"What happened?" I ask as I come to.

"We did it!" Chase exclaims. "I was able to get the serum into his mouth. In an hour or so, his bionics will stop working. I don't know how long it will be until the effect wears off, though. Mr. Davenport and I didn't get a chance to test it thoroughly."

"So how do we get out of these cuffs?" Bree asks.

"Do you have a hairpin Bree? Maybe I could trigger the lock mechanism." Chase is going all nerd again so I tune out. As I watch Chase fiddle with the hairpin, I remember something I saw when Bree and I came the first time.

"Doesn't Krane keep keys on his belt?" I ask. Chase and Bree suddenly turn.

"Yeah," Bree says. "I think Adam is right. Krane does keep keys on his belt. Maybe they go our handcuffs."

"You're right Adam. Nice going." Chase adds. "Adam, when he comes in, distract him. Then I'll grab the keys and unlock us."

"Then, we'll take him out." I say.

When Krane walks in, we are ready. I hit him in the guts and Chase grabs the keys. As Chase goes to unlock Bree, Krane tries to create a ball of electricity, but fails.

"Ha!" I yell. Chase comes over to me to unlock my handcuffs while Krane fiddled with his bionics, clearly mad.

"We disabled your bionics." Chase explained, causing him to charge at us. I easily stopped him, my hands now free. We locked him up in the cuffs and left for home.

"Chase," I say, coming into the lab later the next day.

"Yeah, Adam." he says, not really listening to me. I sit down beside him.

"Listen, Chase. This is kind of hard for me to say, but I feel bad." I start, not knowing the right words. He just nods, still looking at the thing he was working on. "Chase, I'm sorry!" I finally blurt out.

"Why?" He asks, looking up from his thing.

"If I hadn't tripped you, you wouldn't have stormed out like that. Then, Krane wouldn't have gotten you."

"Adam, it isn't your fault." Chase insists.

"You sure?" I ask. Chase nods.

"Good?" he asks. I nod in response and head out of the lab.

"You know that I won't stop, right?" I turn and ask. Chas looks up from his thing and nods.