Author's Note: Hey everyone! I hope your day is going very well! Thank you for taking the time to start reading my story. I hope you enjoy it and please don't be afraid to leave a comment down below!

Chapter 1

"Cameron. Cameron!" I turned around, bringing my gun down. My brother Spencer stood with his phone to his ear, holding the metal door half open.

"Mum wants us home. She says she's starting dinner early."

"We just got here. Can't we just heat up leftovers later?" I asked, taking my safety goggles off. Spencer just shrugged and left the range again, the door banging closed behind him. I sighed and put my goggles back on. Letting out the frustration of having to leave early, I shot a few more rounds into the human shaped target thirty feet away.

Spencer came back into the range and began to disassemble his gun. I guess that was my answer.

"Dad is going to kill us. We're supposed to have at least three targets filled. I haven't even finished one," I said over the barrier, starting to do the same as my brother.

"Neither have I but we'll just put mum in front of us. He can't resist her eyes."

"Or the woman in general. I mean, there are four of us that have popped out of her," I said, smirking to myself. Spencer gagged and put his gun in its case.

My brother and I got into my car, our guns and vests in the back seat.

"Simon is coming over tomorrow to give Maggie her early birthday present which means we're going out for dinner," Spencer told me, texting on his phone. I rolled my eyes and took my hair out of the ponytail I had it in.

"Great, meaning our house is going to be full afterwards. I think Aunt Tori was supposed to come over as well. How long you think we'll get through the night without a fight?" I glanced in my rear-view mirror, checking to see if it was clear to turn. The only car was some silver rich-looking hunk of metal that idled behind me.

"I don't know, maybe twenty minutes. Michael told me that his mum was trying to get him to buy some quality prank materials to use on Simon." Michael was our oldest cousin, same age as Spencer. It didn't shock me that our Aunt Tori was planning a prank on Uncle Simon. It was exactly the kind of people they were. My mum had told me once that they had always been that way, even when she had met them at sixteen years old. I just shrugged, and kept my eyes on the road. Spencer plugged in his phone, the classic rock he listened to constantly came through my speakers.

Once we were back in our town, Spencer turned down the radio.

"Cam?" I made a sound of acknowledgement, "have you noticed that car following us?"

My eyes flicked to the rear-view mirror. The silver car was still there. I'd seen it obviously, but hadn't registered that it was the same car.

"It's probably not following us. I mean, there's only one direct route to Toronto from this area and we've been driving it the whole time."

"I guess," Spencer paused, "Look, go down this road. The turn-off to the highway is this way. If it doesn't go to the on-ramp, it's following us."

Both Spencer and I kept our eyes glued to the car. My brother's guess was right. The car just cruised past the turn off as if it wasn't even there.

We were still at least ten minutes from home and I wasn't going to lead some person right to our front door.

"Tighten your seatbelt and get the license plate," I muttered to my brother. Not asking a single question, I could see him pull on the material. I smirked. Even though he was two years older than me, I was a better driver. Even our dad said so, much to Spence's dismay. It was a part of our lifestyle, knowing how to drive like a NASCAR driver or shoot as well as a solider. If anyone from the outside saw us, they'd think we were a part of the mafia or trained assassins. Really, we were just a family that had been on the run since before I was born. In my family, there were four kids. Spencer, myself, my twin brother Dylan and our little sister Maggie. All four of us could use a gun and a variety of other weapons. It was a requirement for the family I'm sure. My cousins could use guns as well. My mum hated the fact that her children knew how to use guns, especially her 12-year-old daughter. Dad wouldn't budge though.

"Stop driving like Paul Walker in Fast and Furious, you're going to get pulled over," Spencer sounded completely freaked out, clutching the dashboard.

"Would you like to drive? Oh wait, it's not your car so shut up. By the way, you don't need to reference the movie."

I threw the car into reverse, squeezing us into an alleyway. When the silver car didn't go by, I tugged the car forward, checking for any traffic. We had lost him.

"I've seen it enough times," I said to my brother, smirking at him.

"Whatever," he mumbled.

"Mum! We're back!" I called into our large house, sliding my boots off. I handed my gun case to my brother, who took it upstairs and put in my room.

"Kitchen!" I followed her voice to the back of the house. It seemed that we were the last ones' home, other than dad. My young sister Maggie was grating cheese, while my twin Dylan had a large knife in his hand, disassembling a potato. My 5'3" tall mother was trying to reach a bowl off the top shelf, which was not going very well. I snorted and helped her out.

"Oh, shut up. Just because you got your father's height, doesn't mean you get to make fun of me." I rolled my eyes. I was only 5'9", which was still short compared to the 6'3" and 6'4" of my brothers.

"What do you need me to do?" I asked, leaning against the counter.

"Call Hayley and see if she wants to come over. I made a lot of food and I want to give your father a reason not to eat it all. Dylan, you can call Andy if you want."

Dylan pulled his phone out and dialed his best friend's number. I sent a text to my own best friend and turned just in time to see Spencer shove a full Mars bar in his mouth.

"Mum, Spencer just ate a chocolate bar," I tattled sounding bored, looking back down at my phone.

