Chapter 21: Old Reunions

1 Week Later…

A lone ship flies through space at many times the speed of light approaching a dark looking planet with no suns.

It takes maybe a few seconds for the ship to break the atmosphere and crash right into the ground. Luckily however something caught the ship leaving the planet surface damage free.

A few people step over to see who could it be. After all they were expecting someone but when the door opened their eyes widened at the sight of them.

"Vegeta!" One of the aliens let out a yell of surprise while rushing over to the injured Saiyan. It was a miracle he could even stand up from what sort of shape he's currently in; broken limbs, fractured ribs, blinded eye and the inside of the ship being completely covered in a crimson red.

While he was barely standing Vegeta could barely open his working eye. The amount of damage done to his pride was immeasurable and once he recovers he'll make sure to pay Bardock back for what he's done to him.

"I thought you said the trips would only last a couple of hours!" Bulma shouted and grabbing the attention of some weird looking aliens walking past her. She was right, it's already been a day since they've arrived on Frieza Planet #21. The ship measured the distance wrong and they managed to get here a day later and they've also managed to be stuck here for an entire day searching for someone.

"Yeah well it's not my fault they have changed their hideout" Raditz responded. So far he hasn't told either Bulma or Gohan who they're supposed to find but he keeps telling them that it is 'really important'.

"But if it's so important then wouldn't you finally tell us who we're looking for?" Bulma pried. She's been trying to get more information out of Raditz yet he refuses to budge.

"We're not getting anywhere like this…" Raditz mumbled. Frieza Planet #21 was a Planet with a huge population, yet the amount of men from Frieza's army was absolutely tiny. Since nothing else has worked he might as well do this the easy. "You two find a place to get some food at. Flare your Ki in 15 minutes and if I'm not back then someone else will" With that Raditz flew up into the sky leaving Gohan and Bulma by themselves.

"Oh no you're not, get back here!" Bulma jumped up into the sky and managed to keep herself still. She was still learning how to use Ki and fly but she can manage to stay afloat for maybe a minute. By now Gohan had also flown up to see what Raditz would have to say.

"Fine, I'm going to the biggest army base on this planet and destroying it. Luckily there's only one base on the whole Planet so if I wiped it out then nobody should come after you. I'm doing this to get somebody's attention, and once Gohan flares his Ki the person I'm looking for will come and meet you" Raditz gave a full explanation and before anyone could question him he broke a few sounds barriers and flew away from them.

Bulma sighed, "Guess we'll go find a place to grab some lunch at" She slowly tried to descend but instead fell straight down and needed to be caught by Gohan so she doesn't get hurt. So far this expedition to Namek has been wonderful…

"Oh what's this, that you Raditz?" A strange alien with a long head approached Raditz as he landed down at the entrance of the base.

"Who are you again?" Raditz answered but didn't stop to speak any further.

"You trying to ignore me? Have you forgotten where you stand in power rankings? Don't think disappearing for over a year will have made you stronger than me" The alien caught up to Raditz and stopped right in front of him which also caused Raditz to stop walking.

"I don't know you" Raditz attempted to continue walking but the alien put their hand on Raditz' chest and stopped him once again.

"Fine, seems like I'll have to put you in your place" The alien raised their other hand to Raditz' face and pointed a hand blaster at his face. It only took a few seconds to charge up and when it fired the alien broke out into a fit of laughter.

"I told you, I don't know who you are" The alien immediately stopped laughing as Raditz grabbed the attacker's arm. Using his free arm Raditz opened his palm in front of the alien's face and unleashed a huge wave of energy which completely blew their head off.

Raditz decided to hold onto the alien's arm and once he entered the base he threw the body towards the middle of the room shocking everyone who was present. Before they could retaliate however Raditz moved at sound breaking speeds and killed everyone in one hit.

He quickly finished emptying the first floor, and the rest didn't take much longer before he finally reached the top floor where the commander-in-charge of this Planet was staying.

By the time he kicked the door down along with killing the two men guarding the room Raditz was covered in red, green, purple and other colors of blood from the many different soldiers he just destroyed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing Raditz!" The commander shouted. She stayed seated however and didn't budge. From her point of view the 12 men currently protecting her could defeat Raditz but from the way he just took out an entire army base made her reconsider her thoughts.

"Killing you, what else does it look like?" Raditz grinned as he wiped some blood from his eyes. The sight caused all the men in the room to back away from how terrifying the sight was.

"I don't know how you've done it, but a year ago you were the most pathetically weak soldier I have ever had to meet" The commander spat.

