I felt my eyes shiver in fear as I witnessed the argument before me unfold. I tried thinking of any kind of way of stopping it before it got any worse, but all I could hear was shouting from both sides.

"Give it back, Shredder!" You ordered him, even though you knew he was under no obligation to obey it whatsoever.

"Or what? Really? What are you going to do about it?" He told you, making a stupid kind of smug smirk that I honestly wanted to punch myself, if I could.

"Alex won it fair and square! Just give it back already!" I claimed.

"More like he cheated, if you ask me."

The argument continued, and you looked like you were already ready to sacrifice your pride and dignity just for me. At that time, I was desperate. I didn't want to see you get hurt. Not over some stupid thing like ice cream. Starlight, our old foster sister, had been standing by him with her usual could-care-less look on her face. She had been dating him for who knew why, so I was hoping I could somehow convince her to make him stop.

"Tell him to stop, Starlight!" I pleaded to her. "I don't care about the ice cream! Just make him leave Alex alone!"

I didn't expect her to do anything about it, and she didn't. She only rolled her eyes and continued to carelessly watch the scene, waiting for him to be done and move on. Still, I couldn't help but feel weak at my knees and hopeless about stopping for what was to come.

Besides mostly one thing, I was just your average young mare in Fillydelphia. There was nothing worth noting about me that you'd classify as special. We especially weren't popular and were mostly treated like outcasts for one stupid little thing.

Our eyes.

I don't know if we acted like freaks, but other ponies would especially find themselves staring directly at our eyes way too often as if we were some foreign aliens from outer space. Then again, I suppose that wasn't necessarily too far from the truth.

As you know, my left eye is a dark blue like yours, and my right eye is more of a light sky blue. However, back then, I wasn't the only one with this pair of odd eyes. You had eyes just like mine, but they were sort of colored in the opposite kind of way. In other words, your left eye was a light sky blue, and your right eye was dark blue.

It didn't help that I had, and still have, a crazy fear of water due to a group of ponies who thought it'd be funny one day, back when I was just practically a little foal, to see if I could swim or not. My life would have been over that day, but just like you always do, you came to my rescue. Even so, I had been traumatized, so much to the point where I couldn't even take a bath on my own without having you with me to keep me safe.

In the end, the two of us stuck with each other for the majority of our lives. I still remember how ponies would wonder exactly how we would be considered twins in the first place. We looked and acted nothing alike, but we still especially got along almost perfectly.

Despite what other ponies thought of us, we surprisingly held up pretty well. After all, it was the love we had for each other that kept us strong. That's what I believe anyway. We were looking forward to the one day that we'd be able to leave both Fillydelphia and our family. I was sure that maybe if we worked our butt off, we could sort of start a new life somewhere else.

Although, even though I hadn't put too much thought to it, I didn't realize that that dream would fall short on our last summer vacation together.