Hey guys it's the 3headed-dragon here with chapter 3, that's right this story isn't dead or abandoned as I've already said I will never do that! It may have taken a long ass time but I'm back, I'm sorry that those of you that like this story had to wait so long for a new chapter but I'm back and I'm a better writer than when I started so lets get to the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you may recognize.

Chapter 3: Soundwave Pt 1

After Ryuu had rested for a bit he and Naruto got back on the move, a while later they finally came to the gates of the village they were looking for and standing at the gate was Anko, Oichi, and Dianna. Seeing them both boys got a sudden burst of energy as they rushed towards the ones they loved. Naruto flew right into Oichi's arms and hugged her tightly, it had been so long since he's seen her that he was a little afraid that if he let go she would disappear. Ryuu was the same way with Dianna.

"I'm glad you're finally here Naruto-kun, I've missed you dearly." said Oichi.

"I've missed you too Oichi-chan." said Naruto with his head still buried in Oichi's chest.

Ryuu pulled back from Dianna but before he could say anything Dianna leaned in and planted a deep kiss on his lips. He was shocked about this at first but then quickly started to return the kiss, he was shocked again when Dianna added her tongue to the mix and completely dominated his mouth since this was his first kiss. After they broke apart Ryuu's face was bright red and Dianna was smirking at him. "Not bad for your first kiss, we'll work on your technique over time, yeah." said Dianna causing Ryuu to blush even more.

"How do you know that was my first kiss?" asked Ryuu.

"Have you kissed anyone else?" asked Dianna with raised brow. On the outside she appeared calm but on the inside she was ready to blow up any bitch that dared to still one of her little monkey's firsts from her.

"No." said Ryuu.

"Good, all of your firsts belong to me. The other women in your life can have their shot after I've taken all of your firsts, yeah." said Dianna while patting his head.

Ryuu blinked hearing this. "Other women?" asked Ryuu with both confusion and a little excitement in his voice.

"We'll talk about that later, for now I think it is time Oichi and I took you three on a tour of the village." said Dianna.

"You are right Dianna, come along you three as there is much to do. Oh and welcome to the Hidden Sound Village." said Oichi.

With that said Oichi and Dianna lead Anko, Naruto, and Ryuu through the village. They showed them the nearly completed hospital, the ninja academy, the merchant stands that were slowly popping up, the training areas, and finally the Kage Tower. Along the way Oichi, Naruto, and Anko were catching up with each other while Ryuu and Dianna were doing the same. Now they were in Oichi's office where Oichi had finally decided what she was going to do with Naruto and Ryuu.

"Alright Naruto-kun, from what I've learned of your and Ryuu-san's skills I can say without any doubt that there is no need for either of you to go to the Academy, so as of right now both of you are now official Genin of Oto. I know it's early to make you shinobi as graduation isn't until you're 16 but this just gives you more time to become even stronger, help to build Oto, and gives me time to find you a suitable third teammate." said Oichi.

"So you're going to put me and Ryuu on the same team?" asked Naruto.

"Yes, from your own account on events it appears that the two of you naturally work well together so it would be foolish not to team you together. I also have the perfect person to be your Jonin Sensei." said Oichi.

"Well Ryuu, what you say? You want to be a Genin of Oto?" asked Naruto.

"Sure, my Dianna-chan is here so count me in." said Ryuu.

"Excellent, here are your official headbands." said Oichi as he handed both of them a black cloth with a silver plate attached and a music note on it. Naruto put his on his forehead and Ryuu put his around his waist like a belt. "Now Dianna please take them to Guren and inform her that these two are her new students." said Oichi.

"Right away, yeah." said Dianna while taking the boys away.


Naruto and Ryuu were in Training Ground 30 resting after a day of hard training. The last four years have been good to both Naruto and Ryuu though they haven't changed too much on the outside. Naruto now stood at 6'1 with defined muscles and his hair now reaching his shoulders with spiky bangs framing his face. For clothes he simply wore a bigger version of his original outfit and his headband was still around his forehead. Ryuu now stood at 5'11 with his body being even more sculpted and defined than before and his hair now reached his waist, he didn't cut it because Dianna said she like his hair long. For clothes he simply wore a larger version of his original outfit and his headband was still around his waist acting as a belt.