"Really? What's my power level right now?" Raditz walked further into the room until he was in the middle of all 12 men plus the woman in charge.

"2,000" One of the soldiers spoke.

Raditz chuckled, "How about now? Haaa…" Raditz slouched forward and began charging his Ki. The numbers on the scouters began to rise at a rapid pace until they violently exploded.

"What was the last number that you saw?" The commander panicked. She has never seen a scouter break from overloading before and she never expected it to happen when reading Raditz of all people.

"22,000!" One of the men yelled.

"That's it? I swear I can go higher!" Raditz laughed as he continued to charge more and more energy until the walls around him began to crumble. Raditz released one final yell and with it a huge dome of energy came out of him and blew up the entire floor and everyone in it, leaving only Raditz alive.

"I'm glad we finally found a decent place to eat at" Gohan slurped his food up at an incredible pace. He was right though, it took them over 10 minutes to find a place which could speak in the same language as them. After all, they nearly forgot they weren't even on Earth anymore.

Bulma couldn't agree any more, she was happy she could eat something else aside from noodles and snacks but the only thing she recognised here was in fact more noodles. At least they served them with multiple toppings so she couldn't complain.

They've only been eating for a couple of minutes but already they could hear screams from outside the building that they were in. They guessed it was Raditz but after hearing the loud explosions and the tremors they realised that nearly 15 minutes had passed up.

Once the noise had stopped Gohan quickly charged some Ki and flared it before he let it disperse. Not even 2 minutes later Raditz had walked through the door with a multi colored towel which he was using to wipe his face. Bulma and Gohan didn't react to what might have been covering Raditz however everyone else in the building screamed at the sight of him.

"What did you do?" Bulma finished chewing her food before asking Raditz what happened.

"Nothing, just liberated this Planet" Raditz wiped the last of the blood from his face and sat down in one of two empty seats that were at the table.

Both Gohan's and Bulma's jaws dropped.

"What did you think I did when I said I'm going to destroy the only army base on this Planet?" Raditz picked up some food and devoured it instantly.

Not too long before he started eating a new person came in through the door. It was a human looking woman with long green hair and light blue skin. She scanned the room before smiling and sitting down in the empty seat next to Raditz.

"Never expected to see you again Raditz, not with that sort of grand entrance" The woman spoke. She crossed her legs and looked at Bulma and then Gohan and gave the two a smile.

"Whatever, it took way too long to find you but we're not staying long" Raditz took a piece of meat and finished it in three bites, then went for some more food.

"Umm, who are you?" Gohan hesitantly asked. She was someone who felt weaker than him but something about her aura made him uneasy to speak.

"I'm-" The woman was cut off by a bone being thrown at her head by Raditz.

"Don't bother introducing yourselves. All you need to know is that in roughly a month Frieza will be dead. I hope you won't mind if we kill your prince while we're at it" Raditz spoke with his mouth full.

The woman had a slightly shocked expression on her face which relaxed and turned into a smile once again.

"I don't care about what happens to Zarbon but what do you mean, you plan on killing him by yourself?" The woman held a hand up to her face and laughed.

"Who's Zarbon?" Bulma asked but was ignored by the two.

"Not just me but my brother Kakarot, Bardock, Turles and Vegeta all plan on taking him on. We also have a few others that are dead but once they're revived they'll be able to help" Raditz quickly summarised his plan.

"Wait Bardock? Turles? Vegeta!? Dead people?" The woman could not contain herself this time. Her voice became more and more excited with each sentence she said.

"Long story. Just pass the message onto other Planets as well. Once Frieza is dealt with his army should disband and the people living on his Planets can rebel" Raditz finally described his plan not only to the woman but also to Bulma and Gohan as well.

"It's good that you have many people backing you up but even with that I doubt you'll be able to defeat Frieza unless you have a secret plan" The woman composed herself once again and crossed her arms.

Raditz however stopped eating and grinned, "Oh but I do. Remember the legend of the Super Saiyan?" The woman narrowed her eyes and Gohan and Bulma also gave Raditz weird looks.

"Super Saiyan?" The three said in unison.

"Bardock once told me that he keeps getting these visions of the future or something" The three around the table gave Raditz sceptical looks, "Yeah I know but trust me on this. He told me how we'll be facing Frieza off on Namek and how we won't be strong enough until somebody turns Super Saiyan"

"And that will be enough to beat Frieza?" The woman seemed interested but still didn't fully believe what Raditz was saying.

