Chapter 31- This could work.

"Reika?" I blinked in surprise and turned to look over my shoulder. I must have looked like an idiot. Sitting there, putting on my sandals, with a piece of plain bread in my mouth.

Rin stood at my back in full gear, hands hooked behind her back.

Taking the bread out of my mouth, I responded.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you."

Biting the carbs, I waited for her reply.

"Where are you going at six in the morning? To train?" she asked me.

I swallowed and stood up.

"There are a few things I wanted to practice before the day starts."

She hummed before taking my place, slipping on her sandals too.

"Can I come with you?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"You ask, but you seem to already know my answer," I responded, before quietly cracking the door and slipping out.

She kept up with me, a smile plastered on her face, all the way to Training ground 7. From there, we slipped into the trees so that we could have privacy.

Thinking back to this time. The time we spent together, I would eventually treasure it. Wishing with all my mind and heart, and cursing any deity that would listen, that we could come back to this.

Because the future?

Take what I had experienced in the first 9 years of my life, and you already guess that it wasn't bright. This pain and suffering would only continue.

And Rin. Just thinking of it makes my eyes sting. Fuck. Rin. If only I was…


I finished the set of 360 and gathered my energy, before turning to the medical-nin.

"What are you doing?" her eyes sparkled with interest as she studied my movements.

"A training exercise that helps smooth out my chakra," I said, not technically lying.

Blinking, she hummed.

"Will you teach me?" My heart jumped and I tried not to let my emotions show.

Not that I'm any good at that.

"Oh." Sadness filled them. "It's a Hyuga secret isn't it."

No. Thoughts of my own selfishness filled me and made me second guess myself.

What if I were to teach her this, and it helped her survive?

Do I take the risk?

"No one." I flickered my byakugan for a second. 8 birds, a mole, two squirrels fighting, some bugs and an ant nest.

"You do not show anyone this," I told her. "Nor tell anyone. Not even your sensei."

Panic filled her eyes.

"But isn't this a clan technique?" She argued. "What if the Hyuga find out."

"Screw the Hyuga." I bit out. "This increases chakra control. If you want to be a kick-ass Medic, you need all the resources you can have."

I spoke frankly, even dropping the slightly formal way my parents had tried to enlist in me.

She needs an edge over Orochimaru should he try anything. I don't trust him with my family.

So, I showed her the movements.

"Neigong? I never heard that word before."

I refrained from the sarcastic remark that tried to slip out and corrected her stance.

"Try only 90 of each exercise."

She nodded and did so.

Even now, the aftermath still cracks me up.

"What the hell is this!" She complained, focusing her energy. She groaned before finally letting it drop. "My body feels like it was hit by a tree!"

I snickered and continued to hit my body's center with palms open, my legs in the horse stance.

"That's normal," I told her, exhaling. "You are using muscles and ligaments that we do not usually use."

She let her hand touch her shoulder and focused her energy.

"You are right." She answered, clearly surprised. Her chakra explored her own body, analyzing the effects. "Theses exercise are going to help support the muscles we do always use. It is going to prevent some strains and dislocations."

I smile before finishing up the set and focusing my chakra.

"On another note, what time are you meeting your Team?" I asked her, walking around to calm the shaking in my legs

Rin rolled her arms, looking up to the sky.

"In about half an hour." She said. "I'm actually going to go back and make sure the boys are getting up and to eat something fast."

I nodded before releasing the pressure, the burning energy, into my body.

"Okay." I nodded. "I'm going to stick around, there are a few other things that I want to do."

Her smile gave me hope that maybe everything was going to be okay.

"Good luck with the boys."

She disappeared into the forest, leaving me alone.

I sat on the ground and laid back. My arm over my eyes and I let my mind wander.

Rin on Orochimaru's team.

Panic rose in my gut.

This is a disaster waiting to happen. Even Ibiki? Only Anko is supposed to survive from her team.

How much more can I fuck up this timeline?

I snorted in disbelief realizing that I have already changed so much, having only been here less than a decade. Saving Sakumo. Worming my way unconsciously into the hearts of Mikoto and Fugaku. Stealing the position of the youngest Anbu from Itachi. And replacing Rin in team 7 for the worst fate at Orochimaru's disposal.

A familiar chakra flickered beside me and I sighed.

"Good Morning, Minato-Sensei," I called, cracking open an eye to look over.

