John seeman the undefeated

Legend tells of an infamous man of olden times (1990's) he was a man of sheer will and power making everyone who stood before him quiver and shake.
Such as in the summer of 1998 when he dazzled the crowd with a quick movement of his arms and hands he ripped off his pants and revealed nothing under them. This was like many fights before where he stripped before the contender and the crowd and he would flume a great fountain of semen into his opponent. But this time was different john seeman did a direct hit onto his opponent this already assured victory but then he felt as if he had to go again "IMPOSSIBLE!" he had screamed out loud his seman power was overloading he could not hold it in and then... He let it out with a painful wail "AAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOO".Before he knew it John seeman had woke in a hospital only to find that he was cuffed to the bed and news of what had happned on the TV Jhon seeman had killed a man. The news reporter told of the horror as the contender Gotsum Wood drowned to death in Seemans semen as well as the whole crowd... Roughly 50,00 people drowned by Seemans semen

After years in the ring it had finally been over for John seeman he was sent to prison for numerous charges the plaintiffs all family's of the deceased were quite upset,
to have their brother/sister, father/mother, son/daughter, husband/wife to go in such an unusual and cruel was sentenced to many life sentences for all who had died...
John had not been greeted kindly by the other prisoners "Fucking freak" they would say as he passed by. But Seemen was undeterred by all this raving they where doing about how horrible he was because he knew he could never loose. He had arrived to his cell only to be greeted by a group of 3 one had a shank "You motherfucking gays are ruining this country of ours I better take away that stupid look off your face". With one graceful movement Seeman ripped the fabric of his pants and then threw them to the floor and felt as if he already had nothing to lose so he let a a burst powerful enough to knock all 3 men down unable to control his powers any longer he had forced them to the back of the cell so hard they broke many bones. People in the prison knew not to fuck with him and he had told everyone in the court yard "You all are my bitch. Bitches."

Seeman had became situated for quite some time almost 70 years and orginized a gang in the prison called the "The White sailors" in the prison and he had started to get bored nobody wanted to fight him and everyone was afraid of him.
He had not aged for the time he had stayed he knew of his power wich he felt in his heart had only shifted to become stronger he had kept his sleek muscle toned body through the years in order to be challenged by someone but he knew he had to find the challenge himself. So he decided to escape but he had not used his seman powers in forever but gave it a chance. Seeman charged up his semen energy and tore of his pants a aura of energy around him he let out a mighty burst "SEEEEEMAN CHARGE CANNON!" he ripped half of the prison away with his mighty plume even shooting through the clouds into the outer reaches of the atmosphere.

Thus ends this part of John seeman the undefeated...
What dangers will he face in the unfimilarity of the world that had gone on without him for 70 years?