"The funny part is that there won't be just one Super Saiyan, but two" Raditz held both his fingers up and quickly stole Bulma's noodles and rapidly sucked them up.

"Who?" Gohan was excited. He was told of 'the legendary Super Saiyan' before but he never thought he'd actually get to not only see one but two of them.

"Guess we'll find out"

"Are you sure you should be doing this?" Turles asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine, ready Kakarot?" Bardock looked up.

"Ready!" Goku nodded his head.

Once Bardock got the go ahead he began moving up and down with Kakarot holding his feet. Not moving for so long has caused him to get bored but with his body already feeling fine he might as well start doing some sit ups to get his body back into shape.

"Idiots…" Chi Chi was sat across the three while peeling some apples. She really has nothing better to do other than spend her time at the hospital since her son is god knows where in space and her husband also spends his days here. Launch was here too and was also peeling some apples but she has no idea what she's doing here.

"Mr. Bardock, stop!" A nurse quickly ran into the room after walking past and hearing a bunch of noise. She tried to push Goku aside but Goku wouldn't budge, though Bardock did stop to see what was happening.

"What, no, I'm fine" Bardock got up and to show just how fine he was he used his free hand and performed a one handed handstand which freaked the nurse out enough for one of the doctors to come rushing into the room.

"Mr. Bardock get down this instance!" The doctor ordered.

Bardock sighed but he didn't want to make an even bigger scene so from his position he leapt up and landed back into his bed. Since his recovery has been coming along well he's been moved from the huge capsule he was in previously to a bed which was much more comfortable than the recovery machine.

The doctor was about to speak up however before he could Bardock put his hand up to stop him, "I get it, I won't do it again so you don't need to come in and lecture me again" The doctor narrowed his eyes but complied and lead the nurse out of the room and closed the door behind them.

"I wonder how far Raditz and the rest have made it" Goku got up off the floor and sat down next to Chi Chi. He grabbed one of the peeled apples and bit into it but the one bite was enough to take a third out of it.

"Raditz did say he was making some stops. I know that they still make it to Namek on time but I don't know what they're doing for that time" Bardock explained.

"Is that your weird vision power?" Turles asked while glancing over to Launch and then using his eyes to signal towards the cut up apple slices.

"Yeah, guess I still haven't explained that to you guys fully yet, though it's not like I even know how to use it in the first place" Raditz got back up from his bed and got down onto the floor and began doing one handed push ups.

"You get visions?" Goku hadn't even heard of this before, but he was only half paying attention as he also got down and began doing push ups as well.

"Yeah, I keep seeing small chunks of the future at random times, but recently I've been getting them more and more" Bardock continued doing more press ups.

"Oh? So what have you recently been seeing?" Turles bit down on an apple slice which Launch carefully placed into his mouth.

"Things from Namek, parts from even further into the future, and some parts which don't even make sense" Bardock lay down on the ground to get some rest before starting another rep of push ups.

"Anything specific?" Chi Chi spoke up. Even she was interested in what Bardock could see.

"Super Saiyans" Bardock answered. The term didn't mean much to Chi Chi but she could see the shocked expression on Turles' face.

"Super Saiyans? With an 's' on the end of that?" Turles grinned from excitement.

"Yeah, there will be two on Namek, but that only causes more problems" Bardock finished his rep and turned his body to begin doing sit ups now.

"Whaddya' mean more problems?" Goku copied Bardock and also began doing sit ups, though for him this exercise wasn't even causing him to break a sweat.

"I saw something else; Namek covered in fire, and among that was Frieza, but he wasn't alone" Bardock got up and lay back down in his bed whilst drenched in sweat.

"Who else was there?" Launch asked as she reached back for more apple slices to give to Turles.

"I don't know, but what else did I see... Kakarot gets a heart attack, Vegeta has a child, just some casual stuff" Bardock got comfortable in his bed and reached over into the bowl of fruit that was sat next to his bed.

"Goku what!? / Vegeta what!?" Chi Chi and Turles both shouted.

"I'll explain more when we get to that point" Bardock laughed.

2 Weeks Later...

"How many Frieza Planets have we been to so far?" Bulma let a sigh of exhaustion out as she got back onto Kami's ship. So far they have visited a handful of places to warn resistance leaders and such about how Frieza will soon be defeated. She liked to observe the places they went to sure but the shortest trips tend to be her favorite.

Gohan on the other hand was enjoying the planet hopping trips that they keep doing. Not only is it helping with the homework his mother set him but it's really interesting to see the many different types of aliens and societies there are in the universe. Unfortunately some trips don't last too long as Uncle Raditz either finishes his business quickly or he just destroys every army base a planet has and then leaves straight away.

