Disclaimer- i don't own any characters except ones i might create later on for the story. all rights go to JK Rowling. noo copy right infringement is intended.
A/N- this is completely AU. suggestions and criticism welcome but not ones like ' please stop continuing this story." if you don't like it, don't read it. that's it.
31 october 1981
"lily, go. Take Harry and run. RUN! I'll hold him off."
"But James, where do I take him? The portkey is not working. Dumbledore's coming. What do I do ?!" Lily sobbed.
A tall figure with emerald green eyes along with a frantic woman with heavy lidded eyes and dark curly hair emerged from the back door with another 2 figures who resembled james and lily and were oddly dazed.
"FATHER! MOTHER! Thank Salazar! Please father help us keep Harry safe." Lily sobbed, hugging them both with Harry sandwiched in between.
They both hug her back and the male figure kisses her on the forehead while the female takes the baby and attempte to keep him calm.
"Grandpa Voldy! Grandma Bella! What 'appen?Papa sad. Momma cry." an innocent voice piped up.
"oh Darling. Oh my sweet baby. Don't worry. Everything is 't worry. Go to Sleep." And she begins singing a lullaby to calm the baby down. And eventually baby Harry sleeps.
"now what Tom? Dumbledore is coming. We need to hurry Tom. I can't Lose him. Better he grows up without us, with dumbledore's lies than DIE. We can't lose harry Tom. He is just a baby." Bellatrix whispers, in a panic.
Tom hugs them all and then says, " we won't bella, we won't. Lily, James these two people will take your place. They have all your memories, they believe themselves to be you, now the fake lily will die for Harry leading Albus to believe you triggered a blood protection and and that I died, but I will be alive and you both won't be alive so we all will be alive. He'll leave Harry alone, most probably placing him somewhere else, where we will rescue him from. Okay?"
"but father can't we leave? All of us? Won't it be safer?"
"no child. We have to leave Harry for now. He will grow suspicious otherwise. You both have to die if only a fake death. This is the only way to ensure Harry's survival."Tom said sadly.
" come one sweetheart, father's right. We need to leave."
Then they both hug Harry before placing him in his crib and kissing his forehead and say,
" we'll come back sweetheart, we'll save you."
Then Tom said something is parseltongue, and created another Tom Riddle and bellatrix lestrange and then with a hissed Parseltongue spell, they were all whisked away in darkness. And not a moment too soon for as soon as they vanished, Dumbledore knocked down the door.