As I've said on my Stark story, with being at work all through this and as things open back up again life has caught up with me, so I've been really bad at finding the motivation to write anything at all, especially this one that hasn't been updated in far too long and for that I can only apologise! I hope everyone has stayed safe during the pandemic and is doing all they can to limit any potential spread of the virus.

I hope you all enjoy the chapter. I own nothing but any OC's.

After leaving the dungeons Tyland walked briskly back to his chambers. He gathered Captain Vylarr and 3 other Lannister men that were in the corridor before his rooms and barged the door open suddenly. Sansa was sat at a table sewing with Mira Forrester, and she looked up at Tyland angrily.

"The necklace Ser Dontos gave you." Tyland said snappishly. "Where is it?"

Sansa looked at him, annoyed. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just tell me where it is, Sansa." Tyland barked, causing Sansa to flinch.

She pointed over to her dressing table. "In the top drawer on the left." Tyland immediately nodded to Vylarr, who walked over to the dresser in question and opened the drawer roughly. "Careful!" Sansa exclaimed. Vylarr ignored her and rummaged through the drawer, holding up a jewelled necklace.

"That's the one." Tyland remembered taking it off of Sansa the morning of the wedding and placing his mothers on her instead. "Bring it to me." Vylarr did as commanded, and Tyland took the necklace delicately in his hands. "At least we know it's not harmful to touch."

"What is going on?" Sansa demanded, her hands on her hips and her blue eyes furious. "Explain!"

Tyland was amused at the young girl's display of authority, but he humoured her. "We questioned Ser Dontos as to why he wished to abduct you. Apparently you have an admirer in Lord Baelish. He offered to pay Ser Dontos 10,000 gold dragons to help murder the King as well as spirit you away from King's Landing."

Sansa looked confused. "Why me? What have I done to Lord Baelish?"

"You look like your Mother." Tyland replied callously. "He was obsessed with her, and now that she is dead he must have attached those feelings on to you and your aunt." He looked at Vylarr. "Gather the Small Council. We must discover what poison is in this."

"At once, My Lord." Vylarr bowed, leaving the room with all but one of the Lannister guards.

Sansa still didn't understand. "What does a necklace have to do with this?" She asked. "Why would he give it to me?"

"Because of all of us that would have been seated at the high table, an outsider would have expected you to hate Joffrey the most." Tyland surmised. "It would have been easy for Ser Dontos to steal a pearl and poison Joffrey's wine."

Sansa's eyes widened. "He would have framed me?"

Tyland wasn't sure. "We cannot say for certain until we have Baelish in custody. For now, you go nowhere without two guards, am I clear?"

"I do not need a babysitter." Sansa spat.

"You are pregnant with my child and many people would use that against me." Tyland bit back. "You will obey me."

The wedded couple both glared at one another for almost a full minute before Sansa relented in a huff. "Fine, I'll be your prisoner once more." She snapped, turning away from him and sitting back at the table to pick up her stitching. "If that will be all?"

Tyland didn't respond, clenching his jaw tightly before walking out of the room. He had more important things to worry about over a petulant child.

The council table in the Tower of the Hand was relatively full when Tyland walked in. Tywin was stood up facing away from them all, while Pycelle and Varys sat awkwardly. Jaime was just scowling at, surprisingly, Prince Oberyn.

"Prince Oberyn." Tyland greeted the Martell curtly. "This is a surprise."

Oberyn smirked, sitting back in his chair, relaxed. "I was invited."

"I do not doubt it." Tyland said. "Where is Cersei?"

Tywin turned to face the table. "Not invited." Tyland repressed a smirk. "Prince Oberyn is the biggest expert on poisons in the Red Keep, I would have him look over the necklace, if you found it?"

Tyland nodded, walking over and handing Pycelle the necklace. "It was given to my wife by Ser Dontos Hollard, on behalf of Littlefinger."

"Baelish?" Jaime asked. "What would he want from killing the King?"

"Power." Varys explained. "It's what he's always wanted."

