Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters associated with Supernatural I just mess with them via fanfic :3

Previously on Charlie Winchester

Dean smiled to himself as Sam plugged in his headphones and played his music. They weren't the most functional family in the world but they were Dean's family and that was enough for him.

Sam was smiling happily while listening to his music and reminiscing. He remembered that whenever he was sick or injured (by hunting or bullies) Dean would put on Sam's favorite movies to cheer him up. He delighted in the prospect of having a little sibling, though she may not exactly be the littlest sibling, she still made Sam a big brother.

As day turned to night, both Sam and Charlie had fallen asleep, Dean parked the impala outside of the bunker and looked at his little siblings for a while. He thought about the times when they were littler and Dean used to carry Sam to bed after he fell asleep in the car. He sighed. He should have been able to look after Charlie and carry her to bed after she fell asleep in the car. He silently cursed his dad for never telling them about Charlie, though he was glad that she may have had a normal childhood but from the way she reacted to being kidnapped by him the likelihood of her having a normal childhood seemed small.

Another thing that seemed small was Charlie. She looked tiny in the back seat of the impala and quite cute. Dean smiled at how absolutely adorable she looked. Gently he woke Sam up, usually he's wake Sammy up by blasting a metallica song but he didn't want to wake Charlie up.

Sam woke up slowly and turned around to see if Charlie was still asleep. He smiled at how peaceful she looked and kind of cute like a tiny ginger puppy.

The brothers got out of the car quietly so as to refrain from disturbing Charlie. Carefully, Dean pulled her out of the car into his arms, he carried her into the bunker. As he was doing this, Sam collected her wheelchair and pills from the trunk.

Dean smiled happily as he put Charlie into her bed and softly kissed her forehead and left the room.

Sam smiled as he saw all of Charlie's stuff on the table, he assumed Castiel brought it in attempt to make amends with the long lost Winchester. He carefully sat at the table and stared at the stuff unaware of Dean's presence. A lot of her stuff was mostly collectables and various devices. The collectables were mint in box and the tech was extremely cool and attractive. She only had 1 box of clothes.

"Damn, the kid has got a lotta crap" declared Dean startling Sam who appeared to be hypnotised her possessions. Sam took notice of his brother at first but decided to remain silent and continue gawping in awe at the amazing things Charlie had managed to acquire "You find all of this junk impressive don't you?" sighed Dean as he realised that his brother had been rendered useless by their little sister's collection. "Dude you're such a nerd!"

"Yep!" uttered Sam with pride "Definitely!" The boys chuckled quietly until suddenly, a blood curdling scream made them fall into a shocked silence. They glanced at each other and simultaneously sprinted towards the source of the noise. Charlie's room.

They burst into her room. She was alone in the room. No attacker. However, she was shaking and breathing heavily while sobbing in her sleep.

Dean was frozen with fear while Sam strode to her bed and began shaking her gently yet firmly.

"Charlie! Wake up!" demanded Sam. Immediately her eyes sprung open.

"Guys?" she asked dazed with her voice thick with sleep, "What are you doing in here? What's wrong?" She stared at them and saw the terror in their eyes and the concern on their faces.

"Charlie, did you have a nightmare?" asked Dean hesitantly.

"Pfft No, how old do you think I am?!" snapped Charlie. Dean raised an eyebrow and Sam tilted his head.

"Charlie we heard you screaming. We thought you were hurt" said Sam softly.

"I'm sorry" she stuttered hanging her head in shame as her face went red.

"Hey, it's okay Charlie. Do you want to talk about it?" asked the tallest in the room

"Not really Sam, maybe later? I'm really tired" she mumbled not looking up.

"Fine but we are talking about this tomorrow kiddo" said Dean quietly

"Whatever, but no chick flick moments!" demanded Charlie, Sam sniggered quietly.

"Of course not kiddo" confirmed Dean. Sam was laughing so much at this point that he had to leave the room.

"Good, now get out I'm tired," said Charlie with a small smile.

"Night kiddo," Dan said as he left the room and shut the door silently.

Charlie sighed. She knew that she would have no choice but to tell her brothers about her nightmares and eventually about everything that she had been through. She had so many dark secrets and so many hidden horrors. She wasn't ready to tell them everything just yet so she'd have to lie for just a little while longer.

In her mind, all that she'd done and all that had happened to her had made her a monster. Something evil. Something diabolical. Something to be hunted.

She was way to terrified to tell them because she was certain that she would be forced to look into their eyes and see their love for her turn into pure hatred. She believed this because she hated. No. Despised herself. She despised what she had done. She despised all that had happened to her as she blamed herself for every last torturous second. However, most of all. She despised what she had become.

Realising that she would in no way be able to sleep tonight, she decided that since she was unable to do her usual nighttime distraction (reading), she would stare at the ceiling and ponder the meaning of life and death and why she was alive. Fun times.

Authors Note :-)

Hey readers, sorry for the short chapter and the stupidly long time it took to update. I've been going through some things recently and I've been really really low i'm hoping to fix this or manage it better at some point but it's going to take some time. Thanks for reading, please review and share this with the rest of the Supernatural family 3 I promise the next chapter will be longer and will be uploaded before Christmas! :3 It may even include a little Destiel ;-)