Chapter 3 knights vs Performers

Disclaimer I don't own yu-gi-oh arc v or any of this but the deck and the OC and the place they live at. I think arc v takes place in japan I have no idea please tell me. This chapter was supposed to be Sam vs Yuya, but I chose to save that duel for later. Sorry for the way late update but it's here now and I hope that I am able to keep updating this along with Seek a new life, fate changed, and light in shadow, and the fallen knight.

Flash back or thought

Thought "Hi"

Speaking "Hi"

Sam's POV

I have no Idea on what I was seeing It was a city that looked like Maiami city, but it was being destroyed by a big dragon in the center with something that looked like green flames that were heading right for me.

I then woke up with a fright and left gasping for air. After for few seconds I looked at the alarm clock to my left and It read 7:30 am. After 2 minutes of staring at the ceiling I got up and went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror and saw my new female face looking back at me and giving me the information that yesterday was not a dream. After what felt like hours I walked out of the bathroom and looked around and saw all the furniture in this apartment and I remembered what happened after signing up for the You show duel school.

"Hey Sam, do you have a place to stay tonight?" Yuzu asked me and before I could even think about it I answered, "Yes I do." Yuzu then asked, "Were do you live?" I yet again answered without thinking said, "I live an apartment five blocks from here." Then she asked, "Do you live with someone?" I answered with thinking "No, my parents died in a car crash when I was young, so my older sister took care of me and basically became my mother but a year ago she was involved in a car crash in America, but she survived and landed right into a coma." Everyone looked down at that then Yuya asked "Then why are you living alone in japan?" I answered, "Well on my mom side I had ancestors that were from japan, so I came here so I can feel what they felt living here. Also, I'm used to living alone" They all nodded at that point.

I shook my head, then I left the bathroom and went straight to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and pulled out quick make noodles. I pulled off the cap and poured water in it. I then put it in the microwave for three minutes for the noodles to get ready. As the noodles were getting ready I noticed my deck on the table was slightly glowing as I approached it, it stopped glowing. I stared at it for a while and then I heard the microwave beeping informing me that it was ready. After I ate I went to my room and got a robe and then went to the bathroom, I then did everything I needed to do to take a shower in my new body. Then when I was washing my hair a thought struck me how did I know how to take a shower in my new body, I just shook my head and turned off the water and dried myself off and put on my robe and when I opened the bathroom door I saw the three girls that I saw before I woke up here. One of them had what looked like a tattled clothing and a red band around her right arm and jeans and had blueish reddish hair, another girl had a red jacket with a blue shirt and a blue skirt on and had golden hair, and the last girl had some clothes that looked that were pathed up with rags and had pink hair.

I jump back with a fright and before I had a chance to scream the pink hair girl said, "Please don't scream we are you and you are us." I took a step forward and asked "Who are you three? And how did you get in here?" The blueish reddish hair girl said" We, are you. And we are what looks like spirts." I just shook my head and said" Fine I'm just going to change into my cloths and maybe we can talk about this." Then after I changed into my cloths the sprits were gone, and I just gave up trying to understand this place with a back pack that had all my stuff I needed. As I walked out of the door I noticed a figure in a trench coat outside of my home. I turned to the right I looked back and saw the person in the trench coat following me. I then walked into the park where I first met the kids. I quickly hid behind a tree and saw the person in the trench coat. When the person got close I jumped them, but I only got the trench coat I heard giggling and saw a girl like around my age wearing a white shirt and blue jean she had sky blue eyes and had blond hair with a steak of pink in it. She then asked, "How did you know I was following me." With her tone of voice, she knew I saw her.

"Who are you?" I asked her as I got up from the ground. She then replied with "I will tell you if you beat me in a duel." So, we both parted ways and then she commented, "Well It looks like your adjusting well with your new life huh Samuel or is it now Samantha?" I was taken back at that comment and asked, "Were you the one who did this to me?" She just responded with giggling. She then took out her duel disk and then I took out my duel disk out of my backpack and put my deck in while she did the same thing.

We both activated our duel disks and we both yelled out "Duel."

Outside pov.

?'s life points:4000

Sam's life points :4000

The mystery girl went first and said, "I first activate the spell card Terraforming to add the field spell card Vampire Kingdom and then I summon out vampire lady (1550 attack points, 1550 defense points) in attack mode, I then activate the field spell Vampire Kingdom I added to my hand and I end my turn with a card facedown." The area around them changed into a dark castle as a vampire women appeared and in a violet dress.