Over the years Naruto learned that he had an affinity for lightning and water, he's learned plenty of jutsu for them though he would never learn a new one before he mastered the first one. He's also unlocked more of Pandora's forms and Kurama has been helping him learn to control some of his power. Other than training with his team sensei Naruto also trained with Oichi whenever she had the time, she even allowed him to sign the Snake Contract; just like Oichi Manda wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. In fact Naruto and Manda got along so well that Manda allowed his son Naga to be Naruto's personal summon. After that Oichi taught Naruto all of the snake based jutsu she knew. Naruto was really happy for that tongue lengthening jutsu when Oichi took his virginity when he turned 14, and then Anko attack him an hour after he was finished with Oichi. Naruto's biggest advancement happened when Oichi introduced Naruto to Seals and Kenjutsu, Naruto took to those like no one thought possible as in only a couple of years he was already Seal Master and could keep up with Oichi in Kenjutsu. Naruto's skills and use of Pandora earned him the nickname, Oto's Fox of Destruction.

Ryuu wasn't far behind Naruto as he also trained hard. While Naruto trained in water and lightning Ryuu trained in fire and earth while also bettering his Taijutsu. He worked with Lucifer in order to use the exploding swords better, Lucifer said he was a natural with them. Ryuu also trained with Son in order to better control his power. When not training with his team Ryuu was training with Dianna in order to improve his use of his Explosion Release, she also trained his endurance by taking his virginity a week after he got to the village. Ryuu had gain the Lava Monkey summoning contract from Son Goku, Ryuu and the monkeys got along well but it should be noted that though they are called the Lava Monkeys there are also gorillas, chimps, and other simians. Ryuu's skills and use of Lucifer earned him the nickname, Oto's Devil Ape.

"Hey Naruto, you think we'll have a mission today?" asked Ryuu from his spot sitting up in a tree.

"We should, it's been two weeks since our last mission." said Naruto from his spot under the branch Ryuu was sitting on. "You up for another spar?" asked Naruto.

"Sure." said Ryuu as he jumped down.

"Don't start fighting yet boys, we've been called to the Otokage tower." said a female voice. Turning to the direction of the voice they saw Kin Tsuchi. Kin was a beautiful young woman with fair skin, black eyes, long black hair that almost touched the ground, and athletic but feminine build, and C-cup breasts. For clothes she wore black kunoichi boots, snake patterned pants, a pale green vest, a snake patterned scarf, and an Oto headband worn on her forehead. Kin is Ryuu's and Naruto's third teammate and Naruto's third girlfriend. When Oichi had introduced her to the two boys they quickly hit it off and became fast friends, 4 months into their career as a team it was clear to both Guren and Ryuu that the two had grown feelings for each other and started to tease them about it.

"Really, then what are we waiting for let's go!" said Ryuu before jumping off. Naruto and Kin shook their heads at their friends excitement before following him. As they jumped through the village they noticed just how far the village has come over the years, there were a lot more buildings, shops, people, the Academy was bigger, and hell even the village itself was bigger. A lot of these improvements to the village were thanks to the alliance Oichi had made with Kumo. Oto and Kumo are also working on bringing Kiri into the alliance by sending aid to the rebels in order to overthrow the current Mizukage. Naruto, Ryuu, and Kin had even been sent a few times to help out in the war effort and much to the shock of the rebels and Kumo ninja the three genin were actually a big help. As of right now the Civil War was close to being over with the rebels being on the winning side.

The three Genin finally reached the tower and quickly made their way up to Oichi's office. Walking inside they saw three Oichis behind her desk doing paperwork, these were Shadow Clones as the real Oichi was sitting on the couch to the side while reading a book. Another woman was also in the room; she had fair skin, dark eyes, light blue hair kept in a spiky ponytail with long strands of hair framing her face, red lipstick, an athletic build, long legs, a round ass, and D-cup breasts. For clothes she wore a green dress with a long left sleeve and a short right sleeve, a red turtleneck which has a white fluffy collar, brown gloves, under the dress is a one piece red suit, and to finish the outfit calf length brown sandal boots. This woman is Guren, she's Naruto's, Ryuu's, and Kin's sensei as well as Ryuu's second girlfriend.

