided itself on gossip, she felt they'd managed to pull one over on them. For all the years she'd waited to do this, now they had done it twice.

The party was huge. The whole town was there. Babette and Miss Patty were serving their special punch, sneaking cups of it for themselves between servings. Kirk beamed with pride every time someone complimented the decorations, even as he chased after Petal endlessly. Lorelai had to hand it to him – he'd pulled it off. Even Taylor was walking around with a huge smile on his face – probably for some other reason, like less worry about the couple splitting and business in the town to be divided. But no matter the reason, he was chipper, whistling and greeting his fellow townspeople. The town having an excuse to come together like this always put smiles on the majority of their faces. Lane and Zach and the band were happily playing an assortment of songs, always excited to get the chance to get the band together and play. Jess was pretending to be annoyed with everyone and everything, but everyone knew better by now. Emily was animatedly chatting with Gypsy, Berta and her family not far behind. Berta's children were dancing happily to whatever music played – the fast, the slow, and the rock and roll. Sookie was rushing around, fussing with the food and checking on the cakes to make sure Kirk hadn't sampled the frosting. April was sharing pictures of her recent trip to Germany with Liz, TJ, and Doula - all three of whom were decked out to the nines in renaissance faire fashion. Luke had been rolling his eyes at their wardrobe choices, but Lorelai smiled with nostalgia, remembering when they'd attended her now sister and brother in-law's wedding – their own first date, so many years ago. Oddly enough, here they all were under the moonlight in the town square, celebrating again.

"Lucas Danes!" his slightly tipsy new wife found him in the crowd and approached him, careful not to stumble over her dress. "There you are. You were messing with me, weren't you?" She looped her arms around his neck, even as she spoke the accusatory words.


"You don't know Keifer Sutherland!" she accused, pointing a finger at him and jabbing him lightly in the chest.

Luke laughed, his eyes sparkling with mischief and adoration at his wife. Lorelai was used to this look by now. He'd always had the look of adoration in there, somewhere. In the past few years the mischievous baiting seemed to appear more and more. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"Well, he's not here!"

"He's very busy. Couldn't get away on such short notice."

"Luuuke," she whined with a pout, but she laughed, her eyes sparkling at his playfulness. "Jokster," she declared, pushing at him lightly.

He let his own arms find their place at her waist. "You look beautiful."

Lorelai's teasing manner faded away and she smiled back at her husband softly. "Thank you. You look hot. Hotter than yesterday."

Luke laughed. "Thanks."

"I can't wait to take you home tonight," she went on with a giggle.

"Hey, do me a favor and stay away from the punch the rest of the night. You've had enough."

"I'm not drunk," she protested. "I'm just happy!"

"I know," Luke agreed, giving her a soft kiss. Several guests in the crowd caught this moment and cheered. "Let's keep it that way. Happy turns to drunk real fast with that stuff. Enough to be happy, not enough that we spend our wedding night with me holding your hair back while you throw up."

"First of all, it's not the punch that's making me happy. Tipsy? Sure. Happy? That's you. Second, offering to hold my hair back is actually very romantic."

"I've done it before," he reminded her with a raise of his eyebrows. "Not as romantic as you'd think."

She laughed, remembering the first time. An incident in a parking lot many years ago in a skirt she then tried to dispose of after their break up – not to mention several instances since, due to both illness and alcohol – when Luke had held her hair for her. "I guess not, but I sure do looooove you," she declared. She looked around at the guests and caught sight of Rory across the square. She lowered her voice. "Luke, we're going to be grandparents," she said in a whisper. "I mean what the-"

"Lorelai," he cut her off with a laugh.

"We're so young," she said with mock despair. "I'm not even fifty yet!"

"You were a young mom. It was kind of a given."

"Yeah, but – man. You're too hot to be a grandfather."

"I don't think that's in the requirements."

She got serious for a moment. "I'm glad we're going to go through this together."

He nodded and kissed her again, more cheers arising from the crowd. "Me too."

Then she suddenly laughed. "My mother is going to be a great grandmother, oh my God. She's so young to be a great grandmother! She could be around long enough to watch her great grandchild grow into their twenties. I mean what the hell?"

"Again, the young mom thing and second, keep it down unless you want the whole town to know tonight."

Lorelai nodded and held a finger to her lips. "Let's go."


"I don't know. Out there," she gestured towards their wedding reception. "Mingle, dance, eat. Oh man, let's eat. I'm starving. I don't think I've eaten all day."

"What about your flash mob, huh?" Luke asked her with a nudge to her side. "Who's the jokester now?"

