Tale Of Two Worlds

Written By: Writen

Beta Read By: Trusty McGoodGuy

Prologue: The Combine

When it first happened, there was no warning. No flash of light, no sirens, no alarms to warn either world that they would soon merge with the other.

Two worlds that were never meant to intertwine, and yet until they both became one, neither knew the other existed.

No one knows quite how it happened. An advanced scientific experiment gone horrendously wrong? An item of one world's found in the other? Perhaps, even divine intervention? But when you squeeze eleven billion people onto a single planet, trivial facts such as what caused it or who caused it weren't the first things people wanted to know.

When the governments of all had figured out that colossal new continents filled with life and society had magically appeared mere miles from their own, both sides were in a flurry of different feelings at the revelation.

Some were confused. Why? They thought. Why had such lands appeared at their doorsteps completely unannounced? However, these people soon became worried with more present, urgent questions, and nary an answer in sight.

Others were excited at the event. Massive new landforms with whole societies that just appeared out of the blue? Perhaps they had answers to questions that Earth on its own could not solve. The promise of new information, new trade, and new resources fueled their hopefulness.

A large majority of people from all around were understandably spooked, however. Remnant's main problem was the Grimm, if these new lands turned out to be hostile, kingdom after kingdom would be overwhelmed. On Earth, world leaders all around groaned at the revelation. Earth was no stranger to human on human conflict. They already had their own hands full trying to deal with seven billion people. Four billion more would only bring more headaches.

Surprisingly, Vale was the first to take action. Many teams were scattered to the winds to explore these new lands. One of these teams being team STRQ. People weren't exactly sure what had happened that day. But everyone could agree on one thing. It would be known as



Chapter 1: First Impressions

"Wait, what?" Summer Rose questioned with cocked eyebrow.

A question that had been asked many times that day already.

"Just...ugh. Turn to the news channel, I'm sure they can explain it better than I." Raven exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.

Swiftly, Taiyang and snatched the remote control lying haphazardly on the floor and plopped onto his assigned bed before turning the TV to the news.


"-Unlike anything we've seen before. The world's top geologists held an emergency meeting today, and none of them have a clue as to how these land masses have suddenly appeared. Meanwhile, the Atlesian military is fully mobilizing for a full scale attack while Mistr..." The reporter announced before being stopped mid-sentence by an informant talking into her earpiece.

They whispered to each other for a few moments.

"And you're sure?" The reported asked.

Another, shorter pause.

"Alright... This just in: A wide-scale biometric scan has confirmed that there is life on these new lands, and that there appears to be no Grimm, yes, you heard me correctly folks, no Grimm populating these new lands. More information as it comes in, this is Heather Cassio, reporting to you live from VOX news."


Taiyang quickly muted the TV after that revelation.

"Wh-what? How? Why?" Summer stammered, stumbling over her words.

"Well, the world's top geo-boys don't know. It's not like I know either. They said they had life there...maybe that means there's people, that means people who can help fight the Grimm and help our kingdoms if they're friendly." Taiyang chimed in, excitement building as the possibilities whirled around in his mind.

"Hmph. You might be able to be optimistic, Tai, but you forget that there might not be people there at all. Worse yet, there might be people there who would like nothing more than to overrun our kingdoms and annihilate our society." Pointed out Raven.

"Yeah, Raven's got a point. We should be ready to take action if worst comes to worst. I wonder what we'll find there?" Summer pondered while scratching her head.

Putting his hand behind his head and crossing his legs, Tai continued. "Well, I certainly hope there's friendly people there. Maybe they have some good scrumpy there." Tainyang quipped.

"Beer? But you're 19! You shouldn't be drinking!" Summer whined.

At that precise moment, the door to team STRQ's dorm flew open, revealing Qrow.

"Brother, where have you been? You disappeared after we had lunch and we haven't seen you since." Raven instinctively scolded.

The jet-haired huntsman said nothing, instead pulling out a tiny flask from behind his back and cocking a smug grin, shaking the container from side to side to reveal that he had decided to reward himself with a shot or two of a legally questionable beverage. This of course, gained a reaction from all three of his teammates.

"Oh no! Not you to!" Summer said, immensely concerned.

"Sigh, I should've known as much." Raven pouted, facepalming at the revelation.

"Hey uhhhh, where'd you get that, exactly?" Taiyang asked with a greedy spark in his eyes.

