Author's Note: Hey, sorry for the long wait, and even then it's a bit of a shorter chapter. So to note, this one is more of a connective tissue rather than the real meat and potatoes of this multi-chapter arc. We will however get to meet a few other gods and understand how they interact so...cheers.


Chapter 13: Immortal Combat Part 2: Destructive Forces

He comes for us, Arceus' chosen, I can feel him walking towards our town. The offerings were not enough, nor were the prayers, and nor were the deeds in his name. It seems his Judgement is eternal, doomed we were from the very start of creation. We should not have listened to the trickster, the gods told me not to but his words were too inviting. We all wanted what was promised but all we were given were ashes, dust, and death. There are people lining up asking me for guidance. What can I do besides tell the people that the end approaches us? What can I say aside to pray to Arceus he shows us mercy? What can I say as a mortal that would move a god?

I remember when we were prosperous, when the fields and forests were lush green, when the river had fish jumping to a fro, when the doves graced the sky. Now the fields and forests are gnarled and brown, the river soaked in blood of not only the fish but of my people who've run out of fish to eat, the doves are gone replaced by the vultures. The God of Death watches from his perch at our world, I swear I saw him this morning in the market walking a child away, away into the hollow depths of death itself. Condors, vultures, crows circled above him high in the sky, fruits turned mushy when he went into a market, meat spoiled in front of my eyes and on my tongue. They tell me I was just imagining things, but I know what I saw.

I don't know if the Destroyer is a servant of the God of Death, or vice versa, but from the legends I've been told they signal one another's arrival. That one follows the other around our world, and the chase is across our whole empire. If we can kill the Destroyer, then we might have a chance. I must run to the armory and call upon the others to take up arms. We must fight the Destroyer.

We must fight Regigigas.

Weiss didn't know where she was, she looked left then to her right, wide blue eyes scanning the surface. It was charred, it was barren, destroyed, littered with burned houses or what she assumed were houses. They were primitive, like what many historians said of early homes. Made of clay, grass like roofs with no windows. By their scattering it was a small village at best, maybe thirty people but they laid on the ground, motionless and devoid of life. Disbelief and horror filled her mind as she looked across. She took a step and nearly fell over when she stepped lower into the ground. A massive round footprint was right in front of her, followed by another, and another, and as far as the eye could see. As she squinted off into the distance she saw a massive plume of smoke, the outline of walls in her vision. A city under siege. Not knowing where she was, she was convinced this was a dream, but she also remembered trying to stop her teammate from engaging with Palkia. Everything went black from there and she found herself from there. She ran toward the city, not noticing the as the lightning struck the ground it illuminated the smoke…

And within the smoke was the outline of a titanic monster.


There was certain days that Rayquaza hated his job, there were days he despised them, and most days he did not enjoy his job. He definitely should have listened to Kyogre's advice and retire long ago. Glynda had volunteer, and was half ordered, to keep an eye on him, his whole team, and Ho-oh who was still out cold. That meant, he couldn't get away from the mortals and contact Arceus. Every step he took, every time he stood up, every time he would pick up a book he could feel the Deputy Headmistress glare into his backside. Not that he couldn't blame her, there were missing students from his friends, but at this rate he was considering to stick it on his own. If he didn't have the damn parasite to worry about. Although he had to admit, Deoxys had been fairly quiet and obedient since the event began. Perhaps even he had his rationality sometimes. Jaune and Pyrrha were another issue, he knew that if he disappeared again even if for a short while they would have questions. Questions he was not wanting to answer.

"Really should have retired," he slapped his forehead and massaged it, all this was stressful.

He stood up, glances shifted to him, skeptical and worrisome. Dangerous and deadly. A scared animal was always more dangerous than a calculating one he found. He had to reassure Jaune and Pyrrha before anything or he might have to fight an uphill battle. But who did he approach first? The strong one, or the brave one?

An easy choice when he realized it.

"Jaune, come with me," Rayquaza said without emotion and without fluctuation.

Immediately Glynda stood with her stern gaze, pushing up her glasses up doing so. "And where are you going?

