Hello. Yes it is not Friday but my internet didn't help me upload the chapter.
Anyway, let's see what happen?

Smokes appeared. Screams were heard as well as gasps. Yet no one moved. Everyone wanted to see what happened, what was going on. As well as Celty. She had caught herself moving towards were their duo was standing yet her walking stopped. The only thing she could do was to watch the smokes disappear and then...

She should have stopped that wall from falling on Izaya and Shizuo. Yet she didn't. Why? Because...

She was afraid. She had seen something... something...

Finally, the smokes disappeared and everyone around the wall turned their glances there. Only to find...


The duo wasn't there! There was no blood! So finally, Celty used her shadows and lightly lifted the wall up. And under it was... Noone! There was no one under the wall. They weren't crushed!

What?! How!

"How?" What?" Where are they?" so many questions from everyone yet no one tried to answer it.

Until Kadota.

"They pushed each other!" He half-yelled while his gang surrounded him and Celty finally moved the wall and put it down.

"What?" Kida had asked while also came towards him.

"Don't you remember? Izaya put his hand on Shizuo."

"And?" Kida asked again clearly confused.

"What? Izaya wouldn't just put his hand on Shizuo. He would do something. So it is obvious what he did." Kadota continued and Erika gasped.

"Dotachin theory stands as always. Izaya pushed Shizuo away from the wall. He knew and saw it that it would fall in any minute so he must have pushed him away."

"You are right. Shizuo also did it! They pushed each other and avoided the wall. And while the smokes surrounded them they left!" Walker continued.

[All of this stands. But where they went and how we didn't see any of them?] Celty asked.

Yet no one answered. That was a mystery. And no one would solve it. Celty looked around her. The crowd that had formed around the fight was getting smaller. Celty looked once again at the wall that she had pushed aside and walked towards where that wall was previous standing. She looked around it. Trying to find anything. That knife that Izaya used. Or that something she saw.

Yet nothing was presented. Not a knife or that something. She looked once again at the place where the duo was standing. Perhaps?

She walked there and tried to find that knife. Yet she didn't see anything. Nor her shadows feel it. Did Izaya take it with him? When?

And why?

Celty was clearly confused. Of all the things that had happened today. From the fight with Shizuo and the yellow worn people, that blob, and all that fight with the duo. She was also tired. She just wanted to go home. And with that in mind, she decided to do it. After some goodbyes and talks, everyone left. But Celty stayed there for a while.

Scooter had come near her and feeling the tension tried to soothe Celty. Despite everything, Celty smiled and petted her horse. It was a long day. When she wished for something to happen she didn't mean for everything to happen in one day. Celty looked at the moon. All those things happened in one day. Maybe all this boredom and peach she felt wasn't that bad. Yet she needed something to escape from it.

She felt so many emotions. Confused on why Shizuo fought the Scarves and vice versa, scared on that blob of darkness, confused at first on Izaya and then...afraid. But what definition of afraid?

She stood up again to try once again find that damn knife. That thing would clear her view.

She needed to see that something.

[Celty,〣( ºΔº )〣! Are you ok my angel!? I heard that something happened and I remembered that you were with Shizuo! Yet after all these messages and calls you don't answer! (-_-) Celty, where are you!?] Celty looked at her PDA and found the last message she got.

51 messages and 13 calls! All from Shinra! She would hit him! All this would cost a fortune. Yet...she got it why he is nervous. She would also be.

[I am ok. Just...it is over.]

[CELTY (ノ´з`)ノFinally, my wife. I was getting worried, sick even. I was so scared that something happened to you. Yet I couldn't do anything from my angel to help her...what husband I am... ]

[Shinra, stop!]

[Ah! o(TヘTo) I am sorry, my love. I will stop. Just...come back home. I think it is better for you to relax...in your husbands' hands and let all your...]

Celty silenced the phone for a while. She would definitely hit him when she saw him. Yet she felt relieved and happy, even relaxed. She felt that she was smiling. Shinra after all this, he was...he was her...life. He was after all the reason why she returned back to normal and didn't kill the Scarves back there. He was the one that saved her.

Scooter yelled at her via telepathy making Celty jolted. She looked at it and Scooter showed its shadows. Celty followed them.

