Fairy Turned Specialist

Chapter 1

The fairy girl ran to the place she and her boyfriend usually met at, her long dark red hair flying behind. Jeesh, she was so late! She hoped Kay would understand; her Transfiguration class had run late again. She rounded the corner, a smile on her face. She stopped short when she saw the scene in front of her, her smile fading, a look of incredible pain on her face as she beheld the specialist she loved in the arms of some chick and they were kissing passionately. "Kay, what…?" She yelled, but words failed her. He turned to face her and walked to her. "Oh, poor dear Ember, did you think I wouldn't get bored of you? Honestly, you're so boring and annoying, I'm glad the charade is over!" He said cruelly, a broad smile on his face and she felt her heart break a little more. "You said you loved me." She said brokenly and the other girl wrapped her arms around HER Kay, smiling possessively. "I lied, honestly I was a little disappointed in how easily it was to fool you, and it was a half-assed lie, at best." Tears were now streaming from her eyes, but now it was anger that filled her, not sadness. Fire rose from her and she screamed as it exploded out from her. The cheater and his girlfriend scrambled for cover but she didn't care. She stayed there, surrounded by her own flames, crying her heart out as the flames destroyed the place that had held so many happy memories for her, memories that held him in them. The teachers from Alfea came searching for her and found her, being burned by her own fire but not caring and not moving. The pain was her punishment for being stupid enough to trust her heart to another person. They carried her up to the castle and she had to spend many weeks in the hospital. Even when she left, she had many scars and she no longer resembled a beautiful fairy and she had had to cut her beautiful dark red hair shorter than her shoulders. Her powers had burned themselves out, turning on her. But she didn't care about any of these things, mostly. Kay had prided himself on being the best specialist Red Fountain, so she would beat him at his own game. She would become a Specialist.
On her first day at Red Fountain, she was bullied by the boys at every turn. Girls were meant to be fairies and witches, not specialists! That was their job, they said. She ignored them. If she could become the best, she could prove them all wrong. She would prove to herself that she was better than Kay and that she would show him that.
Over the weeks turned months, she trained at every second. She learned every weapon till she could use every one, woke at the crack of dawn and went to bed after everyone else did to train longer and harder, and she wrangled dragons until the boys gave her the nickname "Dragon Girl". To commemorate this, she got a tattoo of a dragon on her shoulder. Her teachers watched her with a mixture of surprise and pride. She was awarded a spot on Prince Sky's team, along with his squire Brandon, Timmy the techno genius, and Riven the jerk as she called him. But her journey didn't end there.