Thankfully she could not see his eye roll, "I need to get some fresh air, plus I need to discuss a project with him in one of our classes." As soon as he finished speaking he leaned into Jaune's ear and whispered, "Play along with me, it'll make it more believable."

"Um, yeah," the nervous blonde replied back, when he looked at Professor Goodwitch he shivered from her stance. "We do."

"And this has to be done outside, and at this time?" She questioned.

"We can't do anything until Ho-oh wakes up, as much as I would like to, we're helpless, we shouldn't be long. Ten minutes tops."

Pyrrha was about to interject but a foot kicked her shin and she turned to Deoxys who nodded with her. She knew Rayquaza was lying but she needed to start trusting him more.

"He's going to contact someone who might have some information on the others wearabouts," he communicated with her which sealed the deal. Looking at Jaune she nodded, they had her support and a small smile from Rayquaza knew it.

"Fine," Glynda said, "but any longer and I will personally come find you."

The god had to admit that her tone was definitely effective, a small part of him almost wanted to adhere just because he knew that rule was going to be broken. "Thank you, come on Jaune."

He didn't speak until they reached the lockers, which took five minutes Jaune looked around and then to his team leader. "Rayquaza what's going on? Where are the others? Where's Ruby and what happened to Ho-oh?"

"I honestly am having a hard time piecing things together myself Jaune. I only caught the tail end of everything, and I was hoping Ho-oh could tell me, but she was already out cold when I arrived. By then everyone was gone, they just disappeared. Which is why I needed your help to get out of the room."

"Why did you need out of the room, we need to head back soon, it's almost been ten minutes."

"And unfortunately we will be late, which is where you come in Jaune."

"I'll help fine, but first can you tell me what you're going to do?"

"I will be getting in touch with the only person who knows Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina like nobody else. But to do that, I needed to be alone and away from Professor Goodwitch, for reason that I don't want to explain." The day Rayquaza found out Arceus was a bit of a horndog around older mortal women, was a day he wanted to erase from time itself.

"So what should I do?"

"We need an excuse as to why we're late, that's where you come in," the cracking of his knuckles and a wicked smile unsettled the blonde boy.

"...Rayquaza…" he stepped back hitting the metal door of the locker.

The rocket propelled locker that could be sent anywhere which surrounded him all through the room with no one in it.

"When Glynda asks, Cardin found us and shove you in a locker, I went to save you. Got that?"

"Uhh…" he didn't get a chance to finish as Rayquaza threw a fist at Jaune's face which followed by the sound of his head slamming back into the metal.

"Sorry kid, nothing personal."


Weiss regretted going into the town when she saw the destruction, it had been a longer distance than she had anticipated. It was now a new morning, the smoke visible in the sky as she covered her mouth to try and avoid the smell of destruction and death. The smell of burning wood, metal, and flesh. It was a town, very similar to the ones littered throughout the kingdoms, living outside the walls, exposed to grimm. Just like this one. Now that she was in the thick of it she saw the extent of the destruction and chaos that ensued. She searched and searched for anyone to be alive in the rubble, she moved debris and stone but eventually had to give up. There was only so much she could do before she had to stop, there was too much of everything. The smell of burnt bodies, burnt wood, the sight of crushed houses, and then there was those damn birds that wouldn't shut up.

*Caw* *Caw* *Caw*

She had no clue what was going on, this all had to be a dream she told herself, a pointless and childish nightmare. The whole outburst from her idiotic teammate and Palkia surely was just a part of that, or maybe she got knocked out. Surely it had to be.

*Caw* *Caw* *Caw*

She just needed to pinch herself, or count to three, or something. The birds were watching her, not that she could see as she counted with eyes tightly shut. Some hopped closer to her, some eyed here, some kept on screeching and calling to her.

*Caw* *Caw* *Caw*

Then she heard footstep, slow heavy footsteps. She whipped around, sword in hand and ready to attack in her frantic state. A hand caught the blade, bare, gnarled, ghost white almos. They didn't seem to mind the pointed tip had pressed into their palm and they were bleeding small droplets on the floor. The crows though flocked to the small puddle being formed to pick at it, absolutely disgusting.

