My loverly Awatere11 has allowed me to borrow her idea from Sorry: Where The Doctor and Rose go to different dimensions and save Jack and Ianto's relationship. If you haven't, go read it tis quite good. I took the idea and ran so, here we go!



One Month Ago:

Perfect Servant Inc…

"I'm not sure I'm ok with this!" A blonde woman hissed, as they stepped from the TARDIS into the factory. The Company claimed to 'make' and train the best Altereds in the galaxy.

"This is a different world. I'm sure there are problems, but Android Servants isn't thought to be one of them." The Doctor replied. "I know this seems weird or bad, but look Ianto is about to be destroyed and I know Jack is Jack in any world. He will protect his love." He added.

"Ok, you're right, what do we do?"


Present Day:

Major's Tent…

"Arms up." Jack instructed softly. Ianto lifted them without question. Silk ropes, leading from the bed posts, tied into leather cuffs. The Major fixed those cuffs around the Altered's wrists. "Not too tight? Are they giving you any discomfort Ianto?" He amended, sliding his hand down an outstretched arm.

"No Master." Ianto answered honestly.

"You're not just telling me what I want to hear, are you Ianto?" The Major asked skeptically. Trailing fingers along his Altered's chest, tweaking a nipple. Making the Servant moan softly.

"I must tell the truth Master. I cannot lie if you ask me a direct question." Ianto replied, adding the last part before the Major could say anything. Thankfully Harkness smiled in understanding. Playing with his Servant's nipples till they hardened and the Altered squirmed.

"Can you sit up? I want to see you better."

"Of course, Master."

The Major sighed, the 'battles' would have to wait. He'd hear Ianto call him Jack, if he was patient, not if he rushed things. So, he moved down the bed. "Knees bent." Again, he wasn't questioned, nor did the Altered hesitate. Harkness nearly forgot his plan. He crawled onto the bed, reached out to cup Ianto's cheek. "You will do this for me." Jack murmured, kissing the Altered softly.

"Anything." Ianto breathed, with total adoration shining in his eyes. Harkness leaned in again. Kissing him till they were both breathless and panting.

"Enjoy it." The Major instructed. Before sliding lower and swallowing the Altered's cock. Always ready for sex. Ianto always remained at least semi 'interested'. He looked up, the Altered looked debauched, but desperate and conflicted. Jack felt horrible. He'd given no further instructions. How could he expect Ianto to please him without telling him specifics? Harkness, kept forgetting the Altered, was neither complete human or complete Pleasure Servant. He pulled back, letting Ianto go with a soft pop.

Trying to avoid another break down. He surged up, growling in the Altered's ear. "I want you to react, be unrestrained, let me hear your pleasure. I have special tech; this tent is sound proof. No one, but me will know. You're safe with me." Jack assured, actually licking at the silent tears Ianto couldn't stop. He started trailing open mouthed kisses down the Altered's neck to his chest. The Major didn't stop till again, Ianto was moaning and squirming. He leaned down taking the Altered's cock back into his mouth.


"How many tails do you have Ianto?" The Major inquired, sliding from the bed. Watching the Altered fall apart, had been just as delicious, as swallowing his cum. Someone had pulled out all the stops with this one. Lightly flavored cum, that was…different. It was like the original purchaser had told Ianto's creator to just 'go wild'. Even more disturbing was the idea they somehow knew this Altered would end up in Jack's bed.

"Three Sir." The Altered answered easily. All of them, slid out to 'wave' at Harkness.


One Month ago:

Perfect Servants Inc…

"Oi you! You there, no one's allowed…" Owen shouted, trailing off as the Doctor flashed the psychic paper. "Oh, well Minister. My apologies. Not often we have the head of P. S. Inc. here. Especially in the reject section." Harper simpered. Twisting his gloved hands nervously.

"All fine, all fine. You weren't to know. Unannounced, catch you off your guard. Eh? May I introduce my P. A. miss Tyler?" The Doctor replied, turning to Rose.

"Rose." She smiled, holding out a hand as Owen kindly ungloved one of his to shake it.

