Standard disclaimer applies, I own nothing and just needed to get some stuff out of my head. So yeah if get some stuff wrong, I'm sorry.

Takes place after season six and blatantly ignores the whole flash foward. While I am working through an update of the chapter to fill in holes and locate the wrong "there"s my basic grammar skills still stink. For everyone who's about to read this prologue, please remember this is just a jumping off bit of story that will make sense later...


The crew continued to scramble around them as Milah called out orders and assisted Killian to their quarters.

"Apparently a man loses all reason when left by you," Killian joked. She huffed out an anxious breath and continued sorting out his wounds. "I wouldn't worry love. We just have to outsmart the coward and sail off into the sunset."

"He may be a coward but he hasn't ever been an idiot." Milah's lips tightened into a thin line as she pressed a clean cold cloth to his wound. "Rumple may want the bean but I'm afraid he'll want revenge as well."

She whirled around the cabin, wringing the cloth, pushing books and plates out of her way. Ignoring his injuries, Killian followed behind to wrap her in his arms. He rocked them side to side as she pushed at his arms and slapped at his hands but he refused to release her.

"As fast as the Jolly Roger is, we cannot outrun the Dark One," she said through clenched teeth. "There is no way we can escape."

"The Dark One likes his deals love." He whispered the words into her hair. "He gets the bean, we get away."

Milah tugged herself free, looking down at the floor. "There is one place."


She lifted her gaze to her Captain as he shrugged out of his heavy top coat and unbuttoned his vest. Her knuckles were white as she wrung out the cloth carrying his blood. She dipped it into the cold water again and walked back over to him to press it on his wound.

"The Dark One is immortal." Milah let her body rest against his. "No ordinary weapon will kill him and our lives will run out running from his wrath." Her arms wrapped around his neck, she lifted her eyes to look into his. "If he doesn't kill us tomorrow."

"That place." Killian's eyes closed as his face went white.

"He'd not think we would use the bean ourselves, that we'd waste the only bargaining chip. And there, there we will have all the time we need." Milah took his face between her hands. "We need to go and go now."

Killian opened his eyes and looked into hers, staring, searching. He grabbed his coat from the floor and swirled it on, holding his hand out for the bean. Milah placed it in his hand, kissed him then followed him out on deck.

"Prepare to sail!" He shouted and in the blink of an eye the Jolly Roger was out at sea. "Ready yourself lads, for this will be an adventure you will never forget."

Killian Jones threw the magic bean into the open ocean before him and spun the wheel.

"To Neverland!"