"You are an anomaly," the stranger said. A tattered coat, covering his entire body, blood red eyes both staring down at her, black hair slicked back. One hand holding Weiss' blade, the other holding a massive battle axe. His weapon a mix of red and black, the design of pure terror with spires and spikes going down the backside. The way they talked to Weiss was surprised, mild surprise though, his eyes and tone felt drained of emotion.

"Who are you?" She asked, worried and confused, scared and bewildered, alone and afraid.

He stood silent, face unmoving, eyes scanning her face. "I am...Y. Mr. Y."

"Y?" Weiss asked, now just plain confused.

"Because I told you," he responded, it took Weiss a minute to get what he meant.

"No I get it, but 'Y'?"

"I have not judged you for your naming choices, I ask you do not do the sam," Mr. Y went on. Weiss groaned, his face stay still but removed Myrtenaster from his grip, a bit of blood on the tip and a small hole in his hand.

"I'm sorry," she apologised. A huntress should be more careful about her weaponry, "I was a little on edge."

"It is understandable," his dark sounding voice replied, "if I were you in this current situation I would be on a hair trigger notice."

"Thank you. Do you know what happened hear?" She asked turning to the destruction.

Mr. Y turned around, the crows, vultures, and condors almost following his movements unsettlingly. "I heard the Destroyer had come to this place, he often leaves no survivors."

"Except you," she mentioned.

Mr. Y smiled, the first time his face had moved, and after seeing his smile she regretted it. His face unnerving, a twinge of fear she had not known set in, he started to laugh, an airy chuckle that sounded like he smoked often. The birds around her started to caw like mad, flapping their wings and some took flight, the circled around him and his mad laughter.

"Miss, I am not a survivor, I have been dead a very long time already!" He said through his laughter, "I arrived with the Destroyer!"

"What?" She breathed, readying her sword and taking a step back.

"Like I said, he often leaves little survivors," the birds suddenly zoomed to Mr. Y and swirled around him, covering him in a curtain of black feathers. His two blood red eyes shined through the blackness, his voice now changing, "but when he does, I clean up the rest!"

A black shadowy mass approached Weiss and all went to darkness around her.


Rayquaza was in a full on sprint, he needed to get far enough away from the prying eyes of the mortals, especially Ozpin. Gods if he ever found out about them then his whole escapade would be doomed. He had ran through the entire campus and now was in the forest, the Emerald Forest, by now he knew that Glynda had either notified someone of his and Jaune's absence or was now on the hunt herself. Honestly, the god could have easily taken her, she was mortal, he was not, simply put. But he wasn't going to put the mission in danger unlike some foolish brothers who couldn't get their collective baggage figured out.

This is a classic case as to why you didn't include family with work. He rarely, if ever had Kyogre or Groudon with him on a mission. The last time they did that they blew up the world in three days, or maybe four it had been a few hundred thousand years since that happened. Not important, not what he should be focusing on right now.

The Emerald Forest was like a maze, one of the most hated creations Rayquaza had found with mortals. Needing to confuse themselves with twists and turns versus facing the problem head on, he hated cat and mouse. Eventually he found himself at a clearing well hidden from the eyes of anybody for a good long time. To get this far by normal mortal limitations would take hours, for him though it was just under ten minutes. He pulled out his weapon, focused energy through the edge of the blade. A rainbow like hue shimmered off the silver as he raised it to the sky. With a singular swipe he made a tear in reality, a basic magic that all of the gods could do. Putting the weapon bac he reached forward with his two hands and pried open the floating crack in space and time open. Bolts of energy shot out through the ground and acted as chains to hold it to the dirt and soil. A circle opened wider as he released his grip from the sides, small creases and cuts in his mortal shell's hands. Understandable, a true mortal would have lost his hands in trying to open a God's Window. A background of white and yellow light illuminated the area around him, a distinct shadow around the trees and himself. The figure of an individual appeared, clouded they were, but their form slowly came into view.