[...You know and after that...maybe...maybe I will propose to you! What do you think?]

[...sounds good!] Celty typed back at Shinra's long message smiling and waited for the reaction.

[...yes, I know...you would not...WAIT, WHAT! CELTY, AH MY ANGEL, YOU SHOWED YOUR KINDNESS AT ME. MY LUCKY DAY!...stop I am the one that flirts! My job!]

[And my job isn't to take your breath away as you have said?]

[CELTY OMG. I CAN DIE HAPPILY NOW. YES! You can do anything you want.]

...just for today... let's give him what he deserves.

[Even...your wife?]

Celty typed back at Shinra and waited for Shinra's answer. Without her knowing she had stopped walking and finally looked up from her PDA. The shadows were around the wall that Celty had pushed away. But not on it. But under it. Celty faceplanted herself. Of course. She had pushed the wall back and didn't look under it. She yet again lifted it and under it, she found what she was looking for. Izaya's knife.

She looked around and found a piece of clothing and covered it. It was ok as she saw but something was off. The knife's blade was hidden so she didn't see it. She would try to open it but...she wouldn't touch it. Not if her intuition was correct. She warped it extra carefully and took it. She tried to think something else...Shinra!

While Celty walked back at Scooter she looked at her PDA.

[...I said whatever you want, not what you already are! But if you want, we can make it official!]

He dodged it perfectly and answered it like Celty knew he would. While she typed back and was ready to return home, Shinra forestalled her.

[I feel that you are afraid Celty. Something happened. Something serious.]


[No. You don't need to tell me via messages. Come here and talk to me, ok? I am here for you after all. I will be here. See you my Celty!]

Celty was sure that if she wasn't in love with Shinra, she would definitely be now.


Shinra hugged Celty after she had said (typed) what had happened this day. And to think that all those things happened today. It was crazy. Even crazier than his angel was the one that experienced everything. Shizuo fighting and after that all this shit with Izaya.

Celty wasn't complaining. After all this day she needed to relax and even though Shinra wasn't exactly the best choice to do it so, she was fine. After all...Shinra kinda saved her.

Shinra looked at Celty and her shadows. They were getting slower by the minute meaning that or Celty was getting asleep or was thinking. And knowing Celty, she was definitely thinking something. What though? This day was something else so he didn't have a clue on what exactly she put her thoughts on. After she had said everything, Shinra just let her stay close to him.

He admitted that he was kinda a pervert but today it wasn't the day for his shenanigans. Celty needed him and he was more happy to help her. And by just hugging her he was in heaven. He loved every minute of it.

His favorite part of the story was that he was the one that saved Celty. He was a savior to his dear wife. That made him so happy, so excited and yet even though he wanted to say (or do) some things, he read the atmosphere and kept quiet. Now it was a bonding time. Not that he complained.

But yes. This day was crazy. Why was Shizuo after these guys? Why did Izaya save the kids? And why did he act later like he wanted to kill?

Shinra knew Izaya. Izaya was kind of a dick but his heart would never let him (or handle) kill a human. Maybe hurt them so he can achieve something or gain or run like he had done so many times but...kill? No. That was not Izaya. Yet when Celty said that after all this he had talked to Shizuo, his words were normal. At least for him. Yet the pushing part was off.


He sighed. What was happening with his friends? He was curious yet not crazy to ask them. Still, his curiosity ate him. What could be the reason that the duo is acting weird?

Ding dong.

Ah, the bell. Yes, the bell. The bell! Not now. He had Celty in his arms. He would not leave her. He wished that whoever was at the door would leave but yet that damn sound keep going. Celty must now have noticed it because her shadows started to flow normally. She slowly lifted herself up from Shinra but Shinra continued hugging her.

"Whoever it is let them leave. Right now you are more important to me than money Celty~" He half said, half cried but a shard shadow pin hit him at the cheek pushing him back.

Then Celty hand was at his arms pushing it down away from her stomach. Her other arm was at her PDA.

[As much as that sounds lovely and I even like this, they are people at the door.]

"No! Celty! Not now that I had the chance to hug you!" He cried this time still now backing away from Celty's arm.

[If you continued this...you will sleep alone.]

"I will get the door!" Suddenly Shinra jumped from the sofa and straighten his suit and started walking towards the door.

