Chapter 1. What?

Disclaimer I don't own anything in this story expect the oc and the deck they use and please don't judge the character's name I'm not very good at making names up and the spell card mentioned that you you don't know about it is mine it doesn't even exist.

Out pov.

"...and the winner of the duel is Sam Wilson. Let's give a round of applause for the two duelists as they dueled hard."

Sam's POV

I can't believe I just won my duel against last year's champion. We both shook each other's hands. With a smile she said, "Now you have to worry about the fans." I smiled at her, and we both left an hour after the duel. I headed directly to the hospital to see my older sister Carly. Almost a year ago she was in a terrible car crash and had been in a coma ever since. The doctors don't know when she will come out of it if ever. After spending time with Carly recounting all the details of victory, not knowing; but hoping that she could hear me. I now was living with her best friend Stella. I went to Stella's house to clean up a grab a bite of the leftover pizza from the night before- if it was still there. When I entered her house, she was there to greet me. Fortunately, the pizza was their too.

After we had dinner, she asked me how the tournament went, I excitedly relayed the most exciting bits and after leaving her in suspense for as long as I could. I blurted out that I had won. She smiled her fabulous mischievous smile. She was so happy for me, even though; she never understood the importance that winning this tournament was to me, not like my older sister did. In the end, I won mainly because of the spell card The Force of War. It's a super rare card that my sister was able to get me. Then we went to bed. I was plagued with a nightmare about my parents' death. The doctors said they died without any pain. The nightmare suddenly shifted to my sister's hospital room where the hospital staff were disconnecting her from the machines. I woke up screaming.

I looked at the clock and discovered that it was 1:00 AM. The door was violently pulled open, and Stella was standing there. The look in her eyes told me that she was worried about me. She came closer and hugged me. Slowly she pulled back and asked, "Are you alright?" " I told Stella of what happened in my dream. She hugged me again. Long and securely. Stella left and I fell asleep. After few minutes, I'm in what I think is another dream. But this time, I only see darkness. Suddenly, I see three girls that look just like me.

I woke up with a start. I was in an alley. I looked around and saw a glass reflecting my profile. "Wh... what? Why? How am I a girl?" I notice the way I looked. Black hair with golden highlights, brown eyes, and a blue tank top that showed some of my stomach. I was wearing a leather jacket, and a blue skirt. I felt something on my left arm and saw that I had an yu-gi-oh Arc v duel disk. Carefully, I check the cards. Strangely, it wasn't my deck. In fact, I never even heard of any of these cards before, except The Force of War spell card.

"Leave us alone." I heard someone say. I briskly headed towards the voices and saw six kids in a ragged group. Three were around my age and the other three we much younger appearing to be grade schoolers. One boy had blue hair, another chubby boy, and a little girl with pink hair. The three older kids who were picking on them had badges with the letters LDS emblazoned in bright gold letters. I got mad. I don't like bullies and I always tried to stop it from happening no matter the cost to me. Sometimes I got hurt. "Hey!" I yelled out.

All six of them were looking at me. Then one, the biggest of the lot in a powerfully angry voice rasped, "Who are you?" "Sam Wilson," I replied with determination. Soon the three bullies started laughing. With one of them saying while laughing "Sam is a boy's name." I answered with an angry look "It is a boy's and a girl's name. It is short for Samantha. You idiot! Then again, what do you aspect from three bullies they are idiots." Like most these did not appear to be that smart. They were glaring at me with daggers in their eyes. The other one with anger in his voice "Take that back." Simply answering with obvious disdain "Only if you beat me in a due. Were both duelist. Let's settle this by a duel."

We both got ready and he said, "I will give you one chance to take back what you said about us" Ignoring the others I disdainfully answered" Not a chance! Bullies like you need to be taught a lesson."

We both yelled "Duel!"

Bully:4000 life points Sam:4000 life points

Bully yelled "I will go first! I normal summon Vorse Raider in attack mode. (1900 attack points, 1200 defense points) I end my turn with a card face down."

