Disclaimer: I dun own kk? ^.^

Oi! This took a long while to be updated! Sorry about the delay, I was working on Silent Tears! I know this chappie ain't long but I promise I'll try and get another chapter out ASAP! Just trying to develop a plot here... O well enjoys! And don't forget to review pweese!

Special thanks to everyone who reviewed, it means a lot this chappie is for all of you! Nuff Luv! Evee1, vivi, Akuma5, Wolfspeaker1(x2), lunarotimas, Muy-Kech Chea, Flowa, Masaka, animechick12, Kanatasha, LOLO, AngelsKitten, GokuVageta445, Princess Strawberry, Yami Hiei the Chaos Mage, Yami (x3), Guardian-381, Lylli Riddle(x2), flowacat... Thank you everyone! And also a special thank you to my exceptional beta-reader, Sabrina Manny, thanks lil' gurl!

The Gift of Friendship: Chapter 3

Joey slammed the door shut behind him. His father was so impossible, "God, it's like trying to talk to a doorknob." Grumbling he walked out of the house, pulling his jacket up closer to provide any extra warmth consumable from the chilly atmosphere. He shivered slightly as he felt goosebumbs making they're way along his neck. He then set out to meet the gang at the café.

When Joey arrived, he found the group huddled in the back booth, sipping on hot chocolate. It was still pretty cold out even though they were well into spring. "Hey guys! What's going on?" The others smiled at Joey as they greeted him, and made space for the teen on the bench.

"So you guys, how about it? The cabin is free and it'll be loads of fun!" Trinity beamed as she showed the gang the brochure she had picked up at the tiny resort she always stayed at. Yugi smiled thoughtfully at her, apparently a bit over excited about the whole idea. Yami nodded curtly in an approving manner, in a similar fashion to Seto. Joey grinned mischievously at the thought of getting away for a week with a chance to be alone with his boyfriend.

Trinity glanced over at the other four and smirked "Great! Then it's settled, March Break is going to be a blast!" They all nodded their heads in agreement as they chugged down on the warm beverages greedily.

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As the day drew to a close the gang opted for going back to Kaiba's mansion to watch a late night movie. They all piled into the grand limo, making their way to the billionaire's home residence. Pulling up to the rather large home, they got out and made their way inside.

The front door was about 3 meters high and made perfectly to match the exterior of the house. Once inside everyone took off their jackets handing it over to Trinity who insisted on helping out the maid, whom was very grateful for the help.

Yugi gasped as he peered into the mansion. Granite covered floors, polished and shined to every square inch. A grand marble staircase, adorned with red rose petals. A wonderfully large chandelier dimly lit, hanging in the middle of the ceiling for everyone to admire. The hallway was wide enough for at least 10 people to walk side by side, without bumping against the wall or each other for that matter. As for the living room... a rather large, flat screen TV perched against the "Devine Crystal" painted walls, a full surround sound system beside it. However it was the Napoli Ice Italian Leather Sofa's that caught Yugi's eye.

"So what movie you all wanna watch?" After debating for a bit over 20 minutes the gang finally decided to watch, "Rush Hour 2" no matter how many hundreds of times they'd already seen it, it was still as hilarious as the first time, and if not Joey still found away to make it worth the watch. ^.~

Eventually the movie came to an end. Yugi was fast asleep on the sofa, head resting on Yami's lap, causing the crimson eyed teen to glow bright red. Joey cuddled up in Kaiba's arms, no doubt sound asleep. Trinity was just coming downstairs after having tucked Mokuba in bed, a nightly ritual for the two.

The fire they had set was still ongoing illuminating the room, and radiating warmth as shadows flickered on the wall. "Thanks for tucking Mokuba in Trin'" Kaiba whispered softly as not to wake the sleeping blond in his arms, as he kissed his forehead lightly.

She smiled a warmly at the gesture and nodded, turning her attention over to Yami who was looking down at Yugi with caring eyes, as he slowly stroked the teens bangs out of his face. Seto followed her gaze and felt his heart ease at the cute picture. Yami was usually never this kind to anyone, and it was so nice to finally seem his genuinely happy for once.

