Note: This One-Shot takes place in Hyperdimension Neptunia: The Animation universe, after the OVA episode. Despite that, this one-shot makes obvious references and call-backs to Episode 6 of the anime: The Secret (Your-Eyes-Only) of Lastation. I do not own Neptunia or Mega Man; Neptunia belongs to Compile Heart & Idea Factory and Mega Man belongs to Capcom.
Rokku, Mega Man and Shade were nearby Uni and Nepgear as they talked to each other. The trio were just there, in Lastation, listening to their conversation. While that was going on, Rokku was pondering deeply about something; Something that was bothering him for some time now.
Shade takes notice of this and taps his shoulder. The sudden physical touch of the kunoichi made Rokku jump a bit in surprise, looking at his friend.
Shade looked at him.
"You're thinking about the Lastation Goddess too, aren't you?" Shade asked.
"Yep." Rokku simply said, not surprised in the slightest that his kunoichi friend knew what he was thinking. It was obvious after all, for Shade was thinking the exact same thing.
"What could she really be doing behind closed doors?" Rokku asked.
As of late, Noire has been...locking herself in her office every night starting the first day of the week.
23 Hours Ago...
Inside the Lastation Basilicom, Rokku and Shade were walking in the hallways. They just happened to be in the most common place in the building where there's a balcony on their right. From where they stood, they could get a nice clear view of the night sky.
Speaking of the balcony, the Lastation Goddess, Noire, was walking from there and heading straight to her office.
"Hey! Lady Noire!" Rokku called out cheerfully, catching her before she grabbed the knob.
The Lastation Goddess glanced back and saw the young boy approach her. She let out a small sigh and grasped the door knob.
"O-Oh, hi Rokku." Noire greeted with a small, genuine smile. "Is there something you need from me right now?"
Slowly, but steadily, Noire twisted the knob. All she had to do was pull it open and enter...
"Yeah, you've been awfully "rogue" as of late." Rokku said suspiciously, making the woman raise a brow, trying her hardest to remain her composure...
...To no avail unfortunately.
"Rogue!?" Noire cried, both embarrassed and insulted. "What would give you that idea?!"
The Lastation Goddess slowly pulled on the knob, opening the door slightly.
"You have been dodging us a lot!" Rokku explained. "During the day and ESPECIALLY around this time of the night! What's the deal?"
Noire needed to swat him away from her. She knew that despite Rokku's young age and personality, he can be very suspicious and tenacious. As expected of someone capable of saving the world (of course, not without the help of his best buddy, Mega Man).
"Look, I've been really busy lately." Noire sighed again. "In case you forgot "hero", I have an entire nation to keep together, and it's not going to do it all by itself. Lastation needs it's Goddess."
Noire placed her fingers on her chest with a prideful smile. "Me~"
The ravenette slowly took small steps around the door, leaving her head peeking out. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to work, okay?"
Rokku folded his arms, with an almost unconvinced look. "Uh-huh... Work... If that's all you're doing, then why do I sometimes hear laughter when you're in your office, Lady Noire? The type of work you're talking about doesn't sound all that fun (at least, I don't think it's fun. Paperwork is BOOOOORING! I'd rather punch a bad guy in the face!)"
Noire then blushed and waved her hand wildly. "N-N-No reason! Now leave me alone will you!?"
Immediately, the Lastation Goddess slammed (and locked) her door shut. Shade walked beside her friend/partner, also folding her arms.
"Hmmmm..." She hummed suspiciously. "The Lastation Goddess is harboring a secret..."
"I don't know Rokku," Shade glanced to her side, noticing Noire heading straight to her office once again. Oddly enough, this was the exact same time as yesterday. The kunoichi then turned to the CPU Candidate of Lastation, Uni. "But we're going to find out."
"Excuse me, Uni?" Shade called out, catching her attention.
"Yeah, what is it Shade?" Uni asked.