"Hello, I am terribly sorry but Lord Arceus is not taking any visitors right now," the voice said. It was a young male sounding voice, form the tone it sounded like they weren't paying attention or were busy with something else. Of course Rayquaza got this annoyance.

"Latios," he called out, pulling out a cigarette, "it's me and I have an emergency."

Blue hair, wider than it was long came into view along with a scowl, of course he would have a scowl. Red eyes looked from an clean shaven face with sharp features, probably could have cut an apple with his jawline. "Oh," he said with the sincerity as a sociopath, "it's you."

"Yeah hi, I see your hair is still a mess as always," Rayquaza quickly replied after taking a drag from his cigarette, the scowl on Latios' face grew, "I need to get into touch with the Big A."

"Lord Arceus," he stressed with a forced smile, "is currently preoccupied with another task. I'm sure whatever silly little problem you gotten yourself into because of your stupidity."

"Oh, geez," Rayquaza said tapping the loose ash off his cigarette, "I guess whatever Arceus is doing is pissing off his little secretary. Let me guess, Latias got to go on a mission and leave you behind?"

"I am not a secretary, I have an important job as Lord Arceus messenger and-" The god on the other side started to yell but caught himself, seeing him flustered was always a pleasure for Rayquaza, he reorganized himself quickly. "Rayquaza, unless you have something vitally important, something so grand that the universes might implode, then we have nothing to discuss," he said with malice and toxicity.

"Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina have created a Rift."

Whatever malice and distaste Latos had for Rayquaza had was replaced with the feeling of fear, it was written all over his face. Eyes wide, mouth closing, he looked to the side then the other, and then back him. "I'll put you through immediately, but you better explain it to him because I'm not."

"I wouldn't expect you to," he replied flicking away the spent remains of his smoke, "oh and Latios." He waited for the blue haired god to look at him in the eyes, not because he wanted to look at Rayquaza but out of courtesy. "I didn't mean to break your older sister's heart, she took those words too literally."

Latios clearly didn't like the words, his scowl returned. "Just go," he spat, "make sure you explain to him everything."

"I will," for a split second Latios disappeared, his form swirled into nothingness leaving the yellow and white background. While no form appeared he knew he was in contact with the King of the Gods, the creator of all things, Lord Arceus. "Hello Lord Arceus," he said with heavy, respectful words, meant for a king. His tone didn't have any room for levity or comedy, tone fit for the one who granted eternal life. Tone meant for someone who was to be bowed to and-

"Regice I said I was sorry for knocking over your ice sculpture!"

"Wha?" Rayquaza's eye twitched.

"Grunkle Arceus is a meanie!" A small, feminine, and childlike voice screeched from the other side of the Window.

Arguing, pleading, begging started coming from the other side of the portal, the one being blessed with creating the universes was apologizing for knocking over an ice sculpture.

"I should really pick up drinking." Rayquaza thought to himself but he had to clear his throat to get his mind back on track, "Lord Arceus I need to speak to you."

This time it appeared he picked up on the new voice, "Hmm, I thought I told you Latios, I am not to be disturbed."

His eye twitched, this was getting irritating, "Lord Arceus, it's me Rayquaza."

"Oh!Oh!Oh!," Arceus said quickly, "Children, Grunkle Arceus has some business to discuss."

"Boo!" Three voices cried out.

"Are those Regigigas' children?" Rayquaza asked, sort of knowing the answer already.

"Yes, usually Giratina looks after them while Regigigas is on a mission but since he too is with you I am looking after them."

"And the 'Grunkle'?"

"Well I am Giratina's father."

"I see."

"Speaking of," his tone shifted, a more serious and appropriate for something of his stature, "why am I being disturbed?"

"Here goes," Rayquaza gulped, "I believe your three sons have created a Rift, I also cannot locate Regigigas or Kyurem."

The amount of silence was concerning, when he growled in contemplation it made it all the more worse for the sky dragon. "When did this happen?" He asked

"Earlier this morning," was the reply, "and I am assuming a handful of mortals have been caught up in it as well."

