Bulma was sound asleep until she heard a weird rustling noise. At first she tried to ignore it and sleep but she kept hearing the noise. Finally she couldn't take it anymore so she got up and ran across the hall bursting into his room.
"Vegeta there's something in the house"She yelled as she shook him.
"Can't you see i'm trying to sleep woman"Vegeta said. It was the middle of the night and he needed his rest so he could train all day tomorrow.
"Vegeta kill it"she whined again clutching onto him. He finally growled and got up knowing the woman wouldn't let him get any sleep.
"Stay in your room"he said standing up. Bulma did as she was told and he sleepily crept downstairs. He expected to find a rodent but instead he found a much bigger pest….Yamcha.
"Vegeta"Yamcha asked shocked to see the saiyan especially because he was in nothing but his boxers.
"Do you have any idea what time it is"Vegeta snarled.
"I came to see Bulma and i'm not leaving until I do"he said. This made Vegeta roll his eyes.
"She doesn't want to see you so get lost"Vegeta said spiking his power level a bit to make sure the idiot knew this was a threat.
"How do you know? She still loves me"Yamcha said trying to slip past Vegeta.
"Not anymore"Vegeta said shoving him so hard he fell on his butt.
"Bul-"Yamcha started to call out to the girl but was stopped when Vegeta punched him in the gut. Then Vegeta threw him outside.
"Come back again and i'll kill you"Vegeta said leaving a terrified Yamcha out in the cold. When he went back upstairs he found Bulma clutching her sheets.
"D-Did you kill it"she asked.
"I took care of it"Vegeta said smirking proudly as he remembered the scared look on the man's face.
"What was it"Bulma asked.
"Just a bug but I squashed it"he explained letting out a bit of a chuckle.
"A bug gross!"Bulma yelled scrunching up her nose. Then she thought about it what if there were more? What if they were on their way to her room now?!
"Vegeta will you stay with me….just for tonight"she asked. Thsis earth woman was crazy thinking bugs would kill her especially because there were no bugs but he laid down beside her anyway. He was shocked when she laid on his chest.
"Thank you Vegeta"she said snuggling into his side.