Tywin nodded. "A boy born to the poorest nobility in the Vale, rising up to Master of Coin. Ambition doesn't just stop a few rungs before the top. No doubt he had designs of some sort."

"Sansa." Tyland suggested. "He wanted to take Sansa."

Jaime cursed. "He's holed away with Lysa Arryn, what if he has designs on the Vale?"

"And with Lady Sansa, he has the best claim to the North." Varys added with an impressed chuckle. "He has always been very clever."

"Well he didn't account for Lady Sansa not wishing to go with him." Tywin explained. "Oberyn, can you guess at the poison inside?"

Oberyn leant forwards and took the necklace from an outraged Pycelle, and he inspected the object, sniffing and shaking it. "The King was killed by a poison known as the Strangler. It is expensive, not something anybody can buy." He explained. He picked up an empty goblet and went to fill it up with wine, before pulling off one of the pearls and dropping it into the drink. Tyland watched as it sizzled and dissolved into the alcohol. "I would guess that this is the same."

Tywin picked up the goblet and inspected it silently, before placing it back down on the table. "Baelish has a lot of questions to answer." He said coldly. He walked over to his desk and pulled out some parchment, scribbling a message on it before pressing his seal. "Pycelle, send this to the Eyrie. It is an official request for Baelish to return to the capital, if he doesn't agree then he is to be arrested."

Tyland nodded his approval, although the weight of the order wasn't lost on anybody, including Jaime. "If he is as close with Lysa Arryn as we suspect… she won't take this well."

"The Vale do not love House Lannister, not after what happened to Lord Stark and Lord Arryn." Varys explained.

"We had nothing to do with Jon Arryn's death." Tyland explained coldly.

"But they do not know that." Oberyn added. "Even in Dorne we have heard tales of Lannister involvement."

Tywin snarled. "Falsehoods." He turned to Pycelle. "Send word to Walder Frey to keep a watch on the East Road, just in case." Pycelle nodded, before he began waddling out of the room, letter in hand. "We need to handle this delicately. If Baelish finds out what we know before he arrives back here, he'll hole up in the Eyrie." He turned to Jaime. "Start working on ways to take the castle, just in case."

Jaime scoffed. "The Eyrie is impregnable."

"Do it." Tywin ordered. "The rest of you, no word is to be spoken on the matter of the King's death. If anybody asks, the situation is ongoing."

Tyland nodded. "What of Tyrion?" He asked.

"He can't stay in house arrest." Jaime agreed.

Tywin scowled. "I shall speak with the dwarf." He muttered.

It was close to dusk by the time Tywin decided to venture over to his youngest son's chambers and speak with him, having put it off for performing literally any menial duty that he could think of, letting the dwarf stew for a few moments longer. He passed the pair of guards by the door and opened it, seeing Tyrion lying down on his bed reading a book.

"Father." Tyrion greeted monotonously. "Is it time for my execution?"

Tywin ignored the remark. "The culprit has been discovered and ordered to return to the Capital. His accomplice is dead. You are free to go." He said formally.

Tyrion laughed bitterly. "How marvellous. Who is the true perpetrator of the crime I was blamed for, I wonder?"

"Lord Baelish." Tywin answered honestly.

That surprised Tyrion. "Littlefinger? Why would he want Joffrey dead?" Tywin was about to respond when Tyrion added. "It doesn't matter to me, I suppose."

"And that means?" Tywin raised an eyebrow.

Tyrion sighed, swinging his legs off the bed and jumping down to go and pour some wine. "It means nothing, I'm just grateful that he was discovered so that I can leave the city."

"You are the Master of Coin." Tywin said through clenched teeth.

Tyrion laughed bitterly once again. "I resign. I'm going back to Casterly Rock."

"You cannot." Tywin argued.

Tyrion rolled his eyes at that. "Why in the name of all the Gods would I stay here?" He asked venomously. "Cersei was adamant on having me executed, and you will never say honestly that you wouldn't have allowed that if Littlefinger hadn't been proven guilty."

He was right, Tywin couldn't admit that honestly. "We would have had a fair trial."

