Intoxicating Relationships

The Birth Of A Broken Heart

Sister by law. . . that was the reason, no, the excuse that Ronnie Anne told Lincoln as to why they couldn't be together any longer.

Lincoln tried to reason with her. With tears in his eyes and begging on his knees, he pleaded with her.

Her response? She ended up punching him in the face after he grabbed her roughly by the wrist.

After that incident, Lincoln locked himself in his room for almost a month, leaving for obvious necessities and school. But he barely spoke to anyone, not even his best friend could manage to make him speak something other than one word or two.

However, his life and the life of his family is going to be changed drastically in a way they would have never see coming.

Lincoln laid wide awake on his bed, waiting for his alarm clock to ring as he stared the ceiling of his room. He contemplated what was he going to do with his life, especially when it involved his nonexistent romantic life.

The fact that Ronnie Ann was no longer interested in him in any romantic way, made his heart ache in pain and confusion, but, would he be able to overcome those dark feelings festering in his heart or will they consume him in the end?

The sudden ringing of his alarm clock startled him enough shake him out of his contemplation. Sighing, he stood up from his bed and grabbed his clothes before going to the restroom to take a quick shower.

The only reason he didn't had to worry about making a line to use the restroom was because he woke up long before most, if not all, the others. About half a minute later after entering the restroom he removed his shirt and took a good long look at his own physique.

"I look malnourished" he said to himself as he looked down at his chest while poking his ribs. Even though he tried his best, he couldn't stop the sorrow from within his heart to arise and shake his very being as the sorrow grew into grief.

Lincoln got into a fetal position as he hugged himself, he felt the hot tears streaking down his face before falling unto the floor. He couldn't help but to feel useless and worthless as he couldn't help but remember the day in which Ronnie Ann decided to discard everything they had together. The emotions he felt that day were just as painful as they are right now; but his pain, sorrow and grief turned into hate and rage as the memory of the girl that meant the world to him, sucker punched while looking at him what seemed to be disgust.

Lincoln suddenly stood up and screamed in anger at the mirror in the wall before punching it with all his might. The offending object shattered as blood started to leak from the fresh wound in his fist, but Lincoln ignored the pain as he heaved while glaring at his broken reflection.

One minute passed before Lincoln grabbed his twitching arm and took several long and deep breaths before he could finally calm down. Grabbing a nearby towel he cleaned up as best as he could all the glass shards on the floor before throwing the towel in the trashcan.

He took a quick shower before getting ready to go, once again, to school. Instead of waiting for his sisters to get ready for school, he grabbed some fruit from the fruit basket and milk from the fridge in order to prepare himself a smoothie he would bring to school; it's not that he didn't want to be around his sisters, it's just that he got tired of their constant questioning about his wellbeing.

He grabbed a thermos and filled it to the brim before opening the front door of the house to in order to leave. Unbeknownst to him, he wasn't the only one who was ready to leave.

With the new information regarding Lincoln's schedule, Lucy was able prepare herself beforehand to talk to him once they had privacy from all of their older and younger siblings that seemed not to know what the meaning of privacy meant. Especially Luan and her not-so-hidden cameras inside all rooms of the house.

"Took you long enough" Lincoln turned around and saw Lucy standing nearby "what are you doing out so soon?" Lincoln asked with a raised eyebrow. She shrugged in response.

"Are you going to be busy once we arrive at school?" Now that caught him by surprise "not. . . really, why?"

Lucy isn't someone who smiles often, but when she does, like right now, shows that despite her cold and indifferent behaviour, she cares a lot for her family. Fortunately for Lincoln, unlike most, if not all of their siblings, she never asks nor pressures their family for answers. This is thanks to her respect for everyones private life.

"Because the Morticians club needs someone to pretend to be a corpse, and you seem already dead inside." Even though the comment wasn't pleasant by any means, it had managed to make Lincoln chuckle a little "I have no problem with that" and just like that, the smile on Lucy's face disappeared as both of them started walk towards school complete silence,

It took them a short while before they had finally arrived on school grounds, even though it was rather early in the morning, there were people already outside the school grounds. Fortunately for them, they were people who the school hired to maintain its upkeep.

