Hello lovely people! Thank you for reading, I'm so happy followers and favourites have increased! A special mention goes to kvega95, guest and Soul Raider 116 for reviewing. Reading your comments/opinions is great and boost my fantasy and energy. Enjoy this new chapter!

"Juvia… I'm dying...burp"

As soon as Juvia reached her hotel room all she wanted was a hot tea and a nap. The first day of the competition was over and the ruling queen of the pool was paying her dues for too much alcohol and not enough sleep. She flopped on the bed face down, with legs and arms open as a starfish,

"Juvia needs her tea" mumbled into a soft pillow until something caught her eye, a rather annoying light was flashing on her night table, she stretched her hand to grab the phone when someone knocked at the door,

"Miss Juvia?"

the girl immediately stood up and smoothed down her clothes to be presentable before opening the door,

"Miss Juvia I brought you tea!"

it was a junior member of her staff with bright pink hair, a big smile and a bubbly personality which never failed to put a smile on Juvia's face,

"Thank you Meredy" the girl entered the room to leave the trail, her arms trembling under the weight of it and huffing relieved when she managed not to spill a single drop of the beverage,

"You should not bring Juvia tea though. Juvia needs to remind her manager that you are not paid to be a caretaker but to learn a job" said her rather sternly.

Juvia was very attentive about giving working opportunities to younger people, she hand-picked Meredy's presentation letter from a bunch wishing to give her a shot. She felt almost responsible for that girl, her story was terribly similar to her own: dead parents, a life with host families, thin chances to get out of poverty without a stroke of luck.

"Oh n-no! I volunteered" Meredy blushed, she was proud of working in Juvia's team but didn't want to be cause of problems with her boss,

"I only wanted to do something nice. After what happened yesterday."

Juvia blinked – Of course the whole entourage is already informed about Bora

she relaxed a bit and gave her an encouraging smile,

"Thank you. The police will take care of that" said firmly, the girl nodded and left her alone, truthfully she desired to express her support to her personal heroine but she was too embarrassed to act on her feelings.

Juvia sighed, with a nice hot tea in her hands she reached for her phone,

"A message in the voice-mail… how rare"

she pushed the play button and listened to the message,

"Juvia… I'm dying...burp"

she giggled like crazy and listened it again for three times in a row.

"Oh Gajeel...what have you done big doofus?"

She sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed. It was ages that didn't happen something silly like last night, they had drank they worries away like teenagers. At least, Gajeel got really wasted on the other hand she was mildly tipsy, just enough intoxicated to forget about Bora and let her nerves loose.

But her friend seemed so riled up that ended up gulping shot after shot and blabbering about a certain nurse named Levy McGarden. About how much she was probably enjoying the Halloween's party with her friends, dancing, drinking maybe being courted by other men and flirting with them. Gajeel was devoured by jealousy for that girl – Silly Gajeel, you could've gone to the party after leaving Juvia at home. Juvia should have insisted more yesterday

Juvia knew something about the petite woman, but she would have never discovered that much if her best friend had been sober. He spoke about his feelings, which was a rare event, and about all the things he liked of that girl from her encyclopedic knowledge to the her physique.

Juvia knew his good side and his bad one, and by checking the photos of the smiling nurse it seemed he had managed to charm a very nice girl. – She has definitely seen something in Gajeel, deep down he is such a lovely person if he wasn't always so obnoxious and surly

Gajeel was so in too deep that even mentioned his taboo word: family.

Juvia smiled at the ceiling collapsing on her bed again. – How many years has passed since he saw Metalicana last time? I wonder if he has ever forgiven him.

She wondered about Gajeel's father and about his horrible tendency to belittle his only son.

"It seems like Gajeel is in love for the first time in his life"

Juvia smiled thinking her dearest person enamoured. She hated the way he used to be with all the girls except her, all about the sex and mere fulfilment of a momentary desire. Eventually he was evolving from that phase. It was time to do something to help him, starting by checking on his health. She grabbed her phone and called the only person would surely help her,

"Hello Juvi!"

answered an enthusiastic voice from the other side.

"What do you think about it?"

Gray rolled his eyes, going to the gym with Natsu had been a very bad idea, he was loud and obnoxious. If there was something that should not be asked, well that was exactly what Natsu Dragneel would ask about,

"I don't know" he said darkly,

"You have to know something! I'm sure Levy has answered your text!"