Another growl, "Hmmm, who started it?"

"I was not present, relations between myself and Palkia have always been rocky since…well you know, and they have not gotten better. Giratina however has been fairly sedate as of coming hear, it appears he is taking his attempt at freedom seriously. Through basic deduction I am led to believe that Palkia initiated the confrontation."

"I see, I see," a deep inhale was heard, more nervousness from Rayquaza, "well I am happy to hear that my youngest is at least trying to fix his issues, but a Rift...I don't know. What of Dialga, my middle child, what caused him to include himself."

"I could not tell you that sir, he's been acting as a middle ground between the two. I have noticed that his mood has dampened over the past few weeks."

"Has anyone outside of the missing noticed what happened?"

"From what I can tell no, the other mortals know that their comrades are missing, but no one has any idea what's happening. I believe it is being kept on the downlow."

"I see," once again that calculative tone, the one that would take centuries to process steps.

"I would ask Ho-oh," he relented, "but she was rendered unconscious after the scuffle and hasn't woken up since."

"If she was present at the opening of the Rift then her mortal shell and her godly spirit might have separated," Lord Arceus replied, "Unless the Rift is closed then I wouldn't expect her to awake. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Rayquaza."

"Your welcome Lord Arceus."

"But I cannot do much in this situation."

"What?" Rayquaza replied with shock.

"From the sounds of it this is my sons' doing, the bitterness between the three of them has been brewing for countless eons. If I interfere now they may never be able to fix their animosity towards each other," Arceus explained.

"But if the Rift stays active it could do untold amounts of damage to this world."

"Have faith in my sons Rayquaza, I know I do."


"Enough!" His shout was followed by a bolt of lightning striking the ground, silencing Rayquaza. "You made me scare the children," he then spoke to the side, to three children "I'm sorry did I scare you?" Rayquaza looked at the dirt, sneering to himself, "I would help you Rayquaza, I really would, but my hands are tied."

"Understood sir."

"You've changed I can tell, coming to this world has already been a benefit, I hope the same is happening to my sons. That's why I'm going to act."

"Yes sir."

"However because of the mortals being included I will send one of Dialga's disciples to gather them, if the figure anything out we can have their minds altered to forget."


"I do thank you for bringing this to my attention, but all we can do now is wait."

Rayquaza sighed, "I understand sir."

"Goodbye Rayquaza, I wish you luck with the rest of your mission," the portal started to shrink and the colors dimmed leaving him in the Emerald Forest in silence, the clouds beginning to roll in, it was getting late.

"Great, now I need to find Jaune dammit," he thought to himself, he started to walk into the thicker parts of the forest. He should have punched the coordinates to rocket him towards this area.

Then the first tremor erupted and he looked to the sky, a storm approaching.

"Gods protect us."


Weiss awoke in a sunny, grass filled plain, completely different than what Mr. Y and her were just at. The thought of the strange man had her whip her head around to see if he was nearby. He wasn't.

A sigh of relief left her.

"Glad to see you're still kicking," a new, but familiar voice said behind her.

Turning around she was met with a sight she swore she had seen somewhere before, but it was escaping her. A large white jacket with gold rings and black markings going down the sleeves. He was somewhat tall, but not overly wide, if anything the coat made him look thinner than he was. He looked tired, his eyes flat as if he had been watching her for a long time.

"Who are you?" Weiss asked.

"I was going to ask you that little girl," he said in response, "but I have been told that it's rude to ask someone for their name without giving your own." He cleared his throat and sat down next to her, even sitting down he looked massive beside her, "My name is Gigas, yours?"

"I am Weiss Schnee," she said with elegance.

"That's quite a long name Miss Weiss Schnee," Gigas chuckled while scratching his chin.

"Weiss will do quite fine," she rolled her eyes.

"Well then Weiss, why don't you tell me what you were doing passed out in the middle of a grassy field?" He asked.