"We only have a few more places we need to stop at. Plus as much as you complain you'd be dead from boredom spending a whole month in that ship" Raditz made a fair point as he sat down and strapped himself into his seat.

"Yeah but I haven't done any training doing this" Gohan hopped up into his seat and also strapped himself in. Even though he was having a lot of fun this won't help him when they land on Namek.

"A kid your age shouldn't be diving head first into life or death situations. Goku might have managed but I wouldn't recommend doing the same as him" Bulma was the last one to sit in her seat and raise an even better point than Gohan.

"But I don't want to sit around and do nothing! I want to help Uncle Raditz and everyone when we get to Namek" Gohan argued.

"Alright, how about you follow Raditz next time he goes off to destroy another military base" Bulma spoke as she read a bunch of coordinates off a piece of paper and typed them into the launch pad.

Gohan looked at Raditz who gave him a shrug. Then he remembered how each time he came back to them he was covered in blood and gore so maybe Bulma raised a fair point.

"A-actually, on second thought I think I'll just meditate" Gohan lost all enthusiasm he had before and thought twice about what he was going to sign up for.

With that the ship shot straight up into the sky towards a new Frieza Planet. After a few seconds of the ship stabilizing itself it was safe to leave the seats and stand back up.

"Raditz, I've been wondering something for a while now" Bulma got up from her seat and looked at the Saiyan.

"What?" Raditz answered with a bored expression on his face.

"When you first landed on Earth you were always spouting how great Frieza was, now you're going around and liberating his planets. What changed?" Bulma asked. Gohan also looked at the two and was interested in what sort of answer Bulma will get.

"...I stopped being afraid" Raditz barely made his answer audible. Before Bulma could say anything else Raditz stormed off into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Bulma and Gohan both looked at each other in amazement that Raditz was even willing to give such an answer but both just smiled and went to go find something to occupy themselves with.

8 Days Later…

"I don't know what happened to you on Earth but if you weren't wearing this armor you'd be dead. Are you sure you should even be heading off so early? You aren't even at one hundred percent so I would advise for you to stay" The alien doctor stated.

Currently Vegeta was putting his clothes and armor back on. No matter how much the doctor pestered him Vegeta continued to get dressed without saying a single word.

"Who could have done this sort of damage to you?" The doctor asked as he inspected Vegeta's cracked armor. This caused Vegeta to stop fixing his gloves and glare at his hands as he remembered the fight between him and Bardock.

As he finished getting dressed Vegeta began walking out the recovery room and down the hallway towards his attack pod.

"Wait, Vegeta you forgot your scouter!" The doctor yelled back.

Vegeta stopped in his tracks and just smirked. One of the positives of going to Earth was that now he could sense energy without needing a scouter.

"I won't be needing that anymore" Vegeta continued walking down the hallway but was quickly stopped by someone insignificant again.

"Hey, where do you think your going Vegeta" The alien sneered as he put his hand on Vegeta's shoulder.

"None of your business Cui" Vegeta frowen and tried to continue walking but was stopped in place by Cui's hand.

"But it is, after you let yourself be beaten by some low level monkey scum and allowing Nappa to die Frieza has been very upset with you" Cui grinned as he hurled his insults at Vegeta.

"Listen Cui, I don't give a shit what Frieza thinks and if you don't get your hand off my shoulder then I will obliterate you. Understand?" Vegeta looked over his shoulder as Cui slowly took his hand back and glared at Vegeta.

Vegeta smirked and began walking away again towards his pod.

"What do you plan on doing next?" Cui asked.

"I'm going off to Namek and I'm going to kill Frieza" Vegeta said, though in reality he first plans on wishing for immortality, then he'll kill Frieza. Cui doesn't need to know about the first part though.

"I don't think you understand Vegeta. Whatever kind of swelled up pride you have now won't help you beat Frieza. Give up already!" Cui shouted after Vegeta which stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Shut up!" Vegeta shouted back while running away towards his pod. Right now he didn't need to take any shit from Cui and just get to Namek already. Maybe later he'll come back and wipe Cui's condescending smirk right off his face.

As Vegeta continued running he ran into the doctor again who was holding his scouter. Vegeta thought for a moment and decided to stop for a second.

"On second thought I'll be taking this!" Vegeta swiped the scouter out of the doctor's hand, put in on his ear, jumped into his pod and flew off right as Cui was about to reach the space pod.