"As of late, your sister has been barricading herself in her office each night. Any idea as to why?" Shade asked.
"U-U-Um..." Uni murmured. This CPU Candidate knew all too well as to why her big sister was locking herself in her office lately.
"Uni, do you know or not?" Shade asked again. She was sounding patient at least. "A simple yes or no would suffice."
"Yeah!" Rokku chimed in with a yukkuri face (mimicking the face he seen Neptune do once). "Does she got some REALLY embarrassing secret or something? Do you know!? Come onnnnn!"
Uni leaned against the railings, looking away. "I do... But... I don't know if I should tell you..."
Shade turned to Rokku then back to Uni. "Oh, is it something private? I'm sorry, I'll respect it."
"N-No! I-I'll tell you." Uni cried, waving her hands frantically.
Rokku and Mega perked up, hungry for this juicy information. Nepgear placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.
"Are you sure?" Nepgear asked Uni. "I mean, this is something personal to Noire."
Uni nodded. "Yeah. Besides, we all know it aside from these guys. I think it's fair they know too."
The CPU Candidate of Lastation looked at everyone, taking in a deep breath. "Noire... Did something like this before. Last time, a creep named Anonydeath was spying on her with hidden cameras, so we all figured out what Noire was doing in the end..."
Shade rested her left elbow on her right hand, while she placed her left hand on her cheek. She wanted to ensure she heard this word for word.
"It turns out..." Uni gulped. "It turns out... That Noire... Likes to cosplay..."
Shade immediately dropped her arms with a dumbfounded look. Mega's eyes widened a little. Rokku, on the other hand, was utterly confused.
"Umm, what's cosplay again?" Rokku asked.
Mega turned to his buddy. "Cosplay is where people wear costumes and other accessories to represent a specific character, mostly in media like comics and TV shows."
Rokku's face lit up happily. "Oh yeah! I used to cosplay!"
It was then Nepgear and Uni's turn to be dumbfounded.
"Y-You did?!" Uni exclaimed.
"Yeah~!" Rokku said, holding up his index finger as he recounted those days. "When I was 5 years old, I used to cosplay as this one guy from this really, REALLY old video game called "Captain Commander"!"
"Captain Commander?" Nepgear repeated, giggling a bit. "That name sounds a bit tedious, don't you think Rokku?"
"Besides, I think it's Captain Commando-" Mega was then interrupted by his partner.
"NOPE! It was definitely Captain Commander!" Rokku said with such assurance.
Mega just sighed, shaking his head with a smile. He was 100% sure it was "Captain Commando". Even so, Nepgear was right. Captain Commander AND Captain Commando were tedious regardless because Commander and Commando meant the same thing as Captain. Mega had a strong feeling that the Captain Commando name meant something deeper, like it represented something as a whole...
"I stopped playing Captain Commander because my Mom accidentally sold the game to someone else who's LONG gone, but then I started cosplaying as someone else when I was 11!" Rokku continued. "I don't remember his first name, but his last name was "Saotome". I thought he was the coolest!"
Uni then folded her arms with a look of uncertainty and disbelief. "No one... Thought you were creepy or anything? When you dressed up as someone else?"
"No way! People liked it!" Rokku said happily. "One of my best buddies back in Luna City especially liked the Saotome outfit! He thought the whole appearance looked really cool!"
Uni and Nepgear looked at each other and shrugged with a smile.
"That's good to hear." Nepgear said. "Maybe one day you can show me that outfit."
"Yeah, he was pretty great. I think Saotome rides giant mechas or something like that!" Rokku said, trying to remember.
Nepgear's eyes then widened. "R-Really?!"
"I think so. I know I sure rode these Ride Armor mechas during my adventures against the big bad guy. Ya know, as Mega Man Neo~!" Rokku said with pride, making Shade roll her eyes from his cockiness. "In my world, those Ride Armors are ancient! It's the 26th Century on my world, and those Ride Armors existed around the 22nd Century! Using those things made me feel so powerful!"