"We'd like to know what's wrong with this model here?"

"Oh, that's Ifan Cc: 293. He was, erm, returned. I guess you'd say." Owen explained with discomfort.

"What! Why?!" Rose blurted and both men looked at her in surprise. "I just mean, he looks perfectly fine to me." She muttered, blushing.

"Malfunction, was the complaint listed. Also, he was a gift and they um "thought he was ugly". Alien race or some such. No accounting for taste apparently." Harper continued.

"So, fix him." Miss Tyler stated, thinking the answer was obvious.

"I would, honestly I would, but his alterations are worth more as scrap than he is."

"Is he unique?" The Doctor asked suddenly.

"Ifan? Yes, the model, everything down to his cock." Rose giggled and the Doctor rolled his eyes. Things he went through for Jack. "He was a prototype, essentially all Altered's are. Way too expensive to mass produce."

"Yes of course, silly of me to ask." The Doctor replied. "Well lets have the rest of the tour, oh and have your techs bring lovely Ifan back to the lab."


"I just found the perfect gift for a friend of ours." He winked at his P. A. as she smiled. "We're quite fond of this friend you see. And Ifan is such a rare thing."

"Of, of course. Anything for the Minister!" Owen smiled nervously. Wouldn't do to lose his job over an Altered headed for the scrap bin.

"There's a good lad." The Doctor grinned.


He pulled out his sonic, waving it over Ianto's still form. Rose checked over the Altered's information sheet. "Good lord is there Anything they didn't alter?!" She huffed.

"He was meant for a respectable upscale brothel. They pay top dollar to get what no one else has. Their tagline is: Servants and Altereds that cater to every need. So, they order ones created with every possible Alteration." Owen explained with a shrug.

"But you said he was originally a gift."

"Well yes, for the night. The client's son was apparently so displeased, the client used his influence to force them, well, to return him."

Rose bit her tongue.

"Does this happen often?" The Doctor asked slowly, willing the blonde to calm down.

"Honestly? Never. It was such a shock, when they turned up on our doorstep with him in tow. I really hope your friend will be pleased."

"Oh, I'm sure he will be." Rose smiled.

"Well here's your problem!" The Doctor explained. "Looks like someone took him apart only to short cut the system when they put him back together."

"Ugh Morons, no wonder. Stupid kid no doubt. I see what you mean. Give me an hour. I can fix him right up for you!"


Present Day:

The Major's Tent…

"I think you were meant for a Brothel Ianto." Jack mused as he directed the tails. Two to stroke the Altered's cock, the other wrapping around his fingers. Adding to the sensations when Harkness pushed them in and out of Ianto's arse. "Never realized I don't get lube, do you?"

"N-n-no sir." The Altered gasped between moans. His body arching as waves of pleasure crashed over him. "Please sir, please use me."

"Hmm, you've cum for me twice already. I think you've earned it!" Jack replied, the pure joy on Ianto's face actually making him smile. An Altered lived to serve and please their master. Grinning as he replaced the fingers with all of the tails, letting them get nice and slick from Ianto's self-lubricating hole. Gently he pulled them free. "I want these in me, while I'm in you." Harkness instructed, using what was left on his fingers to lube up his erection. The tails breaching him one by one as he pounded into the Altered. Pushing his legs further apart as he lost himself to the pleasure; coursing through his blood.

"Oh sir! Oh, Master yes! You feel so good!" Ianto cried, hoping he was saying the right thing. He was still new to Jack's lessons.

Such a kind Master, patient, forgiving.

The Major leaned in to kiss him. "Gods you're so tight, so hot and slick." Harkness gasped. "Cum for me, make me cum." Just like that, Ianto lost it with a warbling, inarticulate cry. "Gods yes!" Jack yelped as the Altered's muscles clamped tight and he pumped Ianto full of his essence. Spattered with cum, he collapsed onto the Altered's chest.

"Was I better? Was I good enough?" Ianto whimpered, too dazed to have an inner monologue.

"Oh sweetling. You are so much more than enough." Jack mumbled. Not realizing the Altered hadn't meant to speak it aloud.
