Alright guys, I have a new story that will take place in the main continuity of AoT. Everything that's happened up to chapter 94 will be canon of course, and this will be an AnniexEren story where she awakens during the 4 year timeskip. Not going to be exactly as the story is, but will have my predictions and hopes for the new chapters. Will have all the same deaths and main characters, and hopefully you guys enjoy what I (hope) predict might have happened during those 4 tears on Paradise. Will have Marley and Eldians, so be warned if your not a Manga reader like I am.

Deep underground, a group of soldiers and the queen of Paradise island stood in front of a massive crystal. Historia Reiss was among her friends and comrades from the 104th, or those who were still alive after the retake operation of Wall Maria nearly a month ago. Among them was the current Commander of the Survey Corps, Zoë Hange, and humanities strongest, Levi Ackerman. Also present were the two shifters on the side of the humanity, Eren Jaeger and the new Colassal Titan, Armin Arlert.

Eren took a deep breath and stepped forward to address his friends and family, who waited in silence and curiosity as to why they were all here.

"I know that we've all faced and learned alot in this past month.But I do have some good news, I think I know how we can reach out and speak to Annie. If it goes the way me and Armin plan, I'll be able to talk to her in there. If I can get her to come out, we have a chance to bring her over to our side. It's certainly worth the effort if we can get her to fight with us. You all know how skilled she was, as a soldier and as a titan."

His friends all stiffen at the last sentence, but his sister and captain Levi glare at the girl in question more than the rest. Hange stepped forward to ease some of the tension by asking Eren how. "As optimistic as that sounds, we've already tried everything Eren. But nothing we have can penetrate her crystal, we know you're hardening ability can break it, but we risk killing her as well."

"Your absolutely correct Commander, but that only proves that we can't break it with force. And all attempts to talk to her have been unsuccessful because most likely she can't hear us inside, so we have to use a way to talk with her in there. And what Eren's revealed to us along with all we learned in the basement may yet give us a chance." Armin told her, his voice keeping level despite all eyes now on him. But where he would once be afraid of being in the center of attention, there was only cool focus. In other words, he had changed.

The whole incident with his near death experience, the sealing of both gates, eating Bertoldt and becoming a shifter himself all hardened him to the world around him. He'd always known it was a cruel one, but back then he'd been too weak to make a difference. Now, he had the power to do so. And he was ready to use it.

Trost, the 57th expedition, the Clash with Reiner and Bertoldt, the uprising against the false king all gave him strength to become a true soldier. He thought back to what brought them all here, the idea that Armin himself contributed to with his newly inherited memories.

"I think I have something Armin. Why don't we talk to someone who knows them better than we do? Why don't we try and talk to Annie?"

Eren had told his childhood friend how he came up with the idea at the beach. It had been on his mind since their visit from it, and had only been fueled by the hope that rose when they saw the endless waves of salt water. Armin had been reluctant to even give it deep thought, still struggling to accept what he was at the time, but Eren had helped him adjust. He couldn't ignore him, because he knew Eren had always been there for him, along with Mikasa. And so as he put his mind to it, they both came up with a way to try and wake the comatose girl.

Eren began, taking care to keep his voice calm and steady like his friend. "It's simple enough, we have to convince her to come out by talking to her in there. From what me and Armin came up with, the founding titan power I have can only be used near or with royal blood. That means that the only people who can truly use its power would be you Historia, and the Beast Titan, Zeke Jaeger."

A few gasps are made, from the few soldiers who didn't know the identity of the mysterious shifter that slaughtered nearly every scout during the retake mission.

"Since we can't risk the Marley gaining this power, that leaves only you, your majesty. We can't have you eating one of us either, because the power would drive you mad. So what we surmised is that we use a vial of your blood to activate it, and speak to her with it's mental ability. We just need your permission, Queen Historia."

All eyes are now one the queen, who stays silent as she looks at him, Armin, and finally to the blonde girl encased in blue crystal. 'Why are they asking me, if it would help then I should do it right? It could only help right?.. Isn't a queen supposed to help her people?' Her internal debate ends, and sighing she tells the pair of anxious shifters.