Suddenly, the tone of the school intercom being activated rang through team STRQ's dorm, as well as many others.

"All available students, report to the auditorium immediately. Come prepared with full combat gear and weaponry. This is not a drill. Repeat, this is not a drill." The intercom commanded before it shut off, leaving the dorm in silence for a moment.

"What do you suppose that was about?" Qrow wondered, completely oblivious to what the news had reported just minutes earlier.

At this, the rest of his team simply facepalmed.

Soon afterwards, the team packed their necessary belongings and made their way to the auditorium, where they found a massive conglomerate of every student available gathered in one place, all of them elite warriors trained in the deadly art of Grimm slaying.

On the stage was the headmaster, Ozpin himself, with one of his most trusted guards who had recently just graduated, Glynda Goodwitch, standing beside him.

"Students, I find it likely that many of you have already been informed of the calamity that has found its way just off of our coasts. Make no mistake about the scale of this situation, this is a worldwide event, and when all is said and done, this will certainly go down in the history books as perhaps one the largest world changing events in the last thousand years." Ozpin announced.

Most of the students had already been informed of what had transpired a mere half-hour ago, but to those who didn't know, they shared a worried glance with one another.

"But for now, it is our mission, as huntsman to investigate these lands, and to make sure these won't be of any harm to Vale, or any other kingdom. Which is why I'm activating all bullhead crews as of this moments for a full scale mobilization. You are humanity's shield against whatever threat these lands may hold. Good luck." Ozpin concluded, strolling off the stage and back into his office.

With this, Glynda took the stage. "We're sending in two teams per area with one bullhead per team. Check your scrolls to find out which bullhead you will be assigned to and proceed there immediately. For every two teams there will be one fully trained huntsmen. Aircraft will scramble in 15 minutes so I would advise that you'd hurry. Get going." Glynda informed.

Team after team checked scroll after scroll to find their designated transport before hurrying off in search of their assigned transport vessel. A motion that Summer quickly followed. Flipping out her scroll and splitting it open, she tapped on the app labeled "School Assignments."

With the rest of her team looking over her shoulder, she made her way through the virtual menu until she came across a tab tagged "Assigned Bullhead." Tapping on it once more, she found the instructions she was looking for.

Just before team STRQ went for their assigned aircraft, they were stopped by timid voice. "Uhhh hey guys?"

Turning around, Taiyang noticed the leader of a fellow team, as well as the rest of his team. Team Sequoia or something, Taiyang couldn't remember. "Hey man, whats up?" He asked.

"We left in such a hurry that no one on our team brought their scrolls. Could you point us to our bullhead?" He asked

"Yup!" Summer responded, popping the P. Flipping out her scroll, she gave it to team. Team SQUA's leader quickly found what he looking for.

"Got it! Thanks guys." He said, handing over the scroll back to Summer.

"Well would you look at that? We're both heading to the same landing zone." Qrow remarked.

"Welp, come on guys. We got the biggest adventure in ten centuries waiting for us!" Summer announced, hopping off to the designated coordinates with her comrades at her side.

"That's called a mille... eh whatever." Qrow said before running after the rest of his team.

Swiftly, the team of four made their way through the bustling hangar. Huntsmen and student alike hopped into the cabins of scattered aircraft. Pilots who had been scrambled for the mission, some of them looking as if they were only half-prepared.

Engine after engine powered up with the sound of fire-dust being chewed up and spat out as propellant. With aircraft already lining up to make their way out of the massive hangar, Summer decided that they needed to make a beeline for their bullhead, and quickly.

"Let's go, guys!" She shouted to her compatriots before rushing at full speed towards her team's assigned bullhead. Within seconds, team STRQ had converged on the twin-engined transport. Summer leaned into the cockpit to command the pilot to lift-off.

Only to find that the pilot's seat was empty.

"Uhhh... Guys?" She said worriedly, knowing full-well that no pilot meant no mission.

"What?" Taiyang questioned.

"There's no pilot here." She answered bleakly.

"That would probably be my fault!" A gray-haired man chimed in whilst running towards the bullhead. He had a mountain cap and aviators, but other than that, not much about him screamed "pilot."

Raven was the first to notice this. All Beacon pilots had a symbol on the shoulder whatever uniform they were wearing at the time, this pilot however, did not. Immediately, her suspicion rose.