"You said you had one, too!"

"You think I don't know how to keep up with your banter by now?"

Lorelai laughed, delighted. "I just love you. Can you believe this? It took us this long to get married? We've known each other what… twenty years? Twenty years, Luke. Oh man, we're something else."

He shrugged, although he did have to agree this was pretty incredible. "We figured it out."

"And now we've waited so long we're going to be," she lowered her voice again as she glanced around her, "grandparents. Newlyweds and grandparents."

"I hate to break it to you, Lorelai, but we've basically been married for nine years now. Things are not going to be all that different."

She grinned. "Well, not much. Now you have that ring on. Which is so sexy, by the way. I should've married you for that perk years ago. But really the plus is that those tramps that come into the diner and stare at you will get a hint now."


"Oh, yeah. I see them. Don't think I don't notice."

"Well, I'm glad someone does, because I sure don't."

"Yeah. Sure. I see you pouring them their coffee."

"That's my job."

"Ha. You used to pour my coffee and look where that led."

"You're insane. I've never noticed any staring."

"One: right answer, two: of course you don't."

"What is that supposed to mean? Like you're so adept at picking up on that. Took you forever to notice me looking at you."

"Hey!" she retorted, but she couldn't help but burst out into giggles. "Okay, fair point, I guess. So you're admitting that all those years, you were looking at me... like that?"

He snorted in disbelief that she was still trying to figure that out. "Yes."

"When did you start looking?"

"God, Lorelai, I don't know. The day you came in, probably. You know I kept that damn horoscope." He could tell she was about to gloat over some aspect of this so he added, with a smirk, "You admitted yourself that basket bidding was part of our early romance. That means you admit those early years were romantic."

She sighed in defeat. "Yes, okay? I can admit it. I was like 28 when I met you and I'm now 49 years-old but I can finally admit to you that yes, all those years I knew something was there and yes, I denied it whenever anyone asked me about it and yes, I knew I was lying when I denied it. Happy?"

"Pretty satisfied with that, yeah."

"Maybe the wedding ring gives me courage."

"So mine keeps away tramps, but yours gives you courage."

She sighed in contentment. "Welcome to the rest of your life, Luke."

"Nothing I haven't already gotten a handle on."

"Let's get something to eat. Then I can have more punch."

"No more punch."

"Fine. Champagne then?"

"Eat first."

Lorelai grabbed his hand. "Deal." They passed by Rory, who was now engaged in a conversation with April, Jess, Liz and TJ. Jess was looking at TJ with a look of confusion. Rory seemed to be holding back a laugh. She smiled at her mother and stepfather and gave them a little wave. Lorelai waved back, then turned to Luke and snorted. "Rory can't drink at our wedding."

"Are you laughing about that?" he asked, amused.

"I'm just saying. And the punch is good tonight."

"She's talking to TJ. She probably wants a drink by now."

"Hey, that's my brother-in-law."

Luke rolled his eyes. "That's my brother in-law, too."

Lorelai frowned. "Oh. Yeah. Huh, that's weird." She looked around at the town square. "You know what's cool about getting married?"

"That the tramps won't stare at me anymore?"

Lorelai gasped and burst out in delighted giggles. "Well, yeah! But also, everyone has a title now. I mean, we were fine not being married. Except for those damn tramps. But it was like, 'Oh this is my…' and then an awkward pause would follow and I'd change it to, 'This is Luke's daughter,' or 'This is Luke's sister.' Now everyone has their title. I've got a sister-in-law. And a brother-in-law. And a niece! And oh my God, Jess is my nephew."

"I have a stepdaughter."

"I'm a stepmother!"

"I have a mother-in-law," Luke said. Lorelai gasped and stared at him for a moment.

"Yeah, ouch. Sorry about that one."

Luke smiled and pulled Lorelai to him by the waist. "I have a wife."

She grinned. "What a coincidence. I'm a wife now. With a husband. I have a husband."

"I'm your husband," Luke said.

Lorelai sighed. "I like this."

"It's not so bad."

"Why didn't we do it sooner?"

Luke snorted. "Let's not even go down that road."

"Hey. Let's forget about the food and cut the cake! I could totally go for some cake right now."

"We can't just cut the cake."

"Why not? It's our wedding and we can do whatever we want. It goes well with punch. Plus, there's like fifteen cakes. Sookie went nuts. They won't care if we cut one."

Luke shrugged, unable to combat that logic. He didn't really care about the cake anyway. "Fine. Let's cut the cake."

"Welcome," Lorelai said with a giggle and a quick kiss, "to the rest of your life."