Army of One
Chapter One - The Mighty Army
A four year old Izuku was lying on the ground with a crayon and a notebook. He was drawing a picture of himself as a hero, standing next to All Might.
There was suddenly a bright green light.
"Oof!" A little boy who was about his age fell right next to him, "Owie... What happened?" Under closer inspection Izuku realized the boy wasn't only his age, but he was actually him.
"AUUGH!" Izuku stood up dropping his crayon.
"AUUGH!" The second Izuku screamed as well staring at him in horror.
"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" The two screamed in unison.
"Izuku!? What's wrong?" His mother came running into the room.
"MOMMY! THERE'S... ME!" Both boys screamed at the same time, pointing at each other.
"Wow! You unlocked your quirk!" Inko Midoriya said happily.
"My quirk?" They continued speaking in unison.
Inko touched the head of the Izuku closest to her, "You talk first."
"O-ok..." Izuku said.
"Why did you have him talk first, Mommy?" The second Izuku asked.
"Now you both aren't talking at the same time!"
"Oh... You're right!" The first Izuku said surprised.
"Yeah! What should we do now!?" The second asked.
"WE CAN TRAIN TO BE A HERO!" They both were talking at the same time again.
"I just thought of a hero name!" The first Izuku spoke.
"What is it?" The second asked excitedly.
"The Mighty Army!"
Inko's mom smiled at her sons' antics, "I'm sure you'll both be a fine hero!"
Both Izukus played together for the rest of the day, neither of them being able to activate or deactivate their quirk.
"So... Is one of us going to disappear?" Izuku #2 asked #1.
"I don't know..." Izuku #1 thought for a moment, "Well it doesn't matter!"
"It doesn't!?"
"Yup! If you disappear, I promise to keep on living for you and for the sake of the Mighty Army! If I disappear, I want you to keep living for me!"
"Sure! I promise that if you disappear, I'll live to fulfill our dream of being a hero!"
Both boys went to sleep, dreaming about the future when they become great heroes.
The next day the two Izuku's spent playing hero and drawing doodle of them as an army. The doorbell rang.
"Coming!" Inko yelled as opened up the door, outside the door was a man, "Hello, is there something you need?"
Both Izuku's ran over to see what was going on. #1 was clutching his notebook and #2 was holding the crayons. The man raised his hand and pointed at Inko.
Both Izukus stared in shock as their mother fell to the ground bleeding from her stomach.
"MOMMY!" #1 dropped his notebook and ran over to help his mom.
Another bullet shot out of the man's fingers hitting Izuku #1 in the chest.
"What..." Izuku #2 asked in fear, it wasn't supposed to be like this, they were supposed to become heroes together, it wasn't supposed to be like this...
"NO!" Izuku reached out for his duplicate as he fell, suddenly his hand was engulfed in a green light, "What!? What is this!? Was I only a clone!? Why is this happening!?" The man raised his hand and shot at Izuku, the bright green light threw off his aim so the bullet only hit his left ear.
"AUUUGH!" Izuku screamed in pain clutching his injured ear. The light completely covered him and he vanished.
Once the light faded all that was left was a notebook with an army of Izuku's standing next to All Might; Covered in the blood of Inko and Izuku Midoriya.
"AUUUGH!" Izuku was still screaming while lying on the ground of his living room.
"Izuku! What's wrong!?" His mom rushed into he room looking for her son.
"Mommy..." Izuku looked up ignoring the pain in his ear.
"IZUKU! YOU'RE BLEEDING!" Inko Midoriya immediately whipped out a bandage and covered up the bleeding ear, "What on Earth happened!?"
"Mommy... Y-y-yo-you're alive?"
"Why of course I am! Now tell me, what happened to your ear?"
Izuku couldn't respond instead, he began sobbing loudly as he hugged his mom.
"Mommy... Mommy..."
Inko Midoriya crouched down to her son's level, "I don't know what happened... But I'm glad you're ok, now come on, let's eat out tonight!"
Ten years later...
Itsuku sighed as he wrote on his notebook, "Kamui Woods, new hero with a wood quirk. From what he's shown, he can manipulate his arms by growing them out rapidly an using them to ensnare or cage villains…" Itsuku put down his pencil and flicked it, the pencil rolled forward a bit before rolling back to him and repeating the process.
"Why do I even bother…" Itsuka's life was sumarized pretty well by his name; Itsuku was a kendo term for being in a state of shock or being frozen. No matter what Itsuku tried he always failed. His quirk was "Foresight" it was a quirk the allowed him to see the events that are about to happen up to 10 seconds in the future, but the ability can only be used once every 1 minute. It wasn't a bad quirk, it was just, Itsuku seemed to be stuck in a state of Itsuku. He could see the punch coming, he just couldn't dodge it. It doesn't matter how far into the future you can see if you can't do anything about it. Itsuku's thoughts were interrupted when the dark room was suddenly filled with a bright green light.
"What the heck!? It happened again!" Itsuku heard his voice say.
"W-who are you!?" He asked nervously.
"Huh?" Itsuku's eyes adjusted to the light and he saw himself. The duplicate looked at him and froze, "AUUUGH!"
Hello World! You totally thought I was going to give Izuku a cloning quirk didn't you? Well you were wrong!
Anywho, this was a story I was writing behind the scenes and I hope that some of you manage to enjoy it!
And fair warning, while my other fics were strictly IzuOcha, I may or may not put in other ships, mainly because the multiverse means an infinite amount of possibilities... Actually the choice will be up to you! If you want me to experiment with other ships, go ahead and tell me. If no one really cares, I'm just going to stay with IzuOcha because it is my favorite and the one I am most comfortable with.
(edit: I've never once watched Jojo's bizarre adventure. People keep commenting about it, but I have no idea what it is.)