"If you truly believe she can help, then I suppose it couldn't hurt to try. I'll give you your sample. But remember Eren, if she can't be coerced or trusted, you know what will happen to her." Eren nods slowly, taking the Queen's grave words to heart. Bowing his head at her, he gives her his appreciation.

"Thank you, Historia. I understand. And I promise it won't hurt, since we only need a little bit of it to try." Eren again bows his head, but he has a tingle of fear that she knows the other reason he wants to talk to her.

During their time together in the uprising against the monarchy, they'd spent quite alot of time isolated with no one to talk to but each other. In that time they'd talked about some of the best and worst moments of their lives so far, where Eren finally confessed to her about Annie, and she about Ymir. He knew that there was a thing between them, but what he hadn't expected was that she also felt something for Reiner as well.

He'd been angry that's she felt something for him even after the betrayel they faced only a few weeks before, but she reminded him about Stohess. He'd tried to avoid talking about her, but Historia told what she heard from Armin and Mikasa. About how he couldn't find the will to fight her, about how even in his Berserker state that she brought him his humanity back. He still tried to deny it, but then she claimed she saw it since their cadet days.

He couldn't deny anything Historia said after, because it was the truth. He learned that she noticed he and Annie trained together more than anyone else, even after the drills. She'd even seen her smile for him a few times after their sweat filled spars, that usually ended with him on the ground. She had also been close by and overheard when Annie had flirted in her own way to Eren, before his (over) protective sister threw Reiner in between them.

She called him out on being no better than her, for still loving those who turned out to be the enemy. And he finally confessed to her, his pain and grievance being filled with angry tears at what the Titan trio had done. But after everything Eren and the rest learned, both of their attitudes towards the person they craved changed.

He'd had his world shaken to hear and picture what Annie, Reiner and Bertoldt were all put through in becoming "warriors". Since Armin had inherited Bert's memories, he became more depressed knowing the horrors that happen right now across that ocean he once waited so long to see. But now, now he only saw the enemy, the tragedy that the Eldians faced all because of a lie.

The greatest lie ever told because it forced them to feel guilt for nothing, to kill their own race, to serve without question in fear of their families being taken from them. All because of them, all because of the selfish and evil people of Marley.

Marley. Eren hated the word, and despised them the same way he did the Titans. After all, they were the bastards who made the ones on this godforsaken island they called "Paradise", ironically enough. He learned that his own father had tried to rise against them after seeing through their lies, being forced to accept his own sisters (his aunt's) brutal death over nothing.

But had failed when he tried to send his son to infiltrate them and bring the power back to the good people of Eldia. That his own half brother sold them out to the very monsters who hated him and his race, who sent his own parents to hell. All because he believed the lies of a people that was evil even before the Titan power came into this world.

But no longer, they all now knew who the enemy was, and had a fair idea where they were across that beautiful ocean. And they knew they would have to face and fight them, to free their people. Rise up and strike the real devils down for the atrocities they committed, and restore balance and peace to the world. And to do that, they would need her help. The one they had once called comrade, soldier, and for him love, would help determine their future.

They knew they had the odds stacked against them with only two Titans, technically 3, since two of them resided in Eren. But having another of the 9, and one with the skill, the knowledge of the enemy, being sent by them in fact could greatly tip the odds in their favor. They would need the help of the infamous Female Titan, Annie Leonhardt. The girl who sealed herself away from the world she seemed to hate, but understood all too well.

The person they hoped to speak to in a few moments, as Queen Historia gave the necessary component to make this all possibly work. The royal blood line, which ran in only two people, one the enemy, the other a close friend and fair ruler to her people. The very blood that once ran in the veins of Ymir Fritz, the first person to gain the Titan power after discovering the source of all organic life.

The woman who used its power to shape and build most of the known world for 13 years. Then the power was split among 9 shifters, who lived in stable peace. But Marley stole 4 of the 9, and the 145th king abandoned his own race for a delusion of peace. Not by signing a deal with the devil, not an "ethnic cleansing" as the Marley heavily spread as propoganda to guilt the Eldians they imprisoned.

All lies.

The blood that may help them talk to and awaken the girl from her crystal sleep.

It was time to fight back.