Despite the fact that she had never been the most patient of beings, the evil fairy had been largely content to bide her time before the effects of her curse came to pass. Sure she regularly sent out her army into the surrounding lands and settlements to try and find out where the King and Queen had decided to hide their only child, but with their continued failure to discover even a rumor about the princess's whereabouts, Maleficent had to fight the urge to curse herself for her compliance.

Nearly 16 years had passed since she had interrupted what should have been a joyous occasion for King Stephan's kingdom, and yet, thanks to the meddlesome interference by those insignificant fools who dared called themselves fairies, her minions had yet to discover any trace of the child. And since she only had 3 days left to ensure that those ungrateful fools suffered for their arrogance, her patience had begun to run dangerously thin.

But still, hope remained, for as the mistress of all evil, great power was available to help her achieve her ends. And even though she had never before attempted something of this nature, she was willing to try.

Having assembled the necessary ingredients to perform this ritual, the heart of a pure black lamb, the blood of a recently deflowered virgin, and the wings of a corrupted phoenix, Maleficent raised her staff to channel her power and began to chant.

Forces of Darkness. Hear my plea.

You aid I beseech of thee.

Grant me the power to defeat my foes.

And I shall incur a multitude of woes.

I call upon the forces of hell to lend me aid.

And in return I shall make a fair trade.

Her chant complete, the evil fairy had to shield her eyes as a great flash of brilliant green light entered the chamber. But even though she was temporarily robbed of her vision, she could tell that she had been successful, for another sound echoed throughout her throne room. The sound of someone having trouble breathing.

And though she held some doubts about his usefulness to her cause when she saw his rather strange attire, though admittedly the color scheme he used was very appropriate given his surroundings, Maleficent concealed her skepticism behind an impenetrable emotionless mask. Though she found herself hard pressed to maintain her visage as her summoner acted in a way that she could not have foreseen.

"Oh my god this is so cool. I didn't think it would work, this is awesome. Oh I'm terribly sorry your excellency. Got caught up in the moment. You, I never understood why you villain types chose to live in a crumbling castle. I mean sure it made sense for the Horned King, being a lich and all, but I would have thought that the more classy villains would have preferred to live in comfort. Ah it doesn't matter, and where wasting time. By my memory, you only have 2 or 3 days left to fulfill your curse, and I for one am looking forward to helping you ensure that it not only succeeds, but that their is nothing the good guys can do to break it should they fail in their attempts to keep it from happening".

Raising an eyebrow at the enthusiastic babbling of her newest servant, though she was intrigued by the knowledge that he had helped other villainous beings before, Maleficent nonetheless kept to the aura of indifference she had perfected over the centuries, and gestured for the boy to sit.

"As you can imagine young man, I do no wish for such a thing to happen. So tell me, what knowledge can you offer that will allow me to achieve my goals and ensure the supremacy of the forces of evil"?

Ignoring the incredulous looks he was receiving from the villain's familiar, as well as the doubt that was clearly heard in his current 'client's' voice, he told her.

"Well first off, you might want to invest in a smarter brand of minion, cause for the past 16 years they've been looking for an infant rather than a girl whose beauty only grows each day".

Tightening her grip on her staff as she learned that it was thanks to the unbelievable idiocy of minions that her efforts had been nearly thwarted, Maleficent managed to keep her anger under control as she addressed her summoned counselor.

"While that is indeed a useful piece of information, for which I assure you will be acted on most swiftly, I trust that you have more information on hand then pointing out the sheer incompetence of my soldiers"?

Nodding his head to show that he had more information to share, the boy plodded on.

"Of course I do, but I thought you might want to know the reason for 16 years with no progress. Anyway, the princess was taken into the woods to be raised by those goody two shoe faeries, and they intend to take her back to her parents right before the sun sets on her 16th birthday. Not sure why they thought this would be a good idea, since it would have been better to keep her hidden until the next day, but common sense always seems to be lacking for those who profess to be forces of good".

Having reached the same conclusion many times over the course of her association with the trio, not to mention the queen who should have known the consequences for her snub, the evil fairy allowed an evil smile to spread across her features as she understood that their was still hope for her plan to succeed.

"That is most satisfying to hear. So those fools decide to bring Aurora back home before my curse's deadline. Then it will make my victory all the sweeter when I prove that their attempts of defeating me have utterly failed. I can just imagine the cries of sorrow that the royal couple and their subjects will make once they realize that their princess has returned to them only to be forever lost to them".

Allowing the villain a moment to indulge in her gloating, the boy quickly moved to reveal more information.