"Ride Armors..." Nepgear imagined herself riding one. Aside from the whole war machine concept of it, she could at least use it and experience some of the technology of Rokku, Mega and Shade's world. After all, she couldn't get a lot of data from Rokku's Combi-Carrier due to how advanced and sophisticated the technology was.
Nepgear was always fascinated with their world ever since she met Mega Man, an highly advanced robot with the ability to think, feel and act like a human being; And there's many more androids, specifically called reploids, back on their world, roaming the world and doing every day human things or other amazing feats!
"Okay, okay..." Shade said, interrupting the conversation and back to the original topic. "Noire likes to cosplay. Thank you for telling us Uni."
"No problem..." Uni said, blushing immediately when she just thought about what she had done. "J-Just don't tell Noire I told you!"
"Can do!" Mega said.
Later on, Rokku, Mega and Shade departed from Uni and Nepgear, mostly to ponder on this topic a bit more. They begin to walk out in the open, away from the basilicom; presumably so Noire or anyone else could hear them.
Shade placed her index finger on her chin, resting her elbow on her hand again. "Then, is Noire locking herself in her office because she's under the impression that she'll be made fun of?"
"Aha! That must be it!" Rokku said, slamming his fist into the palm of his hand. "Noire must be shy!"
Mega chuckled. "Must be? No, I think she's easily embarrassed. I heard Neptune call her "tsundere-heart" sometimes, mostly behind her back."
"So, she's shy and afraid what others will think of her, huh?" Shade theorized.
"It's gotta be it!" Rokku said with a grin. "If she's going to feel comfortable cosplaying in front of her friends, then we gotta show her it's A-OK to be yourself!"
"Rokku, that's admirable and sweet and all, but you have to remember Noire is a Goddess, and she rules an entire nation. Her public image matters very much to her." Shade said to him.
"Oh please!" Rokku said with a chuckle. "It wouldn't hurt to show herself to her own friends, would it? It wouldn't have to be the entire nation, just Neptune, Vert, Blanc, and the others! No one else!"
Shade sighed, and placed a hand on her hip. "Well, I suppose it could help her be more open..."
"But what do you plan to do to solve her "problem"?"
"Simple!" Rokku grinned, pointing at Shade with his happy-go-lucky, cocky grin. "We show Noire that cosplaying in front of her friends ain't so bad~!"
The Next Day...
Rokku tasked Mega with keeping Noire and the others distracted, which the original Blue Bomber agreed to do. While he was busy with that job, Rokku and Shade went out into the city of Lastation. Something about the location reminded Shade of Mizuchi in a way, while it reminded Rokku of Tokyo through pictures he saw.
"Rokku, you never did tell me the plan." Shade said, almost emotionless in her tone.
"Yeah I did." Rokku retorted. "I said we show you-know-who that cosplaying in front of her friends-"
"Yes, yes, I got that." Shade said with a single sweat drop sliding down her cheek. "I mean, what are we going to do; In terms of actual action?"
The duo entered inside a shop once the sliding doors opened. The moment they entered the shop, they knew that,
1) It was large.
And 2) A clothes shop.
"If we want No-I mean, you-know-who, to know that cosplaying in front of her friends is okay," Rokku talked as he walked with Shade. "Then we have show her! And what better way to do it by cosplaying ourselves~!"
Shade immediately stopped dead in her tracks and blushed fiercely. "Did I hear you right? WE are going to cosplay...?!"
"Of course! What's the matter with that?" Rokku asked, not understanding her reaction.
"It's just... N-Nevermind, I'm okay with the idea. I was merely caught off guard was all." Shade assured him, folding her arms. The blush on her face lingered though... "This is for her sake, so let's do it."