When he gets to Namek he'll make sure to pay Bardock back for the humiliation he caused him even if he helps him kill Frieza.

5 Days Later…

"Are we there yet?" Yamcha panted. It's been so long since they've taken a break to stop and get some energy back as they've been flying most of the way to King Kai's.

"I think so, look! The Snake Way ends right there!" Chiaotzu yelled while pointing forwards. Him and Yamcha have ended up running most of the way while Piccolo, Tien and surprisingly Krillin were still flying.

"Congrats guys you've finally made it" Krillin congratulated everyone. Yamcha and Chiaotzu both gave a cheer before collapsing onto the ground out of exhaustion.

"It's good that we finally made it to the end but where is King Kai?" Tien landed next to Yamcha and took in a big breath of oxygen.

"It's up here" Krillin pointed as he began flying upwards. Piccolo already caught on by the fact that King Kai's planet was above them so he was already pretty close to it.

Yamcha groaned but decided to get back up onto his feet and fly up into the air. Tien was already mid flight and Chiaotzu was the last one to fly after everyone.

Once they all got within a certain radius however they all immediately got pulled in and at high speeds crashed straight into King Kai's planet. Even Piccolo wasn't prepared for what happened but was the only one who managed to land on his feet.

It took a few minutes for everyone to get oriented however they could barely even stand upright from the ridiculous gravity this small planet had.

Only Piccolo and Tien managed to get up onto their feet and stand up without any problems. Yamcha and Chiaotzu were taking their time recovering however it wasn't long before the two were also back up and standing.

"Yeah, it took me some time to get the hang of the gravity here too" Krillin itched the back of his head and laughed nervously. Still, they got here much quicker than he or Goku did and they won't need too much time to adjust to the gravity so so far so good.

"Where's King Kai?" Tien asked. He looked around and all he saw was a small building with a car outside of it and a tree not too far away. The only other thing on the planet seemed to be a road which went all the way around which seemed pointless in his opinion.

"Ahem" Everyone turned towards the house where a small blue figure was making fake coughing noises to get everyone's attention.

"Uhh, King Kai?" Yamcha pointed at the man in the door frame.

"Correct! You're already doing better than Goku. He thought I was the monkey" King Kai laughed as a monkey suddenly jumped out of the house and stood in between him and the rest.

Piccolo looked at the two with an annoyed expression on his face, "Can you make us stronger or not?"

"That depends if you can pass my tests" King Kai held up three fingers at everyone. Nobody responded to him and allowed him to continue, "First you must catch Bubbles"

As soon as King Kai said this he pointed towards seemingly nowhere and as he did so he began shoo'ing the monkey who began running away in said direction.

"Does that mean we should go now?" Chiaotzu asked, who got a nod back from King Kai.

Everyone sort of looked at each other and decided to follow his instructions and began running off after the monkey. Each step that they took however only caused them to get slower and slower due to the gravity however Piccolo and Tien seemed to be much better off than Chiaotzu and Yamcha.

Not even a few minutes later both Tien and Piccolo came from the other side of the planet both holding one of Bubble's arms. Yamcha and Chiaotzu noticed this and slowly began walking back to where they started from.

"Huh, that took me a lot longer to do, heheh…" Krillin gave out another nervous laugh as the two brought Bubbles back.

"I'm not here to mess around, train me properly instead of messing around like this!" Piccolo demanded as he let go of Bubbles.

King Kai frowned at the disrespect Piccolo was showing, "I'm not messing around. Catching Bubbles would have built your stamina up but you seemingly didn't need to do any of that"

"You're right, so skip the tests and give me the real training" Piccolo continued to make his demands.

"I agree with him. Please give us harder training King Kai" Tien politely asked.

"No! I'll skip the second test but you must absolutely take the third test" King Kai stated.

Piccolo glared at King Kai but decided to just do the third test. It it's anything like the first test then he should be able to finish it quickly and-

"Make me laugh" Piccolo was instantly thrown through a loop.

"What?" The former Demon King slowly growled. How could someone as grand as the King Kai require you to make him laugh so that you can receive his training?

"You heard me, make me laugh. I refuse to train anyone without a good sense of humor!" King Kai grinned, though nobody else was happy at the moment.

"Are you mocking me? I refuse to train under you if you don't take this seriously and stop monkeying around!" Piccolo let out an outburst of anger. No matter how strong Goku got after training with him he couldn't care less anymore.

King Kai on the other began snickering and holding his sides. When the rest looked at him to try and see what was wrong King Kai burst out into laughter.

