Pete reached out with his finger and wiped the strawberry jam off the corner of my mouth. He popped the finger into his own and smirked.

"Lil' messy there, love," he said in a low, gravely voice before he stood to his feet from the bed.

I watched as he put everything on the tray and pushed it outside our hotel room door.

"Come back to bed," I practically whimpered, longing to feel his body close to me.

All through breakfast, I had been trying to savor every moment. Reuniting and then immediately being physically ripped apart was far more painful than I had imagined it to be. I had a feeling I was going to log many SkyMiles in the coming months.

"Yeah?" he cocked his head to the side arrogantly and I shook my head, trying to suppress my smile.

Pete slid in beside me, shirtless in a pair of sweatpants. His arms had no choice but invite me in as I pushed as close to him as possible. I tangled the fingers of my right hand with his and sighed heavily against him.

"I'm gonna miss ya," he finally spoke after a few minutes of peaceful silence "I'm gonna start roomin' with Finn…Not quite the same as you."

I laughed against his chest and his free hand came up to stroke my hair.

I slowly intertwined my legs through his and he tightened them around me.

"That feels like a submission move," I tried to pull my leg free to no avail.

"I'm just tryin' to hold you 'ere," he replied "Don't wanna give you up so quick."

Suddenly, the alarm on Pete's phone went off and I recognized the ringtone. It was his workout reminder.

"If you need to go to the gym," I whispered "I can wait here. I know it's the time you usually…."

"Fuck tha gym," he groaned against the top of my head "It'll bloody be there tomorrow."

"But I won't be," I readjusted my head just underneath his chin.

"I wanna spend every day with you," he drew my hand to his lips.

"Damn dreams," I sulked and he laughed lightly.

"Fuck us for bein' so god damn good at what we do."

"You're amazing at what you do," I squeezed his hand tighter "I'm so proud of you."

"Which par'?" he pushed himself higher up in the bed "When I won that title or when I gave you the fuckin' that you deserved."

"Pete!" I squealed, letting go of his hand and slapping at his chest.

"I'm serious," he caught my gaze "When I made love to you the otha' night…I've neva done that before….Bein' like that, touchin' like that."

"I know," I whispered as I ran my hand across his face.

"I think I needed it as much as you," he admitted in a hushed voice.

He kissed the top of my head and slid out of my grasp until he was hovering over me.

"What?" I whispered, even though I knew the answer.

He lowered his body, until he was completely underneath the sheet. I wiggled in surprise as I felt his hands push my thighs apart and his teeth started those bites that I loved so much.

My moans got incredibly loud, really fast. Each bite, was like coming home.

Pete was home.

He had been home for a long time.

Despite the pain and the struggles and the doubts…One little encounter at a Progress event almost a year ago had changed my life forever. Good, bad or indifferent, depending on which part of our journey that you wanted to examine. My life would never not include Pete Dunne in some capacity. I hoped from here on out, things would only get stronger.

I was drawn back to my body as I felt his bites getting incredibly high.

The sheet and comforter rose as he arched his back and I felt his tongue snake across my clit.

"Oh my god, I missed this," I gasped, his mouth closing around me and his teeth tugging softly on it.

I could feel him smile against me, probably an arrogant one. I didn't care. He knew how damn good he was at this.

Pete's hands dug into my upper thighs, holding me down firmly as I bucked up against him.

His tongue darted down to lick my entire length before circling my clit again. I managed to grip the top of his head through the blankets and press him closer.

I whined in pleasure as he worked on me and when my release finally came, his hands held me down with force.

"Fucking shit," I panted, as I felt my body relax.

His lips kissed a trail up my pelvis, my abdomen, his head finally revealing itself again as he pressed a kiss to my lips with the sheet framing his euphoric face.

"You sure you got everythin'?" Pete tried to stall as we stood in the airport later that evening.

"Yes," I nodded, my heart already sinking "Everything but what I really want."

He shifted nervously, his hands in his pockets and his eyes not quite meeting mine.

"It's gonna work," he spoke to the ground "I promise you."

I pressed myself to him, wrapping my arms around his body. He relaxed slightly, his arms tightening around my waist.

"I'm not worried," I breathed against his neck.

"Don't be, love," he murmured back.

When we pulled apart, I took his face in my hands and forced a smile on my face.

"I'll see you in a few weeks?"

"Not soon enough," I saw his jaw clench in frustration.