And so, the two went searching for clothes. Shade, although being a little okay with the idea of cosplaying, couldn't help but find this a bit embarrassing; Primarily because Rokku was going to choose her outfit instead of her choosing one herself. She's been around this boy for months and although she respects him for being a very honest, strong, and optimistic individual, he was still a kid. She had strong thoughts that he was going to choose an outfit that would be embarrassing in her perception.
Shade watched as Rokku was looking at a variety of hats. She was awfully curious as to who he was going to cosplay as, but he seemed surprisingly tight lipped about it. So far, Rokku has grabbed the shoes, pants, shirt and jacket necessary for the outfit. A lot of the clothing, save for the shirt, was black. Shade found this a bit odd, considering she saw Rokku will mostly light colors in his usual outfit. Sure, he wore a black shirt, black fingerless gloves and his pants were a dark blue, but given his personality (and his color scheme as Mega Man Neo) and such, she would think he would dress more vibrant or in lighter colors or maybe a mixture of both light and dark colors. But this outfit he's assembling together is, aside from the shirt, completely black.
"Hmm..." Rokku hums as he grabs a black hat. "This is close enough! I can modify it a bit to make it perfect for the outfit!"
"Modify?" Shade queried. "Are you implying that you are going to craft an cosplay outfit using pre-existing clothing items?"
"For the most part, yeah." Rokku said, placing at his head while shouting 'Perfect fit!'. "Mom made the clothes I'm wearing now. She made a lot of clothes for me. It's only natural that since I'm out and about that I learn from her how to make clothes for myself or others!"
"I see." Shade said with a smile, interested in actually seeing this skill of his in action. "You've caught my attention with this revelation, Rokku."
"But, I do have to ask, wouldn't it be much easier to order an outfit from online or something?" Shade asked. "It would save you the trouble of crafting."
"We're on a totally different world and universe Shade." Rokku explained. "They aren't gonna have the outfits we need! Besides, it gives me a great opportunity to try out my clothes-making-skills that Mom taught me!"
Shade nods in agreement and also at the whole different world and universe thing. "You're right. I should've known better."
Rokku and Shade left the hats area after the boy choose his preferred hat. Along the way, Rokku grabbed a few extra items, including a belt and a gold chain. Judging from the outfit and color scheme alone, Shade had theorized that Rokku was dressing up as some teenage delinquent. She honestly couldn't see Rokku as such a mischief maker. He had once said he dressed up as "Captain Commander" (though Shade knew Mega was right that it was truly commando than commander) and someone with the last name "Saotome" who was affiliated with giant mechas. She could imagine Rokku dressing up as those type of characters, but as a delinquent? No, if there was anyone she could imagine in that outfit, it was Nero; AKA Bass Kai.
"So, Rokku," Shade said, breaking the silence. It wasn't awkward or anything, but the kunoichi needed to know something. "You aren't going to tell me who you're cosplaying as. I'll refrain from asking anymore. But can you at least tell me who I'm cosplaying as?"
"I should've figured as much..." Shade sighed, scratching her cheek. Her eyes widened when Rokku suddenly held a black bow in front of her. It looked like a headband and upon further inspection, it was ribbon tied into a large black bow.
"But, I can tell you this; Your outfit will involve you wearing this on your head!" Rokku said gleefully.
"W-What...?" Shade stuttered, blushing a bit from how admittedly cute it looked. "You want me to put this on my head?"
Rokku nodded silently but with his usual big smile.
"You're kidding..." Shade said, crossing her arms and turning her head. "I can't do it. Even if it's a cute bow like that, I can't imagine myself wearing such a thing on my head... It's not in my nature to dress up cute or elegant..."
Shade was expecting to hear pouting from her 13 year old friend. But instead, upon taking a quick glance at him, she saw a expressionless look plastered on his face as he held out something else in his other hand. Shade's eyes widened when she saw what was in that hand.
"It's either the bow or these kitty ears. Your choice Shade." Rokku stated seriously and blankly.
Shade immediately grabbed her scarf and pulled it over her mouth.