"Otokage-sama, Guren-sensei, Kin said you had a new mission for us." said Naruto.

"Hehehe, we're not in public Naruto-kun, so you don't have to be so formal." said Oichi with a light chuckle. While not ashamed of their relationship, both Naruto and Oichi knew that she had an image to maintain in the public eye so Naruto would be as formal and respectful as he could while in public with her, at least while on duty.

"Oichi has a point Naruto, you need to lighten up some." said Ryuu as he walked over to Guren. Guren smiled at her boyfriend as he walked over to her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and then kissed her deeply with their tongues fighting a fierce war. This lasted for a full minute before they broke apart though Ryuu didn't let go of Guren. "Hey Gur-chan, how has your day been so far?" asked Ryuu.

"It's been fine so far, thanks for that kiss by the way but I expect more than that soon." said Guren with a low purr to her voice. Guren had honestly never intended to get into a relationship, especially with one of her students but Ryuu's personality, skill, determination, and the fact that Yukimaru loved him caused her to change her mind. She was happy she did decide to date him because ever since they got together 2 ½ years ago she and Yukimaru have never been happier in their lives. Yukimaru had always seen Guren as his Kaa-san but he quickly started to see Ryuu as his Tou-san, he had even once called Ryuu that by accident but instead of feeling weird about it or getting mad Ryuu simply smiled and called Yukimaru soichi in return. Guren had actually shed a tear that day.

Many people thought that it would be bad for the team as a whole for Guren to start dating one of her students, they believed that Guren wouldn't be able to put her personal feelings aside and act professional. They were all proven wrong as Guren's personal feelings didn't affect the team at all as Ryuu didn't receive any special treatment, he was trained just as hard as everyone else, he only took breaks when the others did, and when they were on the job he still had to call her sensei.

"Hey Shit Slinger, where my kiss!" said a very rude female voice. Everyone looked to one of the corners of the room where the voice had come from. A Genjutsu dropped and revealed a beautiful young woman with fair skin, brown eyes, long untamed red hair that came down to her waist with long parted bangs framing her face and another falling between her eyes, a slim figure, a tight and toned ass, and CC-cup breasts. For clothes she wore a black shirt under a tan tunic, black arm warmers, skin tight black shorts, half calf leg warmers covered in bandages, traditional black shinobi sandals, a purple rope belt tied around her waist in an inverted bow, and a black hat with gray pipe like stripes and bandages on the sides. This young woman is Tayuya, one of Oicich's bodyguards and Ryuu's third girlfriend.

Tayuya and Ryuu had met while simply walking through the village, Tayuya's hair had caught Ryuu's attention while the scar on Ryuu's chest caught her attention. Things quickly went down hill though when Tayuya caught caught him staring at her and thought he was perving on her so she attacked, Ryuu of course defended himself but he didn't use his explosions or Lucifer. Ryuu quickly learned that Tayuya specialized in Genjutsu but was still pretty good in Taijutsu. Their whole fight lasted 2 hours and during the whole fight Ryuu was admiring Tayuya's strength and form all the while unknown to him Tayuya was doing the same. It wasn't until after the fight that Tayuya finally asked why he was perving on her to which he explained that he wasn't but was simply captivated by her hair as he had never seen someone with the same color hair as his before. That shocked Tayuya but she didn't apologize for attacking him and just left. Over the next couple of weeks Tayuya would randomly pop up and challenge him to a fight, he always accepted her challenges but also always would hold back from using his explosions. Then out of nowhere she found him and straight up told him that he was taking her out on a date that night at 8, he had to admit that while Tayuya's attitude rubbed most people the wrong way he found it really attractive, he had a real thing for strong women. One year and 4 months later they're still together, though he does wish she would stop calling him Shit Slinger.

"I'm coming Tayu-chan." said Ryuu as walked over to her and gave her a kiss just as deep as the one he gave Guren. Tayuya wasted no time in trying to dominate Ryuu's mouth but he fought back as he refused to lose, Tayuya also took his hands from around her waist and placed them firmly on her ass and had him squeeze her cheeks while moaning into the kiss; no one could say Tayuya was a shy girl. The kiss lasted for a full minute before they broke apart with a sting of saliva still connecting them before it broke. "Happy now Tayu-chan?" asked Ryuu.

