Sup guys, Lighting Wolf here, back with another story, this one about Avatar. Enjoy the 1000-word chapter. I don't own Avatar, Nick, Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Koniezko do.

(Takes place during book one, 6 hours before King of Omashu.)

(Mountains near Fire Nation army base.)

Hao climbed up the rocky terrain as Razor Beak flew up and landed on a boulder near him as he completed his climb and sat down on a rock near the summit.

"You sure he went this way, buddy?"

Razor beak nodded as she looked a parcel bag on her side which Hao took a letter from and began to read out loud as he turned to the bird and pet her on the head as she flew off to gather some of Hao's soldiers so they could assist him in tracking down How.

"Dear Hao…. What's up? I'm glad to see your aura hasn't changed since our last chat, it'd be very bad if it changed from being so pink. Anyway, I'm doing fine, the circus is hauling in the copper pieces ever since the opening a few weeks ago, I haven't heard much about the war but I did hear that a 'secret Earth Kingdom base was destroyed… I can only guys you did that? Anyway, I'll continue to write letters when I can, it's so boring here sometimes, I just wish there was something to do for once. Hope you are going good…. Ty Lee."

Hao read from the letter as Razor Beak returned with 200 Fire Nation soldiers, 100 Fire benders and 100 regular soldiers as Hao continued to sit on the boulder was on.

"How was seen in this area, I want half of you to go search the mountain and half of you go with me to search the forest for the General." Hao jumped to a higher ledge as Hao's soldiers started to climb up after him as Hao turned to Razor Beak.

"Go get me a letter to write to Ty, and then come back, buddy."

Hao whispered to the bird as she flew away as Hao looked down onto the forest as he slid down the mountain.

(Fire Nation Army Base, Hao's tent)

Razor Beak flew into the tent before grabbing a piece of paper off the desk as she looked over am picture of Hao holding Ty Lee around the waist, both were smiling and another had him helping Ty Lee balance one his hand as she was busy balancing upside on his hand.

While she didn't know how human love worked, Razor Beak could tell that the duo was closer than normal humans. She flew into the air as she saw Hao reach the bottom of the mountain as she perched on his shoulder as he pats her head.

(Forest, 5 minutes later.)

"You sure How didn't run off? I know he's loyal to his men but he vanished from the area it seems." Hao asked one of his soldiers as the man nodded.

"Yes, General, some of us spotted the Earth Kingdom cowards retreating as we pushed further into their base, I'm sure he's still in the area, he wouldn't have retreated if his men are still in danger." Hao sighed as he put a hand on his head.

"I'm going to round up more troops, keep searching the forest, Lieutenant."

Hao said as he turned and began to walk towards his camp as Hao allowed Razor Beak to land on a tree to watch the 100 Fire Bending soldiers walk further into the forest.

(Fire Nation Army Camp.)

Hao walked into his camp and stopped in front of dozens of his men.

"I need every soldier who isn't handling moving supplies or handling a Komodo Rhino to come with me, we are hunting down General How…. Now…"

Hao turned and began to walk out of the camp as dozens of normal and Fire bending soldiers followed their commander out the gate, either on foot or on Komodo Rhinos.

"Sir, should I send out patrols to cover more ground within the forest?" One Lieutenant asked as Hao sighed.

"No, the General is a very skilled Earth bender, if I'm sending out patrols, it's no less than 50 men per patrol. No man is getting injured just because I wasn't cautious for one minute or so." The Lieutenant and began to organize the 200 or so reinforcements into search teams.

"Send 10 or so men with me, Lieutenant, I'm going to round up the other 100 or so soldiers I sent the search the mountains for the slippery General."

"Good luck, sir! Ok, you heard the General, get moving and find that slippery Earth Kingdom coward of a soldier before he ruins our conquest of the world for the glory of the Fire Nation!"

the Lieutenant yelled as Hao laughed and began to climb as the 10 soldiers followed.

"Keep up, we don't have time to spare if we are going to find How." Hao said as he continued to climb up the mountain faster than his men could follow. Hao reached the summit a few minutes later before looking around the area.

"Where are those men? They should have returned by now if they haven't found anything to report to the camp." Hao mused out loud as one of his men spoke up.

"General, watch out!" Hao was barely able to turn before a boulder caught him in the chest as he looked up to see General How looking down at him.

"I was wondering what it would take to lure you out, cheap shot." Hao said as he cut a boulder speeding towards him in half with his fire bending as he wiped his armor clear of dirt.

"Men, leave the General to me, if he wants to attack a fire bender, I will burn him until he surrenders…"

Author notes

Ok, this is one of the last 1000-word chapters, the next 2 or so chapters will be one of the last. I do need help with the romance so ideas are welcome, Lighting Wolf out!