"Sorry y'all, I just got here two hours ago. Get in, I'm flying y'all to them new lands."

"Who are you?" Raven asked. "You're not a Beacon staff pilot, of that I am certain." Raven confirmed.

"I ain't a full-timing Beacon pilot, but since you guys ran out of them, they rented people like me to fly you from point A to point B." The pilot explained.

"Rental pilots? I thought Beacon was rich." Qrow mentioned.

"They are, but I'll tell you one thing; full scale mobilizations sure as hell ain't cheap. Now hop on, we got places to be." He said before climbing into the pilots seat and firing up the bullhead engines.

As the pilot began methodically flipping away at switches scattered across the cockpit, team STRQ took their seats in the cabin and strapped in, unsure of what to expect from these new lands.

Like a traffic jam, bullhead after bullhead slowly wheeled their way out the hangar and taxied onto the tarmac one by one before taking off.

"Welp, here goes nothing. You guys ready to make history?" The pilot asked, preparing to launch.

Two Hours Later, RAF Airbase Lindershein

"Wait, what?" Cronyn questioned with a cocked eyebrow.

"I know! Crazy, right? No one has a clue how it happened. High command's in a huge tizzy about it. Must be a bloody nightmare for the logistics officers right about now." Rorsche answered, just as shocked as his wingman.

As the two kept strolling towards the general direction of the base's mess hall, they briefly took a moment to think about the consequences of what this could mean. Neither pilots had ever actually gone to war, besides the advanced training exercises. Whole new lands could mean whole new countries, and where there's new countries, war.

"Nine outta ten odds that no matter what happens today, it's gonna go down in history. Lord, media's gonna be covering this for a month." Rorsche remarked.

Cronyn glanced in the direction of his Eurofighter Typhoon, a generation four fighter armed with missiles and cannon, capable of flying twice the speed of sound. "You think we're gonna be the first line of defense?" Said Cronyn.

"God, I hope not. I've had enough ATE for one day. I just want nothing more than to hit the mess for lunch and then debrief. Higher ups can deal with this bloody mess for all I care." Rorsche whined.

A short pause in the conversation followed.

"...It would make sense, though. We're one of the closest airbases to this new land. I don't have proof, but rumor says that NATO's already got spy planes over the north coast right now." Rorsche gossiped.

"No shit? Well then, 'spose we'll kick back in the mess until they get us on sitting call." Cronyn yawned.

Just then, an electric voice came on through the airbase loudspeaker system.

"All attack pilots report to your aircraft at once. This is not a drill. All attacks pilots report to your aircraft for sitting call immediately." The voice said briefly as some feedback and the click of the system's deactivation was heard.

"You were saying?" Rorsche smart-mouthed.

"Bloody Murphy's law..." Cronyn retorted before the pair of pilots dashed as fast as they could across the bright green grass field standing between them and their gen four fighter jets.

The two of them arrived and quickly donned their flight helmets dangling off the side of the fuselage near the canopy. They climbed the extendable ladder, strapped in, lit the engines, and waited for orders.

And soon, orders came.

Through the radios mounted on the inside of their flight helmets, Cronyn, Rorsche, and the other attack pilots of Royal Air Force Base Lindershein were greeted by their commander's voice.

"Alright lads, the verdict is that High Brass has determined that we'll by flying air patrol over the North Atlantic until we can find out whether these new lands are friend, foe, or uninhabited. I know most of you weren't prepared for this. I wasn't either in all honesty, but we still have a job to do. Each fighter will fly in a standard finger four and patrol your assigned sectors. Info for assigned sectors will follow once you're airborne. You lads already know the rules for a meet n' greet with bogey's. Move out."

Slowly, the Eurofighters, and Tornadoes taxied out on to the runway. Cronyn and Rorsche coincidentally being the first two.

"So... you ready to make history?" Cronyn inquired to Rorsche as he powered up his jet's twin turbofans.

One Hour Later, 3000 meters above the North Atlantic

A finger four of British jets screamed across the Atlantic at 1100 miles per hour. Two Eurofighter Typhoons accompanied by two Panavia Tornadoes. The formation would circle back to their own airspace whenever they got too far, maintaining a strict aerial perimeter. Together, they soared over the enormous ocean on the prowl for any unidentified aircraft while flying at breakneck speeds.

And two unidentified aircraft is exactly what they found.

