This was previously posted by me in AO3 but I deleted. English is not my native language so I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes.

I do not own any characters of Shingeki no kyojin.

Sigrid knows that her best chance of surviving is to get a place in the survey corps. She has been homeless for a few months and she has been forced to steal food. She had discovered she was good at this and also she could fight when it was necessary. She had acquired particular skills that were useful but this was not the life that she wanted. Not many people would consider joining the survey cops after having an encounter with a titan, but for her this was the only chance. Stealing was disgraceful, justifiable in times like this but it didn't mean that it was alright.

Luckily for her, they accepted everyone in the survey corps. They always needed new recruits because the titans were always reducing the crew. She made it but not to the top ten. She didn't care though, there would be plenty of time to polish her skills. She was going to do whatever it was in her hands to survive.

One of the few things she liked about being in the squad was the loyalty and friendship. She had made very good friends with Jean, Connie and Sasha, the latter embarrassing her most of the times though, but they were good, they were great in fact.

"Aren't you excited?" asked one girl to another.

This seemed ridiculous to Sigrid. How could anyone be happy to explore outside and be potential food for a titan?. But then again, these women had not seen what she had a titan face to face with its mouth filled with the blood of a friend. They were going to some barracks to the south to await from orders for their first expedition. A knot in Sigrid's stomach started to form.

"Are you okay?" Connie asked her.

"Is anyone? The only ones happy to go are those idiots over there."

Of course, they were not going there by their own devices, they were being escorted by experienced members of the survey corps but still this didn't mean that it was completely safe. Not to mention this part of the military was the one with the highest death rate.

Fortunately, no incidences were reported. It was a bit suspicious that no titans were in the surroundings. Every member of the teams was with their nerves on edge, the silence was terrifying.

The squad arrived safely to the barracks, an abandoned cottage very far from the walls to Sigrid's liking. But still her heart felt a bit lighter.

"Hey, why are those giggling like idiots?" She asked

"Captain Levi, I guess?" Said Connie

"What's so great about that guy anyway?"

"You know, nothing great. He's just like the best man killing titans. The best of the survey corps an elite soldier you could say."

"Yeah but take that away and what is he? Just an arrogant prick."

Of course, Sigrid had heard of captain Levi, everyone had. Even before the attacks the man was a legend. But to her, there was something fishy about him. She had seen him being rude to his comrades, most of the opinions she had heard about him were about him being an arrogant, rude asshole.

The training got even harder than it was on the recruit squad. Now that they were part of the survey corps life wasn't simpler. She had managed to improve her tactics and her strategies in combat but she wasn't good enough. She wanted to be like Mikasa or squad leader Mike she wanted to be bold and fast.

She had fought well lately but she was too anxious, too eager to prove herself and therefore she had been scolded too many times by captain Levi himself.

"You idiot! Are you so eager to die? Well I don't give a shit but don't put at risk the life of your comrades!" He had yelled at her.

The nerve of that bastard.

"You know Sig? Captain Levi hasn't take his eyes out of you since that day you almost get eaten by that titan. He probably thinks that you're going to fuck up again haha." Connie mocked her.

"Shut the hell up Connie, he's just jealous cus' I'm getting better than him"

"That's never going to happen. No one will be as good as he is, not even Mikasa. Besides, you should be grateful he arrived there before you were reduced to shit"

It was true tough. Sigrid had been aware of the captain's eyes on her. Always those bored eyes. What did he want? She was going to get better and she was going to overcome him. Soon that jerk wouldn't stare down at her.