Gray's scowl grew more intense – Go figure! As stupid as Natsu is he does know Levy well too. Of course she has answered me.

"You know something but you don't want to tell me!" whined the pink haired man following his friend around the gym and complaining noisily. The physical exercise did not diminish Natsu's curiosity and after twenty minutes of no-stop talk Gray had to give up,

"Fine! Yes, she did answered me!"

Natsu smiled – Ah! I knew it she had.


"And what?"

"Why Gajeel wasn't at the party? Had they had a fight?" said him encouragingly,

"I don't know. Gajeel sent her the same message he sent us, nothing more"

"Ouch! Not cool… he could've said something nicer to her."

Natsu was rather disappointed, all that time wasted on getting Gray to speak and still no answers,

"Something bad happened. He hardly ever goes out why not showing up at a party when he had already accepted it?"

"Because Gajeel is an asshole" hissed Gray extremely irritated – I can't stand that Levy got sad over a jerk like him, she even refused to enjoy a party she had organized!

Gray was very solidal with Lucy, both of them weren't that enthusiastic about their common friends' growing relationship. Unlike Natsu, he was extremely wary about Gajeel's interest in their Levy, suspecting it was all a play and that in the end he didn't care about her. She was just too sweet and precious to be disappointed by a man like Gajeel.

"He is not nice" admitted Natsu "But he would not let Levy down. On Monday I caught him staring her profile pictures on facebook!"

the other boy snorted "As if that means anything."

"He asked me her favourite flower and he calls her during the breaks and–" he stopped mid-sentence,

"Do you hear a phone ringing?"

"It's yours, idiot" said acidly Gray,

Natsu grabbed his phone from the pants pocket surprised,

"Oh cool it's Juvia! – Hello Juvi!"

the other man stopped running on the treadmill gaping, that was definitely... strange.

Why would Juvia Locksar, questionably Gajeel's best friend, and extremely famous athlete call his friend? They indeed had met her a few times, but nothing ever led to a better acquaintanceship, least of all to exchange their phone numbers. Juvia, aside from her public appearances, seemed a rather quirky and quiet girl, the opposite of Natsu.

How he got her number? Have they been in touch? It's because of her that he's not asking Lucy out maybe... If Natsu is dating Juvia I will be really impressed, she should be way out of his league

Gray tried to eavesdrop on the phone call, failing miserably when a rather appalled Natsu distanced himself from him, nodding and barely uttering a single word.

"What on earth is she saying to him..."

Muttered Gray restarting the treadmill, a hundred millions questions bloomed in Gray's mind checking from time to time his pink haired friend from afar. He had fancied Juvia, truth be told any man would've after seeing her in her competition swimsuit. Her feminine curves and the flawless tonic body displayed full HD in television had earned her numerous admirers. From interviews she came across as a poised, mature and not conceited at all woman Hundred of young girls looked up to her as a role model. Meeting Juvia Locksar in real life had been almost surreal, she was a superstar. Gray had felt almost intimated by that quiet woman, with her deep blue eyes steadily fixed on his person.

After a solid fifteen minutes Natsu came back very pensive, he leaned against the wall without a word. What could Juvia had told him for making the flamboyant Natsu so quiet?

"So?" asked irritated Gray snapping his friend out of his trance,

"What is it ice brain?"

"Why she called you?" grumbled annoyed,

"Oh, she… she needed help" he said with a strange voice, Natsu was uncharacteristically quiet and not at all willing to tell him something more about that unusual call.

And now I should also beg Natsu to know what on earth had happened. That beats everything! Tsk, I'll never give him this satisfaction.

The whole situation bugged him, Gray always prided himself to be a level-headed and trustworthy person, why would anyone prefer a goofy head like Natsu to him?

"I think I'll go home"

Gray stared suspiciously at his friend sprinting out of the gym.

Well, with Natsu out of my way I might check on Levy in peace tonight

Gajeel was staring at the ceiling of his room, it was five in the evening. He was tired, drowsy and yet he couldn't sleep properly. Ever since leaving the hospital's parking he had vomited two other times and thinking back at Levy smiling sweetly at another man made him angrier and sicker.

Fucking Russian salad, I should've thrown that thing away. I feel like my stomach is burning from the inside.

He checked his phone, he was torn whether calling Levy or not, writing her a message or waiting for her to drop a line. He turned to the right side, was he being unreasonable? Had he overreacted at the hospital?