"My turn!" with conviction, I draw a card. Studying my hand, I decided to activate the spell card, "I activate the spell card Light's Fall and Darkness Rises." I yelled out while playing the spell card. In doing so I had to discard a light attribute monster. "By doing this, it allows me to draw two cards and if one of them is a dark attribute monster I can special summon it." I explained. After I discard Solar Knight Archer, I drew the two cards. I immediately revealed a dark attribute monster. Confidently, I spoke to the bully;" I drew Lunar Knight Healer, and now I special summon her. (1600 attack points, 1000 defense points.) When this card is normal or special summoned, I can special summon one solar or lunar knight monster from my graveyard. I choose my Solar Knight Archer."(1200 attack points 100 defense points) With that, everyone gasped and the pink haired girl exclaimed, "No way! She just summoned out two monsters at the same time. Just like Yuya's pendulum summing." Now there were two cat ladies standing there. One with an armor that looked like a nurse outfit and one with light white armor with arrows and a bow.

Taking advantage of the shock of my first brilliant move, "I activate Archer's Effect. I target her to change her level from 3 to 2." I declared with a mischievous smile. In disbelief, the chubby boy asked, "Why do that?" I let them all on the secret. "My healer is a turner monster." Everyone audibly gasped in amazement. Starting to tire of this match, " I tune Level 4 Lunar Knight Healer with my now level two Archer to synchro summon. When light disrupts the balance, you are there to fix it. Now comes Lunar Knight Moon Bladder (2400 atk points, 2000 defense points). "

At LDS computer room

One of the lady's said, " Sir! we picked up a summoning."

The boss ,Reiji Akiba answered, "What type of summoning."

"Checking on it right now. Its a powerful synchro summons. Stronger than anyone from our school." Everyone was shocked except for Reiji Akiba.

Back with duels.

With a flourish I made my next move. A Cat Lady with a black and blueish armor. it was also equipped with a sword that had a moon symbol on it landed. I informed everyone that I activate her effect. "When this card is synchro summoned, I can target one monster you control and add its attack points to her ark points. This card has to be the only one to attack. So, I target your Vorse Raider." My monster attack points are 4300. I normal summon out Solar Knight Twin Blader. (1800 attack points 1200 defense points)"A cat Lady with white medium armor and two blades appeared. "Next, I activated the spell card Force of War. This allows my Twin Bladder to attack." I told them. With glee I informed my opponent what else my card does, "When this card attacks a monster with higher attack points, that monster's attack points are lowered by her corresponding attack points. The down side is that her effect are negated."

Now everyone was shocked. Taking an advantage of their dismay, I smugly declared, "Your face down card Is useless!" Everyone here knows that through how badly you are reacting right now With supreme confidence I ordered Solar Knight Twin Blader Attack Vorse Raider. My monster was destroyed, and I took one hundred points of damage.

Sam's 4000-3900 life points

Vorse Raider atk 1900-100 I smiled, "Now Lunar Knight Moon bladder and lets end this with Moon Strike." The attack connects.

Bully's 4000-0 life points.

With that the duel was over. A one move victory. Total domination. Everyone was staring at me. The bully stuttered, " did you beat me on your first turn?" "Simple," I replied "Superior skill."

At LDS computer room

All but Reiji Akiba were shocked that one of their duelist were defeated on their opponent's first turn. Reiji Akiba looked impressed.

With the duelist

One of the bullies asked me, "What duel school did you go to?"

"I never went to a duel school." I replied. Surprise flashed across everyone's face. With authority I instructed the three bullies to leave. After they shuffled off in disgrace, I looked at the three kids and asked, "Who's hungry?"


Cards Details

Light's Fall and Darkness Rises- normal spell card

Discard one light attribute monster and draw two. If one of them is a dark attribute monster you can special summon it to the field.

Force of War- spell card

Select one monster you control and have it attack your opponent's monster with the highest attack points ignoring any card effects that prevent you from attack. If your monster has less attack points than your opponent's, then the opponent's monster loses the amount of attack points of your monster. The monster that was targeted with this card effect has its effect negated.

Lunar Knight Healer Level 4 effect tuner monster attribute Dark Warrior, 1600 attack points, 1000 defense points. When this card is normal or special summoned, you can special summon one Solar or Lunar Knight Monster from your graveyard.

Solar knight Archer level 3 effect monster attribute Light Warrior, 1200 attack points 100 defense points. Once per turn you can change one Solar or Lunar Knight on the field level between 1-8 until the end of the turn.

Lunar Knight Moon Bladder synchro monster Level 6 Warrior Attribute dark effect 2400 atk points, 2000 defense points 1 Solar or Lunar Knight tuner monster and 1 or more non-tuner monsters. When this card is, synchro summoned, you can target one monster under your opponent's control and add its attack points to this card. This card has to be the only one to attack.