"I-I'll take the bow, thank you..." Shade said, flustered.
"I would rather take this bow than the kitty ears headband...!" Shade thought fiercely. "If anything's more embarrassing, it's the kitty ears... What the hell is Rokku trying to make me wear anyway...!?"
Over the course of time, Rokku had assembled the clothing necessary to make Shade's outfit. Of course, he had to have Shade try on a few clothing to ensure it fit her. Fortunately, all was going accordingly. Shade examined the clothing choices that Rokku had picked out for her as they headed to the checkout. She had a long white coat (with twin tails), a black crop top, a white belt, black tight stretching pants, thigh-high black heeled boots and of course the ribbon tied into a large bow.
She had to admit, this outfit isn't embarrassing in the slightest. In fact, it looks kind of normal. Even though Rokku said he was going to make some adjustments to this outfit like he is going to do with his own outfit, she still feels happy to wear it. The one thing she's upset about is that this will be a cosplay outfit, meaning she couldn't make it her own. She thought she looked rather good in it and perhaps she'll better with the modifications.
Using money borrowed from Uni, Rokku was able to pay for the outfits for him and Shade respectively. Once that was all done and over with, the duo departed with their bags.
"Alright Rokku, so what's the next part of your "plan"?" Shade asked with a smile. She was quite excited to get her cosplay outfit ready and finally be able to wear it.
"Well, we need to work somewhere where there's no Goddesses or CPU Candidates." Rokku stated seriously. "This is exactly why I had Mega distract them in case any one of them ask for our whereabouts. This is intended to be a surprise, you know?"
"I understand." Shade nods. "Where will we be working then?"
"We might have to go off nation for this..." Rokku admits.
"And... What do you mean by "off nation"?" Shade asks.
"Somewhere that's not Lastation, Lowee, Planeptune, or Leanbox..." Rokku says.
"...And where is this?" Shade asked, getting a bit agitated from him being discreet by not directly telling her the location.
"Well, you know how months ago, before we got transported to this world and universe, how apparently Neptune accidentally linked two similar worlds together where there's an alternate Noire, alternate Blanc, alternate Vert and all that?" Rokku asked.
"...Yes..." Shade said suspiciously.
"I think you know where I'm going with this." Rokku said with an equally serious face.
"...Are you telling me we are going to the Ultra Dimension?" Shade asked.
"Yuh-huh." Rokku said, marching forward.
Shade just stared at his backside, baffled that he came up with such a crazy (and weirdly time consuming) plan.
"Just to make Noire more comfortable with cosplaying in front of her friends, we are going to travel from the Hyper Dimension to the Ultra Dimension...?" Shade thought. She then chuckled a little to herself. "Only Rokku would come up with such a bizarre plan. Well, maybe Neptune might. But that's a big maybe. I think even she wouldn't think to travel to a completely separate world just to be very secretive on such a short project. We're fortunate that thanks to the Planeptune Goddess, of the Hyper Dimension anyway, that both dimensions are permanently linked allowing easy access between dimensions. We'll just have to inform Mega about the plan and then go to the Ultra Dimension without any being detected. That should be easy..."
"Mega, have you seen Rokku or Shade around lately?"
Mega froze immediately upon hearing the soft yet sweet sound of the Lowee Goddess' voice... Though he was very curious as to why she of all people would want to know where they went.
"U-Um... No, I actually haven't." Mega lied yet truthfully. He knows where they went, but he hasn't seen them lately. He wasn't a big fan of lying unless it was for innocent reasons like this. "Why? Did you need them for something?"
"Actually, I wanted to ask Rokku to tell Rom and Ram another story about his home town." Blanc explained. "It just so happens that I also haven't seen his friend, Shade, in awhile also."
"Sorry, I-I don't know where they went Blanc. I'll tell you if I get a message from Rokku or Shade, okay?" Mega said with a smile.