Maybe that man was a cousin, or a friend, maybe her boss. He scoffed, that couldn't be her ex-boyfriend, she said he was a teacher and the bulky blonde definitely was not a professor. Oh no, he looked like a proper businessman, oozing arrogance, with charming manners and nice talk. – Fuck it, what if they hooked up at the Halloween's party?

Annoyed he turned and tossed the blanket away, one minute he was hot and the next he was cold, he felt like headache was coming back too. That Sunday was proving to be a horrible day, he only hoped to sleep and go to work the next day.

As the doorbell rang insistently, Gajeel dragged himself out of his bed. He was nauseous and shivering, besides being very angry,

"I'm coming" roared him stumbling to reach the door and opened it,

"Hi! I brought you food and medicines!"

Gajeel paled and gave him a lugubrious look before letting his colleague in, God knows why Natsu was there in his house with two plastic bags – I asked for some help and a beautiful nurse, not for flamebrain damn it

"You look bad" he said candidly staring at Gajeel's hunched form, his friend made indeed a poor figure reeking of vomit and sweat, dark circles under his eyes marked his tiredness and blood injected eyes weren't helping either.

"Why you are?" he muttered feeling too weak to be angry at his thick-headed friend,

"Juvia said you were ill, I came to nurse you!"

the big man gagged at those words, then ran to the bathroom throwing up and producing horrible noises,

"Man, you are a mess" Natsu knelt keeping his mane out of the toilet, as the man expelled the food he had tried to eat, his eyes were redder and a few tears escaped out of pain exhaustion. Gajeel breathed heavily as Natsu passed his forcelss arm over his shoulder and helped him to stand on his feet,

"I've to wash my mouth" he said opening the water, any movement was painful but at least he didn't taste the spoilt mayonnaise on his tongue anymore,

"Come on, let's go to sleep" the walk to the bed was very slow paced.

The sick man fell dead on his bed, ever since leaving the hospital at midday it started his health downfall. All he wished for was a lovely nurse taking care of him and some food that his stomach would not reject, Natsu didn't answer neither of his prayers.

"I bought medicines, dry flat-bread and some stock cube for soup."

"I hate stock cube"

Natsu covered him with the blanket and dried his forehead from the droplets of sweat, he was definitely feverish too. Gajeel rolled on the side muttering some incoherent words about a shrimp, fixing things and him being stupid.

"Yeah I agree with that" said the pinkette man from the other side of the house, he had a very good hearing.

Natsu worked hard to make him eat some light food as the flat-bread and a slices of apple following Juvia instructions, but his patient wasn't very collaborative,

"I don't want it"

after a small fight he eventually ate something but nowhere near what he needed,

"Take the pill, you won't vomit again!"

"Already taken, it didn't work"

the sick man squirmed away from Natsu grasp,

"Gajeel you only ate baking soda!"

loosing his patience the pink-haired man eventually sat on Gajeel's chest to keep him still and forced the pill in his mouth making him swallow it,

"Man! What I have to do for you… Juvia owes me big time"

as the patient fell asleep Natsu checked again the soup recipe, he wasn't really into cooking and eventually decided to ask Lucy for help.

"Definitely not!"

"But Lucy! I can't give him the fever pill if he doesn't eat anything! Please come here, I barely managed to give him the medicine to not vomit. I promise it will take a moment then I'll take you home!"

Lucy Heartfilia couldn't really resist such a heartfelt plea from her beau, and prepared herself to reach the dragon's den.

Breath Lucy, it's just a man's house. A scary and very annoying man's house. Nothing big, you enter help Natsu and then back home. Oh gosh, I hope Gray will be already there, at least someone is with Levy.

Lucy's plan failed miserably. She cooked and then ended up holding a dish of hot soup while Natsu forced spoonful of the liquid down Gajeel's throat. She almost felt pity for the sick man, Natsu wasn't really the gentlest nurse on the planet. After a very unsatisfactory victory the pinkette let his patient sleep again, he had eaten just enough.

"He'll be out for a few hours, the fever will go down now that he has taken the right pill."

she sighed feeling extremely uncomfortable in that situation.

A few hours had indeed passed and Lucy was still stuck with Natsu. As soon as Gajeel fell asleep the pinkette started to wander around the house looking for something helpful to do, and the girl just had to stay with him. After cleaning and moping the bathroom thoroughly, they did a round of laundry. Then Natsu went to check on his friend.

