Hi guys, I know I havent written anything in awhile but i had this idea and I just had to write it down. I do not own Phineas and Ferb or the cover image.


Phineas was in the attic. How was he supposed to find anything up here! It was worse than when he and Ferb had made that back yard hodge podge. Everything was everywhere.

He continued his search for his old tool box, but then he saw a red book coated in a thick layer of dust. He stared at the book until curiosity got the better of him and he picked it up. He'd never seen this book before. He knew it was wrong to look at something that was none of his business, but he needed to know what it was.

He blew of the dust and he could just about make out the faded words: Perry Flynn.

It could be his biological dad's? He had the same name as Perry the platypus, cool! He opened it wondering what was inside.

The book was one of those photo books where you could slide photographs into the side. The first photo was one of his mum and a man with light skin and teal hair. He guessed it was his dad.

There was another one of a toddler Candace and his dad playing together, and one for them all standing with his dog Bucky. Phineas never met his real dad but he still missed him, if that made any sence. He wanted to know what happend to him.

He turned the page and was surprised when a piece of paper fell out. He bent down and picked it up. It was folded a few times. Phineas slowly open it and started reading.


I'm sorry- I can't deal with this anymore.

I'm so tired of everything.

I can't do anything right.

I can't do this anymore.

I love you more than you know,

but I can't go on any longer.

I've given up.

It's all too much.

Please forgive me.

I will never forget you Linda.


Phineas was confused. He didn't fully understand it but in the back of his mind he knew it was bad. There was a sad element about it too. What happened to his dad? What was the letter about?

Something shiny caught his attention. A brown fedora was sitting on top of a wooden chest. It had a shiny black stripe around it. Something about it was familiar. Where had he seen it before? Wait that's right, there was a smaller version in Candace 's dressing up box once. He'd also seen it hanging on a peg behind the door last week.

This one that he found was much bigger, it looked quite old and it was covered in dust. He picked it up and studied it closely. There was also a name written inside but he couldnt read it. It was too faded. He looked back at the photos. He decided to flick through the rest of the book. There was nothing much, just a bunch of family photos.

He looked at the wooden chest again. It was locked. Mabye there was a key somewhere... He looked around. Nope, no key. He started looking at the pictures again.

He was about to set the book back down, but the very last photo on the very last page was of his biological dad wearing the fedora and standing beside a man with a moustache. Neither were smiling. There was wrighting below it too. It read: Me and Monobrow. Who was Monobrow? Anyway, that one was an odd photo.

He couldnt ask his mum about all of this. She was away for a week. His step dad was at the shop. Maybe Candace or Ferb would know what this stuff was about...

Line break

Perry was trying to sleep in his pet bed when he overheard Phineas talking exitedly to Ferb in the kitchen. Perry slowly cracked open one eye.

"-and Mabye we could figure out what happend to him-"

Who were they talking about? Perry was confused. Did something happen to Buford or Baljeet? Mabye even Lawrence? Perry walked over to the door and put his ear to it.

"-found an old photo album and a fedora there too-"

Wait, did he say fedora? He had to find out what they were talking about. Perry walked into the kitchen.

"Oh there you are Perry." Phineas said. "You'll never guess what we found."

Come on, just say it already. Perry jumped onto Phineas's lap and chattered.

"I was up in the attic getting Ferb's old tool box, when I found a photo album. It had pictures of me and Candace's biological dad! I also found a cool looking fedora!"

He showed him the fedora. It looked exactly like his but it was big enough for a human. Perry knew it was an agent's fedora, but it was weird, because it was human sized. The agents had always been animals. It was strange.

Phineas began talking to Ferb again, and set the fedora down on the floor. Mabye there was a name on it. He jumped off of Phineas's lap onto the floor and looked at the upside down fedora and studied it. It was exactly the same as his.

He turned to the inside and searched for a name. There was a name one the inside. An O.W.C.A symbol too. The wrighting was slightly faded but still readable.

Perry Flynn.

Perry tried to come up with an explanation on why his name was on it. It wasn't his hat. It obviously wouldn't fit him, but still. It didn't make any sense. The more he thought about it the more his head hurt. It actually really hurt. He decided to just lay down for awhile. He could ask Monogram about it later. Right now, he had to figure out how to get rid of his annoying headache.