Weiss' face dropped. She was just in the town with Mr. Y, how did she end up here? Now that she thought about it this whole place was different. The air felt different, the landscape was pristine than the wrecked village before. It was as if she had been taken away from where she was, plucked like a flower and placed in vase. "I was just in a town, it was on fire, and there was someone else."

He looked from side to side, "There isn't another town here for several days travel, I haven't seen any smoke either. You've been sleeping here for hours, and one was here when I arrive."

"What's going on?" She thought worriedly, this was feeling too real to be a dream, but too lucrative to be reality.

"So what convinced you to sleep in a bed of grass almost as far away from civilization as possible?" He asked, snapping Weiss from her thoughts.

This was all too much, "I was at Beacon just minute ago," she breathed.

"Beacon?" He raised an eyebrow, "I don't think I've heard of that territory, is it from a far off continent?"

More questions that should have had easy answers, how could he not have heard of Beacon Academy, it was known even throughout settlements as far away from any kingdom. All the huntsmen academies were well known, you would have to be been born in some backwards backwater society.

"We grew up very far from you Weiss, we lived on a chain of islands approaching Remnant's southern pole, the closest landmass would be Menagerie and even that was a month's long trip."

Giratina had explained it to her so long ago that she had completely forgot about it, had she been taken to their home. Right now, going through all this craziness it seemed like a logical argument. But how? The three Primus brothers could not simply teleport such distances, whether or not Giratina had a semblance that was capable of teleportation. And the curious thing was, the more she looked at the man the more he started to look at her partner.

"Uhh, yeah, it's pretty far from here," she said, "I got separated from my friends."

"Well that's unfortunate, do you know where they might be?" Gigas asked her.

She bit her lip. "I think they were in a town called…" Weiss lied, "it's the nearest one but I can't remember the name."

"Oh, they're in Eterna Village," he said with an 'ah-ha' moment, "that's not too far from here. At least a two day trip if we hurried."

Okay, two days, that was manageable, but something about this lookalike still felt off to her. While it had come to mean other things in her life as a huntress, the aura he gave off was something just not something she was used to. Then there was Mr. Y, he couldn't have just disappeared. He was out there, surely he didn't just disappear, he had to be close.

"Well come on!" she was surprised that Gigas had already walked a good distance while she was preoccupied with her thoughts, "You know what they say: 'the longest journey begins with a single step!" Most of Weiss' worries were buried after that, seeing a smile on his face, it was for some reason comforting.

"Coming Gigas," she replied.


Yveltal looked from beyond a lonely hill hundreds of meters from the little girl and the Destroyer, keeping a watchful eye on Lord Arceus' most prized servant. The little mortal girl looked familiar for some reason, he could have sworn he'd seen her before, perhaps in another world. You see one mortal you effectively seen them all. He leaned off to the rock cliff next to him, his blood red and black axe stuck in a tree stump, the cawing of crows and ravens filling the silence.

"Be careful Destroyer," he whispered, "something about that one does not sit right with me." Yveltal looked up to the sky when he saw a flash, for a single second, an instance or perhaps even less. He knew it well, the sight, the feeling of the air changed, the balance of power shifted for this world. A world he knew was already guilty, so why send an Emissary of Dialga now?

"Do not cheat me," he growled to the, as he saw them, intruder. Crows and ravens began to flap their wings and leave feathers to fall onto the ground. Approaching a cliff side, the God of Death took one step off and fell below.

Only for a large bird to flap its wings and soar to the air towards the nearest city.

"I hate being cheated of what I deserve."

-Book of Arceus, Page 37-

The giant looked over the landscape he had ruined, a palace with a twn was gone. The princess who lived there that he had met was probably dead, he had been ordered to kill everyone. If there was anyone left than the God of Death was surely to come and pluck them from mortality. He did hate feeling cheated. The giant felt sad, after meeting the princess he had learned much, she wasn;t mean like other mortal that had rejected him, or those that rejected his master.

"Master," he called out, "Master Arceus."

"What is it my servant?" The voice of the heavens called out to him.

"Why must I be a destroyer?" The giant questioned, "Why must I bring chaos and grief?"