Blanc nodded and left. After she left, Mega sighed heavily and clutched his brown hair. "Rokku... Blanc is the 5th person to ask me about you and Shade...! Hurry it up! I think the Goddesses are starting to get suspicious...!"
While Mega was stuck in thought, Blanc walked around the corner to meet up with Noire, Neptune and Vert. She shook her head and spoke in her usual tone of voice, but with a serious expression.
"Mega still doesn't know where they went." Blanc reported.
"They've been gone all day." Noire stated, folding her arms across her chest. "I'm starting to get suspicious. Mega Man is Rokku's closest friend. If he wouldn't tell us where he and Shade went, then he would definitely have to had told the reploid."
Vert nodded. "Agreed. I have a feeling Mega knows something we don't."
"If he's refusing to tell us their whereabouts, then the two must be doing something secretive." Blanc deduced.
"Yeah! Rokku's got to be doing something he doesn't want us to know about!" Neptune said. "I bet it's something juicy!"
"Even so. We'll wait a little bit longer before we interrogate Mega Man." Noire concluded. "They might be coming back sooner than we think and it would be wrong of us to just demand answers to a guest like Mega."
"Sounds alright by me." Blanc agreed.
"Very well." Vert added.
With that, the Goddesses depart altogether. Mega, who just happened to be walking by, noticed the group together. He could've swore he caught a quick suspicious glance from all of them. He just casually walked away, making sure the Goddesses did not catch him sweating nervously.
"Rokku...!" Mega whined internally.
For two days, Rokku's been working on the outfits for both him and Shade. After working so hard, he has officially completed the cosplay outfits.
Shade tried on her outfit and noticed the minor but detailed modifications. Her long white jacket had dark gray lining. The crop black shirt was now sleeveless and had rectangular and diamond shaped cutouts around the neckline. She even had a small little pouch attacked to the white belt on her left side. The biggest details and modification was her thigh-high black heeled boots. The boots now had gold-colored edging around the top and her left boot had a black belt wrapped twice around the thigh.
Shade grabbed both the bow and the black kitty ears Rokku brought him for whatever reason. She feels honored to be in the outfit she's in, now knowing who she's cosplaying as. In a way, the character was similar to Shade, both in appearance and personality. However, Shade was human while the character was... Well, she had legit kitty ears and used her bow to hide it; Which explained why Rokku said it was either the bow or kitty ears. To honor the character she was cosplaying, she decided it'd be appropriate to put the kitty ears on her head first, then the bow to hide them; Just like the character does.
Admittedly, the kitty ears still do embarrass Shade, but she personally feels she'll embrace it soon.
"Alright, Rokku, are you ready?" Shade called out to him.
"Yup~!" Rokku replied, taking a step out with his outfit on. "Let's go...!"
As they walked out of their special room in the Ultra Dimension, Shade couldn't help but find Rokku... Intimidating yet...attractive. Not that she feels attracted to him or anything, but there's this sense of toughness with that outfit on. She liked it.
"It's Day 3... Rokku and Shade still aren't back yet, and I cannot keep evading the Goddesses forever...!" Mega thought. "The other day I saw them together in a group. I had a strong feeling they were going to come looking for me sooner or later! I can't go on like this!"
"Hey Mega!"
Mega Man screamed loudly. He panted wildly as he pressed down on his robotic ear to contact his friend.
"Rokku...! F-Finally!" Mega sighed in relief, still shook by the sudden communication link.
"Me. Shade. On our way! Sending coordinates via Combi-Carrier." Rokku said, tapping on his screen. "There. You gotta meet us there!"
"Got 'em." Mega said. His eyes glowed bright blue, seeing the coordinates through his reploid eyes. "On my way."
Suddenly, Mega shrieks again upon hearing the Planeptune Goddesses' voice.
"THERE HE IS! GET HIM!" Neptune shouted.
Mega started to run away upon realizing Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc were chasing him.