Of course, that would work. He was so easy to read sometimes. Shinra went to the door and opened it letting a small gasp escape his mouth.

"Ah~ Anri-chan! Hello and come in." He said and while Anri did a small bow she went inside.

[Anri? Are you ok? Hello. Are you ok?] Celty awkwardly wrote at her PDA making Anri smile a little.

"Hello, Celty-san. And I am sorry for the intrusion...well I...remember my leg?" Anri whispered and Celty nodded looking at it.

[Did it open again? Are you ok?]

"Well, I guess it opened while I was walking home with my friends."

"It didn't only open but it grew in size by the pressure you gave on it." Shinra said by just looking at it. "Please sit on the couch and I will come with my stuff."

Shinra then went inside to get his bag while Celty helped Anri sit on the couch. Shinra came and lifted Anri's leg and put it at the table and went to work.

"It looks really deep. And by putting pressure the slash opened more and the blood is getting out from it even though they cauterize the wound. I will close it properly and give you medicine for the pain. And...sorry. From Izaya's perspective. He just wanted to hel..."

"He saved me." Anri interrupted Shinra making both him and Celty stop.

Anri continued.

"He saved me. If it wasn't that knife... I would be dead. He saved me. I don't need a sorry. I need to thank him. If I find him again. He...I... don't know what to say. He saved me and even that sound I heard, the hit in the head, he still walked. He still continued. That's why I want too. Normally I would let those things like scratches or things like that to heal on their own because I don't mind. But I want this slash healed. I..." She suddenly stopped after she had gained a momentum to speak.

The trio fell into silence. Anri didn't talk and wasn't willing to talk after that so Celty did what she could think of...

[Are your friends ok?]

...change the subject.

Anri caught that and lifted her head after she had let it down and looked at the PDA. She answered.

"They are ok. After everything that happened, they helped me go home even though my complaints. They helped me enter it and then they stayed for a while but after this exhausting day, we all agreed to relax. So they left and went home. But while I walked around I felt pain and well... I came here. Sorry again if..."

"Don't mention it." This time it was Shinra that interrupted Anri.

He lifted his head and smiled at her while he continued his work on the slash. That was weird, Celty thought. Shinra usually talked back at his clients when he was not in the mood. And well before Anri came inside he was in that mood. So why he was so polite to her. It wasn't like Anri didn't know them but still...something bothered him.

After yet again an awkward silence, Celty tapped something at her PDA.

[So how did it open? What did you do?]

But before Anri answered, Shinra almost deadly said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, a quiz! That's easy! You opened it yourself Anri!" He lightly(?) put the cotton on the open wound making Anri jolt. "Why?"

Anri stayed quiet. And then instead asked.

"How you know that?"

"Oh please, I am a doctor. And if I wasn't, Izaya is my friend meaning I know every and each one if Izaya's knives. That slash was yes caused by him but the opening parts don't have the same line as they should have naturally. They are opened by a knife. Or...Saika, perhaps? And how I know? If it happened as you said at your house then...blood would have come out and the slash would reopen more than this. When you walked in, I saw no blood and no pain when you walked or a specific walk to avoid the pain. You walked normally. This thing happened minutes ago."

After all this Shinra closed the slash and put a bandage over it. Then he stood up and looked down at Anri.

"So Anri-chan. What is the real reason you come here? And don't lie. I know what you came here for."

Anri looked at him and after a while, she whispered.

"I...yes I did this. I opened a window so I can come here...for...something I saw."

"Izaya, perhaps? He acted weird during the fight."

Anri stood up too quickly for Shinra's liking. His work would be for nothing.

"How you know?" She asked.

"Oh please. You and Celty have extra senses so of course you would 'sense' something weird. Or see..." Shinra stopped and smiled victoriously.

Both of the girls were shocked that Shinra had seen through them. What he said was indeed true. They saw and sensed something weird.

[Why did you open it? You could come here without that reason.] Celty showed her PDA to Anri.

Anri looked down and whispered.

"What would be more reasonable to do? Act as a patient or enter to talk about Izaya?" Anri asked and Celty nodded.

She was right. It was more reasonable to enter their house by being a patient rather than talk about Izaya. Still, she was upset about her injury.