Said Blond smiled before sitting in the grass next to me.

"Good Morning, Kiddo." He replied. "A bit early to be out, don't you think?"

I shrugged before closing my eyes again and relaxing my muscles. File it away. File away all the changes I made. I'll figure something out later.

The silence stretched out between us. The lack of other chakra in the area told me we still had time until we were supposed to meet. Meaning Minato came here for a reason.

To talk about something? Or for me to ask my questions?

"Why was I placed on team 7. Why with Kakashi and Obito?" I asked him in all seriousness. And I wanted answers. "Rin would have been a better choice for an assault squad as the medic."

"Don't worry about that. The Hokage thought long and hard about this, and I agree with his reasoning. I will explain it in more depth when the boys get here, so please wait a bit."

I forced out my breath in frustration, trying not to snap.

"But the reason why I came early was actually to talk to you about your schedule change."

I opened my eyes and looked over at him.

"You will be with us every day of the week like I told the boys. Saturdays will be one on one training, while Sundays are free."

"Does not sound any different." I tried not to bite out.

He smiled and held up a hand.

"Let me finish." Chuckling, he held up a finger. "Every Saturday, you will be sending a clone to our one on one meeting. You, yourself, will be going to Headquarters and training with Kawasu."

He paused for a second before I could see him count.

"Your birthday is coming soon. You are going to be 9."

I nodded before sitting up. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"One year. That is all the time the Hokage said he can give you. After that, you will be placed officially in a team and sent on your first official Anbu mission." He instructed.

My heart froze and sunk to the bottom of my stomach.

"Sundays will be spent continuing your apprenticeship with Ken'ichi."

But I barely heard it.

A year. I only had a year before I will be swallowed by the metaphorical shadows.

I wanted to snort, call myself melodramatic. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. Anbu was a big deal. It was dangerous, and if I didn't take it more seriously, I was going to die.

I cracked my neck before tuning Minato back in.

"Are you listening, Reika?" he asked, an eyebrow raised in surprise.

"Yes, Sensei." I muttered. "I understand."

That is when voices carried themselves throughout the forest. Bickering voices, which made our conversation halt.

"Just on time!" The future Hokage smiled as the boys breached the clearing.

"Hey, sensei!" Obito grinned, while Kakashi glared.

I blinked in surprised as I was the object of his anger.

"You left without telling us!" he accused.

I shrugged.

"Was training with Rin, she must have told you?"

Obito stomped his foot. Great now both of them were angry with me.

"But we are your team! Wake us up the next time so we won't be left behind!"

I snickered. "If you want to be a part of a girls training session, you are more than welcome."

Teasing them, made Obito and Kakashi glared harder.

"But don't worry." I grinned. "I will never leave you behind."

I spoke from the bottom of my heart, giving them the most honest answer I could. And I believed it. I accepted it as truth, not realizing how childish it was.

Because that declaration was false. And I would break that vow.

And not like I had already done. But Anbu would eventually become the least of my worries.

But rather, it would become a savior of sorts. And not in any way that you are thinking either.

No, my vow would be broken in the worst way possible.

"Alright, settle down." Minato pated the ground where the boys eventually sat.

"We have to have a serious chat." He reasoned, and all three of us perked up. "Reika asked me just before, why Team 7 was made up of you three, and I want you all to know."


I moved forward until I was sure that I wouldn't miss anything and settled in to listen to the lecture.

"Shikaku Nara was given command of your friends Raido, Kurenai, and Asuma, and it is reasoned that they will become your year's assassination squad. Gai, Genma, and Ebisu, have been placed together to form the real Rookie of the year squad. With Gai being the lowest rank and Genma and Ebisu being at the top of the year, Hokage-sama needed the squad to be balanced."

"That somewhat makes sense, but what about us. I thought we were the Rookie of the year squad?" Kakashi asked.

"And what about Rin-chan's squad!" Obito interjected.

"Investigation and Support squad. Orochimaru-san is very apt at his job and specialty. Ibiki is a very smart individual, while Anko already has the personality for T&I, as sneaky as she is."

"Definitely crass enough." Kakashi scoffed.

"And Rin?" I ignored my best friend's comment.

"Orochimaru-san is a scientist and was on the same genin team as Tsunade-san. He knows as much as can be about being a medical ninja. He is the best sensei for Rin."