"We're fucking when you get back from your mission Shit Slinger." said Tayuya before going back to her conner and reapplying the Genjutsu that hid her from sight.

"Sweet." said Ryuu before walking back to his team.

"Anyway." said Oichi being completely used to Tayuya being….well Tayuya. "We have reports that a country known as Wave is having a hard time as they are being oppressed by a tyrant known as Gato. Wave is in a great position for trade and could be a great ally for Oto, we also have reports that a bridge builder by the name of Tazuna has begun building a bridge in order to connect Wave to the mainland so as to increase trade and break Gato's hold on the village; though he has recently gone to Konoha in order to get more supplies. Your mission is to go to Wave and protect it until the bridge is done being built, the people there are also supposed to be in bad shape so I'll also be giving you food and medical supplies in order help the people there. Due to the amount of time this mission may take not to mention that it is very possible that Tazuna will hire Leaf Ninja to bring him back to Wave and that Gato will hire some Missing Nin to kill Tazuna, this will be an A-rank mission." said Oichi.

Everyone looked at Naruto when it was mentioned that they would most likely run into Leaf Ninja on this mission, but Naruto was completely calm. He always knew that it was only a matter of time before he ran into some Leaf Ninja so he prepared himself mentally for the meeting. He also knew that their was really nothing they could do concerning him, he was a civilian when he left so he was free to leave the village at any time he wished, plus he was part of another village so them trying to take him away will have really bad consequences. Sure they could use the fact that he's a Jinchuriki to bring him back but there was no law saying that a Jinchuriki had to stay in the village, the only reason most Jinchuriki couldn't leave their home village was because they were a ninja of the village and their Kage wouldn't accept them quitting service.

"What should we do if we do run into the Leaf Ninja?" asked Guren.

"Don't engage them unless they act first. While Kumo and Kiri know a bit of our actual strength we've managed to fly under Konoha's and Iwa's radars, there is no need to give them cause to look into us. Now then mission starts as soon as possible so go home and pack." said Oichi. The team nodded and where about to leave before Oichi stopped them again. "Oh and I also have a message from Anko and Dianna, they wanted to say that everything is going well in Mizu and that they'll be home soon." said Oichi.

Ryuu and Naruto nodded at this, they also knew that if those two were coming back it meant that Oichi and the Raikage were going to Mizu soon in order to deliver the final blow to end the civil war. Both boys nodded at this before Team Guren left in order to go pack and collect the supplies they were gonna give to the citizens of Wave.


It took Team Guren 3 days to get to Wave, they didn't need to worry about crossing the water since all of them knew how to walk on water. They stayed hidden when they entered the village in order to get a real understanding of what was going on and what they saw disgusted them. All of the citizens looked afraid, depressed, and hungry; they just seemed so…...broken. Naruto and Ryuu were affected by this the most as they themselves once looked the same.

"I'm gonna melt that bastard Gato when I get my hands on him." said Ryuu with a growl.

"I'll be right there with you to cause some pain." said Naruto.

"Calm down you two, I know how you feel but let's focus on helping these people first and then we can torture that bastard." said Guren as she placed her hand on Ryuu's shoulder with Kin doing the same for Naruto.

"You're right Guren-sensei, Ryuu and I will keep our tempers in check until we have a clear shot at Gato." said Naruto. Ryuu reluctantly agreed with Naruto's words.

"Good, now let's get to work." said Guren as each of the three Genin and their sensei took off to do their part in helping the village.


After only a week and a half Team Guren have really established themselves as a positive force in Wave. The team had gotten rid of Gato's men by either killing them or driving them out of the village, Guren and Kin had passed out food and medical supplies to those that needed it, and they had even met the bridge builder's daughter Tsunami by chance and she allowed them to stay with her and her son Inari. Inari was a brat at first but once he saw all that they were doing and that wave was slowly getting back on its feet he lightened up a bit.

