Mizuki sat in her bedroom surrounded by her three best friends; Kunigawa Ryoko, Kaori Ayase and Sayaka Honda. Ayase crossed her arms and blew air between her teeth.
"I`m bored." she whined. "Some sleepover this is, we haven't even done anything remotely sleep-overly." Sayaka looked up from her book.
"Sleep-overly? I don't think that's a real adjective." The deadpan girl said. Mizuki sat looking out of her window at the night sky whilst playing with her hair. Ayase was right. It hadn't been the most exciting of nights. This time it was Ryoko`s turn to say something.
"What do you think we should do then?" she asked. Ayase put her hand to her chin and imitated the 'Thinker' statue. She jolted and clapped her hands together.
"How about we play truth or dare?" she suggested. The girls groaned. Truth or dare? How cliché. "Oh come on guys," continued Ayase. "It`ll be fun. You never know, it might make something interesting happen." The other three girls gave in and they all sat down on the floor in a circle, or a good a circle as 4 people can make.
"All right, who`s going first?" asked Mizuki. Silence. Mizuki turned to Ayase next to her. "You started it. You can go first." Ayase shrugged.
"Fine," she said, with an air of confidence in her voice. "I will go first. I choose dare." Mizuki sat back for a moment and thought. After a few moments she came up with something.
"Say something dirty." Mizuki said. Ayase leant back and laughed.
"Something dirty." She said. The group of girls erupted into chatter.
"You can`t do that, that's cheating."
"No, technically I`m-"
"Ayase, I don't think that`s what she means."
"Yes I know, but-"
"Do it again."
"Ayase!" Honda`s sudden shout caused the girls to go quiet.
"Fine," said Ayase. "I`ll say it, I`ll say something so dirty that you`ll have to wash your ears out with soap." Mizuki leant forward in anticipation. She wasn't really a dirty girl but she was excited to see what Ayaşe could muster. "Oh yeah baby, do it. Cover me in whipped cream and lick me like a delicious dessert." Silence. Mizuki felt like her brain just exploded. Did that order of words just come out of Ayase mouth? It wasn't even really that dirty, it was just plain weird. A cough from Ryoko broke the silence. Ayase gave a small nervous laugh.
"How`d you like `dem apples?" she said through another strained laugh.
"I don't- I just don't know." said Honda. "I don't have the social skills necessary deal with something like that."
"I think we should move on." Said Ayase. She turned to Mizuki. "It`s your turn."
"Oh well, I pick truth." replied Mizuki.
"Oh you`re so boring," said Ayase. "You`re a chicken, aren't you? A big old chicken." She stood up and started to a chicken impression.
"Bawk Bawk Bawk. Look at me I`m Mizuki and I`m a chicken. Bawk Bawk Bawk." Said Ayase as she moved to where Mizuki was sat and started to 'peck' her.
"Ayase, stop it will you. You`re not funny." said Mizuki through her laughter. Ayase continued to mock her.
"Bawk Bawk Bawk. Bawk." Finally Mizuki gave in.
"Fine, I choose dare." she said, wiping away a tear. Ayase sat down and the other girls gave a small cheer.
"What do you want me to do?" asked Mizuki. A highly disturbing grin appeared on Ayase`s face. It was the grin of super villain who`s master plan was about to unravel. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell phone.
"Call your crush."
"What?!" asked Mizuki in disbelief. She started to turn red. Ayase smiled evilly again.
"You heard me. Call your crush. You don`t have to tell us who it is or give us any clue as to who it is, all you have to do is call him." she said, handing Mizuki the phone. Mizuki took the phone and stared at the keypad. Call her crush. It wasn't exactly difficult. Maybe she`d get lucky and he wouldn't respond.
"What do I have to say?" asked Mizuki. Ayase thought for a moment.
"You have to tell him you love him, but you don't have to tell him it`s you. If you know what I mean? So you don't have to use your regular voice." Mizuki nodded. That wasn't that bad, she could probably just wave it off as a wrong number or something. She punched in the numbers and put the phone to her ear. She listened to it ring as the other 3 girls leant forward in anticipation. She waved them back. The phone connected.
"Hello?" said Uchimaki. Damn, guess she wasn't lucky after all. She coughed to clear her throat.
"Uhhh, hello Mr Uchimaki," she said in a deep voice. The other girls sniggered but Mizuki shot them daggers.
"Who`s speaking?" asked Uchimaki.
"There`s something you need to know, Mr Uchimaki." said Mizuki.
"Go on." He replied.
"I-" Mizuki`s voice cracked and returned to normal for a brief moment. "-love you." There was silence for a few moments. He hung up. She just confessed to the boy she loved. But he would never know. Ever. But what about the voice break? Would he know it was her? Surely not right? It could`ve been anyone`s crank call. The other three girl`s laughed as Mizuki handed the phone back. Ayase laughed and did an impression of Mizuki`s deepened voice.
"Uhhh, Hello? Is, uhhhhh, is Mr Uchimaki there?" she said.
"You guys are horrible to me," said Mizuki only half seriously, whilst looking up at the ceiling and fake pouting.
"All right Ryoko, you`re next." said Ayase, turning to her next victim. The night continued much as Mizuki thought it would, laughing and joking with her friends, but deep down she couldn't seem to shake an odd feeling. The feeling of what though? Guilt? Fear? Love? Or a strange cocktail of all of them?

A/N: Well there you go. Mizuki confessed but not in the way that she`d originally planned. Will Uchimaki find out it was her or will it be another mystery lost to time? Find out in chapter 2. Thank you very much for reading, goodnight.