The next morning Yu decides to go and wait for Alexis to wake up.

"What are you doing up?" Alexis asks as she wakes up and stretches and sees Yu in her doorway.

"Waiting for you to get up. Tsubasa and the others are gone today cause they had some things they needed to do so we pretty much got the entire place to ourselves today until sometime tonight." Yu says.

"At least we can get some peace and quiet today. Anyways were you waiting for me to get up so we can get some breakfast or was it something else?" Alexis asks.

"Breakfast." Yu says.

"Come on let's go get something to eat." Yu says. Alexis nods and follows Yu to the kitchen. While Yu is getting the cereal and milk while Alexis gets some spoons and bowls. Soon after getting his breakfast and sitting down Yu looks at Alexis while she is eating and watches her wolf down her food.

"You know you should slow down some when your eating. Besides it's not like anyone is going to try and take your food." Yu says as he takes a bite of his food.

"Sorry." Alexis says as she stops eating for a moment to talk.

"I'm just used to eating as quick as possible because the rules out in the forest were pretty much either eat or starve and another one of the rules was either eat or be eaten. So again sorry." Alexis says a bit embarrassed blushing a bit.

"You don't have to worry about anyone taking your food away from you here." Yu says.

"My sweet little snowflake. I'll protect you." Yu says a bit teasingly knowing she does not like being called snowflake as he gets done eating along with Alexis.

"Call me snowflake again and your gonna end up pinned to the ground or the wall until Tsubasa or one of the others gets back here tonight. And for your information knot head I don't need protection I can handle myself." Alexis says a bit threateningly and bit aggravated as she gets up done eating she takes Yu's bowl and walks over to the sink with her bowl and Yu's bowl and puts the bowls in the sink.

"Aww your so cute when you try to threaten me." Yu says teasing Alexis giving her a dreamy glance. Alexis rolls her eyes and starts walking. Yu then starts to walk closely beside Alexis and puts a hand on her arm catching Alexis's attention.

"You know Yu. Your really pushing your luck right now casanova." Alexis says a bit annoyed brushing Yu's hand off of her. Yu smirks slightly.

"You should really have your eyes on someone else other than me. I'm not someone you want to try dating or anything. You'll be safer that way. I'll just put you in danger. Besides you don't know me." Alexis say trying to walk off. Yu then shoves Alexis against a wall and pins her wrists above her head to where she can't move her hands and arms to push him away. Alexis blushes at the position she is in.

"Maybe I like that about you. Your not like other girls. Yes I don't know everything about you but I know enough to know that your a good person and that you would do anything for your friends. Besides that's what drew me to you. I don't ever want to see you get hurt. Besides we've been through everything together and whatever comes our way I would want to face it by your side." Yu says. Alexis blushes at how close their faces are and how he has his body pressed up against hers so she can't move on him.

"Let me go already casanova." Alexis says as she struggles slightly to get out of Yu's grip.

"Not a chance Lexi. As long as I got you in this position you have no choice but to stay put until I let you go." Yu says in a slightly seductive tone causing Alexis to growl annoyed.

"Touche. Now can you please let me go?" Alexis asks a bit annoyed.

"Alright Alex I'll let you go. Come with me to my room." Yu says as he lets Alexis go but keeps his right hand around Alexis's left wrist.

"That's ok Yu I thin-" Alexis says as she tries to walk off but stops talking feeling something around her right wrist pull her back and looks to see Yu's hand around her wrist.

"I don't recall giving you a choice Alex." Yu says commandingly. Alexis rolls her eyes and sighs but nods knowing Yu is stubborn and persistent when he wants to be. Alexis then follows Yu to his room. Once getting in the room Yu locks the door so if one of the others come back early they can't come in on he and Alexis.

"So what is it exa-" Alexis gets cut off by a pair of lips smashing onto hers. Alexis looks to see Yu's lips on hers and Yu's eyes are closed. Yu then pushes Alexis against a wall and takes her hands and pins them above her head never once leaving her lips. Yu then pulls away leaving Alexis with wide eyes, surprise, and blushing madly.

"That answer your question?" Yu asks. Alexis nods slightly. Yu smirks as he lets Alexis go.

"We got free time for the day lets unwind together." Yu says.

"When?" Alexis asks.

"Now." Yu says.

"Yu maybe this isn't-oof." Alexis gets cut off by Yu pinning her to the ground.

"When I say now I mean now." Yu says pinning Alexis's arms above her head while removing his belt, pants, and boxers. Yu smiles at the beautiful girl he has pinned down.

"Yu what are you doing?" Alexis asks as Yu removes her shirt and pants. Alexis blushes slightly. Yu then kissed Alexis. Yu's lips moved against Alexis's lips, skillfully soon slipping his tongue past her lips.

"Wow his kiss is demanding, hungry, forceful, and almost needy. This is a side of Yu I've never seen before rough, desperate, and dominant." Alexis thinks to herself as Yu then places one of his hands behind Alexis's head holding it in place as he pulls away and moves to Alexis's left ear.