"RADAR contact, two bogeys. They uh- they're emitting a radio signal." Rorcshe announced passively.

"Any signs of weaponry?" Cronyn asked.

"Not that I can see. They're twelve miles out, bearing 025, at 450 miles per hour. 11 o'clock, low." Rorsche relayed as he calculated and pinpointed the bogey's exact location.

"Understood. Typhoon One to Tornadoes; fall back to a trail position, one mile. If the situation goes bollocks and both Typhoons are neutralized, fire at will. Typhoon Two, stay behind Bogey wingman, I'll be on Bogey lead. Check?" Cronyn planned, wanting to gain a postive ID on the unknown's. He checked to see that everyone in the formation had understood his orders.

"Typhoon Two, check last." Rorsche replied.

"Tornado One, check last."

"Tornado Two, check last."

"Move in."

Meanwhile, all was quiet on the two bullheads. Both teams' STRQ and SQUA were mentally preparing themselves for hostilities what might lay on the land, that they didn't realize these new lands could have airborne capabilities. No even thought that four fighter jets were stalking the unsuspecting huntsmen transports from above.

Not until they revealed themselves, anyways.


The crack of the British fighter jets' flying just over the sound barrier announced their arrival as they flew directly over both Valean aircraft. For a moment, no one on board the bullheads was certain as to what happened.

"Was that another bullhead?" Taiyang asked out loud.

Suddenly, the warning of a small siren in the cockpit alerted everyone


The high-pitched alarm rang out, similar to that of an alarm clock, with a flashing red light pulsating just above the pilot's instrument panel accompanying the alarm.

"I think I've seen enough action movies to know that beeping in a plane is never a good sign." Taiyang commented.

"Umm, hmmm...Well, I got good news and I got bad news." The pilot reported.

"The good news is that it isn't Grimm. The bad news is that four jets passed over us, and I don't think they're another team's because three of them have missile lock."

Suddenly, the radio on team STRQ's bullhead crackled to life.

"Attention unidentified aircraft, you are intruding in restricted British airspace. Identify yourself immediately. If you attempt to attack, you will be shot down and detained."

Without hesitation, Summer picked up the transmitter. Clutching the microphone in her hands, she pressed down on the talk button. "Hey wait! We'll do whatever you tell us, just don't shoot!" She replied in a near-panicked voice.

Summer knew that the lives of herself and nine other people rested on whether or not they complied with the directions of these people, since neither bullhead carried anti-air capabilities. Fighting Grimm was one thing, surviving in rough seas for who knows how long with no food or water was another.

"Understood, unknown aircraft. We're sending in an air wing to escort you out."

"Thanks. Hey, who are you guys anyways?" Summer asked out of sheer curiosity.

"Summer, what the hell do you think you're doing? They could shoot us down any second, and you want to know who they are?" Raven seethed.

"Well, I...uh-"

Before Summer could give a full reply, the British pilot responded.

"This is the 479th air wing of the Royal Air Force. Identify yourself."

"Uh...This is team STRQ and team SQUA of Beacon Academy. We were sent here to investigate these lands, but um...I guess you guys got here before us." Summer replied.

"Understood Beacon lead. Please fly back to your point of origin." The pilot commanded before cutting out his transmission.

Quickly following the given orders, and not wishing to incur the wrath of this "Royal Air Force", both bullheads turned around and egressed for Beacon Academy.

"Well that wasn't tense at all. What do you suppose we do now?" Qrow asked.

"We report to Ozpin and tell him what happened, I guess." Summer answered.

"And after that?" Raven questioned.

"…..I don't know." Summer said in a concerned tone.

"So what do you suppose he was talking about? Royal Air Force? British airspace? Who are these guys?" Tai wondered.

"Well...I think we'll find out soon enough." Summer replied, determination lining her voice.

Alright... Obviously this was somewhat inspired by Earth in Remnant and United States of Remnant. I wanted to do an Earth and Remnant story for a long time, and I finally decided to do it. I'm putting this chapter out there to see if anyone likes it, but if it's ignored, this is probably the only chapter I will make. I only made this story to see if anyone is still interested in the Earth and Remnant idea.

As for everyone here following ASNL, don't worry, I'm still working on the generalized plan for that, and I'm making good progress on it.

Anyways, hope you guys have a good one, and if people like this, I'll see you in the next chapter.

Oh, and don't forget to review. Feedback is like gold to me.