"You'll be so busy with that title, you won't even miss me."

"Like hell I won't," his eyes jumped up to meet mine "If I haven't gotten used to missin' ya by now, then I neva' will."

I bit my lip, because I knew exactly what he meant. I wasn't sure which was worse. Being so close you could touch but your feelings prevented it or wanting to touch so desperately but location prevented it from happening. Both were torture.

"Don't go getting soft on me," I kidded, trying to lighten the mood.

"You're the only one who 'eva gets this side of me, who 'eva will…Stick close to Tyla' and Trent, will ya? I trust them to look after you."

I nodded. Despite his best efforts, I knew his jealousy and over protective behavior would never completely go away.

"You're gonna miss your flight, love," he looked up at the screen "Security and all that shit."

"Ok," I whispered, before his lips danced lightly over mine.

Pete grabbed the back of my head and pulled my mouth closer, moaning quietly.

"I have to go," I finally pulled away.

He nodded, holding my hand until I finally had to drop it as I headed to security clearance.

He watched me until I was out of sight.

I cried half of the plane ride home.

I really had to get control of my tear ducts. It was really starting to piss me off.

"Thank you," I greeted Regal the next morning.

After a very restless night, and two phone calls with Pete, I had gotten around four hours sleep.

"Did you have a good time?" he looked up from his desk, an interested smile on his face.

"Yes," I walked in and sat across from him "I really needed that time with him."

"And you'll be wanting more time, I assume?"

"If the schedule permits," I sighed, uncrossing my legs and opening a folder on top of my lap "Looks like we have a lot of work to do with Vince coming into town tomorrow."

NXT was finally able to finalize our deal with Marty Scurll. Not only that, but I had been pushing for a Briscoes contract. Jay and Mark, I believed, would fit well in the NXT brand. I still had some convincing to do but I was sure I would get there if I kept pushing. The brothers were interested. I had contacted them on my own before I left. Tomorrow would be my first chance to take a crack at Vince.

"Such as your little conversations over at Ring of Honor?" Regal practically looked at me with a scolding expression.

"I told you," I sat up straighter "The Briscoes are amazing. I don't care if Vince doesn't like their look…We have a lot of great talent here who aren't your typical superstar type. They are well decorated both here and in Japan, they are talented, they're hungry…"

"They aren't on our list," Regal held up his hand.

"Who are we? Jericho?" I shook my head "If you would just give them a chance."

"I've seen what they can do. Yes, they are very talented but the McMahons feel they don't fit with their brand."

"Oh, yeah?" I leaned closer "What do you think?"

"That we'd be damn lucky to have them," Regal stood up "But the decision is not up to me."

"Or me either," I groaned.

"We need to discuss Scurll," Regal reached for the coffee I brought him and started pacing around the room.

"Does he have an idea of what he wants to do?"

I flipped to an empty page in my folder and grabbed a pen from his desk.

"He wants Alleister Black," Regal took a large sip.

"And…you don't like that idea?"

"I'm not sure, but he isn't in the position to be making demands."

"I think we should give his ideas some consideration. I mean, he is one of the biggest talents we've acquired lately."

"Perhaps," Regal set his coffee down and folded his arms "I have a creative meeting with him this afternoon. I expect you to attend."

"Of course," I nodded, as I began jotting down possible ideas for The Villain himself.

After I wrapped up with Regal for the morning, I went into the gym in search of Tyler or Trent.

I found them both near the weights. Trent was spotting Tyler.

"Look who it is," Trent smirked when he saw me "Back for your lil rendezvous with your champion?"

I rolled my eyes but his smile met mine and I couldn't stay annoyed.

"So, you two back togetha' for good?" Tyler sat up on the bench and stared at me.

"For good," I nodded, pushing him over so I could sit beside him.

"Finally," Tyler draped his arm over my shoulders "I was gettin' so tired of bein' in the middle when the two of us knew all along that you two belonged togetha'."

"Bloody children, the lot of you," Trent laughed.

"That's why I'm here," I bit down on my lip "I wanted to thank you guys. You didn't have to give a damn about me. Pete's your best friend…But the fact that you cared enough to support me too. I really, really appreciate it."

"Not that we wouldn't have anyway," Trent put down the weight he had been curling "But Pete asked us to."

"Yeah, he said he didn't want ya to be alone 'ere so he made sure we checked on you," Tyler nodded "But we like havin' ya around."

"Honestly, you guys are the best friends I have," I shrugged.

