AN: Ok one more! I'm having too much fun with these stories I'm sorry!

Harry Potter, boy who lived, sat on the train, under a black cloak, drops of blood leaking out of his mouth every few seconds. "Excuse m- Oh god are you ok?!" A bushy haired girl said as she burst in, stopping once she saw the blood stain the carpet, he looked up with a weak smirk, revealing his right eye, and scar as well, was hidden by a blur of sorts, it was still there but it was pixelated to point of it being white pixels and blobs covering them.

"Well… Not much can be done, I'm fine." He smirked as she stumbled back, leaving the room as he locked the door, throwing his cloak into his backpack, and lying backwards on the seats to think.

Few hours later

Harry got his cloak out and put it on again as he sat on the boat, ignoring everyone around him and focusing on something, the blood still dripping out of his mouth as well as a large cut on his chest, soaking through his white shirt. A boy moved to sit next to him and he shook his head silently. "I ah… Wouldn't do that, Death kinda follows me everywhere I go." He shrugged as the bench cracked, destroying the seat the boy was trying to sit in. "I swear I'm being stalked!" He complained humorously, as the boy sat diagonal to him. "That should be fine." He muttered, watching something in the air annoyed, before turning back to look at Hogwarts.

"I… I'm Neville Longbottom…" The boy said, nervously and scared, before being shoved by an invisible force which had him next to Harry, the bench repaired.

"I'm… Harry Potter, call me Geno though, you'd understand if you heard why." He told him, with a small genuine smile on his pale face…

Five minutes later

Geno walked into the great hall with Neville by his side, having discarded his cloak and instead covering his entire body in glitches and pixels so he wouldn't be noticed until he wanted to.

"Potter! Harry!" McGonagall called out, Geno got rid of the pixels aside from his normal ones and walked to the hat, the school took in his look, pitch black hair, deathly pale, almost bone white, skin, a white jacket and shirt, with a bloody slash on the shirt staining it and the same blood leaking through the jacket, tearing it where it was cut, black shorts with a white line down them, on his feet were two white slippers, the ends covered in blood.

"I… I prefer being called Geno, if you don't mind Ma'am…" He muttered quietly.

"Of course, Geno!" She called out instead, confusing everyone that didn't hear him as he sat down on the stool, the blood dripping onto the stool, staining the ancient.

"Ugh… You're letting this thing into your mind, have you lost your new human mind Geno?" A monotone and sarcastic voice asked him.

"Death stop… Now's not the time…" Geno complained mentally.


"Well then… You have some… Interesting memories Geno!" An unknown voice said amused. "I'm the sorting hat! And you… Are quite an interesting person! Let's see… You're smart, but only because you had to be, the void gave you nothing but time… You're loyal definitely, but only to those who earn it, as well as your version of Frisk oddly enough?" The hat trailed off, looking at his memories to find out why. "Ah… That makes sense… You're cunning certainly, you erased the memories of the same Sans for 3 years in a row, trying to convince him in different ways before trying a different approach… And you're brave, almost to the point of idiocy… Someone hurts your child? Dead, someone tries to reset a world? Dead… The question is… Where do you think you should go?"

"I… I don't know…"

"I say Gryffindor, it'd be interesting to mess with them." The apparently named Death suggested.

"Sure! Gryffindor works…" He agreed.

"Well… If you're sure… Better be Gryffindor!" The hat called out to the school, as the pale boy left the now completely red stool, dripping blood on the tiles noisily in the silence of the school, too shocked at his appearance to clap. As he walked he tripped for a moment, letting a golden heart shaped locket appear from under his shirt, just above the blood, unable to be stained…

He sat down carefully at the end of the table closest to the doorway, Neville next to him and the bushy haired girl on the other end, staring at him confused. "Whad'ya want?" He asked, as the last students got sorted and he ate, ignoring the blood that pooled in his plate and goblet when he drank from it.

"How are you alive!?" She exclaimed in annoyance. "The amount of blood you're losing every minute means you should be dead!" She told him, making him laugh to her confusion.

"Tell me something I don't know! I'm dead already! Can't you tell? Feel my skin." He told her, getting the attention of the nearby students and holding out his arm to her, she pinched the skin to find it was tight, like it hadn't blood in a long time. (I assume, I've looked it up and found nothing!) "I have too much blood in my chest and not enough anywhere else, it's why blood's always drippin' out of my mouth, and the cut won't heal either since the bloods always leaking out as well." He explained as he took his arm back, lying through his teeth, his old traits were just coming through to his new body.

"Ok that's pretty good, but she'll ask her parents then get angry." Death told him.

"That's impossible! You can't move limbs without enough blood in your limbs." She told him angrily.

"It ain't for me, I've been in a hospital for an entire week once, docs couldn't tell why I was bleeding all the time until we figured out I had too much blood in one spot and not enough in the others." He told her, which was true, he'd been taken to a hospital for a whole week because of the permanent bleeding.

"Um… Excuse me…" Neville mumbled quietly, "But… Why d-did the hat say you had a kid?" He asked confused. "The hat suddenly just said… Someone hurts your child? And then shut up…" He explained at Geno's confused.

"Oh… Ah… That'd be Frisk… I… Sorta look after them, we got to know each other after an incident and well, I kinda became their father figure… I have a picture of them in my locket actually." He explained, unclipping it with shaky hands and showing Neville a picture of a small child grinning at the camera, with those same bars missing all over their body that Geno had on his. "I'm kinda protective of 'em."

"Says the guy that literally murdered blasted Fresh into a pair of glasses before the void brought him back." Death remarked, drinking a Starbucks like a smoothie. Geno scowled at him slightly, unnoticed by anyone before grinning and clipping the locket back together and hiding it under his shirt.

"Wha's wi'h 'he 'ame 'eno?" A redheaded boy asked as he shovelled food into his mouth messily, some of the food landing the locket as he was putting it away. Geno's eye twitched and he wiped it off.

"Shut your mouth when you eat, and well… Bad memories… I survived a little something called Genocide." He explained, a few years ago, about 8 years ago, in this world, a murder had killed everyone in his town but him before being killed by a bone through the head.

"Y-You mean the little whining Genocide?" The girl asked shocked.

"Yup, and it's got some good memories from before that though, like Frisk…" He added, tucking it away and heading to the dorms with the other students as dinner ended.