"Jason, you can't just put, 'Don't let people murder you'. No one sets out to be murdered," Tim said as he read over the advise everyone had written.
"At least I didn't advocate for brooding! What is up with Bruce?" Jason replied in his defense, he had read over Bruce's before Tim had taken them back to be put in a binder. Alfred thought that it would be a good idea for them to write advise for other people to read within the hero community. Alfred wasn't usually wrong, but from reading over what they had put.. they all had doubts about each other as adults.
"I thought it all sounded good. Everyone had good contributions, but Tim you really need to lay off coffee if you are anemic and have malnutrition. I had Alfred make an appoint with the doctor for you. You are going," Dick said as he looked over at his brother who was still reading over everyone's advise.
"I knew Alfred's would make the most sense, besides Barbara's," Tim muttered to himself, "Why did Damian write advise? 'As I have been told I am not an adult and therefore don't know about adulthood, I wasn't supposed to write this. They told me I couldn't, but I did it anyway.' Dick, did you know about this?"
"No, but that's so cool he participated in a family event without being forced to. What does his say?" Dick asked as he took the offered paper from Tim outstretched hand.
Jason just laughed as he watched Dick's face take on a forced calm. "That bad, huh?"
"4. 7. 9. and 10. are good. They are really sweet, for Dami," Dick said as he handed the paper back to Tim, a little paler than he had been. Jason snatched the papers before Tim could get them back.
"1. Gather all the power you can, by destroying those who oppose you.' This is going to be good." Jason read out and laughed he read over what all of them had written. "This is great." Jason grabbed the binder and read all the advise some of it was truly terrible. Jason was seriously worried about Tim, and Steph really needed to find comfort in something other than waffles. He let out a small laugh at Cass's 'Break people's nose if they make you feel stupid'. Dick came over and sat beside him and read over his shoulder in an irritating fashion.
"Jaybird, I'm so proud of you. Don't do drugs! that's awesome!" Dick said as he read what Jason had written.
"Yeah, the most cliche thing that was ever told to kids, I should have added stay in school too," Jason huffed.
"I liked it, too. 'Find people who have the same interests as you and do awesome stuff with them' was my favorite from your advice," Tim said as he looked up from a cup of lukewarm coffee he was chugging.
"Please stop," Dick said as he looked at Tim drink coffee.
"When I'm dead," Tim replied.
"Don't joke about what happened to me," Jason said quoting his own advice number 4.
"I like this one of yours 'Growing up is a trap, you can't go back to being carefree with your cape blowing in the wind. That doesn't mean you have to be mature.' I think that sums you up, Dick," Jason said.
"I can't decide if I should give this to Alfred, or burn it," Tim said seriously. "No one should follow any of it, except for Alfred's and the girls."
"That's cold, mine was awesome," Dick announced.
"It was cliche and inspiring, I loved it," Jason said sarcastically.
"I am going to turn them into little booklets and give them out to everyone I know," Alfred said as he walked in the living room.
"Have you read them?" Tim asked.
"Yes, I did. It made me worry about all of you more than I already do," Alfred said in his crisp English accent, "You all managed to put some good advise in with the terrible. Burn it and live to regret it."
"Okay, not burning them. That was a joke anyway," Tim said.
"I know," Alfred said as he eyed all three of the boys.