"We've got you," Trent smiled, as I stood to my feet.

He kissed me quickly on the cheek, in that brotherly way that only he could.

"Now, go do your boss lady work," Tyler kidded me "We've got weights and shit to worry about, probably."

I rolled my eyes with a giggle and I left them to it.

That night, I couldn't sleep again.

Our meeting with Scurll had went fairly well. He was still insisting that he have a feud with Black but Hunter wasn't so sure. It was all still up in the air on how he would debut.

I was putting together a presentation of my own. I intended to make my Briscoe idea as appealing as possible and take it to Vince. He was impressed with the work I had done so far and I figured it was worth a try. I had decided not to let Hunter or Regal know. They would try to talk me out of it.

I had just turned over for the third time since I got in bed ten minutes before, when my phone rang. When I saw Pete's name on the screen, I felt a wave of relaxation wash over me.

"Hey, you," I answered, sliding up in the bed.

"Hi, love," his voice was deep and dirty sounding.

I could tell this wasn't going to be an ordinary late night phone call.

"What are you doin?" he breathed into the phone.

"I'm in bed," I started shifting nervously.

"Are you, now?" he groaned.

"Pete," I sighed "What are you doing?"

"I miss you" he continued to growl into the phone "So fuckin' much. My dick's stayin' hard all damn day cause I'm thinkin' 'bout you."

"Must be difficult to wrestle that way," I teased him.

"Don't play games with me," he replied in a stern voice "I need some fuckin' relief."

I propped the phone by my ear and slid my hand down my stomach to the top of my panties. I had some pent up frustration myself and we had only been apart one day.

"Where's Finn?" I whispered, as my fingers teased the band of my underwear.

"Out," Pete sighed "Won't be back until late. He just left….What are you doin' right now?"

I dipped my fingers into my panties and grazed them across me.

"You touchin' ya self?" he grunted.

"Mhm," I bit on my lip, as I imagined him there with me "You left bruises all over my legs."

"Do you like 'em?"


"You always liked when I claimed you for ma own," he gasped.

I could tell he was already touching himself, his breathing increasing.

"You always claim me."

"Tell me how."

"Every time you touch me, your tongue licks my pussy, your fingers grip my thighs…Every time you cum inside of me."

"Your pussy feels so good aroun' ma dick," he growled "Only one that eva fit right."

"Mmm," I started circling my clit with my fingers "Is that where you wish you were right now?"

"Buried up inside that pussy? Feelin' how wet ya are for me?" he started panting harder.

"Mhm," I moaned, as the throbbing underneath my fingers intensified.

"Are ya panties all soaked for me, love? Is your pussy all ready for me?"

I ran my free hand up to slide the straps of my gown down and rolled one of my nipples between my fingers.

"Yes," I started to pant harder "Fuck, it's so ready for you."

"How do you want me to fuck you?"

"On my knees," I whispered in a shaky voice "Your fingers on my hips, fucking me so hard that I can't breathe."

"Do I do that to ya?"

"Yes," I whimpered "All the time."

"If I was there, could I spank your perfect lil arse?" he grunted and I knew he was close.

"Yes, baby," I sped up my fingers "As hard as you want."

"Have you been bad, love?"

"I'll always be bad for you," I felt myself start to pulsate "Oh fuck, Pete…I'm gonna cum."

"Yeah? So am I. Cum for me. When I get my hands on you again…."

I could hear him groan and the sound of the phone hitting the floor. I rode out my own orgasm and then heard him pick up the phone again.

"Shit," I laughed.

"Fuck, thank you," Pete gasped into the phone.

He sounded like he had just run a marathon.

"Thank you," I whispered "You can call me any time for that."

"Even at work?"

"That's why I have an office with a lock."

"Don't tempt me," he growled.

"I think it would be hot if you did."

"Yeah?…Then maybe I will."

"Just not tomorrow."

"Why?" his voice sounded suspicious.

"I have a meeting. Vince is coming to Full Sail and I arranged to talk to him about some talent I want to hire."

"Look at ma girl," he laughed in a devious voice "Takin' care of business."

"Speaking of, I watched Raw. You were taking care of some serious business in that ring against Sami."

"Pent up frustration….You sleepy, love?"

"I am now," I giggled.

"Same time tomorrow night? You can tell me about your meetin' and then I'll tell you what I dream tonight about doin' to you."

"I like the sound of that."