I hated to admit it. I really did. But he was right. But fuck, I hated it.

"As for you three." He paused before looking between Kakashi and I. "Kakashi and Reika were confirmed to be on the same squad as soon as I proved that they could be trusted to work together. But the issue was, who do we put with you guys?"

I blinked in surprise, before sneaking a look at Obito.

"So I wasn't in the original plan?" He asked. His voice seemed to almost deflate. Disappointment radiated off of him.

"It was a toss-up between you and Rin," Minato said honestly. "Rin would have been the given choice. She is a medical ninja, and with these two being primarily assault fighters, they are bound to get hurt."

Then why? Given the factor that I didn't want Obito to be placed with Orochimaru either! That is an equally bad choice.

"But in the end, I convinced the Hokage that you would be better." He continued.

"This Dobe?" Kakashi asked in disbelief. "How would he be better than a medic?"

Oh, Kakashi… why must you provoke him?

Not that his question wasn't valid

"What did you say?" Obito growled, glaring daggers at the silver-haired boy.

Clapping made both boys stop.

"Kakashi." Minato's voice was serious. "What is the thing that Kohona pride's itself most on? What are we most known for?"

Slightly confused he answered hesitantly.


Our teacher nodded.

And I suddenly got it.

"Uchiha," I told my squad. "It is because Obito is an Uchiha."

Shocked was an understatement. My boys were flabbergasted.

"Once an Uchiha unlocks their Sharingan, their senses are increased with each tomoe they gather until they can read movements in a blink of an eye."

Kakashi nodded, the wheels turning in his head.

"As their reaction time increases, they will be able to read not only their enemy better but also their teammates. This will mean that with teammates that are already attuned to each other like Reika and me, once Obito gains his Sharingan, he will easily be able to keep up with us, despite him being not being at our level."

Obito opened his mouth to berate the other, but Minato cut him off.

"Pretty much, but it isn't only based on his future Sharingan. Obito has trained with both of you for years, he knows your styles better than most, and he will be able to catch up soon enough. That he has no choice."

I drummed my thumb a few times on my knee.

Why would Obi have no choice but to catch up? That's a stupid question. Because of the war.

"I'm being honest with you guys here." Our blond teacher said. "You guys will not be genin long. The Hokage will want to promote you as soon as possible. So we will have to work fast and efficiently to get you guys to Chunnin level."

Wait, wasn't Kakashi already supposed to be Chunnin at this point in Cannon.

I filed the information to think about later.

"You will be Chunin by the end of the year, so prepare yourselves."


"Any reason why you are back here and not working with the boys?" Minato asked me, with an eyebrow raised.

I slipped my hands back in my pockets and shrugged.

"I've already done this before," I told him. "They haven't"

"And you think it is okay to not do the mission because you have done it before?"

I sent him a small glare.

"You know that is not what I mean."

He chuckled before a loud commotion took out attention.

"Get back here you stupid cat!" Obito howled.

Snickering, I stayed back, not wanting to get any closer to the chaos that was Tama.

"Wait if I remember correctly, didn't Kushina tell me that Tama likes you?"

It was my turn to glare.

"Don't you dare."

"Reika!" Kakashi yelled and I barely had time to look over before a brown thing was flung at my face.

The screech that came out of me, will be one that the boys will laugh about for years, and one that will haunt me even to this day.

"Get this thing off me!" I growled grabbing it by its scruff and holding it away from my face, thanking whatever creatures that are out there that its claws didn't come out.

"Take it!" I hissed at the boys as they got closer.

"Nope." Obito grinned, his face all scratched up and arms folded behind his head.

I hissed, just like that damned cat and held it away from me.

"Obito, I swear. You better take this damn cat."

Kakashi snickered next to us.

"I have never been gladder my family deals with ninja dogs rather than the cats."

I glared over at him next.

"It's only fair that you carry her back, after all, you didn't help to locate her." Minato accused as well.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Just as I finished speaking the cat wiggled out of my grasped and jumped onto my kimono.

"Ow!" I hissed, the claws digging into my clothes as she climbed. I held my breath as she made herself at home on my shoulder, poking her body through my hair and curled around my neck.

"Aww, she loves you!" Obito teased, and I couldn't help but think of Seiichi saying pretty much the same thing.

Signing, I bit the inside of my cheek and turned around.