[I understand your thinking but the next time don't injure yourself again. And now that this happened...how Saika let...or...rather how you let Saika slashed you?]

Anri finally looked at Celty's shadows.

"When something...something bothers us both we team up. Even meaning hurting myself to get information. Normally I would not let it control me or hurt me but...now this...this is important!"

"Now, what is it Anri-chan?" Shinra said and sat at the sofa near Celty while Anri sat at the opposite couch.

"I...I felt something. Something dangerous when I saw Izaya."

"Dah! He is Izay...ouch Celty!" Shinra rubbed his head after Celty had hit him.

[Please continue.]

"Well, I mean when I saw him first fight that slasher...Kishitani-sensei do you..."

"Yes, I know what happened. Celty told me, continued."

Anri nodded.

"Ok. When I saw Izaya first fight the slasher, his aura felt normal. That what I sensed. But when I saw him at the main road his aura was...was dark. Very dark."

"Dark?" Shinra asked.

"Yes. Normally, people's auras are in different colors. Not dark. And if they are...they...they are not that dark. I couldn't even see Izaya from all this dark aura he sent."

"I see. So you think something..." Shinra started but Celty showed her PDA between the duo.

[Did it return to normal?]

Anri gasped lightly, answering Celty's question. Celty was right. After all, she felt something too. And it was resent too. But she needed more information to back it up.

"Yes...it did. It was before Shizuo-san came!"

[Did...did you see anything?]

That caught Anri off guard. What did she mean?

"What do you mean?" She asked and Celty tapped again.

[I saw something that I think I know what it is.]

"So tell us Celty." Shinra encouraged her.

Celty stopped and then tapped furiously on her PDA. She told them when she was with Shizuo, what happened after that and the thing she was more interested in. The black blob that caught her. She left out her thoughts that stop her from killing (she didn't want Anri to know) but told them how she felt and when it disappeared.

"...Celty-san!" Anri shouted after this making Celty nervous.

[What...what is it?]

"Did that black blob have shadows around it that didn't leave so easily? I mean the shadows that it let out were like yours or were somewhat different?" Anri asked.

[Now that you mention it...no! It didn't have any shadows and its tempo was different when it moved and when it disappeared...]

"...it made an unhuman scream!" Anri said what Celty had also written in her PDA.

"...don't tell me? Anri-chan, did you also fell that blob too?" Shinra asked Anri and Anri nodded.

"I have. It had done what Celty-san said. It had polluted my brain and my thoughts...making me want to destroy or kill but after I make them disappear by thinking more positive ones...it left my body and died or disappeared by screaming. Like Celty's!"

[Did you fell it?]

"Yes like yours. It was deadly, I wanted to kill it and I felt death. Also, it was dark..." Anri stopped talking and then gasped loudly and looked at Celty.


[Yes! I think what you felt and saw was a blob!]

"So Izaya was also affected!?" Shinra asked.

[Think how he acted! He was trying to kill the slasher and yet you said he would not do such a thing. He wanted to kill the slasher because that blob was polluting his thoughts. And yet it left him before he did the killing] Celty tapped.

"And how did it leave Izaya-san? I didn't see it. I only felt the aura returning back." Anri asked

[I am not sure but... I saw it left the knife before Izaya pull it down at the slasher...]

"And that kills your deduction Celty, isn't it?" Shinra said making Anri confused.

"I don't understand..." Anri said confused.

"Well, Anri-chan, you said that that blob doesn't let out shadows, right?" When Anri nodded, Shinra continued. "Well, this time it did. That's what you saw Celty."

Celty nodded and all of them fell in silence. Celty was sure that what was inside Izaya and made him acted that way was the blob but what Shinra said was right. It emitted shadows. While Izaya was putting down the knife, Celty saw shadows getting away meaning that Izaya was finally able to broke away from thoses thoughts. But now she was in a dead end.

Anri was also in a dead end. All this time she saw Izaya's aura change. So if that blob was the reason she saw his aura changed, then everything would be explained. Yet now that little thing was what made them stop thinking it was that blob they both experienced. Now that Anri remembered the blob also did an unhuman screech when it died, yet she didn't hear anything like that.

But wait.

"Maybe...maybe Izaya wasn't affected by the blob but...the user of the blob..." Anri said making both Celty and Shinra look at her.