Currently Team Guren were split up as they patrolled the village in order to make sure that none of Gato's men came back to the village. They were mostly depending on Naruto since thanks to Kurama he had a wider sensory range. Naruto was at the very edge of the village but had so far sensed nothing, he was prepared to to head back to Tsunami's house since this was the last place he had to patrol. As he was about to leave he stopped when he sensed a great deal of negative emotions, Naruto quickly flared his chakra in a way that his team would know to come to his location quickly. It only took a minute for his team to show up and they looked ready for anything.

"What's the situation Naruto?" asked Guren.

"I've just sensed a great deal of negative emotion coming from a couple of miles outside the village. I'm also sensing the chakra of 4 Jonin, 6 Genin, and a civilian so we can assume that it's Tazuna with 2 escort teams that have been attacked by a Missing Nin that Gato hired." said Naruto.

"Good work, I want you and Ryuu to leave behind some Shadow Clones to keep watch over the village and then we'll be off." said Guren as both boys nodded.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" yelled Naruto and Ryuu. Both boys were happy that Oichi had decided to teach them this jutsu as it was really helpful with their training and it was easy for them to do. After making 10 clones each, the boys nodded to their sensei and the team took off.


Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga where currently shaking in fear as they stood protectively in front of their client Tazuna. Sakura was a young woman with fair skin, bright green eyes, long pink hair, a slim build, wide hips, a round ass, B-cup breasts, and a wider than average forehead. For clothes she was wearing a red qipao dress with the Haruno Clan symbol on the back, black tights under it, her Konoha headband acting as hair band, and blue ninja sandals. Hinata was a young woman with fair skin, long dark blue hair, pale lavender tinted eyes, a fit and voluptuous build, wide hips, a thick ass, narrow waist, and DD-cup breasts. For clothes she wore blue ninja sandals, blue pants, a tan heavy coat with white fur around the cuffs and collar, and her headband around her neck.

They were shaking because they just witnessed their teams get beaten by the two Missing Nin that were now approaching them, Zabuza Momochi and Aoi Rokusho. This was supposed to be a simple joint escort mission so that both Team 7 lead by Kakashi Hatake and Team 8 lead by Kurenai Yuhi could experience a mission outside of the village with two Jonins in order to make sure things went well, they never expected to run into two famous Missing Nin. Hinata was furious with herself, ever since the love of her life ran from village due to the torture they put him through she had vowed to get stronger so that she could punish the ones that had hurt him. She succeeded in this because she was well known as the strongest Kunoichi in her generation, not that she cared what others thought of her anymore, she only cared what her love thought of her. She then stopped shaking and hardened her eyes, she would not die here, she would live in order to find her love and show him how she felt!

"Well down to the last two, this would have been a lot easier if you lot had just given up from the start." said Zabuza. Aoi said nothing before both he and Zabuza charged at the two young Kunoichi. Zabuza brought his large clever like sword down on Sakura but instead of slicing Sakura in half like he intended, his sword was caught between the hands of Ryuu Oda. Unknown to Zabuza, Ryuu was quickly infusing his chakra into Zabuza's blade. Aoi attack with the Raijin missed as Naruto moved fast enough to grab Hinata and moved her out of the way.

"Who the hell are you brats!?" asked Aoi. Naruto and Ryuu completely ignored him and turned to the girls they had saved.

"Hey there Cherry Blossom, you alright?" asked Ryuu while still holding back Zabuza's sword. Sakura simply nodded though there was a small blush on her face from his name for her and how handsome he was. Ryuu then threw Zabuza back and got into a fighting stance. "That's good to know, just stay behind me and I'll keep you safe." said Ryuu.

"Hey Hinata-chan, it's been some time." said Naruto with a smile as he put Hinata down. Hinata was one of the few people in Konoha that were kind to him, sure she was very shy at the time but she was one of his dearest friends. Naruto could easily see that the shy little Hinata had changed over the years as she became a beautiful young woman in his eyes.

"Naruto-kun." said Hinata in shock that the love of her life was actually right in front her.

"We can talk later but for now just let me handle this." said Naruto before he turned back to Aoi. What the two Missing Nin didn't know was that while Naruto and Ryuu were dealing with them, Kin and Guren were gathering up the beaten down Genin and Jonin while also explaining things to Tazuna. "Ryuu I know you want to fight but we need to end this quickly and get Tazuna back to his home." said Naruto.