"Seriously?" The two of them said, Spencer directed at me, mum at Spencer.

"You've invited people over for dinner! There's not going to be enough for all of us!" Spencer complained, mouth completely full of caramel.

"You're kidding me, right? I have been cooking for your father for over twenty years. That also includes all his werewolf friends and family. I am aware of how much you boys eat. Hayley isn't a werewolf and it isn't like Andy is going to deprive you of a steak."

My mum was full of sass, especially when it came to her children. Spencer didn't know what to say. He just pouted and sat down at the kitchen island.

Just under an hour later, Hayley Michelle and Andy Richard were seated at our grand dining room table and we were all starting to stuff our faces. Mum had called my dad and he said that he would be home soon. Maggie had the least amount of food on her plate. There were three growing werewolves at the table, plus myself being werewolf, necromancer and a bunch of other random crap that had been thrown in just for fun.

Let me explain. My family is not normal. My dad, Derek Souza is a werewolf and my mother, Chloe is a necromancer meaning she can talk to dead people. Since I was born, my parents have been waiting on their toes to see if I would be a necromancer, since female werewolves weren't exactly a common thing. The gene usually goes from father to son. There were two female werewolves in the world. The first, Elena had been bitten since the gene at the time wasn't female friendly. When her and her husband Clayton (scary dude but also my godfather) had their kids, their daughter Katherine had gotten the gene as well, shockingly. Katherine and I were around the same age so the world's population of estrogen fueled werewolves tripled in only a couple years.

At this point, most of the dishes on the table were empty, and plates were stuffed. Dylan and Andy were telling stories about their prank ideas for the last day of school. We were days away from the end of grade 12 and Dylan wanted to plan the best senior prank of all time. Andy, as his right-hand man was just as excited. From the look on mum's face, she was pretending not to hear them. Plausible deniability when the principal called. When the phone rang, she looked completely relieved.

"Hello? Hello?" She gave the phone a weird look then hung up. Due to the werewolf hearing, most of us at the table knew that no one had spoken on the other end. The table had gone silent as she sat back down.

"Everything good, mum?" Spencer asked, taking a bite of mashed potatoes. Her eyebrows were scrunched together. People rarely called our house phone and only immediate family members knew the number. It was strange for there to be no voice on the other end.

"Mum?" I called at her. Her eyes snapped up.

"Yes, sorry. Everything is alright," mum stuffed her mouth with food. Spencer and I exchanged a knowing look. There was something up.


I finished tying a plaid shirt around my waist when I heard the hushed voices of my parents and brothers come from downstairs. I checked on my sister, who was still sleeping in her bed. I could only see the top of her head sticking out from the mountain of blankets she slept with. It was 8:30 in the morning on the weekend so Maggie took advantage of sleeping in. I smirked and headed down to the first floor. The four of them were sitting on at the kitchen island. All were looking my way when I appeared in the doorway.

"What's going on?" I asked, leaning against the doorframe. I saw a map, photographs and few other things sitting on the table in front of them. My heart dropped a little. I already had an idea of what was coming. My father leaned back in his chair, and folded his arms.

"We're leaving, Cameron. We're just planning on where to go next."

"When are we leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning at the earliest, Monday evening at the latest. We'll send someone to come get the rest of our stuff when it's safe," Dad explained.

"You're kidding me, right? Dylan and I are a week away from graduating high school. We've been at this school for almost three years, you can't be seriously trying to make us leave this close to finishing," I stood straight, "Dylan please, you have to agree with me."

Dylan sighed, "Cam, I would but look, Spencer told us what happened yesterday when the car followed you two. Then the phone call last night. It wasn't the first strange one that we've gotten. We've all noticed certain people in school have been giving us too much attention. It's all too weird and coincidental for us to stay."

I sighed and swore. I knew I was in a losing battle here. Everyone had a look of sympathy on their faces that just made me angry.

"I need some time. I'm going out," I left the room and went back upstairs. Unplugging my phone and heading for the door, I grabbed my keys out of the front bowl.

"I'll be back later." I grumbled knowing my dad could hear me. I left the house, not waiting for a response.

Getting in the driver's side of my Dodge Avenger, I called Hayley.

"What the hell are you doing calling me at 8:30 in the morning?" her voice sounded like she just woke up and I'm sure she did.

"I am coming to pick you up and we are going to the mall. I need to talk to you about something."

I heard shuffling from the other end of the phone, "I'll be ready. You're lucky I love you, douche face."

"I love you too," I said laughing, hanging the phone up. Leaving our driveway, I turned my music up. The bass of the rock and roll filled my car.

The music suddenly turns off and a phone call comes through on the Bluetooth system. I glanced down and inhaled shakily.

"What the hell," I muttered. The name was one I hadn't see in a very long time. Well, long as in two days. I passed him in the hallway at school. He had tried to talk to me but I ran into the girls' bathroom and waited there until next class had started.

I let the call ring through, with my heart caught in my throat the entire time. I glanced back down at the screen. Seeing Dean Miles' name, my ex-boyfriend who I had dated for two and a half years was uncomfortable. When I looked back up, there was a young boy standing right in front of me. I scream and yanked the car to the side.