Nino stared Alya as she continued to chatter away furiously as she typed a the computer. He shook his head at his wife's enthusiasm fondly as she went on and on about the new hero in town.

"Like, do you think they can actually find hawkmoth? Who do you think they are?"

Suddenly there was a gasp and a dramatic pause. Alya very slowly turned around facing her Husband, who currently was staring at her amused.

"Doesn't Mari look kinda like Ladybug?"

Nino choked on his own spit and shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm serious Nino! Think about it, I mean the excuses, the tiredness, the hair, the- Hey!"

While she was talking Nino had walked over and picked her up before plopping her on the bed.

"Lahiffe! What do you think you are doing!?"

"Two things Alya. One, You are a Lahiffe now, and two I'm going to sleep."

Alya rolled her eyes before starting to crawl out of bed, only to find a firm arm around her waist pulling her back.

Nino gave her a stink eye as he explained "No, its three am. Your hero theories will be there tomorrow too."

Alya huffed good naturally before hugging her husband tightly as she fell asleep. She felt Nino squirming in her tight grip and smirked.

"You are my teddy bear, so Deal with it. Now Go to sleep Nino."

The brown eyed boy glared at her," Alya, I swear to god you are the most difficult woman I have ever met."

"Love you to Babe."

Hope you liked it, I just wanted to get in a little DjWifi. Sorry it is so short! Like I've said, this is my first time publishing on fanfiction.

(BTW You can find my on ao3 under the name I Am Computer Cat!)

Cat out!