The students of Magnolia High turned as the sound of roaring motorcycle engines cut through the buzzing of the crowd, and watched as the school's bad-boys rode into the parking lot on jet black motorcycles. The brothers swerved into a spot, parking. The rumbling of the engine stopped at the boys turned off their bikes, and pulled off their helmets. The older brother, Zeref Dragneel, tied his helmet to the handlebars of his motorcycle, and slung his black backpack over his leather jacket-clad shoulder. He waited as his little brother, Natsu Dragneel, hopped off his own bike. Natsu ran a fingerless gloved hand through his salmon locks, causing them the stick out even more than before. He flashed a crooked smile at him, revealing a mouth full of pearly white teeth. His canines were abnormally sharp, like his brother's, and the gleam in his green eyes screamed of mischief.
"You're getting old, brother? You were going so slow it looked like you weren't moving at all," he teased.
"I have to disagree with you on that, dear brother. I clearly won." Zeref said with fake politeness, smirking.
"That's not fair though. You know as well as I do that if that stupid lady hadn't driven so slow in front of me, I totally would have beat you," Natsu sulked, frowning.
Zeref's smirk only widened, and he reached over and ruffled his brother's hair. "Sure, sure, whatever you say, lil' bro," he said dismissively, and laughed when Natsu swatted his hand away. Grumbling, he led the way to the school, his chunky black boots stomping on the ground with every step. Zeref shook his head, and followed behind his indignant brother.
As they joined the throng of students pushing through the doors in order to get inside, the students parted slightly, leaving enough room around the pair so that they didn't bump into anyone. Perks of having a tough reputation, Zeref though, a slight smirk on his lips once again. He and his brother earned that reputation though- picking fights, getting into trouble, vandalism, et cetera, et cetera. Despite what most people who didn't know them very well thought, the brothers actually were quite kind. They didn't bother letting anyone know that, though; for the perks of being a bad-boy were numerous, and they didn't want to give them up anytime soon. They played the part well, too; dressing in dark jeans, sleeveless, skin-tight t-shirts that showed off their muscular bodies, and sleeveless leather jackets. Though their clothes were similar, each boy had his own thing that defined him. Natsu had several silver piercings in his cartilages, a black horizontal piercing on his right eyebrow, and fingerless black gloves. Zeref, on the other hand, had a thing for tattoos. His right upper arm was covered in a winding tribal tattoo, and across his shoulder blades on his back was a pair of angel wings. Down his spine was a tattoo of a sword with black smoke wrapped around it. He had a sleeve of tattoos on his left forearm, and a small tribal tattoo on his left pectoral. Zeref loved his ink, as Natsu put it.
When the got inside the hall, the brothers heard their names being called. "Oi, Natsu, Zeref!" It was Sting; the platinum blond was waving at them, standing next to his cousin, Rogue. Natsu instantly perked up, and waved back enthusiastically. The boys made their way to the pair, weaving around students in the crowded hallway. When they reached them, all four boys began walking, talking and laughing loudly as they made their way to class.
Mavis Vermillion looked up in annoyance at the commotion by the door. She frowned at the group of boys causing the ruckus, recognizing them. When she moved her gaze to the laughing face of Zeref Dragneel, her heart fluttered just the tiniest bit. Those boys were always causing trouble, and their careless attitude irked her. When they finally left, Zeref turned and sauntered into the classroom. He dropped into his seat next to her, and lounged casually as the class waited for the teacher. Mavis forced herself not to look at him, keeping her big, green eyes focused on the door. She breathed a sigh of relief as it opened and the teacher entered. Mavis listened attentively as he began his lesson.
"Alright, everyone. Open to page 78, and answer questions 1 through 32. Independent working, please." The teacher instructed. Mavis pulled her books and a pencil out of her bag. She flipped to the correct page, and began working. By then, she had very nearly forgotten that Zeref sat next to her, so she was quite startled her she felt him tap her shoulder. She looked up, and focused on his face. "Yes?" She asked.
He scratched the back of his head, and looked at her sheepishly. He looks so cute, her traitorous mind said, and she mentally slapped herself. "I forgot to bring a pencil; can I borrow one? I promise I'll return it at the end of class," he asked.
Mavis's heart skipped a beat at the adorable expression that was on his face; she smiled unconsciously, and nodded. "Sure," she replied, and fished a pencil out of her bag and handed it to him.
"Thanks," he said gratefully. He smiled at her, and Mavis cursed the heat that crept up her neck and bloomed across her pale cheeks.
"You're welcome," she mumbled, turning back and using her long golden locks to hide her face from him. She quickly tried to immerse herself in her work, but his face swam to the front of her thoughts. Mavis shoved them back, forcing them into a dark little corner. This is ridiculous! She chastised herself mentally. You are vice-president of the student council; no way are you about to get a little crush on the school's biggest bad-boy! Her eyebrows pulled together as she nodded slightly to reassure herself. She resumed working, this time more efficiently.
When the bell rang, Mavis began packing up her work, and was just about to leave when a warm hand landed on her shoulder. She turned to see Zeref holding the pencil she lent him out to her, smiling slightly. "Don't forget about this," he said. Mavis nodded, and took it. She turned away before his face could worm its way through the barriers she made earlier.
Mavis walked to her next class, refusing to let Zeref occupy her thoughts.