Yami and Trinity decided to spend the night, Yami having called Yugi's grandfather also received permission to spend the night. Kaiba lifted Joey up and carried him upstairs, Yami followed suit, as Trinity trailed behind yawning slightly. As the reached upstairs, Kaiba advanced to his own room, placing Joey down softly on the bed, on which the two would share. Then he proceeded to show Yami a room where Yugi could sleep alone. Once Yami was sure Yugi would be alright by himself, Kaiba and Trinity left for there own rooms, leaving Yami to see to it, that Yugi was alright. (a/n: we all know he just wants to watch the lil' angel sleep, I mean he's so cute who can resist?? ^.^)

Once out in the hall, Seto yawned and rubbed his eyes finally revealing exactly how tired he was. Trinity allowed a small smile to tug at her lips as her gaze softened at the CEO's yawn. "Hmn... Seto, you really should get more rest you know, don't tire yourself out. It's not healthy for you." She scolded jokingly.

Kaiba looked up, just a little bit shocked, but then smirked, "Yes mom... what ever you say, Sleep tight Sis'" Leaning forward he captured her in a small hug. She returned the embrace, and smiled, "Sweet Dreams Hun'" Kissing him softly on the cheek she went to her room and shut the door. Blushing slightly, he too made his way to his room and climbed in bed lying next to the blond beauty. Wrapping his arm around the boy's waist, he allowed sleep to claim him, as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

As for Yami, he couldn't help but stare at his little look alike in awe. He was so beautiful; it mesmerized the crimson eyed teen beyond belief. Yugi looked so much like himself, yet so different, it was past his comprehension. Like an angel from heaven Yugi's presence made the other teen feel like he were in heaven. His soft breaths inhaling and exhaling softly were enough to make him faint, it was so adorable. His pale, smooth skin, as soft as a baby's touches, and his lips... so warm and inviting, like strawberry swirls in an ice cream sundae, looking so delicious.

Yami sat at the edge of the large bed, pulling the covers up over Yugi's small form, tucking him in, and stroking his cheek in a loving notion. It was inconceivable how instantly he was drawn to this boy. Never had he once in his life, fallen so quickly, and let his guard down so carelessly. No matter how different this was for him, he liked it none the less. The feeling he got when he was around Yugi, the blush that always crept up on him. The rush he felt every time Yugi would smile or laugh at one of his jokes. It was indescribable, how he felt, was truly something new to him, yet he cherished each of these new feelings more then he could have ever imagined.

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As the pre-dawn sun peaked itself through the curtains, Seto began to stir in his sleep, pulling a pillow in front of his face in an attempt to block out the suns rays but to no avail. He groaned, cracking his eyes open to meet with soft honey orbs. "Morning there Sunshine, rise and shine!"

Joey leaned down and captured his lover's lips in a passionate kiss, waking the other up fully, as the taller teen soon took control, pushing him back down onto the bed, as his hands roamed around the others chest. Joey moaned a little bit, as he slipped his tongue in and out of his koi's mouth teasingly. Seto responded by moving his hands along Joey's back and lifting his shirt over his head, exposing the boy's chest.

Just at that precise moment, Mokuba chose to walk in followed by Trinity. "Onii-chan breakfast is read... Oh my God!" Trinity giggled a bit, and covered the younger Kaiba's eyes, leading him out of the room, still in a mock fit of laughter as she closed in the door behind her, leaving the two to they're privacy.

Kaiba mumbled small curses under his breath having been caught, as Joey just giggled. The two got up and brushed their teeth then changed, while making there way downstairs for breakfast, as Seto mumbled something about having a lock installed on his room door. Joey just shook his head, and tugged at the elder Kaiba's hand urging him to walk faster.

When they got downstairs they noticed, Yugi and Yami, sitting across each other in silence. Mokuba was just finishing setting the table, as Trinity came out with dishes of finely cooked bacon, eggs, and bread for breakfast, all cooked by herself with help from Mokuba of course. ^.~

Soon after breakfast, everyone grabbed their jackets and got back into the limo to be dropped home. Kaiba accompanied them, sitting beside Joey, Yami being on the left of him, Trinity beside Yami on the other side, and finally Yugi beside her. The whole ride was in pure silence. No one dared to speak a word as if not to disturb the odd, crisp atmosphere, which was rather tense. As the driver dropped the off one by one, they bid there farewells, disappearing out of view as the car sped off.

Finally it was just Yami, Yugi and Kaiba. It was still oddly quiet, the driver pulled up at the Game Shop, where Mr.Motou was sweeping. Yugi hopped out as he bowed his head, "Arigatou for your hospitality Seto, Ja ne!" Then he shut the car door, as the limo pulled away.

Yami refusing to look at anything stared out the window. "Alright Yami... what's going on?" Yami turned to face his friend, "What do you mean?" He inquired raising one eyebrow sarcastically. "You know what I mean... what's going on between the two of you? I mean apparently something happened, it's pretty obvious if you ask me."