Lucy sighed as she finished to dry the glasses, quite tired she sat on a chair looking around the kitchen. The room was definitely the nicest of the house, Gajeel must love to cook she thought because he had pots of every dimension, shape and material. She found fry pans, pots, double boilers, a rice cooker, a pressure cooker and even a wok. There was also feminine touch observed Lucy, as her eye fell on the nice spices jar all perfectly lined up next to the recipes books. The cupboards were neat, plates and glasses laid there looking nice, all coloured. Keeping up with her inspection, in the fridge she came across pre-cooked food all labelled. She was appreciating the sleek grey double-door refrigerator when she noticed a photograph that sparked her interest,


the man poked his head in the room,

"You said once that you know Juvia Locksar"

"Yeah, she called me saying metalhead was sick"

Lucy felt a pang of jealousy hitting her hard – She called him? Juvia Locksar calls Natsu on his personal phone… what if Lisanna is wrong and Natsu is already dating another girl? It can't be, he would've said something at least to her or Gray!

She tried to stay calm,

"And you met her because she and Gajeel are friends"

"That's right!"

she stared at the picture where a lovely blue haired woman smiled sweetly with Gajeel protectively at her side, they looked younger maybe eighteen years old,

"And how it happened?"

Natsu scratched his head, "Well, I don't know much but I think I can tell you, Gaj won't mind it"

They sat at the table, Lucy was extremely excited to get her hands on a juicy story when someone loomed over them menacingly,

"If you have to tell my freaking story at least wake me up"


Lucy gasped and immediately turned away blushing, the man was leaning to the door shirtless flaunting sculptured chest and abs – No wonder Levy loves cuddling with him, the man has a statuesque physique. He is almost attractive. Oh my... what I'm even thinking!

"Maybe it's better to put something on" she said gently, avoiding to look him in the eyes,

"Can't stand the sight of my perfect body?" sneered him,

Natsu huffed at his saucy comment "I'm better than you, metalhead"

"I-It's better not to catch a cold since you're already debilitated"

"Yeah I get it... but I was hot before, I still feel like a heater"

"That's normal, it means the medicine is working and your fever is going down"

"Alright, I will dress myself for Miss prim and proper"

Lucy was rather tempted to throw a plate at him, what a loud-mouth he was!

"To think I was almost pitying him!" she muttered annoyed, on the other end Natsu smiled: if his friend was mocking Lucy it meant he was recovering.

"That's just Gajeel, you'll get used to it. He is very cool guy when he wants to"

The girl looked at her love interest surprised, she had hardly ever heard Natsu making so openly compliments about his friends. With girls the Dragneel boy was gentle but with other males he was always picking up a fight over the stupidest thing, in a light-hearted way though.

When Gajeel came back he was more decent, he changed his pj pants for black ample joggers and was wearing a white tee with printed on it: Keep calm and hug your cat

"Ain't I beautiful?" he asked chuckling,

Natsu almost rolled on the floor and expressed the desire to have the same cheesy tee. Lucy smiled too quite entertained, catching for the first time what Levy meant when she said: Gajeel makes me laugh.

As he entered the kitchen a big black cat followed him lazily, setting himself on Lucy's legs. Gajeel ate some soup again, at least this time neither of them had to hand-feed him, he was still a bit too hot but it seemed like he was getting better,

"So you and Juvia Locksar are childhood friends I was told"

Lucy couldn't contain herself anymore, curiosity was eating her alive, she looked at the towering guy expectantly,

"Your smile goes from ear to ear, that's scary bunny girl, very scary" said seriously Gajeel unused to that kind of gossip-eager look,

"Well... yeah Juvs and I met and school, she was a scrawny little thing that scared all the kids saying she was a weather witch. I had to admire her, no kid messes with a witch."

the more Lucy heard about their childhood stories the more she was entertained and appealed by Gajeel's humour and personality. He seemed indeed a cool guy when he dropped the brooding attitude. He never touched themes such as the host families and the bullies, that stuff was all Juvia's not his to tell.

"Where's the photo album?"

