So uh, the longass chapter I was writing has been pushed back because it more or less sets up the end of the story. Luckily its currently 75% done and will probably show up maybe five chapters from now if I don't add in more side stories.

And then I made the mistake of spending this week watching the extended version of the Lord of the Rings film trilogy and now I have tripped into the fandom rabbit hole whoops.

Anyway, recent hindsight research tells me that human hair grows at like half an inch a month. So uh, Akira's end game hair length (from chin length resembling a 'girl version' of the MC's canon look in November to an inch above shoulders after release in February) is kinda implausible. So yeah, another thing to deal with when I someday decide to edit this fic. Perhaps charts will be involved.

As for this chapter: Probably unnecessary set up chapter for bits involving The Interrogation (which was last seen in chapter 8). Not really happy about how it turned out but it's done.

Magical Gentlewoman Phantom Thief Joker-chan

By Bilbo-sama

Chapter 23 - A New Look

-November 7th-

Akira: Akechi gave me the worst set of options ever earlier.

Akira: 1. Sleep with him and hope for the best

Ann: ...What.

Akira: 2. Don't sleep with him and hope for the best.

Akira: I chose 2. He seemed...relieved about that. Maybe.

Futaba: Congrats you encountered an event flag.

Akira: Worst rank 7 ever.

Ann: Again, what.

-November 8th-

Futaba: I'm getting worried.

Futaba: If Joker gets caught, they will interrogate her.

Futaba: They'll probably use every method ever.

Makoto: ...I doubt they'll go too far.

Ryuji: But if Akechi is working for someone, wouldn't the cops in charge of Akira work for Akechi's boss too?

Ryuji: And like, whoever that asshole is wont give a shit about actual justice and shit.

Haru: ...If Akira looks like a guy, will she be okay?

Ryuji: Probably?

-November 10th-

"Hey, sensei," says Akira between rounds of Gun About.

"Yeah?" Shinya looks up his pupil.

"Do you know any kids willing to gum up my hair?"

Shinya frowns, "Why do you want that?"

"I'm going to need a disguise soon. Can't reveal details out in the open but, uh, wigs are expensive and my hair will grow back...eventually."

"...I'll see what I can do," Shinya said while wondering why girls, even if they are Phantom Thieves, are so weird.

-Two days later-

Akira was reviewing the scratch card she got from the lottery stand.

According to the guide on the back of it, three rice bowls means...1,000 yen. So basically she got her money back and a little bit extra.

"There she is!" a kid's voice shouts out.

And then suddenly a swarm of elementary school kids surrounded the bench she was sitting on.

When questioned later, witnesses say that the kids were all shouting about 'the king' and 'down with lame tutors!' before they all scrambled. The teen girl on the bench was left sputtering in confusion.

"What was that all about?" she said aloud.

"Oh my, miss!" said an old woman. "Your hair!"

"My hair?" said Akira as she touches the top of her head. Her face scrunches in disgust as she feels something sticky. "What the-"

"Here," said a college student as she hands over a pocket mirror.

To Akira's horror, her head was covered in gum. It all stretched as she undid her bun. She wasn't sure how it was possible but it seemed to spread.

"Kids these days are so rude," said the elderly woman.

"I know a hair salon nearby," said the college student

"Thank you," said Akira, voice quivering.

"I'll show you where it is," the college offered.

"What a tragedy," opined the old woman as she walked away.

The stylist at the salon did her best to clean out the gum but in the end she had to cut off the affected hair.

The result was that Akira's hair was shortened to her chin. It will take months for her hair to grow back to as it was before the gum incident. Already she can see some strands trying to curl in random directions.

Akira paid the stylist and decided to head home. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and typed a 'thanks' message to Shinya.

-Later that night-

Akira: Step One is done. Here's how I look.

Akira: [ me . jpg ]

Ann: You look great.

Yusuke: Indeed.

Makoto: I got the uniform. I'll drop it off later.

Ryuji: So how are you going to explain the new look?

Akira: ...Never again will I tutor over-achieving ten year olds?

-Monday, November 14th, before first class-

"You tutor?" asked Mishima.

"I do," Akira confirms, "my guardian thought that tutoring kids would help me in my rehabilitation."

"I don't think it worked out well," he gestured towards her head.

"No, it didn't."

"Holy crap," yelped Ann as she entered the class room and ran over to Akira, "I know you texted me a pic but seeing it for real is"

"Yeah," agreed Mishima, "it's weird seeing you like this after knowing you had it to your knees."

"It hasn't been that long since the Incident," said Akira, "The Lolita Incident, I mean."

-After school-

Akira kept her face neutral as she watched Akechi do a double-take and stare at her in confusion. It was rather gratifying (and hilarious) to catch the Detective Prince off guard like this.

So uh, part of this was written months ago in my writing spree but I kept it back in the event I decided to actually write in chronological order. Since that's not happening, I decided to extend it a bit and release it into the wild.

Akechi's 'choice' is a reference to chapter five (aka the Bad End Chapter).

I don't remember rank 7 of Akechi's confidant but I do remember that rank 8 happens after the Interrogation. Somehow.

I've been wanting to write a whole chapter about Akechi but he seems to want to lend appearances to random chapters instead. It's been frustrating because I do want to explore how he would deal with a female protagonist as his 'rival' and he's been like 'lol nope.' *shrugs*

The Lolita Incident was last referenced in chapter 7. Current status: Still a noodle incident.

I'll see you all the next time I manage an update.