Yami rolled his eyes. "What's it matter anyways, the kid now thinks I'm lower then dirt, and by the way no one did ask you." Kaiba grunted then laughed, "So you mean you screwed it up that fast?" The crimson eyed teen glared at the CEO, "You got balls Kaiba, you got balls." (A/n: excuse the expression, just seemed to fit. O.o)

As they arrived at Yami's place, the teen stepped out and slammed the door. Then Seto rolled down the window and cleared his throat gaining Yami's attention. "Hey Yami... fix this, and don't let him slip past your grip." Then the window rolled up as the limo disappeared from view. ::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^: :^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::^::

Trinity grabbed the towel beside the sink as she wrapped her hair up in an attempt to keep it from wetting her clothes, just as the phone rang. She walked over and lifted the cordless of the receiver. "Hello, Hello." She smiled as she heard a low voice, just above a whisper. "Is that you Yugi?" Hearing another small mumble she confirmed that it was indeed him. "Everything okay Hun'?"

On the other end in the line, Yugi was fiddling with the cord from the phone. "Umm... Trinity may I ask you something?" When he heard her reply, he continued with caution. "I...I... what's the story with Yami?" He spat out as quickly as possible. Trinity chuckled a little bit before replying. "O.k. what happened Yugi?"

"Wh...What do you mean?"

She smiled and shook her head; their lame attempts to lie were pretty pathetic, even a giraffe could lie better. "Between you and Yami, silly!" Yugi gasped a little knowing that he couldn't lie to her. "Well you see, when I woke up this morning he was kinda beside my bed and..." As Yugi continued, Trinity couldn't help but laugh out loud. Just like Yami she thought, always doing something stupid. She knew for a fact that Yami was more then interested then ever and it was amusing to watch him make such a mess of things when it was all so simple was just too much.

"Listen Yugi, the best advice I can give you is to just forget it, don't make anything of it, he must've fallen asleep he was so tired, and didn't make it to his own room." Yugi sighed a breath of relief, hoping that Yami wouldn't be too upset by the way he had acted towards him. He had been pretty careful about the people he got close to, and he really like his new friends, no doubt he didn't wanna screw up this time.

As Yugi thanked her for the advice he hung up the phone, falling back against his bed, questioning weather or not he was going to call the other. Eventually after what seemed like an eternity he picked up the phone and slowly but surely dialed his friend's number. He heard someone pick up the phone, as he caught his breath in his throat, feeling his heart speed up. "Hello, Yami here."

Hearing no reply Yami was about to hang up the phone, but he heard a faint voice on the other line. "Umm... hey Yami! It's me Yugi... I just wanted to say gomen nasai for earlier at Seto's place. It was my fault for over reacting to a harmless situation." Yami chuckled and grinned widely. Isn't it amazing how fate works? "Think nothing of it Yug' I didn't mean to make you feel the least bit uncomfortable, I guess I was over exhausted and fell asleep to soon."

Yugi was beaming on the other side, "So... are we friends?" He heard a slight hesitation on Yami's side, then a grumbled reply, saying yes. Yugi smiled again. "Cool! So umm... are you ready to go to the Cabin on Saturday?"

"Ya for sure, I'm looking forward to it. Trinity had taken me and my family there last year, and we had a lot of fun. You'll like it." The smaller of the two grinned, even though he knew Yami couldn't see it, "I can't wait! Grandpa said he was going to pick us up when the week is over, so we don't have to worry about that." Yugi thought it was the least he could do since his new friends were being so generous and kind, he had never actually had a chance to do anything like this before.

Soon after Yami had filled him in on all the neat things there were to do at the Cabin, the hung up and went on there own ways. Yugi definitely couldn't way now, from what he was told this place was like a winter wonderland! But what really psyched Yugi the most... was the fact that Yami was going to be there. "I can't wait!!!!!!!"

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Babygurl: So how was that chapter?

Trinity: A bit short if you ask me

Seto: Don't say that, she's gonna be like no one asked you watch...

[waiting for Babygurl to respond]

{10 minutes passes}

Trinity: Anyways... It was a bit short but it's just to develop the plot ne?

Babygurl: Yup yup! Just about... I think for once I got the plot planned out; of course I wanna run it by a few people and see what they think of the idea.

Seto: So is there gonna be any fluffy stuff, 'cause I like the morning scene, with Joey and I.

Babygurl: I guess you're gonna have to wait and see ne?

Seto: [grumbles and nods head]

Babygurl and Trinity: [giggles] Great! I hope you guys enjoyed, pweese dun forget to review! Nuff luv!