Hello guys! The Oblivion Overlord here!
Now this story, or perhaps one-shot came to my mind just a few days ago, and it hasn't left my mind since.
I decided to write this down and just show you guys what went through my mind. Just so you know, these two universes Star Wars and Zero no Tsukaima/Familiar of Zero are in separate dimensions.
Another thing is that some parts were slightly inspired by that one fanfic with Louise controlling Nod forces. I forgot the name. :P
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the idea and a few things you may not find familiar in any of these universes.
On a volcanic planet similar to Mustafar in a derelict system. A lone super tactical droid with the experience and deadly programming similar to General Kalani was there, finishing the last few touches on the programming of a Super Artificial Intelligence that will be in charge of a new and MASSIVE machine.
"This should help the Separatists in the war against the Republic forces." The droid spoke with a deep voice, though if one heard closely they could hear the giddiness in the voice.
The S.T.D (AN: Yeeees! XD) is on a platform getting ready to activate the new S.A.I for the machine. "The necessary schematics and blueprints for the buildings, infantry battle droids, land vehicle droids, starfighter droids, and the ships of the Separatist Navy have been uploaded into the memory banks of the S.A.I, all that is needed is to have a Battlefield Commander to take control."
The machine that the S.A.I would be controlling looks almost exactly like a Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship only a lot smaller, about the height of a 20 stories-high building and the width is twice its height in a radius.
Though it has four large corridors extending from the Orb-like center to the ring of the construct in an X formation, on top of the said center is a pyramid like tower that reached at least an additional 15 stories with a diamond-shaped control room on top.
It is supported by three large pillars one attaching to the back of the building and the other two are attached to the area near the ends of the gap. Finally there are 9 red lights in a 3x3 grid in a diamond formation the orb facing the gap and just below the lights is a set of mechanical doors.
After a few minutes of waiting. The 9 red lights glowed a very ominous light, before the entire building started shaking. Another feature that the S.T.D designed.
The building is called a "D.B.C.U – Deployable Base Construction Unit" and it is the first of its kind.
The full A.I is called "H.I.R.A.G.A – High Intelligence Recon Analysis General and Adapter" (AN: Best I could do.)
The building shifted, the pillars of the tower retracted and folded towards the tower before the tower started moving back and lowered down 90 degrees while the diamond control room turned and raised upwards in 90 degrees as well. The entrance to the building retracted and another armored plate closed on top of it to protect the entrance.
The ring shook and suddenly two large lines appeared on the sides as if it sliced the ring in half, at the back of the ring the antennas and satellite dishes started deconstructing and transforming and lowering into the ring.
Another line appeared and it separated the two parts now. The four separated parts of the ring started turning towards the ground, the cut parts were the legs and the entire building now raised itself of the ground and fully shifted into Mobile mode.
The back of the construct is slightly elevated due to the way the two legs at the back had more length than the front legs, making the entire construct resemble a rather strange looking bug.
"Unit designation H.I.R.A.G.A, battlefield control established." The S.A.I spoke in a loud and deep manly voice.
The S.T.D despite not looking it, was extremely giddy at the first success. Now… "Unit HIRAGA, you are to-"
H.I.R.A.G.A zoned the voice out as it heard another voice. "My slave who lives in this vast universe..." Slave? Though that is logically accurate if you were to describe us and the droids.
"My, divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant..." Divine? Beautiful? Wise? Powerful? This does not compute.
"Heed my call, I wish from the very bottom of my heart… Answer to my guidance, and APPEAR!" H.I.R.A.G.A's scanners suddenly went haywire at the sudden energy levels contorting around him.
"Tactical Droid, I am detecting dangerous levels of space distortion at this location. I recommend evacuating this instant." H.I.R.A.G.A spoke again.
The S.T.D however just ignored him/it. The space under H.I.R.A.G.A started distorting and turned green, a portal bigger than him/it formed right underneath.
H.I.R.A.G.A started slowly sinking into the portal, making the S.A.I start trying to get out of the portal. Only then did the S.T.D notice it. "No! I will not let my creation be torn away from me!" The S.T.D started fiddling with the control panel to do everything it can to save H.I.R.A.G.A
However it wasn't meant to be. As Hiraga finally sunk fully into the portal, never to be seen in this universe ever again.
The S.T.D only said one thing now in that lovable monotone voice. "Shit."
- In an alternate dimension, at a vast clearing -
A pink haired petite girl is walking towards the summoning circle, which is conveniently placed far away from the academy, and everyone are supposed to be far from the next student and the teacher aid in order to prevent any sabotage.
"Now miss Vallière, I believe it is your turn." A bald man by the name of Jean Colbert spoke with a small sad smile.
Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière just nodded mutely and almost despairingly, but she shook her head and looked determined to at least try this one more time. If this did nothing but explode again, then she will give up once and for all.
The pinkette started chanting her own version. "My slave who lives in the vast universe… My, divine, beautiful, wise, powerful servant… Heed my call, I wish from the very bottom of my heart… Answer to my guidance, and APPEAR!"