"What do you mean?" Shinra asked her.

"Celty-san, do you remember a scream?"

Celty nodded. [Yes...now that you mention it. I did. The slasher screamed...unhuman!]

"Yes, that's what I mean! The slasher was the user of the blobs. Remember! They had around them a layer of shadows that they controlled and had different tempo when moved. They screamed unhuman and then disappeared. They feat what a blob does. So it was the slasher that affected Izaya so much!"

Anri said and smiled finally having it figured out. It solved how Izaya was affected and who controlled the blob. But what it didn't solve was the change of Izaya's auras. Yes, they got dark but he acted as he did. Like himself. So it was the slasher work that Izaya auras changed at the fight but not its work when Izayas aura changed. But now that she had finally some answers she was sure that she would answer why Izaya's aura changed so much.

[And the shadows I saw?] Celty asked making Anri stop.

"Shadows? Oh yes, but where did you see them?" Anri asked embarrassed that she had forgotten that detail.

[I saw them getting out from the...KNIFE!] Celty tapped and suddenly a shadow line returned at her hand.

It disappeared and in its place, it was a cloth.

"Eh, Celty? What is this?" Shinra asked her and Celty let the cloth down at the table.

[This is Izaya's knife! The one that he battled with.]

"WHAT?" Shinra and Anri said and looked at it.

[Yes I found it but...seeing those shadows getting out of it made me close it with this cloth.]

Celty tapped in her PDA and opened the cloth showing the knife.

"Oh, it is closed? Let's open and see the blade." Shinra said and shadows stopped his hand before he touched it.

[SHINRA! What if it still has the shadows?]

"Then do both of you feel anything?" He asked and the girls looked at it.

After a while, both of them shook their head. They didn't feel anything.

"Then that's good enough for me!" He said and touched it.

Shadows escaped from Celty's neck and immediately tried to catch Shinra's hand. But it was too late.





Nothing happened. Celty looked at Shinra and hit him.

"Ouch, what is that for?" Shinra asked and saw the PDA.

[You crazy what if it had still the shadows!]

"Both of you said you didn't feel anything! But anyway look at this." He said and showed the knife.

"Yes...it Izaya-kun's knife. Why you don't opened it?" Anri asked and Shinra looked at her.

"It is open." He aswered.


"It is open."

[Where is the blade?]

"You tell me!" Shinra finally shouted.

The blade was gone. Meaning someone took it out of the knife. And the thing was that that blade was the thing that hit the slasher.

"Someone took it off!" Anri said.

"Probably the slasher. After all, you said that the blade hit them. So it was a weapon that hit them."

"Yet, after all the slashes only the last one was the one that hit the slasher. But it didn't draw any blood or cut them. Just...make them scream." Anri answered.

"That's is worrying. I wonder why it was the last time it hit the slasher. Celty, did you see shadows escaping it before the last cut?"

Celty though about.

[No. I didn't see anything.]

"I see. Was it maybe another knife?"

"What do you mean, Kishitani-sensei?" Anri asked.

"Well, you said that while Izaya fought the slasher, the slasher threw his knife at the wall and after a while without both of you knowing when Izaya took it back, he fought again with a knife."

[You mean that Izaya fought with two knives?]

"Why? Isn't it weird? I believe that the knife you have is the one that hit the wall and fell without the blade after the wall collapsed."

[So, what I have is an ordinary knife?]

"I am afraid so." Shinra said and Celty sat at the couch again.

[Still, do you believe me that I saw shadows?] Celty asked after a while.

"For you Celty I would anything but yes. I do."

"And I do too, Celty-san. So we must find what it is!" Anri said making Celty smile.

Well, if she had still hope and someone that believed on her, she would try to find what she saw. After all, that thing cut through shadows. And likely it could cut through her too. Maybe, she would this time have Izaya at her service. After all, he had this job.

To give information.

But she would be extra careful when she asked Izaya about this. After all, this fight also gave her some questions. What exactly were Izaya and Shizuo talking about? Why was Izaya acting so protective? And why Shizuo had turned serious and turned away when Izaya showed his face? And what Izaya meant with the start of the death parade? And the most important question.

Why both of them pushed each other away from the wall?

Suddenly, the sound of a notification stopped everyone from thinking. All of them have a message? Unless...