"Let's go give this pain in the ass in already," I muttered, ignoring the chucking of the idiots behind me. Minato caught my eyes, and I tried to ignore him. But you know, I've been around him too much. He knew me by then and had already seen me at my worse.

His hand settled on my shoulder, and gave it a tight squeeze, knowing well enough that I was thinking of my old team.

My satisfaction came back when Tama hissed and bit the closest finger, her claw halfway into his hand.

I guess Tama wasn't that bad after all.


"Alright." Mikoto sat in front of me with a scroll to her right. Tea was set out as well. "As Minato has probably told you, Hokage-sama has dictated that you have a single year left as my apprentice. After that, he has to start sending you out on missions."

And I didn't even have to vocalize my distaste. Itachi did that for me.

He whimpered, from between my legs, leaning up against my stomach. In one of his hands was a large rubber Fishcake, I swear it was Kushina-sensei who gave it to him. He had ditched the rubber kunai as soon as it was given to him.

Pacifist at heart, even at 3 months.

I bounced his hand slightly, trying to unconsciously tell him that it was okay.

"Now, we have to start on the logistics part of Anbu as well." She told me, pushing forward the package of papers. "This is a detail by detail hypothetical mission that you might be put on. I want you to read it, and give me a verbal report on it. While your captain will be the one who usually gives it, you are expected to know how to do so as well. There will be times when Hokage-sama will call upon you to explain something in more detail, or if there comes a day when it is you who will have to lead a team. With War upon us, there is no telling who will die, and who will be promoted. Anbu do not get this training, so I want you to take advantage of this while you can."

Reaching forward I brought the pack of papers close to me, just out of my little brother's reach, and started to read.

This wasn't the only reason why she was doing this.

Anbu reports my ass.

I read over the mission objective, before delving into the mission itself. The assassination of a family who was selling information to Suna. A family.

She was exposing me to the harsh reality that was Anbu missions. Not that I didn't understand it, but she wanted me to have no surprises when it came down to my future missions. So that when I stand in front of an infant the same age as the one in my lap, I will not hesitate. Instead, I would know that this would be for the betterment of the village.

Not that I would have had a choice anyway.


"Damn it Hiruzen," Ken'ichi growled as he tinkered with the sword in his hand. It was a nice one, that had come to him with barely a nick in the blade, but I could tell by the discoloration of the blade that it was old. Either one that was not used much, or one that was closely matched with its user.

Or maybe it was the stench of blood that seemed to cling to the guard.

"He promised me two days a week."

I rolled my eyes, before finishing the polishing on a throwing axe. I threw the oiled rag on the anvil next to me and got up, twirling the axe in my hand and testing the grip on the handle. It would be embarrassing if we got word that the client died because I oiled the leather grip too much.

"I'm an active Shinobi, Ken-san." Placing the axe on the nearby scroll, and activated the seal.

"So what? You should give it up already and work with me full time." He muttered under the banging of his hammer.

"Right, I doubt the Hokage will allow that after all the trouble I've put him through."

Ken'ichi scoffed again, being in one of his pissy moods.


I grabbed the next piece, before taking up my oil rag again. Spraying a small bit of oil on it, I focused on rubbing it into the blade of the refurbished sword, one which I had fixed myself. A small sense of pride filled me at the even nicely sharpened blade. The cloth moved along the blade, buffering the edge, and trying not to cut myself.

"See! You are not even listening to me!" Blinking up, I stopped the oiling and looked over at my Shishou.

"Did you say something?"

Throwing his hands into the air he gave me a small glare, but by the sparkle that I found deep in them, he was also amused.

"You are completely enamored by the weapons, that is proof that you should be my apprentice full time!"

I rolled my eyes before putting the sword in its respective scroll.

"Tell you what." Looking over at him, I tried to hide my own amusement at his hissy fit. "Right now, we are doing D-rank missions. So I'll try to send over a Shadow Clone to help you out when we have a mission, it's not like I'm going to be using the chakra anyway."

He was suddenly pleased with himself.

"That sounds feasible. Are you good enough that they will not pop if they are too far away?"

I shrugged.

"I guess, on Saturdays Minato-Sensei has me send one out anyway." I didn't tell him where, but of course, he could figure it out.

"Alright, that is acceptable."

Now content, he turned back to the expensive sword with a groan and continued to work.

Or at least I thought he was.

With my hands in hot water, to rub off the oil, I distinctly heard his next words.