Both siblings continued their walk towards an opened door without disturbing the school staff. It is little surprise that Lucy was allowed to enter the school since she is one of the most well behaved Loud siblings. Unlike Luan who always assaults her family with her 'pranks'.

Unfortunately, Lincoln hadn't visited the Morticians club for a very long time and had forgotten how to get there. Fortunately for him, Lucy is here to guide him without the necessity to ask for directions.

Both siblings had finally reached the door to their destination. Lucy opened the door and entered the room. Lincoln entered a couple of seconds later, still unsure as to what to expect from this rather macabre endeavour.

A sensation started to grow within Lincoln once entered the room and only saw Haiku there while hearing an eerie song that Lincoln managed to recognise.

"Bloody kisses by Type Negative O" Haiku stopped reading her novel before looking at him with a raised eyebrow "you know the band?" even though it was a question, the fact that Lincoln knows the name of the band as well as one of the most famous songs of that band, made the question irrelevant.

"I sort of know them, but not as much as I'd like. Besides, I prefer Cradle Of Filth or In Flames. The message some of their songs is more relatable with me anyways"

And just like Lucy, Haikus' smile was just as faint as she looked with amusement at Lincoln. However, something in her smile made Lincoln feel rather. . . uncomfortable and uneasy. It was starting to make Lincoln have a cold sweat, regarding how he was feeling as the teenage girl was approaching him.

"Lincoln agreed to become a corpse for today, sadly we won't be able to bury him since classes are going to start soon" Lucys' voice made Haiku stop walking towards Lincoln, instantly loosing her, relatively eerie, smile and looked at Lucy who stood in front of her older brother, blocking her from advancing towards him.

"I know that" Haiku responded with her usual eloquence. Despite Lincolns' depression, he still assisted to all of his classes in order to help him focus on something else, something that wasn't the pain he still felt in his heart.

With a simple destination in mind, Lincoln left the two teens before leaving the room, but he couldn't help but feel. . . weird as he remembered that feeling when Haiku was looking at him with obvious amusement in her eyes.

Lincoln tried to ignore, as best as he could, that sensation as he walked towards the math classroom. Math, one of the very few classes that has helped Lincoln deal with the pain in his heart, for the class demanded of him to think with logic and reason, not with emotions that plagued relentlessly his mind. The simplicity of numbers, even those problems where variables where involved, allowed him to have a breath of fresh air. Adding to the fact that the professor, after learning what had happened to Lincoln, allowed him to do all the assignments while hearing his music, with the condition that lowest grade in his assignments and homework would be an A-.

Surprisingly, Lincoln had been finishing all the class assignments, and the homework, in some rare occasions, without any mistakes. Not only was the professor surprised, but Lisa was also getting interested in this development of her only brother. Especially since he always gained an A+ in each assignment.

According to her hypothesis, the grief and loss that Lincoln felt when Ronnie Ann left him was forcing Lincoln to need something to vent his pain into. Mathematics seemed to be the best thing for him to vent his energy in a constructive manner, for the alternatives Lincoln did were dangerous to say the least. Especially after Lynn caught Lincoln with a razor in hand.

As Lincoln was about to enter the classroom, he managed to see someone in that room that he has never seen before.

A bald man was sitting in the professors chair while hearing to music by using his bluetooth headphones. The man wore a pink sleeveless shirt along with beige shorts, brown sandals and sunglasses "Come in dude, don't dilly dally out there" the bald man said in a British accent as he managed to spot Lincoln standing outside the classroom.