Suddenly asked Natsu, he remembered perfectly the pink and blue enormous album to be somewhere in that house,

"Oh shit no, the photo album no!" thundered Gajeel, his cheeks were slightly coloured which made Lucy internally giggle for the cuteness – A big and tough man with rosy cheeks like an embarrassed girl

As the man tried to stand up dizziness made him sit immediately back, the room was spinning around him,

"Ugh… I'm so lame" he mumbled "Catching stomach flu at twenty six years old"

the girl looked at him sympathetically, Lucy felt in need to make him feel better and she said the first thing she could think of,

"Levy always catches the flu on New Year's Eve, every single year with no exception!"

Gajeel stared at her very interested. There was something in his gaze that deeply impressed her, it was like he desired to ask something but he dared not. His red eyes where not as scary as before, he was still staring at her when Natsu entered the room triumphantly,

"I found it!"

the album was indeed a curious object, it contained photos but also newspaper's articles, cinema tickets, a few childish drawing and many handwritten memories,

"Juvia did it, she collected things and eventually put all together"

by the way he gently turned the pages and tenderly touched the photos it was clear that it meant a lot for him, both the object and the person who made it,

"You were so cute!" gushed Lucy over an eight years old piercingless Gajeel,

"I still am" retorted him, and they all chuckled enjoying that laid-back atmosphere.

Around half past nine Gajeel was about to fall asleep on the table, Natsu help him to reach the bed keeping him on his feet with an enormous effort,

"Here it is the pill to block vomit and a glass of water"

Lucy handed him the medicine, but before taking it Gajeel spoke,

"How was the party yesterday?" his voice was coarse and tired, after speaking for so long,

the girl gnawed her bottom lips unsure,

"Well, it was nice" he snorted unhappy but eager to ask one more question,

"And did Levy had fun?"

before Lucy could answer Natsu entered again the room,

"She didn't come stupid, after you retired she went home. If you weren't sick I would kick your sorry ass for ruining the party!" as dense as ever Natsu spoke the truth,

"Look I had the coolest costume ever!" he cried showing the photo on his phone,

unimpressed Gajeel lifted an eyebrow to the girl,

"It was nice huh? Bad liar blondie" he muttered to her sardonically, Lucy waited for Natsu to go out of the room to reply at his accuse.

She bent over him and whispered,

"I don't know what happened, but when we reached your block last night, she went on foot at your home and after ten minutes she came back upset and sad– she asked me to take her home and there she stayed, all alone crying for sure." she paused but, before he could say anything else, she pushed her index into his chest and added accusingly "Levy was heartbroken and you will fix her properly, am I being clear?"

Gajeel nodded letting the information sink in his thick skull – She met no one. Nobody leered over her. There is no rival.She deserted the party because of me

he reached for Lucy's hand,

"There is a pumpkin cake hidden in the oven, I made it for her. It's with extra cinnamon, take it home" the girl's eyes softened in the dark room,

"She loves cinnamon"

"Gihi I know" the sick man giggled childishly "Lucy, can you save your number in it?"

he handed her his phone,

"Sure thing!" she said brightly, he had called her by name for the first time.

Maybe he's not so bad in the end, he might fit Levy better than I thought

Natsu stopped the car at Lucy's house, the girl was speechless.

"You promised not to tell her"

Said the pinkette worried,

"B-but don't you get it! If Levy knew what really happened yesterday she–"

"No! I promised Gajeel myself I wouldn't tell a soul!"


the man growled annoyed, he had done a mess spilling the truth to her.

"Don't you see Natsu! Levy must have seen Gajeel and Juvia together, and thought he was a player! I have to tell her he is a good guy!"

"Lucy" whined desperate the guy, he couldn't betray his friend's trust like that, the bro's code was sacred,

"She has to know he was protecting a friend from a violent ex-boyfriend!"

"I never said he was violent, he was just a stalker"

"Whatever! The point is that he is not cheating on Levy!"

"Why would she think that?"

Natsu was lost, the whole conversation was a huge mess and he was responsible for causing it.

"Because" Huffed Lucy impatient, "If you see the boy you like with another girl, when he was supposed to be waiting for you it, it'sobvious that you think he is cheating!"

the girl slightly blushed and thanked her big scarf that covered her embarrass – At least that's what normally happens, unless the guy you like isn't surrounded by beautiful girls and is as dense as a rock about your feelings for him.

"I don't get it"

Lucy rolled her eyes, for one day she had reached her limit with Natsu, she needed to go home before doing something stupid such as strangling her love interest,

"Nevermind. We need to tell Levy"

"Gajeel has to tell her, not you!"