"Sweet little Angel." Yu whispers into Alexis's ear before trailing his lips down Alexis's neck sucking, licking, and kissing her neck making her moan. Yu then stops at a certain spot on Alexis's neck and then starts biting gently and sucking hard on that spot. Alexis bites her bottom lip holding back a moan. Yu then sees this and growls before biting a little harder hoping to make a bruise spot making Alexis gasp and moan. Yu soon gets bored of Alexis's neck and then moves his hands to behind Alexis and unclips her bra and removes it from her before dropping it in the floor. Alexis then quickly uses Yu letting go of her to unclip her bra to cover herself up and blushes madly. Yu smiles and then takes Alexis wrists and moves her arms and pins them to her side to where she can't cover herself.

"Don't hide yourself from me you are beautiful and you always will be." Yu says. Yu then takes off his shirt and tosses it into the floor. Alexis stares at Yu muscles a little bit before blushing again slightly. Yu chuckles at Alexis.

"You look so cute when your blushing." Yu says.

"S-sh-shut up." Alexis says looking away in a hurry. Yu chuckles again before taking a peek into his mouth and began to suck while one of his free hand kneeded and pinched the other one. Yu then uses his other free hand to remove Alexis pants. Yu then gently picks Alexis up and puts heron his bed and then removes his shirt and uses his shirt to tie Alexis's wrists around the bed frame and uses Alexis's shirt and her pants to tie Alexis's ankles to the bottom of the bed spread out. Yu looks at Alexis smiling at her helpless position making Alexis blush and Yu to smile more. Yu then moves his hands to Alexis's folds and gently folds. Alexis moans at Yu's touch. Yu then sticks a finger in Alexis's without warning. Alexis whimpers slightly as she feels Yu add two more fingers and starts pumping slowly in and out of Alexis.

"Yu faster please." Alexis begs as she then feels Yu stop but keeps his fingers in Alexis. Yu smirks as then starts pumping in and out of Alexis fast, hard, and roughly.

"Yu." Alexis moans.

"More contact Yu please." Alexis begs.

"If you insist my dear." Yu says as he soon removes his hand and moves his head in it's place and starts licking and darting his tongue in Alexis at a fast pace before he stops and starts rubbing Alexis with his member making them both to moan loudly. Alexis blushes causing Yu to give a big smirk before sitting up and untying Alexis's wrists and ankles.

"Get up and let me sit down on the bed then you sit down in front of me." Yu says. Alexis nods and gets up letting Yu sit down on the bed and Alexis sit down in front of him.

"Your turn to have some fun." Yu says. Alexis then takes that invitation and starts sucking on Yu's member making him moan. Alexis smirks doing what she wants with Yu happily pleasing him and every now and then allowing him to grip her hair and let him bob her head.

"Alexis I think I'm gonna-" Yu gets cut off by Alexis.

"What's the matter Yu big strong blader can't handle a little bit of pleasuring." Alexis says smirking at Yu. Yu then smirks at Alexis.

"Turn around, bend over, and spread your legs." Yu says. Alexis gives a puzzled and excited look but does as Yu told her. As soon as Alexis is turned around she feels Yu tie her wrists together again behind her back and places his hands on her hips.

"I'm gonna do the second best place and save the best for last." Yu says before ramming into Alexis making her cry out in pain for a few seconds before nodding for Yu to move. After a few good hard thrusts Yu removes himself from Alexis.

"Lay back down on your back." Yu says. Alexis nods and does as she is told knowing what Yu is doing.

"Your mine now." Yu says placing his member at Alexis's entrance. Alexis nods letting him know its ok. Yu then slowly enters Alexis causing her to scream from pain. Yu then kisses Alexis as he enters her the rest of the way. Alexis nods for Yu to move. After a few good hard and rough thrusts Yu finally cums in Alexis and she comes as well with both screaming each others names. After pulling himself out of Alexis Yu and Alexis curl up together in his bed and go to sleep in each others embrace.

*Time skip*

After sleeping for a couple of hours Alexis wakes up to a still sleeping Yu. Alexis smiles as she quietly gets out of the bed and picks up her and Yu's clothes and puts them in a pile so that after Alexis showers she can wash them. Just as Alexis starts getting a towel and gets the water running she feels a pair of arms snake their way around Alexis's stomach. Alexis turns to see Yu.

"I thought you were asleep." Alexis says.

"I was but I noticed you weren't beside me and woke up." Yu says.

"Well since your awake we should shower before the others get back." Alexis says.

"Let's shower together that way it's quicker." Yu says. Alexis nods. After a quick shower and getting dressed in some clean clothes Alexis and Yu start cleaning up.

"I got the clothes Yu you take care of the sheets." Alexis says putting the clothes in a basket and picking the basket up. Yu nods as he gets the dirty sheets and puts them in the basket and Yu and Alexis put the clothes and sheets in the wash before going into the living room and cuddling on the couch in front of the tv and wait for the others to get back.