"Fine, I guess I won't take my time with this." said Ryuu before he snapped his fingers and caused Zabuza's sword to explode. The explosion was strong enough to destroy 75% of Zabuza's blade and launch him into a tree which he hit back first. Zabuza didn't get time to recover as Ryuu quickly closed in on Zabuza and started to rain powerful blows on Zabuza's torso before the final blow actually made Zauza go through the tree. Zabuza couldn't believe how much pain he was in as he could barely move. Aoi was easy to take out as he was distracted by the explosion that Ryuu caused and this allowed Naruto to move in quickly and deliver some devastating blows in order to temporarily cripple him.

Naruto was disappointed in his opponent but he shouldn't have had high expectations, Aoi was at best a low Chunin level ninja with only the Rajin giving him any real power, keep him from using the Rajin or take it away from him and the guy was weak. Ryuu wasn't disappointed at all as he knew that the only reason he beat Zabuza so easily was because he caught him by surprise with that explosion. Naruto and Ryuu were about to move to finish off their targets when senbon came out of the trees and struck both Aoi and Zabuza in the necks. Looking where the senbon came from they saw a Hidden Mist Hunter Nin crouched on a tree branch.

"Thank you for distracting them, I've been hunting them for awhile now." said the Hunter Nin as they jumped down in order to collect the bodies. Naruto and Ryuu watched the Hunter Nin already knowing that they were a fake since the current Mizukage had all of his loyal ninja in the village in order to fight in the war.

"No problem." said Naruto. Moments later the Hunter Nin disappeared with both Aoi and Zabuza. "They'll be back but they still shouldn't be a problem." said Naruto with Ryuu nodding in agreement. Walking back over to the others Naruto almost couldn't hold in his rage when he saw just who the Jonins were. Kakashi Hatake who appeared to be suffering from chakra exhaustion and Kurenai Yuhi who had a deep cut going across her midsection and electricity sparking off her body, Naruto had no sympathy for these two as they had contributed to his torture in konoha. Ryuu noticed Naruto's rage and decided to bring it up later.

"You guys do know that Hunter Nin was a fake right?" asked Sakura after having finally calm down. "Real Hunter Nin only take the head of a person they kill so that Hunter Nin was probably working with them." said Sakura showing why she had high grades in theoretical part of the Academy.

"We know, it's just that the boys believe that those two won't be much trouble for us to handle." said Kin.

"Why did you two let them go anyway?" asked Guren.

"Because the only real threats are Zabuza and that Hunter Nin, Aoi is only known because he has the Rajin. We have a total of 3 Jonin so we have more than enough power to handle Zabuza, I believe there are more than enough Genin here to at least keep the Hunter Nin busy, and with Aoi all we have to do is not give him a chance to use the Rajin or separate him from it." said Naruto. Naruto was then suddenly turned around and kissed deeply by Hinata, she even shoved her tongue into his mouth. This shocked everyone as they stood watching the Hyuga princess deeply french Naruto. They continued to watch for a full minute before Kin broke free from her shock and broke them apart herself.

"WHO THE HELL IS THIS CHICK!" yelled Kin. Sure she may be fine with sharing her boyfriend but that didn't mean she was going to let random women come out of nowhere and start making out with him, in front of her no less.

Well everyone there you have chapter 3, I hope you liked it. Like I said up top this story is not dead but I do have to admit that I had lost inspiration to write for it. It took a long time and a bunch of new stories but my inspiration is back which means so is this story. Remember my Fans that I will never abandon one of my stories.

Also you should know that there is a Poll on my page where you can vote for the top 4 Naruto crossover stories you want to see from me next. Vote for your top for and I write the 4 that win the poll.

Naruto's Harem

Oichi, Anko, Kin, Fubuki, Samui, Yugito, Matatabi, Fu, Chomei, Sasame, Hinata, Ino, Yugao, Temari, Shizune, Shizuka, Pandora

Ryuu's Harem

Dianna, Karin, Guren, Ten-ten, Mei, Kurotsuchi, Tayuya, Karui, Mabui, Kokuo, Saiken, Sakura, Suzumebachi, Kotohime, Tsunade

Well that's it for now everyone remember to Fav, Follow, and Review and as always listen for when the Dragon Roar!