"They found me...! My scream must've alerted them! I gotta get away! Quickly!" Mega cried.
SOMEHOW, Mega Man managed to get away from the Goddesses. They looked everywhere, but couldn't find him. They then decided to recruit back in Lastation, along with the CPU Candidates.
"That little liar...!" Noire muttered. "What's so important that they are keeping it from us?!"
"I don't know, but it's making me go crazy not knowing!" Neptune cried, gripping her head.
While the Goddeses talked amongst each other, Rom and Ram stared, trying to understand what their older sibling, Blanc, was so "upset" about (it was almost impossible to tell with that expression). Uni leaned in to whisper to Nepgear.
"Do you think Rokku and Shade left because I told them about Noire's secret?" Uni asked.
"I wouldn't think that..." Nepgear replied with a smile, but then thought about it. "Then again, it is a bit weird that they left after you told them... Where could they have gone?"
The Lastation CPU Candidate shrieked and stood straight in front of her sister. 'Y-Yes Noire?!"
"I haven't asked you yet... Do you know where Rokku and Shade went?" Noire asked, staring into her sisters' eyes in intimidation.
"N-No... I don't." Uni answered.
"You aren't lying to me are you?" Noire asked, getting closer to her.
"O-Of course not Noire!" Uni replied truthfully. "I really don't know!"
"Earlier today, we asked Mega Man if he knew and he didn't either." Nepgear defended.
"That reploid knows their whereabouts!" Noire growled.
"This is messed up! They probably went out on some new amusement park or something!" Neptune guessed. "And they went without me-I-I-I mean, US!
"Unlikely sis..." Nepgear sweatdropped with a chuckle.
"Hey! Maybe they went on a date!" Ram contributed.
Suddenly, Noire's face softened. "A-A date...?"
In fact, the other Goddesses were thinking about it too.
"Come to think of it, those two are awfully close to each other..." Vert thought.
"I think they don't want us to find out about it!" Neptune said with a smug grin. "This is some juicy info alright~!"
"Shade did say she keeps him safe..." Noire thought.
"A 3 Day date?" Blanc spoke flatly. "I highly doubt it. Besides, there's no signs of romantic attraction between the two. This is Rokku we're talking about; A 13 year old who doesn't know anything about romance. If anything, he sees Shade as a mentor or a best friend, much like he does with Mega Man."
"Yeah, that did sound a little ridiculous, haha..." Noire laughed awkwardly. Admittedly, she actually thought this was a possible reason they were gone.
"Good grief..."
The girls stopped talking when they heard the elevator rise up. Their eyes widened when they saw two familiar figures standing inside it. Once the elevator doors opened, the boy opened his eyes, though his hat hid his other. He had both his hands in his pockets.
The boy wore this strange hat. It was torn on the back yet it stuck on his head as if it would never fall off. He seemed like he was in a Japanese school outfit, except his jacket was open and there was this gold chain attached to the left collar, which was tall and stiff. The chain also appeared a bit broken on the bottom. He also wore very faint dark green shirt. Funny enough, he still had his regular fingerless gloves on.
This boy was Rokku Akihiro.
Beside him was Shade, wearing her outfit, but also wearing her fingerless gloves.
The two walked forward. Some eyes were on Shade and some were on Rokku; Even alternating at times.
"Wh-What's with the outfits?!" Noire asked, flustered by this "cool" atmosphere Rokku had.
Strangely, neither Rokkku or Shade answered her question.
"Umm?! Hel-lo! I asked you two a question!" Noire stated.
Rokku stopped walking and glanced at Noire. Now that he was even closer, she could feel this different atmosphere surrounding the boy. He was even giving her this intimidating and callous gaze; Completely from the optimistic and happy kid she usually knows.
"Gimme a break..." Rokku said with a sigh, tilting his hat a bit downwards. "You don't know what we're doing?"
Noire (and everyone else) shook their heads rapidly, having no idea what they were up to.