"A fair trial?" Tyrion was getting angry now. "I've been on trial with you my whole life, and it has never been fair." He gulped down his glass before pouring more. "No, I can do without yours and Cersei's distain for a while. I will go back to the Rock and stay out of your way, I'm sure you can find another scapegoat to be your Master of Coin."

"You are also still betrothed, or did you forget that?" Tywin asked.

"I could never forget you forcing me to wed a child." Tyrion growled angrily. "I will be back for the wedding do not worry, Father. Just tell me when it is to be and leave me out of the planning."

Tywin shook his head. "You are not to go."

"You cannot force me to stay!" Tyrion shouted. "Kill me and forever be known as an unjust kinslayer or let me be free! I will not be your pawn any longer. You would have rather seen me dead than catch Joffey's real killer, I know it."

"If I had wanted you dead I would have thrown you into the sea when you were born like I wanted to." Tywin snarled back at the dwarf. "But I didn't, because you are a Lannister."

Tyrion was visibly hurt by the admission but scoffed bitterly. "There we have it. You have always wanted me dead." He muttered. "I'm leaving, unless I am to be under arrest for the rest of my life?"

Tywin wanted to, he wanted to teach the monster exactly who was in charge, but deep down he knew that Tommen wouldn't accept it and boy or not, he was the King. Tyland and Jaime would also kick up a fuss. "Fine, go." He bit through clenched teeth. "But you will work, you are not to laze around whoring for months. I will ensure Loren knows to put you to a task to earn your keep."

"Earn my keep?" Tyrion snorted. "Fine, anything to be away from you, Father." He said the last word snidely. "If that is all?"

Tywin nodded curtly. "Be gone by morning." He commanded, turning out of the room in an even worse mood than before.

Tyrion left the capital quickly, and the focus of the Small Council shifted to preparing to apprehend Littlefinger once he either came back to King's Landing, or through a force that would need to take him from the Vale. The only other thing of importance was the waiting game for Margaery to either show her pregnancy, or bleed. That answer came during a Small Council meeting a couple of weeks after Tyrion's departure, where they had initially been discussing the North.

"Lord Bolton has taken a force of 7,000 men and is marching on Castle Black to repel the Wildling invaders." Varys was reporting. "His banners seem to be mainly Bolton, Ryswell and Dustin forces, but there are a small helping of others, Manderly included."

"Good." Tyland said approvingly. "With House Manderly throwing their weight behind the North, perhaps the Bolton's can hold on to the Wardenship without issue."

Tywin nodded. "We need an heir by Sansa quickly though, I am uneasy giving Roose Bolton this much isolation, we need an active presence in Winterfell."

Tyland nodded as well. "It is early days yet, but Lady Sansa is with child. Maester Brenn is keeping a close eye on her."

Jaime looked surprised, Varys looked uneasy, but Tywin actually looked pleased. "That is wonderful news." Tywin said, an ugly smile on his face. "Pycelle, would you…"

"No." Tyland said firmly. "Maester Brenn is more than capable of looking after my wife." He told his Father possessively. "Pycelle is an old man, and I wouldn't have Sansa revolted at every check-up." Pycelle began to splutter out objections, but Tyland stopped him. "I know where your hands have been, you lecherous old beast, you stick to your ravens and your whores."

"The audacity." Pycelle muttered, but everyone ignored him.

"Once the babe is born and is healthy to travel, we will go North for a visit." Tyland told them all. "For now, she is to remain here under the best care possible."

Tywin nodded. "Agreed." He was about to open his mouth once more when the Small Council doors opened, and in strode Cersei and Tommen. "This is the Small Council, why are you here?"

"The King should be involved in his council." Cersei said arrogantly. Tyland rolled his eyes at her.

"We are not aware that Tommen is the King yet." Tywin spat out coldly.

Cersei grinned. "Lady Margaery has come down with a terrible case of stomach cramps, and her moon blood has arrived." She explained. "There is no child, male or female. Tommen here is the rightful King by every sacred law."