"Clones, eh?"

I think I just signed my death warrant.


I grimaced at the slap as we worked on our timing drills.

While the purpose was not necessarily to hit the other person when we engaged, the sway of the drill did require a snap of the hand of hand to lower the opponent's guard.

Did Kakashi really want to play this way? Alright.

While I didn't go any faster than usual the suction of my snap made my teammate hiss in pain.

Biting my smirk back, I used the power of his counter against him and flipped him over my hip.

"Ow!" he groaned rolling on the ground.

"You okay?" I snarked.

The glare I received made my day.

Minato had obviously given him numerous lessons in timing drills. By the way, we traded hits, he definitely had talent, working hard to catch me unaware. And he did. He may not flip me over his hip like I did to him, but he got in a hit or two, Ibiki style.

Aka. Pinching.

Speaking of Ibiki, I wonder how Team 6 is doing?

A screech brought me out of my thoughts and I glanced over at the source. The Uchiha of the team was standing beside his partner, Minato-sensei, and shaking his hands.

My Byakugan wasn't needed to see how swollen they had gotten with all the slapping. He was clearly not used to the pain, nor was his hands rough enough to take the hits.

"This burns!" he whined but provided his hands so that they would continue.

Burns was an understatement. I was glad that I was born into the Hyuga clan. It would have sucked so bad if I had to go through the pain again. Since I was introduced to the gentle fist style, my palms were conditioned gradually with the growth of my body, and casually toughened.

Ah, that might also be why my snaps were so powerful. My hands were rougher from working so long with them coupled with my skills.

"Okay, let's finish for today." The future fourth Hokage called out.

Kakashi and I dropped the drill, eyeing each other lightly as if the other was going to make a cheap shot.

"Enough you two." He called again and I pulled my eyes away first.

"Yes, Minato-Sensei," Kakashi responded. We moved closer and Minato proceeded to detail our training session.

"Obito, you need to work on strengthening your grip and building up more calluses on your hands. But overall you did well for your first try. Keep it up and you will give these two a run for their money soon enough."

Perfect. Minato already knew how to deal with Obito. Gentle but firm hand. Correcting him, but at the same time praising what he did well so that he doesn't lose confidence.

"Reika, you are too distracted. One day someone is going to catch you off guard because you are thinking about something else. Shape up."

I blinked in surprise at the criticism.

"Haha." Kakashi snickered.

Glaring at him, I was glad when Minato also shut him down, putting in his place.

"Don't think I didn't see how hesitant you are getting in, Kakashi!"

It was my turn to grin, but I didn't gloat. Minato was a good teacher, tailoring his style to his students.

"Are we taking a mission now?" Was the next question.

Minato nodded at my brother in all but blood and walked away. Leading us threw the village.

We made it to the missions' office, and our jonin sensei looked exhausted.

"Kids." I snarked.

"What do you mean by kids! I'm older than both of you!" Obito shouted.

Kakashi snorted, "What does that say about your intelligence."

I tried not to smirk, as they started up once more.

"I think you are the most troublesome out of the team, Instigator Rei." Minato-sensei deadpanned.

I shrugged, not denying it.

"Keeps things interesting."

He opened the door with a sigh and walked up to the mission's desk.

"Team Seven reporting for duty." The blond said, clamping a hand on Kakashi's shoulder.

The white-haired boy closed his mouth and looked away. Biting back any comment he was going to give Obito. The older boy looked at him with a smug grin.

I shook my head before tuning in our duties.

"Here, we have a mission to collecting war tax from the businesses."

I narrowed my eyes but Obito beat me to the question.

"War tax?"

"Yes," Minato replied. "This tax is implemented during times of war. It is the collection of a percentage of the goods that each store has. This goes to the war front so that we have food and utilities for our troops."

He collected the scroll read it over once.

"We accept."

The desk ninja nodded and wrote down our information on another piece of paper.

"What about other businesses that cannot supply goods to the war effort? Like carpenters?"

Obito asked as we followed Minato out of the room.

"Cash." Kakashi replied, "That's obvious."

The other glared and I got ready for another fight.

"Not just that." All three of us looked at our teacher in question. "There are times when they can't pay, and in this case, we ask them for a favor, such as helping to build a bridge to facilitate supplies, or bringing us the supplies."

"That's much more dangerous." I remarked, "They risk their lives to do this."