"It's real simple what we are doing..." Shade began, stepping backwards towards Rokku.
"...We are..." Rokku continued, stepping backwards towards Shade.
The two kept going until their backs were against each other. Then they did a pose, both of them pointing directly at Noire specifically with a very menacing glare.
"Cosplaying!" They yelled in unison.
It took a bit of time for Noire to blush completely red.
"W-W-Why?!" Noire cried.
"To show you that cosplaying in front of those you know is okay." Shade said bluntly. "You are a Goddess and a leader of an entire nation yet you show such embarrassment over something as small as this."
Rokku tilted his hat up to show both his eyes, but that hat was still "stuck" on his head.
"We learned that you were locking yourself in your office each night to cosplay in secret." He said with his normal voice and normal expression. "It's not like we would hate you or anything if you decided to be yourself."
"B-B-B-But it's still embarrassing!" Noire retorted, folding her arms, blushing involuntarily. "What's embarrassing is embarrassing!"
Shade sighed. "Good grief..."
Rokku happily pointed at Shade for quoting his character's lines. "Eyyyy! Nice one Shade~! I think the Japanese phrase is much more recognizable though!"
Nepgear chimed in, comically ignoring Noire's utter humiliation. "What's the Japanese phrase Rokku?"
"Yare Yare Daze." Rokku explained happily. "Some translate that as "What a pain", "Gimme a break", or "Good grief"!"
"My, I would've never guessed those two would leave just to work on cosplay outfits..." Vert said to Blanc.
"Their outfits do look very well done, I must admit..." Blanc stated.
Rokku then turns to Noire, returning back to his callous expression and atmosphere. "But Lady Noire, it appears that you still haven't accepted the fact that the cosplaying is okay to do with friends. If you won't listen to my words, then you'll listen to my Stand's fists!"
Noire then looked at Rokku, curious (and a bit frightened). "Wh-What...?"
Neptune just chuckled. "I know what these guys are referencing."
No one heard Neptune, but she wasn't lying. She was a pro at referencing such things as this.
Rokku then pointed dramatically at Noire as his jacket blew with the invisible wind (mostly for dramatic effect). "I summon my Stand! MEGA PLATINUM!"
Suddenly, a digital "hologram" of a familiar figure erupts from behind Rokku and floats in the air for a good 5 seconds as he roars.
He then lands on the ground, glaring at Noire. Everyone took note of this one's...rather cheep looking outfit.
Despite the dramatic and intimidating roar, Mega Man was still smaller than Rokku by a couple inches.
Rokku sighed in embarrassment, looking away. "I...I didn't have enough time to perfect Mega Man's cosplay outfit...! This was a last minute idea!"
Mostly everyone started to laugh, making Rokku feel more embarrassed than even Noire.
"Yare...Yare...Daze..." Rokku muttered, hiding his face with his hat.
Bonus Scenario:
"Are you guys ready?" Mega asked from the room.
Everyone was sitting outside, waiting on Rokku and Mega to come out.
"Come on out!" Neptune cried.
Both Rokku and Mega came out, wearing more cosplay outfits. This time, they were dressed similarly. They were in white jacket with shoulder guards, big brown fingerless gloves (almost like what Rokku usually wears), a colored belt, baggy pants, brown boots and a shirt underneath the jacket. The difference was Mega Man's shoulder guards and belt were blue and he wore a blue headband while Rokku's shoulder guards and belt was red. Both of them held pistol-like firearms with a lightning icon on the side of the firearm.
"We are Busterstar Heroes!" Mega announced. Rokku, on the other hand, seemed awfully, yet comically, upset.
"I wanted to be blue..." Rokku whimpers.
Even though Noire still cosplays in secret, Rokku and Shade still had some fun cosplaying in their outfits, and even encouraged Mega, Neptune, Nepgear, Rom, Ram and even Uni to join in on the fun. At least the duo succeeded in making others happy.