"We've been summoned by Stella of Solaria, the Sun and Moon fairy. She's on earth, in a place called Gardenia and needs our help right away. Timmy, can you pinpoint her location?" Ember asked, standing up from her seat and adjusting her twin swords on her back. "Tch, why do WE have to go help some ridiculous fairy?" Riven sneered and she rolled her brown eyes, the scar on her cheekbone shining white in the light. "Cuz she asked us to. Are we going to ignore someone in need of our help just because it inconveniences you?" Sky asked him and she smiled slightly at the look on Riven's face. "I got her location, we'll be there soon. Hang on!" Timmy yelled as he turned on the ship's highest speed. While the guys shouted and hunkered down at their seats, she smiled and stayed standing. This was one of the closest ways to flying she would ever get ever again and she refused to sit down.
They had come just in time. A hunting troll, an ogre and several ghouls had cornered two girls. One was obviously a fairy; the other seemed to be human. Riven wrapped his whip like weapon around the hunting troll's neck while I moved the girls out of the way and I moved just as Riven got thrown between them. "Underestimated your opponent again, I see." I commented while he shook his head. What an idiot. The hunting troll started towards Brandon and Timmy while Sky stood there, leaning on his green blade. "Sky, Ember, a little help!" I nodded and started pummeling and pushing the troll back while Sky opened a hole in the ground using his sword. "My turn!" Timmy yelled, and using his blaster, assisted me in herding the troll back into the hole. We all turned toward the ogre who had regained consciousness from whatever the girls had done to it but was clearly realizing he was outnumbered. "I'll be back, Blondie." He snapped at the fairy girl and he and the ghouls disappeared, leaving the troll behind. "Everyone ok?" I said, keeping an eye on Riven, who definitely didn't look too happy. "Bloom, meet our heroes." The fairy said. "Prince Sky, Brandon, Timmy, Riven, and Ember. She's the only female specialist at Red Fountain." Bloom looked like she was still trying to take everything in and I felt kinda bad for her. She had obviously been thrown into this crazy world and she was still trying to figure everything out. "Don't worry, the magic world isn't all danger and violence. There are some good parts too." I told and had to go to the ship before Riven tried to be a jerk and take off without me. Though I would hope he learned his lesson after last time. He tried to leave without me and when I whistled up my dragon and caught up to him, I gave him the butt whoopin of a lifetime. My dragon blew fire at him and he screamed like a small child. I don't say "like a little girl or like a little boy" both are disrespectful and annoy me.
I collapsed on my bed with a sigh and immediately sat back, my twin red blades digging in my back. Oww. I looked at my pillow and was surprised to see a letter from my dad. He hadn't been answering my letters since my powers burned out and I had actually had been planning to visit him. I opened it, and as I read it, I was surprised I didn't set it aflame, I was so mad. "
This is not the path I would expect from the daughter of a Lord and I am ashamed of you and what you have become. As of this moment, I have disowned you and you are no longer my child and frankly, good riddance. You always would embarrass me in front of my King and fellow nobility. You are on your own. Stay away from me and mine." Powerless and familyless, how fun. I ripped up the letter until I couldn't anymore and threw it in the trash. Fine, I didn't need them either! Good luck to my sisters and brother, they were going to need it. There was a knocking on the door and I got up to answer it. "Hey Ember? Umm…" It was Lucas, one of the newer first years. Kids joined at all times of the year, so they needed to catch up quickly. I joined at the very beginning, so I was ahead to some of them. "Hey Lucas, what's up?" I asked and he fiddled with his practice sword. "Cortatorta taught us a new move today, but it's really advanced and I need help with it. Will you help me?" I nodded and went to get my practice sword. If I used one of my real swords, I could hurt him.
I jumped away as he lost his grip on his sword yet again and I sighed. He opened his mouth but I said sharply. "Don't even think about apologizing again." I took a deep breath and tried to relax, but it was getting harder. "You have to hold on to your sword TIGHTLY, not as loosely or you'll never be able to use the sword properly and your opponent will have a lethal advantage." I reminded him and he snapped. "I know! You're supposed to be helping me, not lecturing me!" he picked up his sword again and this time, I decided to teach him a lesson about letting your opponent having such a dangerous advantage. When he held his sword at the ready position, I kicked his wrist and his sword flew out of his hand. I easily caught it and as he was reaching for it, I crossed both swords into an X over his throat. "If I was an opponent and these were real swords, you would be dead. STOP GIVING ME AN ADVANTAGE, YOU MIGHT AS WELL BE PUTTING YOUR HEAD ON THE EXECUTIONER'S BLOCK." I shouted, fed up with his refusal to listen. "I cannot teach you if you refuse to listen. Now git!" I snapped and tossed him his sword and started walking away. I heard his footsteps pounding on the floor and turned, bringing my sword up to cross it with his. I forced his sword down and attacked with a flurry of attacks. If he could keep up or even disarm me, then I would continue to teach him. If he lost, then even I couldn't teach him. He kept up with me and even dealt out a few attacks. I guess he was paying attention after all and I smiled at him slightly. For some reason, he got even redder than he already was and fumbled. The match ended with my sword at his throat, but agreeing to keep helping him.
Unbeknownst to either of them, Kay was looking at his ex-girlfriend with a very angry look on his face.