Minato nodded and we stopped in the middle of the business street.

"Obito, Kakashi. Take the left side of town, Reika and I will take the right."

I blinked in surprise at the division, especially with the track record those two had today.

As if he read my mind he waved me off.

"You'll see."

The first few businesses we walked in, things were okay. They would give over the goods willingly and smile, encouraging us to do our best, and thanking us for our service.

But then, we went further right, closer to the edge of the village, the poorer areas.

"I'm sorry, there is nothing for us to give the war effort." The man said, his eyes trailed back to his wife, who was carrying their infant son. Her eyes watered, already knowing the answer.

Minato nodded, before bowing. I followed his example.

"Alright, you should be contacted within a few days for your tasking." He said the young women broke into tears moving further into the back of the building to try to muffle it. A nod dismissed us, and I silently followed Minato-sensei down the steps.

And that wasn't all we dealt with. Fear, frustration, and anger were some others. The emotion was stronger the further we got from the center of the village.

He had given the boys the easier area, the wealthier bit.

By the end of the day, I understood how much this war was affecting everyone.

Maybe it was the old lady yelling at us for taking away her food money, or maybe the children who tried to dump water on us for taking their mother.

In the end, I didn't know if I felt sad that we had to do this, or angry because we too were just doing our job.

"Try not to take it to heart, Rei-chan."

I flickered Minato's hand off as we met up with the boys.

"I collected more then you did!" Obito growled and Kakashi scoffed in disbelief.

"As if! We were there together." The other argued.

Minato shook his head before disappearing to give our scroll and report back fast.

"Let's take this elsewhere."

The boys were pushed out the building before we made out way down the street.

Confused we made out way to a familiar building and climbed the steps.

"You guys are late! Supper was ready 30 minutes ago!"

A smile took over my face and I took in the new smells that filled the air.

Hmm, Ramen.

"Sorry for the wait, we were reporting in," Minato said pushing the boys into the house.

"You better be! I worked hard on this!"

I grinned as Kushina finished dishing out the bowls and placed them on the table.

Moving into the living room, I watched as the kitchen table was filled and the boys circling it like vultures.

It had been quite a while since I had come to visit, let alone eat here.

My hand touched the couch in which I had slept on for weeks when I thought my life was crashing down on me.

"Oi, Reika!" Obito called and he wiggled in his seat. "What are you waiting for?"

Inhaling the salty scent of miso ramen, my mouth watered in anticipation.

A hand circled behind me and pushed me towards the table.

"Eat up, kiddo." Minato grinned before he took the head chair.

"I don't think there will be any problem with that!" Kakashi muttered from his place beside Obito. "She even dreams about ramen!"

"Do Not." I hissed back at the silver-haired boy.

A light-hearted laugh settled next to me.

"I wouldn't blame you!" Kushina grinned, giving me a bowl before sitting down.

"Yes, Kushina also dreams of it!" Minato smiled.

I rolled my eyes, pushing off the argument for another day.

"Anyway!" Kushina coughed getting everyone's attention. "I just wanted to congratulate you four on the new team!"

Our team looked between each other, and it didn't take much for my gut to settle, and to push off my worries for another day.

"Team 7." She saluted.

It didn't take long for us to raise our glasses along with hers.

Yes, maybe this will be for the best.


I can work with this.


To be, or not to be... Embarrassed.

So funny thing. For those of you who have been with me for these past few years, you know that my summers are often occupied by my internship.

While usually, I have no problems accessing Wifi, this year was a bit different. I was placed in housing where the wifi was complete shit. I could barely load this site on my phone, let alone update a chapter on my computer.

My sincere apologies, I am back now.

Recommendation: Incarnate Of Obito Uchiha by Elena Parker.

Question: Who are you looking forward to meeting in future chapters? I know I've asked this before, but I'm curious.

Thank you for your Loyalty, Reviews, Favorites, Follows and Views.

Love you all,

I'mAlsoAWe, Shisui's sister? I don't know if I'll be writing them like that. Both of them have a lot more growing to do before they seriously interact with each other. But they will don't worry about that. Don't we all hope they will live? Time will tell if they all do or not. Thanks for the Review!

thefoolswriter, Thank you very much for the kind words! Haha! I think you and half of my viewers ship those two.