"My servant, I did not wish for you to be a destroyer, when you were made you were to make sure the mortals I gave life to were following my wishes. I wanted you to make sure they did not forsake my words and my brethren gods with pagan gods who do nothing for them. They need to know that I am their salvation, and those who do not do not deserve my gifts."

"But what if they make a mistake they did not know how to control? What if another god tricks them and leads them astray?" The giant asked, picking up the rocks.

"I must be just in my Judgement, for all who are led astray will be forever lost, if I let one go then I must let them all go because one mortal might have been led accidently forcing me to stay my hand. If I, if we, become too soft then we can be ignored, and that cannot be allowed."

"But must I kill, must I end life? When some have done nothing wrong? I have this feeling in my chest, I cannot ignore it any longer Lord Arceus."

"What you're feeling is called remorse, and I know the feeling all too well my servant."

"You do?"

"Of course, these mortals are still my children, my creations, living and breathing people with lives. I must make the choice to end them, to see the sadness, the tears, the regret. It is why I choose to keep the powers of Judgement to myself, I don't believe any of the other gods could bear with this decision."

"Except that I must carry out your orders and bear that regret as well."

"Other gods can perform the same task as you my servant."

"But I must go alone."

"You are a lonely god, is that what you are saying my servant."

"I have walked among many of these villages, and I witnessed something magical each time, I see these children running through the streets. They are happy, they are laughing, they do not have a care in the world."

"Mortal children are perhaps one of the most heartwarming things to watch."

"I...I want children Lord Arceus. I want what mortals call a 'family'."

"You are a god's creation, you cannot have a family."

The giant got on his knees and looked to the skies, "I beg of you Lord Arceus, please grant me a family, I ask for nothing more."

The heavens were silent for a time, then he spoke, "Go to the mountains and place a stone in a fire, and wait thirty days and thirty nights. Your faith will be rewarded with a son." The giant's head shot up as he started to thank the heavens. "Then," Arceus continued, "go to the northern kingdoms and destroy it, find and cave and wait thirty more days and thirty nights and you will be given a daughter. Then, go into the last town of this world and when you destroy it keep one suit of armor and bury the pieces in a farmer's field. Wait thirty days and thirty nights and then your faith will be rewarded.

And so the giant went to the mountain first and placed a single stone in a fire and waited for thirty days and thirty nights, and the next day he found a small child in the remains of the fire. Since he was begot from a rock he was called 'Rock'. Then taking the child with him he traversed to the frozen north. He destroyed the kingdom as per Arceus' order and waited in a cave for thirty days and thirty nights, and the next day he woke up to a beautiful daughter. Since she was begot from ice he named her 'Ice'. The last kingdom fell shortly and taking a suit of armor he buried it in a farmer's field and waited thirty days and thirty nights, and the next night he awoke to another son in the field. Since he was born from steel he was named 'Steel'. When sleep finally overcame him and his new children he was lifted to the heavens and returned to his lord and master.

The old god looked at the happy father and said: "Your faith in me has been rewarded, but now I must ask that your faith must never waiver. Before you were named Gigas, a word for titan in the first world you destroyed. But from this day forth you will be renamed, but you must never forget your mission, the world you were in used the word 'Regi' to describe destruction. Thus in order to forever remember your goal I will rename you to Regigigas, your oldest son Regirock, your daughter Regice, and your youngest son Registeel. And when you finish a task I give, I promise to reunite you with your children for as long as you were gone, Regigigas, God of Families and Children.


There were a few things I would have liked to have done differently I will admit. I would have like to have focused more on Weiss and Regigigas, but I will get back to them. Next chapter, when it does come out, is still up in the air as to who I'm focusing on. It might be the three missing Creation Trio, I might go back to Kryuem, I might focus on Rayquaza, or stay with Regigigas. I honestly might focus on two groups at once, the way I'm thinking is that the final chapter of this arc will include with two of these smaller arcs colliding with each other and then I'm going to have the grand finale of the arc. That one's going to be a doozy.