"But I'm her best friend!"

"And I'm Gajeel's friend! He wants to tell her"

eventually silence fell between the two quarrellers, Lucy sighed – He is right, it's on Gajeel the decision

"I won't tell her..."

Natsu smiled relieved, the girl was a tough nut to crack but luckily she was also smart otherwise he was sure Gajeel would've killed him horribly,

"But I want to be the first to tell everything to Lisanna!"

"No way! I'm gonna tell her first"

"You owe me a secret! I want to gossip with Lis"

his expression turned sour,

"She is my friend" he said sulking,

Lucy crossed her arms determined,

"She is my friend too"

"That's not fair Luigi!" he cried angrily mangling her name,

"If I can't speak to Levy I need someone else to speak with! It's your fault for telling me"

Natsu stopped thinking about the situation, he wouldn't give up without a fight, Lucy tried a move hoping it could solve the situation,

"Why don't you speak with Gray?"

he scoffed almost offended,

"No way, ice brain is totally against Gajeel, he doesn't understand"

Lisanna was the only girl he could talk to as she was a boy, she would get him without making too many questions. No, he definitely could not let Lucy break the news to her, he wanted to talk to her, he was confused and needed his oldest friend.

"What if you tell Mira and I tell Lisanna?"

Lucy wasn't very convinced, she had bonded with both the Strauss sisters, though Mira was different,

"Still you owe me a secret" she murmured unconvinced,

"I'll tell you a big one! Nobody knows it, it's about Gray"

suddenly the inner thirst for gossip lit up in Lucy,

"It has to be saucy!"

he nodded seriously,

"Gray never dated a girl until he was twenty because he was in love with Erza!"

he seemed to satisfied by spilling that secret but Lucy was not,

"Who is Erza?"

"Oh you never met her! Erza is friend from school, she Gray and I attended everys sport club together. She married young, at twenty one, and now is living far away."

he handed her his phone with a picture of Natsu and Gray with a stunning girl, fire red hair and amazing features, Lucy face-palmed mentally – Here we go, another one of the beautiful girls that Natsu knows, at least she is married!

"When she met her future husband Gray was in pieces. He got drunk one night and confessed everything to me, he does not remember it. She had been very important for him, his first love"

a heavy silence fell between them,

"I almost feel uncomfortable knowing this" said the girl, truthfully Gray was such a reserved person, he hardly ever talked about himself,

Natsu chuckled,

"I know, I hate secrets… I feel bad at keeping them. But this is old, he's not pining over her anymore of course"

"I've never seen him with a girl"

"He had had some but they never last… I thought that when Levy broke up with her teacher boyfriend Gray would have dated her but it never happened"

"Gray and Levy? You've got to be kidding me!" cried Lucy in disbelief,

"Why not? They always got along very well, I liked them together!"

the blonde was dumbfolded.

While entering home she found Gray on the couch. He turned around with a finger at his mouth urging her to be silent, Levy was nestled in a cover and asleep over him, he held a protective harm around her midsection,

"Hello" she whispered softly looking at the of them in a new light – They did look kinda cute together.

Gray lift her lithe body in bridal style and brought her to bed and gently covering her, as he closed the door behind him he yawned,

"Hey Lucy"

"Hey, time to go to sleep huh?"

"Yeah I'll be going, but I have to tell you something"

Lucy nodded hoping to keep her secret well hidden, his dark eyes were a bit squinted and his lips pressed together,

"Well it's about yesterday, she saw Gajeel with another girl. He was hugging her very intimately and caressing her"

she tried to be as shocked as she could,


"He was playing with Levy's feeling" he hissed angry, "I will kick that asshole tomorrow at work"

"He won't be there, he's sick"

"How do you know?"

Dammit...I have to invent something! I can't tall him where I have been!

"Mira told me!" that was the safest excuse ever and he believed her,

"Who knows how she does, always knows everything about everyone. Whatever, I kick him the first time I see him."

Lucy waved him goodbye rather worried, firstly she had never seen Gray so angry and secondly she was getting cold feet, will Gajeel explain himself to Levy before something bad happen.

What if Natsu is correct and Gray has feelings for Levy, will it turn into a love triangle?

Kudos for reaching the end, I've written quite a lot I hope it was not too much!

Please leave a feedback cutie pies ^^