Chapter 19

The adults had all agreed to head to Disneyland early in the morning, much to the kid's chagrin. Loading everyone in America's small four seater car would have been impossible had Finland not thought ahead and rented a larger car. As they drove, the kids had fallen back asleep, their heads resting practically in their chests. "Ah man I'm excited! The kids are going to freak when they see Ariel in real life!" America exclaimed to Canada, his brother taking the passenger seat quickly once he realized where the kids' car seats were located.

"I still don't know about this Al… They're awfully small…" His brother replied, looking behind him worriedly at the three snoozing little ones.

"Well it's too late to turn back now! Look! We're almost there!" Al grinned as he pointed ahead, where the large theme park stood.

As America parked, he saw Finland's car stop in the space next to the one he picked, Prussia and Denmark rushing out as the car stopped. "Al, I will pay you to switch cars with me. Tino was singing and playing those lame car games the entire time." The albino said, gripping America's shoulders firmly, his face showing clear desperation.

"Sure dude." America replied with a laugh as he and Canada got the three still sleeping kids out of the car and into their rarely used strollers.

"Guys! Look by the gates… It's Olaf and Mickey!" Denmark exclaimed pointing excitedly as they got closer to the gates.

"Remember, this is for the kids." Canada told the group, looking exhausted.

"Right right. Okay! I'll pay for the kids and myself!" America said practically running to the section you go in to pay for the tickets.

"I'm paying for m'wife and Iceland." Sweden said gruffly.

"I'll pay for myself thanks." Iceland said bitterly, not knowing that Denmark had already bought the day pass for him.

"Here birdie, I'll pay for you." Prussia said with a smile.

"You can pay for snacks and soveniers inside, I can pay for the passes." Canada replied, laughing lightly as he paid for the two of them, Bulgaria left to pay for himself.

"Oh dude! Splash Mountain is here! Come on Den! We so have to go!" Al said, dragging his tall friend and running off to the ride.

Canada sighed, "So much for it being about the kids." he said as he and Prussia began pushing the strollers around, Bulgaria going with them while Finland, Iceland and Sweden were left to watch America and Denmark, keeping them from getting all of them kicked out.

To say Vlad was confused as he awoke was an understatement. He, Arthur, and Lukas were all being pushed along, the place they were in was bright and colorful, cheerful with characters like from the movies America wanted them to watch the day before.

"S-sir? C-company policy states-" a man in a suit said as he noticed the bear Lukas refused to part with.

"You want to hear a crying nation all day? Because that's what will happen if the bear leaves." Prussia responded, gesturing to Lukas who held onto the bear defensively.

"Nations? Forgive me… just um… make sure it doesn't eat the other guests…" the man said nervously.

"He won't and can we please be on our way?" Mama asked with a sigh.

"Y-yes of course…" the man said, mumbling "Oh god, I thought it was a rumor… countries?! And baby ones at that?! Why on the one day i came in for work?!"

Vlad giggled before he saw her. Ariel, sitting on a rock, surrounded by a group of parents and little girls. "Artie! Luka! It Ari!" He exclaimed pointing eagerly at the princess.

"And Us-ala too!" Arthur added in, his eyes wide.

"Mama! Go Ari!" Vlad told mama, peeking up at Canada from his stroller seat.

"Okay sweetie, we'll go to see Ariel and Ursula." Mama said with a smile taking the kids over to the mermaid princess.

Lukas wasn't all that interested in seeing the little mermaid, instead he was looking around the area, blue eyes wide with wonder.

The youngest reached his little arms out, spotting two women go by, one with a long light blue dress and white hair, the other with orange hair and a blue and purple dress.

"Luka! Look! Ari!" Vlad called, trying to get Lukas' attention as Mama, Prussia and Bulgaria pushed them closer to the mermaid princess they all had fallen in love with.

Lukas shook his head, not wanting Ariel as he reached out again for the two women.

"Who thas?" Vlad asked, causing Arthur to turn as well.

"I don't know." the british boy said in awe.

"Okay guys, we're next." Prussia said, interrupting the boys.

"No! No Ari!" Vlad whined loudly, causing several random people to glance over at them.

"What's up guys?" mama asked, bending down in front of the strollers, his violet eyes looking at them with concern.

"Pretty lady with white hair. Luka saw him first and she cool." Arthur explained, pointing to where the woman was.

"You mean Elsa? Huh, I didn't think we'd run into her already." Prussia hummed in thought.

"Well do you guys want to go see Elsa instead?" Mama asked with a smile.

"Yeah Elsa!" Vlad cheered.

Prussia groaned quietly before he begrudgingly pushed Arthur's stroller away from Ariel to where Elsa had last been seen.

The rest of the day was spent, to Prussia's displeasure chasing after Elsa and Anna, he could tell Canada was feeling just as tired as him while Bulgaria, with endurance that reminded Prussia of his brother, continued pushing three strollers around the amusement park, getting the kids to Elsa and Anna while Prussia and Canada sat on a nearby bench their feet killing them.

It was nearly dark when they returned to their cars, Al close to falling asleep with Denmark appearing just as tired. The kids had fallen asleep long before, all three passed out in their Car seats, Canada driving his brother's car with Prussia in the seat beside him, Al asleep in Tino's car.

It was a fun day for everyone, though Canada and Prussia both made a silent agreement to stay home next time Al suggested something like this, they only hoped tomorrow would be relaxing for them.

As the two cars pulled into England's driveway, they saw three cars already parked there, the front door wide opened. "Stay in the car with the kids." Prussia commanded getting out of the car, Sweden, Tino and Bulgaria following behind him.

"Ah! Prussia! What're you doing here? And where's our brother? We came home to a house made for wee ones." Prussia mentally cursed as he recognized that voice, feeling a headache start to form as three tall, lean, bushy-eyebrowed men stood before him, two of them sporting bright red hair, one with brown hair that came to the bottom of his chin.

Gasp! What! Could it be? A cliffhanger? By me?

Lol sorry for the long wait, I wasn't in a writing mood for a while…

And if wasn't clear, Bulgaria's 'dad ability' was that he had a high endurance, making it so he could continue to cart the kids around the park for a while.

Thanks TrueCanadianGirl for her awesome help and thanks for reading, I'll try to update faster next time ^.^'

Anyway see you next chapter!