She was right, if she was telling the truth. "Pycelle, go and confirm this." Tywin ordered, letting the old man waddle out of the chambers. "If this is a lie…"

Cersei scoffed, sitting down at the table. "I wouldn't lie about this." She told them.

"You lie about most things." Tyland countered.

"Not this." Cersei repeated. "We have waited long enough. I shall miss him every day, but Joffrey is gone, and the realm needs a King."

Tywin stared down at her with cold eyes. "That may be, but you still are not a part of this council. Leave the boy if you must, but you may go."

Cersei looked to complain but looking around the room she could see that she wasn't going to get any sympathy. She threw one final pleading look at Jaime, who had decided to look anywhere else other than at her. "Fine." She spat bitterly. "Tommen?"

Tommen looked scared, flicking his eyes between all of his family in the room. Tyland stood up and walked beside him, placing his hands-on Tommen's shoulders and guiding him to the seat of the King. "Your mother is right, Tommen. The King should be involved in the ruling of his Kingdom." He told the boy, gently forcing him into the chair. Tyland took one final look at his sister who was visibly enraged, and Cersei stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

"Well now that that distraction is over." Tywin muttered dryly. "We should begin to prepare for a coronation."

"We need a Master of Coin." Jaime explained.

Tyland thought for a moment. "It should be Lord Tyrell. We need to keep them with us, so giving him a role can appease them for now before we look into Lady Margaery's future."

Tywin nodded once more. "After the coronation we will have Lady Margaery go through an extended period of mourning before arranging with House Tyrell another betrothal." He said, writing something down before looking at Tommen. "It would be wise for you to befriend her."

Tommen's eyes widened in horror, an action which Tyland found amusing. "Come, nephew." Tyland said, helping Tommen up. "I shall introduce the two of you properly. I presume this meeting is all but over?" He asked his Father.

Tywin nodded once. "Yes, go." He dismissed them, and Tyland led his nephew away, telling him all about the Tyrell castle of Highgarden to give him some information to talk about to Margaery.

A bit of a shorter chapter this one, but the main points are big. Margaery definitely isn't pregnant so they can go ahead and plan for King Tommen's reign, whilst Littlefinger is in deep shit with House Lannister… Tyrion and Tywin also air some grievances out. House Lannister is strong on the outside, but on the inside…

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, as short as it was. Thanks to everyone who has reviewed, it may not seem it due to my upload schedule being horrific, but it really does help motivate me.


TheOnlyKing: You made me have to quickly edit the last chapter as I was ready to upload! I'm not saying they won't win in the end, it's a Lannister story after all, but it won't be easy for them. Challenges will happen, and some are coming really soon…

Flamingp0tat0: The Lannisters as a united front really are a terrifying prospect…

Black Magic99: Because Dan and Dave in the end went for 'wow factor'. The Bolton's aren't in on murdering Joffrey. In the show they only got Sansa thanks to Baelish's plotting. Arya is safely locked away without having met Jaqen Hagar, so no Faceless Men I'm afraid. Jon's arc post Night's Watch will be pretty different I think, but anything I say now will be far too spoilery.

Vwchick: It's not a bad thing, I just meant I was in the mood to write for this story more than the Stark one!

ianramos22: Perhaps he's a real Lannister by Tywin's standards…

Silver crow: I'm not sure anything could bring them closer together after all he's done to her family.

tommyginger: Tyland and Sansa is really fun to write, one of the more interesting couples in all of my stories.

Hail King Cerion: Everyone will have been in a state of limbo until it was clear Margaery isn't pregnant. I do enjoy killing Baelish don't I…

J.F.C: Tywin's aim was to destroy the males of each line and control the females, giving House Lannister legitimate claims to both Riverrun, Storm's End and Winterfell. The Bolton's and Frey's wouldn't touch Baelish without the Lannisters agreement.

Rolling Mist 13: Tyrion was simply enraged and was letting his emotions out.

Siriusly Grim: Welcome!

Kingboi67: I'd love to include that, but with Tyland heading the investigation Tyrion was proved as innocent.