"Yeaaaahhh about that, they don't actually get to know that the curse has gone into effect cause the trio causes the entire kingdom to fall asleep until their princess has been woken up by true loves kiss".

Seeing the thunderous expression of rage that was currently being expressed by the horned fairy, and full conscious of the fact that her staff of power was glowing with a deadly light, the boy hurried to explain.

"But their is a way to keep them from waking up. For you see, I know the identity of the very person who breaks the curse".

Taking a moment to calm herself down, Maleficent proceeded to stroke the feathers of her loyal crow s she gestured her counselor to proceed.

"Before Aurora discovers that she is in fact a princess, in fact its her birthday when the trio reveals her true identity, she meets this handsome stranger in the middle of the woods. Long story short, its true love at first sight, but what she doesn't realize is that the stranger is in fact her future husband, Prince Phillip, who also does not know that he had just met his future wife".

Continuing to pet her loyal familiar, the horned villainess pondered what she had just been told.

"Hmmm. That does make the task of dashing their hopes much easier. However, by the look of nervousness that is on your face, I judge that the prince plays a greater role in all this".

Nervously gulping, for he had learned from his experiences with other villains that speaking about the details of their death was never greeted with anything less than a violent temper, the boy rapidly mumbled a reply before diving behind his chair for protection.

"With the faeries aid, he's the one that kills you".

Eye's widening at this revelation, the Mistress of All Evil allowed her anger fueled magic to transform her into her dragon form, and pinned down her understandably terrified councilor with a massive black scaled claw.

"What did you say"?

Knowing that he had only one chance of escaping being crushed to death by a pissed dragon, the boy hurried to tell her.

"The trio grants Phillip a magical sword and shield, and after he escapes your dungeon, you try to kill him in your dragon form, but he throws the sword at you get the idea".

Transforming back into her normal form, and removing her iron like grip from the boy's neck, the evil fairy regained her seat on her throne and pondered what to do with this information. However, before she could come up with a plan that would allow her to take advantage of all that she had just been told, the boy's hesitant voice interrupted her plotting.

"Uhh, not that I haven't enjoyed your hospitality, but I'm afraid that your allotted time is just about up. I've told you how the important information that will allow you to triumph over your enemies, so if we can just get to the terms of payment, I'll be on may way. Places to go, schemes to bring to fruition, that sort of thing".

Reminding herself that despite the boy's clear naivety, he was still connected to the very forces that she herself served, Maleficent allowed herself to raise an eyebrow in interest as she considered the boy's rather amusing request.

"Indeed. And what form of payment do you consider worthy for the information you have delivered to me"?

Happy that the fairy seemed to be in a forgiving mood, the boy expressed his desire.

"Well...if its in your power to make me immune to magic that's intended to harm me, then I suppose I could be content with that. Or some form of trinket that could allow me to change my appearance. I could see that being quite useful for future...agreements".

Nodding her head in agreement as she considered the two options that he had presented her, she made her choice.


As she watched from the relative comfort of her tower, Maleficent was extremely satisfied with what she saw.

A princess forever doomed to remain asleep as her loved ones aged and died.

A pair of lamenting parents who had the audacity to forget that it was by her hand that they had the chance to continue their family line.

A prince whose memory had been stripped from him and now spent his days wandering the streets of a far away kingdom as a beggar.

And most delicious of all, the trio of interfering fools who had once thought that with their meddling they could help the forces of good triumph over a being of her might and power, stripped of their magic and forced to serve the rest of their existence as nothing more than a trio of useless mortals.

Yes, it had been a most satisfying day. And she could only hope that others of her chosen alignment would also benefit from the advice of her now vanished Councillor. For with his help, any carefully planned scheme would surely succeed.


And thats the complete first chapter :)...hope you all enjoyed it...despite the rather depressive ending, but since Maleficent is one of the few humorless villains (others that I can think of include Judge Claude Frollo, Horned King, Shan Yu) theirs gonna be a lot of suffering for the good guys.

As a kid growing up, with rare exceptions, I always liked the bad guys of Disney better than the heroes. I mean come on (Jeremy Irons for Scar, James Woods for Hades, Tony Jay for Judge Frollo (Who also did the voice for the Reboot Villain Megabyte). These guys were awesome.

So thanks in part to my Star Wars story, which also allows me to indulge in my love of the Dark Side and the Death Star/Star Destroyer building Empire...I have decided to a similar story based on Disneys (...and perhaps other well known animated films) villains.

My Profile will have a poll on which Disney film/villain you want me to 'Help' next.

No flames, Reviews always welcome :)