Sam said" My turn I draw, I summon out solar knight twin Bladder (1800 attack points, 1200 defense points) in attack mode Now I equip my twin bladder with Dark destroying sword this raises her attack points by 500, I then activate the continues spell card Light enforcement this gives all light attribute monsters 200 more attack points and they can't be destroyed by battle." A cat in medium amour came out with twin swords and then on of them turned into a sword that had holy transcripts on them. Then a light arura went over her. (Twin Bladder's attack 1800-2300-2500) The mystery girl commented on that play "That is usually not the style of your deck." Sam narrowed he eyes and in a commanding voice said, "Now Twin Bladder attack vampire lady and with twin bladder's effect she gains 200 more attack points (2500 -2700) and as well the other effect of dark destroying sword lowing your monster's attack points by 800 but due to your vampire kingdom your vampire lady attack will rise during the damage step." The mystery girl raised one of her eyebrows. (Vampire lady's attack 1505-750-1250) As the cat knight swings down her sword the mystery girl's facedown raises up. Vampire lady was destroyed

?'s life points:4000

Sam's life points :4000

Sam's eyes widen and said, "So you are using my deck." Sam knowing that the face down card was defense draw as the mystery girl draws a card.

She then smiles and responds with "I'm, I thought It would be interesting." Sam responds with "I end my turn with two cars facedown." Two cards appeared on the ground on Sam's field. The mystery girl starts her turn "My turn, I draw, I activate the spell card Foolish Burial with this I send Vampire Sorcerer to the graveyard. Now I Then activate Vampire Sorcerer's effect in the grave by banishing it from my graveyard and now a dark vampire monster can be summoned without a tribute so I normal summon out Shadow Vampire (2000 attack points 0 defense points) with his effect I can special summon out Vampire Duke(2000 attack points, 0 defense points) with Duke's effect I can now make you send a spell card to the graveyard." Sam takes out her deck and choose the spell card she decided to send to the graveyard. Then the mystery girl states "Now with the effect of vampire kingdom I send Vampire Grace to the graveyard to destroy your monster." Now and knight that was covered with shadows appeared and a vampire in a fancy attire appeared and when he came the field glowed as lightning stuck twin bladder and destroying her. Sam responds with "I activate my face down card Revengeclipse now that a solar knight monster was destroyed I can special summon out a solar or lunar knight monster, so I special summon out a Solar or Lunar knight monster, so I special summon out Lunar Knight Eclipse in defense mode (1200 defense points)."A cat with mage cloths on that were black with a taint of gold. Then the mystery girl continued with her turn "I now attack out Lunar Knight Eclipse with Vampire Duke." Lunar Knight Eclipse was destroyed, and the girl ended her turn.

Sam drew a card and said," I use the effect of Solar lunar fusion's effect from the grave by returning Solar knight twin Blade and Lunar knight Eclipse to the bottom of my deck I can add this card from my grave to my hand." Sam put the two monster cards to the bottom of her deck and added the spell card to her hand. Then Sam said, "I activate Solar lunar fusion I send to the graveyard Solar knight recruit and Lunar Knight Blade Trainer. Now knight of the moon and the sun come together to attack I fusion summon out Solar knight Sun Paladin (level 7 fusion monster lights attribute effect monster 2800 atk points and 2300 defense points. 1 solar knight + 1 lunar knight)." A tall cat with a sun shield on her left arm and a long sword on fire. She had medium gold armor on and golden eyes. Sam continued and said," With Light enforcement she gains 200 more attack points and with her effect by reviling Lunar Knight Healer and Solar knight recruiter from my hand I reduced your Vampire Duke by 400 now I summon out Lunar knight defender in attack mode (Level 4, Warrior, Dark, ATK: 1700 DEF: 500 pendulum Tuner Scale 4)." The mystery doesn't comment with Sam saying," Paladin will attack Shadow Vampire with White scorning strike." The flames turned white and striking Shadow Vampire on the chest and destroying him. Smoke filled the field as the mystery girl took damage but before Sam could do anything she was knocked out.

? pov.

How is she here and why was she using Fusion? Mystery person thought was he was carrying Sam away.

TBC how was it who is the person why did he knock Sam out?