"You completely caught me with that one, 'monkeying around', HA!" King Kai continued to laugh while the rest kind of just looked at him while confused. "You pass!"

"Oh, well that was easy" Yamcha remarked.

"Not you though, the rest of you have to make me laugh as well" King Kai ordered.


"Are we all ready to go!?" Bardock yelled behind him. Right now he was climbing aboard the ship Bulma's father built them and he was impressed by the new technology that had advanced so much in the 20 year gap he skipped, even if it was Earthling and not Saiyan tech.

"I'm glad to be moving again, but do we really have to set off instantly?" Turles was the second person aboard the ship. He was slightly annoyed that the second his body recovers they instantly have to fly off towards Namek, but then again he doesn't really know much about Earth in the first place.

"This ship even has a mini fridge!?" Goku laughed. He was the last person to get on and instantly went straight to the fridge to see what kind of food he can find, but was quickly disappointed that all it contained was protein drinks.

"Right, let me explain what sort of mechanics this ship has" Mr. Briefs stepped into the ship. Bardock walked over to the professor to hear what he has to say while Turles and Goku both looked around the ship more.

"I noticed the healing chamber in the back. I'm happy you managed to get that in so quickly" Bardock seemed impressed and expressed his gratitude to Mr. Briefs.

"Nah, it was mere child's play. I also installed a gravity manipulator which can go up to 200 times Earth's gravity for your training" The professor took a drag from his cigarette and began walking back out, "I put a note on the control panel for all the commands on the ship, anyway good luck"

Bardock waved and closed the door to the ship and walked over to the control panel and took a glance at the piece of paper.

"You guys ready?" With that as the only warning Bardock punched a few commands into the keyboard and after a few moments the ship shot straight up into the sky.

"So this is Namek huh?" Bulma stepped out from Kami's ship and took a look around, but all she saw was a green sky and blue grass everywhere with blue trees here and there.

"It's so empty" Gohan also stepped out to take a look around.

"Yeah, Namekian's these days are nearly extinct. Only a few still exist and with what I can feel happening right now that might not last for long" Raditz walked out and looked towards his right. It wasn't long before Gohan also took notice of what was happening and could feel huge spikes of energy coming from that direction.

"Is that Frieza?" Gohan could feel nothing but evil coming from that direction.

"Yeah, for now we should avoid getting close to him for now, though we can still take out his henchmen Dodoria and Zarbon" Raditz grinned.

"Zarbon…? You mentioned that name before didn't you?" Bulma turned to Raditz and remembered the time they visited the first Frieza Planet and met a stunning looking woman.

"Yeah, Zarbon was a prince of his homeworld before it got taken over by Frieza, but he was strong enough to earn a spot in Frieza's army so he was spared. His home planet on the other hand wasn't so lucky" Raditz explained.

"Oh, well anyway we're lucky we didn't get shot down like Bardock warned us about. Let's go and see if we can find a place to set up a base for now" Bulma decided to switch the subject and pointed towards a cave right next to where they landed.

"Alright, what about you uncle Raditz?" Gohan took some bags from the ship and was about to head off after Bulma but stopped to take a glance back at Raditz.

"You go, right now there's something more important that's about to happen" Raditz looked up into the sky. Right on que an attack pod came into view and shot past the three in the distance and landed somewhere else on Namek.

"Who was that?" Bulma asked, though she knew it wasn't going to be a good sign when she saw the ship zoom by.

"Vegeta" Raditz grinned.

Everything was all over the place in this chapter however hopefully starting with the next chapter we'll be mainly focusing on Namek.

I'd like to thank Majinbuussj for the review. Currently I don't know who will go Super Saiyan as I feel like making Bardock the one is the obvious choice but now that there will be two it should make things interesting!

Thank you EgyLynx for the review and I'm sorry if you're not enjoying the story anymore. You are right in the fact that I shouldn't have labelled a the movies as 'filler' since everything in this fic is important for the story so from now on nothing is filler.

Thank you for the continued support super mystic gohan. I actually thought about not deviating too much from canon during the Namek saga but with so much happening I doubt the Namek saga will remain the same as it originally was.

Thanks x2leoj for your lengthy review. I hope you continued reading after that point and saw what happens. I tried to get an explanation in this chapter as to why Raditz was so loyal but I plan on this being a bigger plot point further on into the story.

Finally I thank Michael Egerton for your support. I hope you read this chapter and continue to look forward to future chapters!

Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who has read so far and continued to support Ancestor of Hope and I hope that you keep reading further!