It was the hidden website.

Something must have been posted that was important. So everyone naturally opened their phones and went inside it. Anri on hers and Celty with Shinra looked at Shinra's phone.


[23:05 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
I see everyone is ok today. After all, this slasher going around is scary stuff.

[23:06 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
Well, op we are ok yet I dont think the slasher is ok.

[23:09 / admins: .../ Date: ...]
I agree.
Did you see what happen?
Do you mean the fight?
Yes Izaya with the slasher
Did you see that after that Shizuo came?
Yes I did
He must have destroyed the slasher.
Nevermind that...
I agree. I am more intrested on what was happening with the duo.
Oh yes, their interaction was weird.

[23:14 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Their interaction?

[23:15 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
Oh yes! The way they talked was like a riddle. A code.

[23:17 / admins: .../ Date: ...]
I agree.
What was that?
Do they know something?
What Izaya meant with death parade? Did he mean the anime?
Omg otakus.
Have a life

[23:19 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
I am more intrested on something else.

[23:21 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Oh, what exactly?

[23:22 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
The previous picture you post op, it had Izaya and Shizuo fighting while Izaya was holding that envelope.

[23:25 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
What about it?

[23:26 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
Izaya delivers information only with brown envelopes. And the one he was holding was black.

[23:27 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]

[23:28 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
Don't ok me. That envelope has also something on it. A symbol. Did you erase it?

[23:29 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]

[23:30 / admins: .../ Date: ...]
I knew it.
It has something on.
You hide something
Tell us.
Since you have that picture you know something.
Wait there was a symbol? I thought it was the light.
Maybe it wasn't a symbol or anything. Maybe the light makes it look like a symbol.

[23:33 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
There isn't anything on it. You have checked it yourself. But in my case, I am more interested in why the envelope is black.

[23:34 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
Wait...you don't know?

[23:35 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Sadly no. But something else caught my attention today. You all said about the interaction between the duo. I was more intrested on why Izaya pushed Shizuo away?

[23:36 / admins: .../ Date: ...]
To save him?
I agree. The fortissimo did the same.
Yes, they pushed each other.
They saved each other from the wall?

[23:37 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Didn't you find it weird?

[23:37 / admin: .../ Date: ...]

[23:38 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Well, Shizuo can lift the wall obviously. He, after all, is a monster. He is strong, our fortissimo. Izaya could jump away before the wall hit them because as you all saw, he is fast. Yet Izaya chose to push Shizuo away even knowing that Shizuo could lift the wall, no problem. Why?

[23:44 / admins: .../ Date: ...]
That's a good question.
I never thought of that, you are right.
There must be a reason.
Save maybe?
Yes, it could be that but they are enemies. You heard their dialogue.
Then why Shizuo was shocked at the blood on Izaya's face?
That's another good question.
Maybe because it shocked him?
But he had hurt Izaya before and saw him. But that thing he did with his hand was more suprising.
Or the fact that Izaya kicked the slasher!
Oh yes. He is powerful. Strong.
Yes. Wow. Amazing.
But still...that push...was it maybe a distraction or another code?

[23:49 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]

[23:51 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
Are we right admin?

[23:55 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Yes, you are right. This is a distraction.

[23:56 / admin: .../ Date: ...]
And how you know that admin?

[23:57 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]
Well...I believe I don't need to answer another question today. Since what I will post now will answer your questions.


[23:58 / admin: .?./ Date: ...]



And just before this long day ended, the photo that was posted made it official the most confusing day of Ikebukuro.

The photo that was posted was of the duo. And it was from today. The photo showed the duo just before the wall fell on both of them. The moment that they pushed each other. But the angle was in that position that it showed Izaya's back and Shizuo's front. It showed clearly Shizuo face which was facing Izaya and Izaya's hand on Shizuo.

And what surprised everyone was Izaya hand that pushed Shizuo.

Because Izaya was not pushing Shizuo away from the wall but shoved something on Shizuo's chest. Something that puzzled the new dollars website. Something they talked and analysed so much.

And that something was the same black envelope in the previous photo.

Yes, guys, this is a future event. A prolog to be precise. So if you didn't understand what happened or why, well you will understand in the future chapters. As I said in the description something had appeared from the dark making the city explode from it.