Jean Colbert in a bout of instinct appeared right next to Louise and raised up a shield, just in time to. An enormous explosion detonated on the magic circle, the shockwave traveled and slammed into the students, making them fall to their asses.
The explosion threatened to destroy the shield and them with it, worrying Colbert that it won't handle much more.
Finally the explosion stopped and only a black smoke cloud was there. In despair Louise fell to her knees crying, thinking it was another failure again. Professor Colbert rubbed her back to try and comfort her while the students started running to them.
Kirche and Tabitha arrived first and Kirche was about to taunt her, when the look on Tabitha's face caught her eye. "Tabitha? What's wrong?"
Tabitha just looked at the smoke cloud, before she pointed at it. "In cloud, familiar, giant." Those few words made Kirche's eyes widen before she slowly turned to the smoke cloud.
Colbert saw the two girls look to the cloud and turned his head to see what they were looking at when he saw it. Not looking at Louise, he shook her shoulder. "Miss Vallière, you may want to look up at your new familiar." Colbert muttered in awe and slight fear.
Those two words, brought hope to Louise's mind, before she looked up and saw 9 glowing red eyes. Before she paled in slight fear.
The smoke cleared, and showed an armored behemoth of a construct. With four legs and an elevated backside, the body bent down to let the red eyes look at the small humans in interest.
Louise paled even further at the size and what it kind of resembles.
Prologue End
Heeeeey guys! The Oblivion Overlord here!
Now I'm sorry if my explanations were extremely shit. That goes for my other fanfics as well.
Now, before I end this I will just write 5 buildings for now and another thing at the end.
Power Plant: This building is shaped like an egg jutting out of the ground, there are four supports clamping onto the structure with a ring on it there are several antennas on the top of the egg and a few smaller antennas on the rings, but only a few.
Use: Provides Power and Energy to Buildings
The Magna Driller: This building is half the size of the D.B.C.U, it has a platform in the shape of a triangle and on the center of the platform is an artificially made hole that is covered with an energy shield that will only allow the harvester tools and equipment through. There are six large support legs that hold up a hexagon-shaped structure with a few antennas and satellites dishes on the sides, there is also one elevator leading to one entrance, and on the bottom are durable pipes with drills, and pipes with claws and vacuums. On the top of the structure is an opening that is also shielded.
Use: The drills are used to break apart any solidified magma and lava while the claws hold it in place. The vacuums are used to harvest the magma, and lava to later reform it into metals and minerals. The opening on top is for the access, the shield is to prevent any bubbling magma or lava escape.
Molten Refinery/Silo: This building is shaped as a pentagon just slightly smaller than the D.B.C.U, on each side, are three silos connected by three rings and pipes from the top of the silos going into the pentagon. Various antenna are on the pentagon while the center is a pentagon-shaped silo bigger than the three combined. There is a durasteel glass as a single line on each of the silos sides to see how much resource is there. On top of the center silo is an even wider pentagon platform with a huge hole in the center funneling into the silo.
Use: The three silos on each side of the pentagon are to store the processed liquid minerals and metals, the silo in the middle will hold the magma and lava to be processed into the liquid resources.
Unit: Octuptarra Harvester – An Octuptarra Magna Tri-Droid the weapons were now refitted with three huge pipes ready to extend downwards. Just above the pipes are three separate containers to store the magma, and lava. It is taller than the building
Use: To transport the resource for processing.
Droid Infantry Factory (D.I.F): This building is in the shape of a rectangle with another smaller structure at the back. The inside has 20 production lines and a lot of arms and machines. The Production Exit is in the shape of a triangle, each of the twenty mechanical doors are only one door that opens upwards. There are antennas around the building and the back structure has more antennas and satellite dishes. The top center of the back building has a hole.
Use: The back structure is for the manufacturing of droid parts, chips, and weapons. While the main building is the programming and the assembly. The top hole is a socket for three upgrade modules.
Armored War Factory (A.W.F): Is smaller than the D.B.C.U, and is shaped as a long rectangle shaped building with eight giant pillar supports on each side, with a shorter rectangle on top of it, that part has a hole on the back with a catwalk. On the top of the second construct are a bunch of antennas. The front of the first floor has a huge set of mechanical double doors that open up and down.
Use: The top is for manufacturing the weapons and turrets, the bottom is for the manufacturing of the chassis and assembly. The back of the top is used to directly place three upgrade modules
Starship Docks Factory (S.D.F): The building is twice the size of the D.B.C.U and can be built on the ground, but is better built into the side of a mountain. It is in the shape of an octagon, with a retractable door, there is another smaller octagon structure on the side with a giant pipe from the structure going into the ground.
Use: The main building will be used to create warships, and starfighters, the second structure is a manufacturer for parts.
Finally, I have to ask. If you guys actually want me to continue this, then give me different reviews that say something like. "Continue please!" And Guest reviews will not count. Five is the minimum, that makes me decide yes or nah, and 8 is the number which will make me continue without any more restraint.
Now this is The Oblivion Overlord signing out. Ja Ne~!