Lincoln took a deep breath before sighing heavily. Lincoln entered the classroom as it seemed that the class was about to start. Once the door clicked shut, the bald man stood up and walked towards the middle of the board while looking directly at the all the students.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to what's going to be your class of literary interpretation, or as I like to call it 'hearing me talk too much'. The only reason I am here instead of professor. Dvoyno is because your math professor was informed about a family accident back in his home town of Petropavlovsk and had to go there in order to find out what really happened. And since this was an emergency, I was called by the headmistress of the school to fill in for the professor."

"Sadly for those who like doing math, since I am not very good at it, I will be teaching all you of something entirely different" the man grabbed a red marker from his pocket and turned around. While facing the board, he continued "now, let us discuss one of the most loved, by the ladies, and disliked, by men, genres of literature. That genre obviously is romance" the professor wrote the word romance on the board, some students groaned while others grinned in silence.

"Unlike what most people believe, there are several types of romance in all kinds of literature. From the classic type like Romeo and Juliette, which would fall under a tragical love" the professor drew a small line, on the lower left part of the circled word love, and wrote the word tragic at the end of that red line, before encircling it "taking into consideration that both lovers ended up dead"

"Then, there are those juicy detective stories in which the "handsome" detective falls in love with another character, that genre is what I call, suspenseful romance" again, he turned around and drew another line in order to write suspenseful.

"The reason I call it suspenseful is, if any of the antagonists manages to injure, or worse, kill, the detective, then the romance is lost and the protagonist becomes a fallen hero. Unless the detective manages to have the moral compass twisted and becomes a villain in the end"

"Then, comes my personal favourite romantic sub-genre. This one I call it the conflicting romance" once again, the professor makes the third and final line and writes the word conflicting before encircling said word "the conflicting types of romance are the most fascinating, this is thanks to the chemistry between the characters that can be extremely diverse. And thanks to that, I was able to grasp, what I believe, is the true definition of love"

Since the class had begun, Lincoln had not been paying any attention, for his mind was elsewhere, as he couldn't help but allow his thoughts to flow freely. But, regardless of how hard he tried, it seemed that he couldn't help but think and wonder why was Haiku, of all people, looking at him like with such amusement in her eyes. However, his thoughtful wonderings were caught short when the word love was said by the professor.

"Ah, love, such a mysterious, wonderful and such a painful emotion. Love isn't something that's meant to be pleasant or nice. No, love is a burden, and a painful one at that, that will make us suffer and rejoice as we want to be embraced even deeper into its fiery womb. For the love we all think is real and true is nothing more than an illusion we create for ourselves. We must suffer for the ones we love as we aid them when they are suffering. For love is all about being selfless with them, you must be willing to sacrifice everything you have and own for the sake of that one person that makes you feel invincible and unstoppable, but when the person you thought that loved you as much as you loved him or her doesn't reciprocate those feelings. . . that means the person who you thought would've have sacrificed everything for you, is nothing more than. A. Lie"

"That person never fully loved you. Be it for what society might say, what family might think, what the believers might believe, makes the person who you would've sacrificed everything for, stop caring for you. . . stop loving. . . you as he or she once did, will lift the blindfold from your eyes and force you to see the harsh, ugly and painful truth. Making you realise that the sanctity of your love was nothing more than one way street. Be careful, ladies and gentlemen for the deceivers of the heart will never stop until they get what they want from you. . . and they want everything you have, and once you lay without nothing of your own, they will leave you and find someone else to feed on"

The professor removed his sunglasses, making all of the students gasp at the sight. The professors left side of his face had a deep scar that claimed his left eye as he stared at them.

"Because in the end, it will always be us, the ones in love who will suffer the most"

Hello and welcome to everyone who took the time to read this story, this is a collaboration between me, Mon Cri, and, Archemios.

Thanks to his help, I was able to suck less in my writing (stupid past tense).

So a big shout to Archemios for helping me out in this story.

Please, review the story and help me become a better author here in fanfiction.

PS: all reviews (except the guest ones) will be replied to, the reason I don't reply to guests is because I would like to address the reviewer in a formal manner, instead of "hello anonymous person on the internet".