GreyMoon. Huntress, Reika appealing to Orochimaru? Hahaha... You'll see how that works out in the next few chapters. Yikes! Anywho, I'm actually not sure what I'm going to end up doing with him. Genma as a fuckboy? I know! Actually, in most fanfictions I have read Genma is a traditional fuckboy or a mother hen. I figured I would add to it. Haha. I will add Fugaku P.O.V to my ever-growing list of additional writing to work on. I'll try to get it ready for the next few chapters. Thanks for the review, and Sorry for the wait!

bored411, No matter what she does, the future is going to be a mess. That, I assure you.

Guest, I'm glad to be of service!
A smokescreen eh? That is the first time I heard of that reference. I see your point. Completely. But life can throw curveballs, and they can destabilize even the most solid of people. I do not think Orochimaru would be able to take it... Let's say one of his students dies, somehow? Would that not encourage him, even more, to try and find a 'cure' for mortality? To try and find how to be immortal, and to put up a wall so that he would not have to deal with losing someone he let in again? Just food for thought. No promises that this is the route I'm going to take.
Following this, I agree with your judgment on how the three will progress. This was actually my reasoning for making them a team. Kudos to you!
Maybe it seemed like I played up the strength of the kiddies, but I don't think Reika was fighting with even 80%. While she may joke that she should have held back to look more like an average genin, she would never use her full strength unless it was absolutely necessary. And like you said, the kiddies were always training together at their 'sleepovers.'
The bow can be seen as a hindrance. But it will eventually not be. There is a reason I have her as a blacksmith's apprentice. The theory is good, but again right now it is still in it's testing stages. It will take years, and lots of practice before it is complete. This weapon will be following her for the rest of her life. It is going to break, and she is going to have to fix it. Then it will break again, and she will want to throw it again. But instead, she will stick with it. I have a plan for this bow. And don't you worry. The wait and failures will be worth it.
Oh, Reika doesn't know when to shut up sometimes. It's one of her charms. As for Genma? Hehehe. I have that planned already. Trust me, it will be great. You will love it!
She may not have been a sailor but stuck with the scum of her home town for years and other shitting hands she was dealt, including her anger... Yeah, she most definitely gets it from there.
That is my goal for this series. or at least in this part of the series. Obito will not be the dead last. He no longer has the train by himself, and that will make the difference.
Thank you for reading and leaving such a long comment. Sorry for the wait and hope you enjoy the next chapters to come.

Dark Rose Charm, Rin dying? No! Why would I do that? ReikaxObito? I reserve my right to remain silent.

PurpleKetloom, Haha! Yes, What dd you get yourself into! Thank you, I hope I keep up with your expectations.

angelacorus, Thank god for my Brazilian roommate. That, I admit, will not happen. Reika is a Fighter. She is not a healer. Thanks for the comment.

Edocsiru, Well... Thanks for the review count? Schizophrenic? Slave? Ouch!

Lynxz, I'd give you tissues if you lived nearby. But instead here is a chapter. Thanks for the review.

Knaruto, I was actually going to start the chapter with that... but I figured it would be too cruel to leave you wondering exactly who was her sensei...

Rain Sennin, Yeah, I'm going to have to get around to doing that. But by the time that I do it, the romance will probably arrive. I'm open to suggestions. What do you think that other genre should be?

dontbeweirdman, You are not the only one to hope that. Rin is going to have a big impact on Orochimaru, just as he will have the same to her.

Myst Shadow, Thanks. We will see. I've had a few pleas for him to stay good, so I'll see what I can figure out.

Lonewolf1836, We will see. I actually don't know if Kushina actually had a team in Canon or not. It would be interesting to know though.

Megabyte97, Haha! Well! We all make mistakes. It was review from chapter 30? or a different one? Thank you for the clarification! I had noticed that I didn't get a review from you yet and was getting a bit worried. Ops. Two months later, I swear I'm not dead. I had no wifi in Greece, it was so bad! Sorry for the late chapter!

arapyanime, Thanks! Yes, there will be pairings! No, Rin will not be the female Kabuto. At least not really...

elissaya, Sorry? Not sorry? Thank you!

deathwearsblack, Sorry for the wait! Here it is.

1freakshow, Thanks! And he does. He just was not originally on Orochimaru's team.

TheOne320, Orochimaru could be Chaotically good. That is very possible. As you are number 4... or was it 5... anyway. Since you guys asked, I will see what I can do.